Bobby Loves Kindle

"Logan, look, it's your new little baby brother, Bobby."

Logan wiped the happy tears from his face with a smile that hurt his face. On the screen in front of him he saw his little brother Bobby being cradled.
"Hey, Bobby. It's me, your big brother, Logan."

His smile widened a fraction when Bobby reacted to Logan's voice and reached out to the computer screen babbling some nonsense. Logan touched the computer screen in the nurses' station with a smile that made living in the institution bearable.

"I'm going to do my best at being your big brother; even if I'm stuck in here." He wiped another tear away. "I love you."

"So," Kelly began. "Tell me how you've been lately."

Logan shrugged, feeling the need to lie to Kelly not prominent in his mind anymore since he was thirteen. Before that, it was nothing but "fuck you's" and "hell if I know." But that was when he was in his rebellious state of his incarceration in the psychiatric hospital. It startled Kelly that he had such a colorful vocabulary, but she forgot that before he was admitted Logan was an avid reader of books. There was bound to be some none age appropriate things in his parent's shelves at their home.

"I've been good. I talked to my dad and Shannon a few days ago."
"That's great. What did you three talk about?"

"Well," Logan looked away.

Logan, you should tell her. It is helpful when it comes to your recovery.

I say to tell her ta shove i'.

No one asked for your opinion, Dale.

Well no one asked for ya's either. Ass muncher.

"I apologized to Shannon and my dad apologized to me." A small smile spread across his face thinking back to the most awkward conversation he's ever had in his life. There was a lot of inhuman grunts between his father and he until they both mumbled out "I love you's." whether his father knew it or not Logan wasn't the "I love type." The family who wasn't good with expressing how they felt, that's what they were for the past six years. Sure it changed drastically for Logan that he can tell people how he feels without making it seem like he wore his heart on his sleeve or some cliché hallmark movie, but he was far more suitable at social interaction then he was when Dale and Kevin first invaded his mind. When they did Dale tended to comment on every single thing that went along and when he didn't like a certain person it was always a "fuck them!"

"They said they'll try and come see me, but aren't sure when because their schedules are hectic."

"That's wonderful." Kelly leaned back in hear seat, clipboard in her lap forgotten as she smiled at Logan.

"My dad," Logan frowned and looked away, playing with the hem of his shirt. He remembered back to their conversation after their bleeding heart moment and the guilt he felt for how he emotionally strained his father after willingly kicking him out of his life. "he has a lot of work to catch up on… after we fought he took off a lot of time from work." Logan paused and took in a deep breath at the guilt he felt. "I nearly got him fired because I told him to leave."

See, this why I don' wan' ya to tell her crap. Ya get all guilty an' shit.

"Logan," Kelly said in a stern voice "that isn't your fault."

He looked at Kelly and nodded. "I know. Kevin keeps telling me it isn't, but I can't help feeling guilty because if I didn't fight with him he wouldn't be swamped at work right now."

Kelly nodded but chose not to say anything of it. Instead a change of topic felt better. "What about Shannon? What did you discuss with her?"

Logan let go of the hem of his shirt and looked up. What surprised Kelly with the subject of Shannon, there was a smile on his face.

"After attempting to apologize to her five times in a row she told me to shut it and think nothing of it. That..." He trailed off, his smile widening a little at his admission "we're family."

"I don't know about this." Frederick hesitated putting his wallet in his back pocket.

Shannon looked at her husband, Bobby flailing in her arms, calling out about dinosaurs. "Fine. Question, sense you know Logan better than I do. Does he like surprises?"

Frederick frowned at the question. "Generally? He hates surprises."

"Well," Shannon said, handing Bobby his toy Tyrannosaurus Rex. "we'll make him like this one. Now come on, the plane leaves in an hour and we can't be late."

"You look like shit."

Kendall rubbed his tired eyes with the heel of his hands. That was an understatement.

"Couldn't sleep."

Carlos pouted at Kendall and looked down at the Snicker Bar in hand. After finding out Logan has an unhealthy addiction towards the candy Carlos quickly followed suit. As far as to buy an entire bag of mini Snicker Bar's, ate half, and gave the rest to Kendall to give to Logan on his afternoon tutoring sessions.

"Here," Carlos poked Kendall with his half eaten candy bar to make him open his eyes. "You need the sugar more than me."

Kendall smiled at Carlos' gratitude. He knows Carlos rarely ever shares his candy. Like, the last time he can remember was when his mom forcibly made him share his Halloween candy with James and him when they were ten. Any other time when anyone attempted to sneak a piece of candy that belonged to his Latin friend they were earned with a tackle to the ground.

"Thanks." He grabbed the candy and scarfed it down without any shame. Not even when a few girls a grade under passed by giggling and stopped to see him inhale the chocolate.

"Where've you been all day? Jo told me when you were late to first and passed out. Then at lunch you were AWOL."

"Sorry, I've just had a lot on my mind lately." Kendall knew it was better not to say anything about the night before. He wanted to sigh out in aggravation for what he's counted the thirteenth time that day but refrained himself from doing so.

The night before was probably the most stress filled night he's had in a very long time. Not even Logan outing him to the entire high school population beat the amount of stress and anger he felt from last night. His dad calling, Kendall couldn't understand why he would do that. Walking out on them all those years ago messed Kendall up pretty good, and it took Kendall years to finally be back in a place where he liked it. Then, poof, his dad suddenly wanted to talk to him. It would take moving heaven and hell for Kendall to talk to that man ever again.

He remembered the look of shock his mom had when he calmly walked across the room, grab the phone out of her grasp, and hung up on the call. He even wet as far as to unplug the phone from the wall. Yeah, Kendall was in no rush to talk to the man that thoroughly screwed them over when he was just a kid.

"Is it about Logan?"

Kendall looked at Carlos sit next to him as the two waited for James to get out of class so he could drop them off home, pick up Katie, drop her off at the house, and then go to the hospital for his daily tutoring session with Logan.

Today was his first official day of being tutored by the tiny genius and Carlos was right, somewhere deep in Kendall's mind he was nervous about it, but that wasn't what was really messing with him.

"Yeah." He decided lying and not telling one of his best friends about his dad's sudden jump back into life was something that wasn't important. He remembered the last time he mentioned something about his dad to James and Carlos.

It was, if he remembered correctly, two years ago. They were practicing at a small creek near Kendall's house in the dead of winter. They went from practicing hockey to just skating around the ice and watch Carlos skate around, chasing a fly. He remembered that it was his dad that actually taught the three how to skate.

Sense Carlos was the one who was the least scared of the entire thing, he shot out on the ice before Kendall's dad could get the skates fastened tightly on James and Kendall. From what Kendall remembered they were seven, eight. His dad shot out on the ice to catch Carlos just as he lost his step and fell back. Luckily Kendall's dad caught him before he hit his head.

"Hey, remember our first time out here? My dad teaching us how to skate and Carlos nearly getting a concussion."

He would have thought that James and Carlos would laugh at the reminiscing but the two made a pact a few months after Kendall's dad left to never speak of anything relating to his dad, whether it was a fun memory or not.

The two went that entire day making Kendall not talk by shoving his face with snack food at the movies. After that Kendall got the message that he should never speak of his dad.

"Nervous he's so smart you still won't understand anything he's supposed to tutor you over?"

The bell rang and the two looked around as students dispersed into the halls.

"Well," Kendall decided lying about what was on his mind was best, "he did graduate his 'home-schooling' thing two years before he would be a senior if he actually went to school."

The two saw James walking out of his class. His bored look bightining when he saw the two from across the hallway.

"I still can't believe it." Carlos said getting Kendall's attention. "We're friends with a genius!"

"Yeah." Kendall said just as James stood in front of them and started complaining about how there isn't a girl hasn't already gone out with in his Astronomy class.

Kendall hoped Logan would be enough of a distraction to make him not think of the man that nearly broke his family apart. "Me either."

"Stop worrying. From the two weeks I've known you, you're pretty smart."

"I need to be more than 'pretty smart' if I'm going to tutor Kendall things I haven't touched on in months. I graduated my home-schooling four months ago. In those four months do you know how many text books I've actually read?"

"You read text books for fun?"

Mark was not understanding the calamity of the situation. Logan stared down at the few textbooks he had and read for pleasure. Very few of them were about history or anything Kendall was currently learning. He could teach math and science easy, but history was never his strong suit. Sure, he passed that curriculum with a ninety-five, but that took a lot of prep for the tests.

"I'm teaching Kendall History, Physics and Algebra. Algebra and Physics I can do no problem, but history-"

"Isn't your forte." Mark deduced.

"Yes! Exactly!"

Logan, please stop worrying so much. You're going to be fine with tutoring Kendall. He's most likely bringing his own textbooks over the subject and you can use those for teaching him.

And if ya don't then he's failing that tes' next week fo' 'is history class.

You are not helping my cause.

Like I care? Every time that blondie comes 'ere we poof! It's annoying an' shit.

So that may be, but this is Logan's first friend that is his age and does not have the same eccentric personality as Camille. He does not need you're overbearing tendencies to stress him out about the situation even more.

"Can y'all shut up?" Logan hissed and grabbed his only history text book that might remotely help in Kendall's tutoring.

"Aren't you snippy."

Logan deflated at Mark's hurt tone. "Not you." He paused and chastised himself for a moment. Completely forgetting that Mark was in the room and talking out loud to the two in his head. "Dale and Kevin are at it again. Really isn't helping me stay calm about this."

"Why are you so stressed out about this? I asked Ricardo and Jennifer, they told me you're like super smart."

"I don't know." Logan sat on his bed and looked down at his history book. "What if Kendall doesn't want to be my friend anymore cause I suck at tutoring him?"

"Really?" Mark's incredulous tone told him he was going to get a speech any second. "I've known Kendall since he was twelve. He's nowhere near that shallow. A little hot-headed when it comes to his friends, but shallow? And even if you do suck at tutoring that's not going to make him stop being your friend." Logan looked up and watch the way Mark had this determined fury in his eyes that burned away any worry Logan had. "He's going to find a way to still talk to you and be your friend even if you do suck at tutoring, which I've been told you aren't. I know Kendall, he's not not going to stop being your friend unless it was something huge. And even then, he'll still probably be your friend."

Logan smiled at the rant Mark was currently having. Two weeks into their friendship and Mark was already treating him like the naïve little brother. Made him remember why he didn't want to escape beforehand. Whether or not he wanted to now, he had more friends than he did a month ago.

"You're right. Sorry I was freaking out about it."

"Good." Mark put his hand on Logan's shoulder. "Now brush up on your history. Kendall's a hard person to teach from what I've been told."

Kendall rubbed the side of his head. He was correct on the count that Logan would be a good distraction from his thoughts on his father, but who knew Logan was so good at tutoring that Kendall would zone out halfway through the session and only think about how smart Logan was. By the end of Logan's session teaching Kendall everything he needed to know, Kendall was still clueless about the Presbyterian Age. In the irony of the situation it was Logan's fault. Those damn stupid deep brown eyes and big brain of his.

"You zoned out." The lack of a question in Logan's tone, Kendall knew Logan could obviously see that he was.

"Yeah, sorry."

Logan smiled and pointed down at the history textbook. "Don't worry, we have another hour and a half before visiting hours are over. I can re-reteach you this again."

"Sorry, again."

Logan shook his head. "It's fine." His smile fell a little. "But, can I ask you something?"


"I know we've only been friends for a short while and that this is an incredibly invasive question, but is something bothering you?"

"No," Kendall was about to protest more but just knowing Logan wanted to know if something was bothering him- which obviously something was- seemed enough to break down the little wall he built around anything surrounding his daddy issues.

"My dad called-"


The two looked at the entrance of the visiting section, towards the little voice that called out to him. Logan gaped, and Kendall wasn't sure how to react. He's only seen the two people standing once each and both times weren't exactly on good terms. One with Frederick leaving and cutting his son out of his life, the other, Logan running away from his step-mom because he couldn't stand the sight of her. So yeah, Kendall wasn't sure how to react to seeing the two and a two year old.

But it seemed like Logan wasn't having trouble trying to be surprised, happy, and concerned at the same time. "Dad! Shannon?" His eyes snapped over to the little boy in Shannon's arms. "Bobby!"

"Logie!" Bobby flailed in Shannon's arms trying to fly out of her grip and get to his big brother.

Shannon smiled at the two and let Bobby on the ground. Instantly, Bobby ran over with his stuffed t-rex in his hand to Logan.

Logan momentarily forgetting Kendall and there tutoring session met Bobby halfway and hugged him tighter than he has in a long time.

"Hey, Bobby."

"Logie, hi!"

The fact that this was the first time Kendall met Bobby and that he didn't even know that Logan had a brother, he was still trying to find what mood to be in. He knew though, he wasn't annoyed in the slightest that there first tutoring session was interrupted. Especially sense he was about to have a hallmark moment and tell Logan about a past that he'd rather not remember. A father he'd rather forget.

"Uh, Logan?"

Seemed liked Kendall's voice brought Logan back to the world and let go of his little brother.

"Kendall!" Logan grabbed Bobby's hand and turned back to Kendall. Bobby, instinctively hid behind Logan's legs; his toy dinosaur scrunched up to his chest as he stared warily at Kendall. "This is my little brother, Bobby." Logan scooted Bobby from behind his legs. "Say hi, Bobby."

Bobby shuffled, he was never good with strangers, and looked up at Kendall. The same deep brown innocent eyes Logan had Bobby had as well. "Hi." Hi snipped out and ran back to Shannon and Frederick.

Logan smiled and looked back at Kendall. "He's not good with strangers." Logan looked at his parents, still standing at the entrance, now with Bbby waiting for Logan to look at them. "Give me a sec." Instead of actually waiting for Kendall to answer he walked off.

Kendall should have been offended. Who doesn't feel offended when someone walks off in the middle of a conversation? Kendall didn't. He was probably the only one who knew Logan who knew all the mess that his dad and Shannon brought. He was at both occasions and watched Logan break down each time. Giving them time to talk wasn't an issue. He was just hoping they wouldn't start a fight.

He gaped when he saw Logan hug the two.

"Am I missing something?" He asked himself and sat back at the table.

"They've talked and apologized."

An unmanly yelp he would go to his grave saying he never let out slipped his lips at Kelly's voice. He turned and saw her standing on the opposite side of the table staring down at the open textbooks and chicken scratch of notes Kendall wrote down the moments he didn't zone out.

"Hey, Kelly."

She looked up smiling. "Hi Kendall. Logan didn't tell me you two had a tutoring session today."

He shrugged. Putting his things away seeing as Logan's family was here they would most likely not get any more tutoring done. "My mom lifted my grounding early so we started my tutoring earlier than expected."

"I see."



He looked up. Both at Logan calling out and Bobby butchering his name to sound like the e-tablet.

"Come say hi to my parents!"

"Yea!" Bobby called out, all remnants of being shy towards the hockey player evaporated with Bobby running over, grabbing Kendall's hand, and dragging him over laughing to Logan and his family.

Tutoring can wait.

"So," Shannon started, an hour later, the two stat at a table looking at Kendall playing with Bobby and his toy dinosaur. "Kendall seems like a nice boy."

Logan looked over, not noticing the knowing tone she had. "Yeah," he smiled. "he is." He frowned when he saw Kendall pull out his phone, frown at the screen, slip it back in his pocket and go back to playing with Bobby and explaining how the T-Rex is the best of all the dinosaurs.

"Not trying to be mean or anything, but why are you guys here? I know dad still has to catch up at work cause of our fight."

Shannon nodded, subduing her smile. This time though Logan caught on.

"What? Was he fired?"

She shook her head, thinking a way to stall Logan to not pry until Frederick came back from the bathroom.

"Shannon," There was that authoritative tone she knows can work on anyone if Logan uses it correctly. "What happened?"

"Ooh! I can't keep it a secret any longer!" She smiled brightly at her step-son. "We're moving to town!"

"What?" Logan wasn't sure what he was supposed to feel towards that. Happy, angry, relieved?

"What'd I miss?" Logan looked up at his dad, hearing Bobby giggle when Kendall did the airplane with him, twirling him around the air making noises.

"You're moving here?"

Frederick, taken aback, spattered out nonsense. "What? Pscht! No! Did you know I was allergic to kiwi?"

Most people would have instantly changed the subject and wonder why the hell would Frederick tell them he was allergic to kiwi in the middle of a serious conversation, but Logan knowing his dad for his entire life wasn't fazed by the random inserts of information.

"I know. You've told me that like five times. Stop trying to change the subject. Are you moving here?"

Frederick sighed, smiling a bit at when he got an idea from seeing Kendall being chased by Bobby around the visiting section pretending to be a dinosaur.

"Kendall's a nice boy. You like him?"

That seemed enough to be a distraction for Logan. He blushed and looked away, but as quickly as it came he was on a mission. "My personal affection towards someone isn't into question." He looked at his dad, the blush slowly fading but still leaving him look guilty at the question asked. "Are you moving here or not? Yes or no?"

Knowing his son won't give up on this he decided telling the truth was the best option. "Yes, we're moving here. In less than a month."

Kendall frowned down at his phone for the sixth time that night. After hanging out with Logan and his family for over an hour he was heading home. He wanted to go over and hug Logan like he's been doing but it seemed like him and his parents were having a very serious conversation. Nothing to be serious over and make Kendall run over and shield Logan from his parents like he's done the past two times, but more of a matter where it was just serious and none of the cutting family ties kind.

He had a lot of fun with Bobby though. The little guy was only two years old but could kind of talk to Kendall. A lot of "Kindle!", "Dinosaur!" and things of that nature but the two had fun. He found the way Bobby said his name adorable. But what stuck with him most was when he told Bobby he had to go.

"Bye, Kindle! Love you!"

The Mitchell family seemed to love Kendall, and he was alright with that.

His cell phone rang for the seventh time and he was fed up. He parked the car in front of his house and picked up.

"Who is this, why is this number blocked, and why do you keep on calling?"

The person spoke made Kendall breathe out in a panicked rage.

"Hello, Kendall. It's your father."

Wow, I know, months since I last updated. You guys probably thought I abandoned these stories. I get why though. School's been hectic though after paper due like every week can be time consuming, especially when the stuff you have to write about you aren't really into. Alas , though, I shall do my best and attempt to give myself more time to write. I'm still working on At the End of and Asset and this story I want to publish on here but can't cause my teachers crazy about plagiarism and has some weird program website thing that searches the entire internet for anything similar to what I'm writing. Really awkward to publish it on here and for her to find it and I have to explain what Kogan is, FAnfic, Otp a, and all this fanfic vocab crap I still don't myself get entirely. So yeah, working on the others and the other story I have for class. Luckily cause I'm clever enough all I did was change the name to the characters. once the semesters up I'll most likely publish that on here. So yeah, not giving up on this or other stuff, just don't have as much time as I did months ago.