
Authors Note: Welcome! It's been a while. I decided to write another Hetalia Fanfic. This one will be done in chapters. I've already written out quite a lot. But I wanted to put them all out in different chapters. While it was disappointing I got no comments on my other Hetalia Fanfic, I figure this one will probably get a bit more comments. It is much different. Once again, I am new to writing Hetalia fanfics so I will do my best to keep the characters in character. However my writing I feel has gotten pretty bad so I'm trying to regain the spark I lost. If you want to comment feel free, but I don't appreciate any flaming or hate mail. However I welcome constructive criticism especially since this is really a test of my writing abilities. Now this doesn't look like much. But I figure with that ending line I might as well break it up like this :D I'll post the next chapter soon most likely. And I know the first chapter is a rough start. But we shall be seeing more of the countries soon. Also, there are no pairings in this fanfic. The only relationships are friendly and family. The rating is because of the cursing and maybe mild gore. We shall see. Also a bit of backstory about this. I love the fan made games, and wanted to make my own. This story was supposed to be it. However I neither have the time or ability to make it…sad…so I decided to write it out! Anyway, enjoy the story!


Who….who am I?

Who are you?

Do you….know me?

Do you know who I am?

Can….Can you help me?

Ow…what the hell?

The sandy haired nation winced as he felt the dull throbbing in his head. Everything around him was dark and his body felt like heavy boulders. It was ironic, considering he was the strongest nation and for him to have trouble moving his body was almost laughable. He groaned, trying to turn onto his side and unconsciously his eyes slowly opened, only for a blinding light to invade his peaceful darkness.

"Ow! Damn it!" he quickly moved his arm across his eyes, blocking out the invading light. "What the hell?" Slowly he felt his body become lighter. He moved each body part, hoping that all were intact.

He sighed in relief, they were.

Despite the blinding headache and body aches, it seemed he was fine.

He pushed himself up, trying to sit up and wishing that the pain in his head would cease.

Shit, this is so uncool. I hope no one could see me like this….

At the thought of anyone else, his eyes snapped open. The light almost burned his eyes but after a couple blinks he slowly began to see objects, colors, shapes.

That's when he realized a couple of things.

One, he was no longer in the conference room.

Two, he was in some clearing in the middle of a forest.

Three, There was a suspiciously hooded figure standing no more than a foot away from him.

Letting out a surprised yelp, the normally fearless country stumbled to his feet, grasping frantically at his waist for the two pistols that rested there. The cloaked figure tilted his head to the side at the movement, almost amused or curious.

"Who…who are you?" the blue eyed nation asked, pulling free one of his pistols and pointing it at the figure. He had still been unable to determine who, or what gender the person before him was. But as the figure spoke at least one question had been answered.

"Are you sure that's the question you want to ask?" the male voice asked.

The previously knocked out nation paused, letting himself calm down. He adjusted his glasses, which were thrown off kilter as he stumbled to his feet. He glanced around at his surroundings, flowers, trees, blue sky. He felt the earth beneath his shoes and realized that he had no idea where he was.

This…isn't my country….nor is it England, France, Canada, Germany, Italy…..no…none of the countries I know…this earth doesn't feel like anyone I know…

"Where…am I?" he looked back up to the figure, his grip on the gun tightening.

The figure let out a half laugh. "Of all the questions…well, to answer you. You are nowhere you know. Certainly not in your world anymore."

The nation raised a skeptical eyebrow. Then he washed away his normal expression with his trademark grin.

"What are you talking about? That's impossible dude."

Then, he noticed something run past the both of them that made him pause. A unicorn.

A real life, freaking Unicorn.

And of course, his only response to this was, "Okay, then."


The nation's head snapped to the figure when he heard his name.

"How do you know my name?"

"That's for me to know.." the man's voice said in a cocky tone.

America frowned, holding the gun up evenly.

"Don't worry boy, I won't hurt you. In fact, I came here to warn you." The voice said calmly.

"Warn me?" America wasn't sure he wanted to trust this strange man.

"Yes, your companions. They are here as well."

At this, America's eyes slightly widened. "What?! What companions?" a small feeling of dread was beginning to form. By companions, did he mean the other nations?

"Why your friends of course, the other countries of your world. The annoying blonde guy with the big eyebrows, the blubbering Italian, even your invisible look alike is here."

"Where?" America demanded.

"hmm?" The cloaked male turned back to America.

"Where are my friends?" America asked.

"Everywhere." The man almost seemed to laugh at America's questions.

Before America could think, the cloaked man was next to him, placing something in the palm of his hand. At first, America glanced down, confused, until the pain started.

Then the burning.

"Ow Ow!" America tried to drop what he held, but strangely the object didn't fall. It seemed as if it was melting into his hand.

Suddenly it was gone. He held his hand up to his face.

And what he saw was a strange symbol surrounded by a tattoo of what looked like a odd blue flower.

"Wha…what did you just do?!" America demanded.

"This is something that will help you. Your friends are trapped, locked up by demons. The only way to free them from the cages is that hand. And a spell." The hooded figure explained calmly.

"What?! Spell?! No way dude!" America panicked, waving his hands before him frantically. He still wasn't into magic and shit, not since England spooked him with the hocus pocus years ago.

"Well, if you don't mind your companions dying…." The man shrugged, beginning to turn around.

That got America's attention.

"What?! Don't joke with me dude! Na-" he paused, realizing his mistake.

Shit, I can't talk about nations. He may know my name. But he doesn't know I am a nation yet, if I spill the beans Arthur will throttle me.

"Oh? I assure you. It is no joke dear America. They will die soon if you don't rescue them."


"So…what do I do?" America finally asked, more calmly.

"Place your hand upon the lock and say these words… 'Patefacio incommutationem promemoria mea'."

"What is that? Sounds like Latin." America grinned. "Got it. Looks like its time for America to be the hero!" He let out one of his infamous laughs.

The hooded man nodded, giving a slight smile. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Where are the others located? The closest ones?"

The cloaked being pointed a direction, to the south.

"There are some of them locked up that way. Happy hunting." And with that, the figure was gone in a wave of mist.

"Wait!" America was too late. He sighed, then glanced at the scenery for a brief second before starting to walk.

"Oh well, time to get started then." And with that, he was off.

Walking through the forest. He thought briefly on how he got into this mess.

He was drawing a blank.

Okay, if that crazy hooded guy was right, I've somehow ended up in a unknown world…but so have the others. The last thing I remember was heading towards the conference room….

"Aw crap I'm so damn late!"

Running towards the conference room, America glanced at his phone one more time before cursing slightly. He was running late again. Granted he was almost always late to the meetings now a days.

But this one was important and he was sure to get a earful from England and Germany. Ugh….

He suddenly stopped and put his head in his hands. "Germany and Iggy are gonna kill meee!"

He was not looking forward to that. Even if he was running now, there would be no escaping. They would yell at him either way.

The hallway lights flickered as he stopped, He pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose and let out a exasperated sigh. He let himself calm down before slowly walking his way to the conference room.

This was going to suck. Though he let a small smile flicker on his face as he thought about the last conference they had. It was quite amusing.

Everyone was being themselves, France trying to grope England to get a rise out of him. Which, happened almost instantly. Suddenly they were throwing insults back and forth.

Romano was yelling at Spain, who had a grin on his face.

Russia was being his usual creepy self, he seemed to be kolkolkoling a lot that day.

China of course was yelling at America to pay him back.

Canada was…wait…was Canada even there?

And Germany was trying to regain order to the group as chaos reigned.

America snickered. He did enjoy the meetings, they were rather fun even though they were there to discuss serious and often dangerous topics.

"Still, I love the meetings. It makes me realize I'm still alive in some sense. That I'm not just a country, but a human too." Finally, America reached the room.

"Ah here it is!" He stood before the door, slightly excited and worried. Well at least this would be another chance to annoy the commie, another chance for Japan to agree with his ideas. Another chance to save the day! And another chance to share his wonderful and awesome super hero ideas to the world.

He adjusted his tie, bright blue orbs reading the number of the conference room. He grasped the door handle and plastered the American smile on his face. He readied himself and threw the doors open, stepping into the room and arms outstretched like he was a god himself.

"The hero has arrived!" letting out a laugh, he waited for the familiar yells and comments.


He cracked open one eye, hero pose still in place.

And saw a empty and dark conference room.

Well, this is awkward.

Deflating, he looked back outside to the number of the conference room and frowned. This was the right number. 1203.

"Where the heck is everyone?" America asked out loud. He sighed, bringing out his phone once more to check the time. Had he gotten the time wrong? He knew he changed his clock to the right time frame. And the conference was today…

What the hell? Was this some kind of joke?

America wouldn't be surprised if everyone was just hiding, waiting to jump up out of their hiding spots and yell "Surprise!"

But, as he stood there, he realized that no one would.

He backed away from the room.

"Dude, not cool." Unease was bubbling within him.

Really, where was everyone?!

Before he could say anything else, a sudden light appeared in the middle of the room.

"What the-" Before he could say anything else the light blinded him, getting brighter and bigger until America himself was being consumed by it.

He tried to move, to run, to scream.

But all he could do was stand there thinking: Shit this isn't good!

Then there was nothing but a bright light, until it faded into a deep black.

America blinked, remembering everything now.

"So that's it… That weird light brought me here. It must have brought everyone else here as well." America mused, glancing around at the scenery before him. The forest before had suddenly turned into a jungle. A lively jungle at that as he heard a loud roar in the distance. America continued on, marching proudly to the Star Spangled banner in his head as he walked. He noticed the earth he was stepping on, getting softer, he could feel water being mixed in, probably from marshlands nearby. The jungle it seemed would soon become a marshland. He wondered how much longer he would have to walk until he spotted something hidden in the dense jungle.

Even with his glasses he squinted to see what the large object before him was. Covered in vines and knee deep in mud was a stone structure, a intricate looking pyramid with design wrapping around and around the stone structure. It was beautiful, but crumbling. America could only stop and stare in awe at the marvel before him. His love of archeology began to surface.

Wow! Damn this is so freaking awesome! What I wouldn't give to explore that place. Maybe just a couple days or so to really find out its secrets!

He stopped outside the doorway to the large pyramid. He pressed his hand against the gritty stone and closed his eyes.

But…I can't. I have to find the others. For some reason, I have a bad feeling about this place….

He turned around and began to walk away, when something appeared before him in a rush of blue fur and claws.

He yelped and jumped back, looking into the black eyes…of…a thing….

The blue fur was all over the beast and it resembled some freaky combination of a gorilla and alligator.

Snapping its jaws and swiping at America with his sharp claws, America could only think one thing.

Iggy was wrong! Monsters can hurt you!