
Stargate: Modern Warfare

Prologue 1


Trooper John 'Soap' MacTavish

22nd SAS Regiment – SG-14

Friday 15th July 2001 – Day Zero

Hangar One, Credenhill Barracks (formerly RAF Credenhill)

Hereford, England

22nd Special Air Service Regimental Headquarters

In the corner of the old prefabricated hangar, a pair of large computer monitors flickered into life, one displaying the Milky Way galaxy and the other a map of the Earth.

Two SAS soldiers clad in black fatigues and assault gear stood before the monitors. Each soldier had a circular unit patch on the right shoulder of his overalls that bore the legend 'SG-14'.

One of the soldiers, Staff Sergeant Gareth 'Gaz' Reilly, raised a remote control and aimed it at the monitors before pressing a button; several dozen multicoloured icons promptly appeared on the galaxy screen.

"Good news first, Boss: the galaxy's in great shape," Gaz began, his tone cheerful. "An unknown menace is attacking the System Lords and kicking the living shite out of them. To make things even more interesting, there's fifteen thousand inhabited planets at stake."

"Just another day at the office, then," Captain John Price calmly noted as he lit the cigar clenched between his teeth, then flicked his lighter shut with a metallic click.

Gaz jabbed a button on the remote; a small image of a dark-haired man in an expensive black business suit appeared on the Earth screen.

"Meet Adrian Conrad, terminally ill multi-billionaire business tycoon," Gaz continued the briefing, "Last week, he chose to become host to a Goa'uld symbiote so's he could get out of snuffing it. Word is he's got the minerals to be a right pain in the arse. Current location's unknown, but Stargate Command reckon he's still on Earth somewhere."

"Hnh," Price grunted noncommittally. "And the bad news?"

Gaz smirked. "We've got a new guy joining us today, fresh off Selection," he said. "His name's 'Soap'."


Disclaimer: I don't own the Stargate or CoD franchises, or any other fandom that turns up in this fanfic.