Hey everyone. This was a story that was running around in my head and wouldn't leave. I know that I should really try and finish my other stories but sometimes when a story comes you just have to write it. I based this off of a Prompt from Livejournal About Wally being the biological son of Hank and Janet Pym AKA Ant-man and The Wasp. i did a little altering in Janet by giving her blueish green eyes instead of blue. I hope that I did the story justice as I will be continuing it in the future. Any help would be great. Thank you very much

Chapter 1

Wally West looked at his parents in shock. They had just told him something that had never crossed his mind. He never would have thought in a million years that the people that he had come to know as mom and dad were in fact his adopted parents.

"Are you serious?!" Wally somewhat yelled at his parents when they told him the news.

"Wally, please understand that we love you no matter what and felt that you were old enough to know the truth." Mary explained to her son sitting across from them at the dinner table.

"But why wait until now to tell me?" Wally asked still not understanding what was going on.

"Like your mother said we wanted to wait until you were old enough to understand the situation and another reason was that we were scared that you wouldn't love us anymore or that you would hate us." Rudy told his son.

Wally looked at his parents for a moment before he spoke. "You two have raised me as your own and have taught me everything about the world and also have supported me when I became Kid Flash. There is no way that I would ever hate you." Wally told his parents the truth. Mary and Rudy West did raise him and there was no way that he would never not love them.

"Do you have any idea who my birth parents are?" Wally asked after a few moments of silence.

"We don't know much about them but we do know from meeting them that they did in fact love you and wanted to keep you but both had fallen on hard times causing them to be unable to care for a baby. So they started to look for good set of parents and found us. Rudy and I had been trying for a baby but found out that we couldn't have one. We think one of the reason they chose us was based on what we looked liked as up until now you had no idea that your were adopted. Anyway you were only a few weeks old when I held you in my arms. I could tell that your birth parents were hurting inside but I told them that I would raise you as my own and I promised them that when you were old and mature enough that I would tell you the truth." Mary told her son before sliding a picture and a necklace across the table to Wally.

Wally picked up the photo and took a look at it. The picture showed a man with dirty blond hair and light brown eyes in his mid to late twenties with a woman with red hair and blueish green eyes also in her mid to late twenties holding a newborn baby with bright red hair and green eyes. Wally knew right away that the baby in the woman's arms was him. He also could see the love the two had for him based on what he saw in their eyes.

"Like I told you Wally, they loved you so much that your birth mother had a hard time letting go of you." Mary said.

"Do you know who their names were or where they would be?" Wally asked hoping that they knew that answers to his questions.

"The last known info that we got from them was when you were five and a large amount of money was deposited into a savings account that your birth parents set up to help us take care of you when they got back on their feet. When we talked to them a few days later they told us that they would not be trying to take you away from us as they had said that the day that they had gave you up was the last time they had any right to be in your life. Every month after that day like clockwork money was deposited and we didn't touch it unless it was to feed you after you got your powers." Mary took a breath before she continued to speak. "We do know that their names are Henry Pym and Janet Van Dyme-Pym. Another thing Wally is that you inherited your IQ and love of science do to Hank Pym being a biochemist." Mary finished before she slid another piece of paper over to Wally which held the last known location of The Pyms.

Wally looked at the picture for a while before he looked up at his parents with a smile on his face. "I love you guys but I really need to know who my birth parents are." Wally told the people that he had called mom and dad for the past 16 years.

Both Mary and Rudy had tears in their eyes. They were sad but they knew that Wally needed to know who he was.

Wally knew that he had his adopted parent's blessing and that they wanted the best for him. Wally got up from his seat and walked over to his parents and gave them a big hug that let them know that he would always love them like he had told them.

The next day with the help of a computer that belong to a certain bird-like bat and the info he had on the back of the photo Wally using the Zeta-Tubes to teleport to the closest city that nearest to New York City's GreyBurn College where Wally had found out Henry Pym worked in the science department. All the young speedster had with him was a photo and piece of jewelry that his adopted parents told him to show The Pyms to let them know that he was really their son.

To say that he was nervous was the understatement of the year. It was funny that Wally could handle anything that was thrown at him involving missions but when it can to meeting his biological father he was scared to death.

Wally took a deep breath before he knocked on the door to the lab where he was told to go by the receptionist. The red head then heard a loud curse followed by a loud bang that sounded a lot like something had fallen on the floor before hearing a muffled 'come in'. Wally opened the door to see a lab that looked like World War 3 and also looked like his room back at the cave.

The speedster looked around to see if he could find anyone in the lab and let out a yell when he saw a man that Wally assumed to be Henry Pym stand up and covered in something that Wally could not pinpoint as to what it was and a very large bump forming on his head.

"Can I help you?" The man asked as he rubbed his head where the bump was forming.

"Are you Dr. Henry Pym?" Wally asked with a little uncertainty in his voice.

"Yes I am." Hank replied wondering why a 16 year old was in his lab but there was something very familiar about the red head.

"My name is Wally and these will explain everything as to why I am here." Wally replied as he handed Henry the photo that Mary and Rudy had given him the day before and the necklace they had also given him.

Hank took the items and looked at them. He saw that it was the a photo of him and Janet with their newborn son. Hank then looked at the necklace and realize that it was the same necklace that he had give Janet when he asked her to marry him and it was the same one that he had given to the Wests when they had adopted his son.

The scientist put the two items down on the table before he took another look at the boy that said his name was Wally. It was then that Hank got a look at the red head. He now could see much of him in the boy's face but the green eyes reminded Hank of Janet's blueish greens ones.

Hank couldn't believe that after 16 years his son that he was forced to give up to protect him and also due to certain reasons was in front of him. It had seemed that Mary and Rudy felt that Wally was ready to know the truth.

"I know that you have a lot of questions for me. Heck I know I would." Hank told Wally who looked very nervous.

"Mary and Rudy explained a lot to me but I still need some answers." Wally replied.

"I understand. Let me call Janet that way we can talk." Hank told new lost son who nodded before turning his head to look at something on the wall.

Hank pulled his cell out of his pocket so that he could call his wife to tell her the news. To say that she was surprised was a understatement.


Hank pulled the phone away from his ear as his wife yelled into the phone when he called her and told her that their son was in his lab.

"I'll be right there Hank. Don't let him get away." Janet replied before she hung up.

"Your wife reminds me of one of my friends." Wally said with a smile on his face as he looked at one of the bugs in the glass jars.

"So you into science?" Hank asked trying to make conversation.

"You could say that. My Aunt Iris's husband who is my Uncle Barry is a police science for Central City and he is my idol and was the one who taught me to love science." Wally replied.

Hank felt a sense of pride that his son was into science and was glad that Wally had someone to look up to when it came to science although he was a little upset that his son's mentor worked for the police.

Suddenly the doors to the lab flew open and in walked a woman with red hair that looked like she had ran all the way from where she was at when she got the call.

Wally looked that the woman that he knew to be his birth mother and shuttered at how much she reminded him of Artemis.

Janet took one look at the red haired teen standing by one of the tables and knew just looking at him that he was her son. She wanted to so badly hug the boy but didn't as she didn't know how he wold react.

"So I take you're Janet?" Wally asked with a smile.

"Yes I am. I never thought this day would come." Janet replied as she took a few steps closer to Wally but stayed her distance.

"Like I told Hank I have a lot of questions to ask you but do you think that we could talk over something to eat as I am starving." Wally asked as he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment as his stomach started to growl.

Hank and Janet let out a small laugh at the sight of their son before the three of them headed out of the lab and out to one of the local restaurants that served pretty good food at a decent price.

The new found family had no idea what was to come in the near future.

Next chapter Hank, Janet and Wally catch up and Wally finds out the reason why he was given up as a infant.

Ideas are welcome as the only thing I know about the Avengers and Hank and janet are what I watch on T.V. And from the internet.

Reviews would be great as well. Thank you.