Summary: Cal has this theory: what if Gill is not such a good girl after all?

Timeline: AU.

Disclaimer:I don't own any of the LTM characters, written for fun and not profit, yada yada yada...

Warnings: rated M / NC17 for a good reason. Graphic sexual situations! Read under own risk and don't complain I didn't warn...

Note: I know, I know – maybe it is kind of lame, but the idea just kept bugging me until I got it out on the paper... so here we are...


Chapter 1


It was only one sentence, several simple syllables forming words that normally should have been forgotten long ago. Instead they were engraved in his memory forever.

Actually not only the words, but the way she had said them. Her body language, rise in the pitch of her voice, sensual huskiness of the tone, hot fire burning in her eyes that revealed passion he suspected was there, but had never really witnessed before.

It all summarised up in one most probably unconscious innuendo as she uttered: „I've always wanted to be tied up..."

The revelation took place during undercover mission when they pretended to be a happily married couple with high interest in porn. It took all of Cal's willpower and even a bit more to stay in the character. Embarrassing as it was that one sentence had made him rock hard, aroused to a point when he had seen stars from the tension. The rest of the visit was outlived in haze, not to mention the rest of the day.

Later, when they were back at the office he tried to probe, to relive that bare emotion he witnessed before, but to no avail.

Tied up, hey?"

That was an act."

The rest of it was, maybe, but that bit rang true."

In your dreams."


Even if a slightly flirtiest tone was still there, sparkle of that deep desire and basic instinct was masked under the good girl exterior. The one she always had; the one he adored so much.

From the start Cal had known that her spirit was far more passionate than she ever let on, but only on rarest occasions he had witnessed that glimpse of her personality. It was buried so deep, that Cal was not sure she was even aware of it.

He had pushed her buttons before; there was no doubt about that. But after this he went to and beyond limits, all in the name of drawing out that hidden and obscured flicker of fire.

Gill was patient; one could say even saint when dealing with him. She didn't deserve to be treated the way he treated her and Cal knew all too well what a wanker he was acting like seven years old, pulling the girl he liked by piggy tails. He just couldn't help it.

Every night Cal promised himself that he would not disappoint her, would not mistreat or hurt her ever again, won't make her suffer. Unfortunately all the resolutions and wows he made during the wee hours lived only till morning, till brand new day when he saw her in the office, smiling and optimistic, wearing one of those gorgeous dresses that made his mouth dry.

All the good intentions were overpowered by wish, no, not wish, need to find that hidden treasure, that passion and burning desire buried under layers of kindness, levelheadedness, good manners, self preservation instinct and ethics.

Cal had seen the spark intensity of which still made his heart flip a beat and knees go weak. There would be no rest until he got it out in plain sight.


"Put your hand on the heart and tell me you think Wallowski is clean."

"What, you mean clean like you?"

It was low and Cal knew it, he was pushing her again. Besides being pissed off by the situation he had once again used obstacles as leverage to test her limits.

Gill retaliated without really replying to the offence, but just before she concealed the hurt of his words that flick of obstinacy and passion shone in her eyes with intensity that made Cal's mouth drop open. Arousal came on its own accord.

Gill didn't say anything, but for tiniest millisecond in time that raging storm buried deep within her soul had taken better of her composition. As quickly as it came, the fire was gone replaced by so familiar expression of kindness and worry.

If she saw change of his expression, she didn't comment on it, perhaps attributed it as his lust for the crooked cop. If only she knew actual reason. It would leave her speechless as minimum.

Cal knew that Gill cared for him deeply. They were best friends and partners, but that was not enough. Not anymore. If the fire that burned inside her had such a power over him with a simple glance, he was thrilled albeit a bit afraid to imagine what could happen, if she let 'it' loose.

There was also this nagging voice of self doubt. Maybe it was just his imagination. Maybe he was seeing things that were not there. Before doing anything that could jeopardize the status quo, Cal needed more proof. Therefore over years he had probed and pushed and tested, but never reached a solid conclusion.

It was no huge surprise. She had always been his blind spot. Besides that Gill was the only person in the world who was not easily pissed by his undigested, even unreasoned actions.

Of course there was their flirting banter, but that always was leveled out by the bloody 'line', imaginary excuse of the dance they did. The dance they mastered so good, even perfectly. Daily practice of the steps performed over the years made them excel. One step forward, two steps back, one bold move, daring touch or word and two steps back retaliating behind those barriers of fear and uncertainty.

Always the same old choreography they so adamantly refused to change. It was fear that kept them apart, made them hide in trenches. Fear of losing a friend, a business partner. Fear of change. Fear of unknown.

So he kept probing, pushing and weighting.


Cal had tried to keep the distance, tried to convince himself that he would only taint someone as pure and innocent as Gillian. Now he was not so sure anymore. What he had seen on her face before and especially explicitly today left him wondering.

There was darkness, some sort of hollow void and unexplainable abyss in her that desperately needed fulfillment. She either masked it well or was not aware of it.

Cal had desperately searched for final confirmation of his theory. Now when he got it, there was nothing that could stop him to get what he wanted. He sincerely hoped that what he wanted went hand in hand with what she needed.

Finally after all these years he had gathered courage to push her far beyond the limits. It had been huge risk. One he hadn't been willing to take for ages too afraid to scare her off, to lose her forever.

What was the saying – the world belongs to brave? Well, it had been a risk, but totally worth it. That is if she ever spoke to him again, although he could bet that she would. If no, he would make her see his point anyway. No turning back. Not anymore.

It was a setup from the start. He had deliberately made her squirm. Remembering the events of the afternoon Cal got aroused again. It was not his fault that the body reacted same way every time he saw that sparkle. It was his undoing.

Under false pretences he had lured her into this trap. Trap made of secret and unvoiced desires. It was supposed to be all about a case. At least that was his excuse to drag her across the town in broad light of the day to undisclosed location.

As soon as massive doors to the château opened, they entered completely different reality. It was a place where no limitations existed, where people were free to take what, where and how they wanted. Eyes locked on her face, Cal grabbed her hand and yanked her further inside. Grip on her wrist never loosened.

It was more than a brothel; it was kinky, illicit, disgusting. Place known only for few chosen ones. It was a palace of pain and pleasure, lust and release - completely different concept of beauty, freedom and love.

Gill was completely shocked. Even un-ceremonial tug on her arm hadn't gotten her out of the haze. Expression of utter disbelief and shock was plastered on her face. It was crystal clear that she had absolutely no clue what had prompted Cal to take her to a place like this. She already figured the fact that it had absolutely no connection to any case whatsoever. She had very little idea of why, but she instinctively knew that he was pushing her limits again.

"See something you like, luv?" he whispered in a husky voice. It was a challenge. If he had been wrong, he would know it soon.

"Cal, what is this place?" she asked in a small voice "Why we are here?"

Pulse under his fingertips intensified, skin became moist. To his big surprise instead of repulsion or contempt those grey orbs shone with arousal. The same old fire of passion he had seen before.

It flashed on her face even less than one fifteenth of a second and as quickly as came was replaced by shame, embarrassment and something else, something he was not able to decipher. Nevertheless, it was enough for Cal.

"To enjoy the view..."

"You're sense of humor is getting cruel" she stated never meeting his eyes. Next moment she jerked as someone was groping her ass. It was tall, dark and handsome guy dressed in a knee-length tunic that didn't obscure his broad chest and more than fair equipment.

Flushed face, eyes lowered, and shoulders down in shame she had broken free of Cal's grip on her arm and ran out of the building never looking back.

Cal had gotten his confirmation. It was all he needed.


It was evening. Cal found her standing on the balcony, observing the evening rush. She had deliberately avoided him for the rest of the day. Neon lights illuminated her slender form making it look almost unrealistic, ethereal, and unearthly beautiful.

She didn't react to his steps. Her head was turned to the side revealing distant and sad look. Whatever she was thinking about was not pleasant. The question 'why' he had done what he did have not left her mind throughout the afternoon. It was true. Lately he had been even more unbearable than usually. But this went beyond ass-hood.

Cal watched her. He truly hoped that he was not sole reason for that sad look of hers. Maybe she was simply lost in the lights and noises of the outside world. The city that never slept or got tired rushed below in rapid flow, people hurried from and to places never having time to stop and simply look around, notice the small things that made this world worthwhile.

Unfortunately he knew better. Un-wanting to disturb her, at least not yet Cal leaned against the wall and continued to stare, but was shortly interrupted by her shaky voice "Came to gloat? See how much more you rattle me?'' she started calmly, but soon the anger started to simmer in the tone "are there any limits left you have not pushed so far? What are you trying to prove? That I'm not or never could be as bad-ass as you?"

The moment had come. It was now or never. Cal stepped closer catching her eyes in his and holding them with such dark intensity that made Gill's head dizzy.


She almost felt uncomfortable under the scrutiny. Almost. She refused to be intimidated and swore to stand her ground whatever his intentions were. Gill didn't want to give away tremor in her voice and instead of reply simply growled "Mmmm?"

"Do you trust me?"

"What?" the question took her by surprise. Whatever she thought his line would be this was not one of the options. Gill had absolutely no idea what brought it up or where he was going with this, but from the tensed and nervous expression she sensed that for some reason the answer to that question was important, even crucial. Cal looked more than simply stressed. He was terrified. It was quite unusual combination of emotions considering the earlier escapade. He had her rattled and now instead of simple apology came up with this. Was there even something remotely resembling reason behind it all?

Like always when Cal was concerned the curiosity got better of her and she forgot all about the anger burning only minutes ago. Whatever was going on, it was important for Cal.

"Do you trust me?" Cal repeated in all seriousness taking a step closer so they were almost nose to nose.

"Where are you going with this?"

"Please, Gill, do you trust me?"

The desperation in his voice made her reconsider the initial reply she had on the tip of her tongue. Instead of smart ass replica she truthfully sighed "You know that I do."

"It is time to change the dance."

For the love of God, the man was getting more and more cryptic each minute "What dance?"

"The dance we do. I hope you will forgive me!" Cal replied. From the tone and subtext it was absolutely clear that whatever it was he was apologizing for, it was not for dragging her to that horrid place.

"For what?" Gill asked surprised.

"For this" he mouthed putting arms around her shoulders in solid embrace and pressing a napkin over her nose.

"What are you..." the strong scent made her dizzy and several seconds later Gill collapsed in strong masculine arms wrapped around her form in protective embrace.

Cal picked up precious cargo and headed out of the building leaving empty halls behind.

The time for change had come. The leap of faith – he just had to take the first step.

Even if they didn't manage to learn new steps, they would adjust the tune to a beat of a different drummer.