Hey me again! And with the final chapter of 'A Chance Encounter'.

Now I will warn you all, the ending is sad but there will be a sequel so don't hate me too much, ok?

Anyway, please enjoy.

Revenge of the Monsters and a Promise

Groaning Ty got to his feet, servo fluid dripping off his hands before noticing the decapitated robot in front of him.

Ty gasped and stared at his hands "Huh? Wha? What happened?" he asked himself before falling to his knees

Next part

Wheeling up to the robot corpse, XR cried "Another one! This is horrible! Oh, the technology! Oh, the brutality!"

Next part

Snarling, the Wirewolf threw up his arm and wires shot out is and tried themselves around Buzz and reeled him in.

"You know, we don't talk enough," Buzz told him before the Wirewolf slammed his claws on his suit.

Next part

Turning his head, XR shrieked as the Wirewolf grabbed him and ripped him apart, his pieces flying everywhere.

This scene was played back a couple of times as XR spoke "You see? You see what he does there?" he pointed "Let me tell you people, it takes more then a couple of rivets and a new coat of paint to fix that! We're telling serious repair job here. Major overhaul."

"We get the idea, XR!" Nebula said before turning back to Ty "I've read the Wirewolf reports and I've gotta say Parsec, I've got a big problem with putting you back on duty." he said.

Ty approached him "Commander Nebula," he pleaded "The LGMs checked me out! I'm fit for duty."

Nebula sighed "Look, son, I know you love being a Ranger and all but Nos-4-a2's bite really did a number on ya! I gotta be one hundred percent sure you're not gonna flip out again and chew up your fellow rangers!" he told him.

"Sir, if I may?" Buzz asked before getting to his feet "Ty's mutation was coursed by a freaky combination of the energy vampire's bite and the radioactive moon of Canis Lunis."

"And the moon got blown to bits!" Booster added as Mira also stood up.

"So Ty can't became a Wirewolf again." she finished.

Nebula, sadly, wasn't convinced "Oh, suddenly we're all Wirewolf experts, are we? I can't risk it. Ty Parsec is discharged from Star Command." he said, sighing a piece of paper as Ty lowered his head.

Buzz came over "But sir-" he tried to protest but Ty stopped him "No Buzz, the Commander's right. This is what's best for everyone." he said.


Buzz and Ty were throw to the floor as the wall behind them was blown out.

"Well if you not using him, I'll take him!" XL laughed.

"XL!" Buzz exclaimed in shock as Ty lifted his arm "You're not taking me anywhere robot!" he said, placing his hand on his wrist to shoot a laser before remembering he wasn't wearing a space suit "What the-Oh!" he mumbled as Buzz got to his feet "I got it, buddy." Buzz said, opening fire on XL but the blast just bounced off him.

"Umm...I'm kinda on a schedule here," he said, taking aim at Ty "So if you don't mind." and shot a net at him.

Mira pushed Ty aside "Down!" she warned him before the net hit her. XL pointed "Hey! That wasn't meant for you!" he said.

"Keep your rusted claws off him, you twisted maniac!" Nebula yelled, shooting at XL with his peg leg cannon.

XL ducked and grabbed Nebula "Look, let me grab the Wirewolf guy and then I'm out of here." he said.

"Get away from my former commander!" Ty snapped, kicking XL from behind, sending him down and allowing Ty and Buzz to jump on him "Takin' you down, XL!" Buzz said.

XL grunted "Oh! Would you just-" he asked, kicking Ty off and standing up with Buzz on his back when Booster tackled him back down. Buzz who had let go before Booster had slammed into XL, quickly leapt onto Booster, helping him hold XL down.

"Dog pile on the renegade robot!" XR said as he, Nebula and Mira all jumped on top of XL.

"Come on!" XL complained "As a fellow Star Command washout, I can offer Ty valuable emotional support!"

Mira turned to Ty "Ty! I don't know how much longer we can hold him! Get to safety!" she told him and Ty run out though the door, down the hallways only to stop dead in his tracks as an all too familiar screech sounded out and looking out in front of him, he saw the two beings he had hoped to never see again.

"Nos-4-a2! Cheetara!" he exclaimed in horror.

The pair grinned at him "Ranger Parsec," the vampire greeted "Smashing to see you again." he laughed, placing something around Ty's neck.

"What are you doing?!" Ty asked him.

Nos held up green rock in the centre of the object he had placed on Ty "I brought a little memento from our last encounter," he told him "A moon rock...a Canis Lunis moon rock!" he laughed evilly.

Ty backed away in horror "No! Noooo!" he yelled before his left arm held itself out and a second later, morphed in a mechanical paw "It's happening again!" Ty managed to get out before the rest of him transformed into his frighting alter-ego: the Wirewolf.

The pair watched as he fell to the ground, Cheetara lifting an eyebrow "Wow." she remarked softly.

Slowly getting up, the Wirewolf turned to the pair and Cheetara's expression quickly became one of fear "Nos!" she said quickly.

The Wirewolf leapt for them but a red beam hit it in the face and setted it back down on the ground with a more docile attitude.

Cheetara breathed a silent sigh of relive before turning to Nos.

The vampire's monocle was glowing "Calm yourself, beast," he said, placing a hand under it's chin "You wouldn't attack your dark master and his future bride, now would you?" moving his hand to it's head as Cheetara reached over and petted it on it's muzzle.

Nos shook his head, laughing "No, I didn't think you would!" he laughed sinisterly, Cheetara joining him.

Back inside the room Ty had run out off, Buzz was placing cuffs on XL "Your days of terror are over XL!" he said.

"Ugh! Well I guess that's ok so long as I get my weekends and evenings of terror." he said.

Suddenly a snarl was heard and the Wirewolf landed in front of them "No, Ty!" Buzz yelled as Ty shoved him and the others of XL.

Mira grunted as she landed next to Buzz "Nicely done Ranger Parsec," a voice said and looking up, they saw it was Nos and Cheetara, the former patting Ty's head "I knew you wouldn't disappoint me." he and Cheetara moved back as XL grabbed Ty and activated his jetpack "Thanks everyone for the swell time but I gotta go!" he said and flew up straight though the roof, Ty with him.

Almost immediately everything that wasn't nailed started getting pulled outside.

Cheetara gave a yell of surprise as she was pulled upwards but Nos shot his right arm out and grabbed her around the middle, pulling her flush next to him. Cheetara felt her face grow warm "Oh! Thank you, Nos." she purred, wrapping her arms around him and looking down at Buzz and the others who were holding on to anything that was nailed down to avoid being sucked out outside.

The pair smirked "I am confident we will be seeing each other again soon," the vampire laughed before floating out of the hole and up to XL and Ty. A hatch opened above the foursome and they went in.

A second later there was a simmer and the vampire's ship appeared, having been wearing a cloaking device, and quickly took off.

Back inside Star Command, the hole XL had made had been fixed but Nebula was steaming "This is just the kind of hoo-ha I was worried about!" he exclaimed, waving his hand out at the mess surrounding them.

"Ok, so there was one tiny chuck of radioactive moon left," Booster laughed nervously.

Nebula wasn't amused.

Buzz turned to his team "Ty's a good man in a bad place! So let's move fast, team!" he said, pushing them along.

Nebula turned and folded his arms, frowning.

Inside star cruiser 42, the team were doing final checks before taking off.

"Main thrusters online!" XR said.

"Crystallic fusion to power!" Mira said.

"Ready for ignition!" Booster said.

"Let's catch us some bad guys." Buzz said, pulling the lever.

A strutting sound rang out and nothing happened.

For a moment there was silence then..."Ah...shouldn't we be going really fast right now?" Booster asked.

Making their way to the engines, Buzz and Mira saw they were covered in punctured holes and slash marks. Mira turned to Buzz "The engines are completely drained and slashed open!" she said.

Buzz was far from impressed "Energy vampires and techno-organic human-dragon cheetah hybrids: HATE 'EM!" he exclaimed.

Out in space, the vampire's ship was speeding towards a currently unknown destination. Inside he and Cheetara watched XL wrestle with Ty "Down boy!" XL grunted as he and Ty rolled across the floor.

Smirking Nos spoke to Cheetara "With Ty Parsec, I can now harness the Curse of the Wirewolf!"

There was a sudden tearing noise and turning their heads, the pair saw Ty had torn off XL's left arm "Bad dog!" XL said just as Ty took off with his arm "Hey! I need that!" XL yelled.

Cheetara giggled as she watched XL chase after Ty to get his arm back and Nos turned his attention onto a small block of steel on the control panel. Pealing a finger on his left hand back, a fiery hot beam similar to a blowtorch came out and he started melting and moulding the block "Soon Cheetara, you and I shall rule the cosmos!" he told her, grinning.

XL, who was now trying to yank his left arm out of Ty's mouth, turned to Nos "Umm...I'm sure it's just a slip of the lip and I understand you and Cheetara but don't you mean 'soon Cheetara, you, I and XL shall rule the cosmos' as in all three of us?" he asked.

Nos quickly nodded while Cheetara looked away so XL wouldn't see her smirking "Oh yes, oh yes! Of course, all three of us." the vampire quickly said.

"I mean we split the take fifty, fifty cos I know you and Cheetara will share a half." XL said, still trying to get his arm off Ty.

Nos drummed his talons on the panel while Cheetara bit the inside of her mouth to keep from laughing "Yes, fifty, fifty," the vampire growled, getting annoyed.

XL leaned over "Partners to the end?" he asked, still tying to get his arm back.

"To the bitter end," Nos replied, a painful smile on his face.

XL nodded "Ok, thanks for the clarification!" he said before yelping as Ty yanked him away from the pair. Shaking her head, Cheetara walked over to help XL get his arm back while Nos turned his attention back to the steel block he been playing with before.

"Now all we need is access to the latest in evil technology," he said, poking at the shapeless block before picking it back up and resumed moulding it "Set course for Planet Z!"

Cheetara, who had gotten XL's arm off Ty and handed it back to it's owner, turned to Nos, a eyebrow lifted "Zurg's world?" she asked as XL screwed his arm back on "He built you, right? So...this is like a homecoming for ya, huh?"

"Actually, my sweet," Nos corrected her, gripping his left hand briefly before opening it and showing he had moulded the block into miniature statue of Zurg "It's more of a home...taking!" he crushed the statue before laughing evilly.

At the Zurg Tower, a lone Hornet was standing guard when a strange mist started surrounding it and turning it's head towards it, a red beam of light hit it on the face, drawing it in "Your dark master beckons!" a voice crooned "Come to me! Nos-4-a2 commands you!"

Appearing before the hypnotised Hornet, Nos lifted his talons and the pair vanished into the mist.

At the entrance to Zurg's throne room, Nos floated silently down behind two Hornets and hissing, bit the left one and blasted the right one with his victim's cannon hand, spending pieces and smoke everywhere, which soon settled, showing the vampire licking his lips, sparks flying off before he contacted his other half "Cheetara, are you and XL in position?" he asked.

Cheetara nodded "We are." she confirmed.

Nos smiled "Then by all means, my bride," he told her "Proceed."

On the other end of the communicator, Cheetara smirked "With pleasure." she purred.

In his throne room, Zurg was speaking with a grub who was holding a piece of paper "Alright, read that back." he told the grub.

Holding up the paper, the grub read off it "All life on your world will be annihilated unless you submit to the will of Emperor Zurg." he said.

"Make that 'Evil Emperor Zurg' and sign it 'best wishes' and send it off." he said.

Suddenly there was an explosion from behind the grub and looking over, Zurg saw XL, the Wirewolf and that wretched furball freak Cheetara.

The trio made their way towards him "Well, well, well, if it isn't Star Command's favourite failures: the reprobate robot reject ranger XL, the mutated techno-organic freak Cheetara and the cyber monster formerly known as Ty Parsec." Zurg said, earning two glares from Cheetara and XL and a snarl from Ty.

Cheetara placed her hand on his head "Easy boy." she whispered as XL walked up behind the two and pointed at Zurg "We just happened to be in the quadrant so we thought we'd stop by and take over!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms up.

Zurg just laughed at them "Cute," he said before pointing "Hornets! Eviscerate them!" he ordered but for a moment nothing happened.

A cruel smile curled up on Cheetara's mouth.

Zurg looked around "Hello? I gave you an order and-Ah! Vampire Hornets?!" he exclaimed as two were now on either side of him, hissing "That can only mean one thing!" and looking up, he saw a shrouded triangle shaped form just above him.

"Nos-4-a2!" Zurg cried out.

Said vampire floated into view "I've come to pay my respects, Evil Emperor Zurg...my last respects!" he snarled before laughing "Vampire Hornets! Eviscerate him!" he ordered.

The vampire Hornets both took swipes at Zurg but he jumped out of the way just in time and quickly fled.

Cheetara called after him "You can run but you can't hide!" she taunted.

Ignoring her, Zurg opened the exit doors only to find more vampire Hornets which quickly chased him into the centre of the room. Zurg looked up at Nos "Ca-ca-can't we just discuss this, Nos-4-a2? Ah... Nossy? After all, I made you! We're like family!" he told the vampire.

Nos and Cheetara exchanged looks before Nos turned back to Zurg, grinning "Oh, yes, Daddy Dearest. And it's time for you to pass on the family business...or just pass on, your choice." he laughed wickedly as the Wirewolf moved in.

Frantic, Zurg pressed the Z on his suit and a tube was lowered and sucked him up just as Ty leapt at him, missing him by inches.

Above the group, the top of Zurg's former palace started shaking before it lifted off, thanks to the thrusters it had and flew off.

Outside of Planet Z's atmosphere, star cruiser 42 neared. Quickly launching themselves out, Buzz and the team started moving in when Buzz looked up "Hello!" he said as the top of Zurg's palace suddenly flew over their heads and off into space.

Zurg waved to them in the rear-view mirror "Ahh, Buzz Lightyear to the rescue" he said "You take care of Nos-4-a2 and his blasted girlfriend and then I'm back in the evil business, baby! Bless you, Buzz Lightyear."

Back at Buzz and the others, Mira stared "Umm...was that the top of Zurg's palace?" she asked as XR leaned down.

"They're firing buildings at us?" he asked as Buzz turned his head.

"Incoming Hornets!" Booster said, not realising they were vampire Hornets...yet.

"You know the drill, team! Blast'em out of the sky, same as always!" Buzz said before he and the team opened fire...only for their shots to bounce off the the vampire Hornets and soon they neared the group.

Now Booster had realised what they were "Ahh! Vampire Hornets!" he said, pointing.

"Now what?" Mira asked Buzz.

"Now? Now we run!" Buzz said, taking off, his team behind him.

XR zoomed out in front of them "Buzz! You've finally seen the light!" he exclaimed.

Back at Zurg's palace, the vampire Hornets had attached ropes to the top of the Z on front of the tower while underneath where the rope was, was what looked like a small capital U. Moving down to the ends of the ropes, the vampire Hornets pulled the ropes and turned the Z and U 90 degrees, turning the Z and U into an N and C.

Inside, XL was looking around "Umm...what's with all the Ns and Cs? You and Cheetara I get but what about me? Are we sharing this palace or do I get my own?" XL asked the vampire.

Nos was sitting on Zurg's throne while Cheetara stood next to him. The vampire looked at him "My dear XL, fear not. I have a special place in mind just for you," he said, licking his lips, prompting Cheetara to smirk.

"Have you competed the schematics for the weapon?" Nos asked him.

XL pushed a button his chest and a type written came out, printing out something "Plans for one nasty ray gun coming right...uh...PAPER JAM!" he yelled as the plans got stuck.

Cheetara shook her head "Oh honestly!" she snapped, tearing the plans out and, after giving XL a look, turned to Nos "Here you are, dear." she told him, handing him the plans.

Taking the plans off her, Nos looked them over and smirked.

Below the trio, the grubs were trying to pretend nothing had happened and so didn't see the shadow creeping up on them until a blood-chilling scream rang out and jumping, they all turned around.

Nos floated down, Cheetara clinging to him "We need you to build this weapon," the vampire told them "How long will it take?"

Two grubs looked them over "Uh..at least a day," one said "Maybe two," the another said.

"You have ten minutes." Cheetara told them before she and Nos moved aside as Ty leapt down, roaring.

The grubs jumped and yelled in terror as Ty landed in front of them.

"Ah...works for me, my lady," one told her as he and the other grub got to their feet and rushed over to the others.

Nos leaned down to Cheetara "Nicely done my dear," he purred, sending a pleasant shiver down her spine before turning his attention back to Ty and the grubs.

The Wirewolf growled menacingly at the grubs as Nos and Cheetara stood next to him "Relax my vicious pet," Nos said, patting him "Your role in all of this will soon become as clear as a fusion crystal."

Meanwhile Buzz and his team where still being chased by vampire Hornets. They quickly rounded a corner and a second later, so did the Hornets.

A minute later Buzz and the others came out from behind the corner of a building they had been hiding behind. Buzz looked at the vanishing Hornets "They've been empowered with awesome dark energies." he said.

Mira folded her arms "And yet they're still as dumb as shovels, huh." she noted.

"Hang tight team, this is the big show!" Buzz said as they flew up to the top of the tower and landed inside. Buzz turned "Ty!" he exclaimed in horror when he saw the Wirewolf inside some sort of cannon, Nos, Cheetara and XL at the controls "What have you done to him?" he asked the trio.

Nos smirked "Allow us to demonstrate...on you!" he said, activating the cannon and aimed it at the team and fired two shots at them.

Buzz and XR jumped out of the way but Booster and Mira weren't so lucky.

The shots swilled around them until they came up over them and took on the form of a snarling wolves head and dived down on them, transformed them into Wirewolves as well!

Buzz and XR backed way in fear as the Wirewolfed Mira and Booster moved in on them.

Buzz cringed; what a day this was turning out to be!

Snarling, the Wirewolf Rangers closed in on the pair.

Nos smirked "Obey your dark master, my Wirewolves," he said, leaning forward "Destroy them!"

Mira leapt and smacked XR away as Booster draw closer to Buzz "I know you're in there, Booster," Buzz told him "So I'm gonna take it easy on ya." before Booster launched at him and went though a wall.

Cheetara blinked and stared at the hole "Huh, that's not coming out of my paycheck." she muttered.

On the other side of the wall, Buzz grunted "Ok, I'm gonna take it a little less easy on ya!" and fired a laser, coursing it to bounce off the ceiling, wall and finally hit Booster, making him let Buzz go.

Meanwhile Mira had backed XR into a wall. XR quickly pulled out a crew toy "What do you think, Mira? Wanna play?" he asked, squeaking the toy "Who's a good girl? Is it you? I think it is!"

Mira just snarled and swiped the toy away, seemly taking XR's hand off too.

"Whoa." he remarked before Buzz grabbed him as Mira leapt for him, crashing into the wall.

The pair flew up as Mira and Booster looked up at them.

XR popped his hand back out and activated his jetpack "Nice!" he said "They can't get us up here."

Booster and Mira looked at each other before Mira flung her metallic hair over and wings came out and a rocket thruster came out of Booster's back and they quickly took off.

Buzz and XR were stunned "Whoa! I didn't know they could do that!" Buzz said.

"Craters! I was hoping one of us was prepared." XR replied before he and Buzz flew off, the Wirewolfed Mira and Booster just behind.

Snickering, Cheetara waved bye bye at them.

"Lightyear's losing?!" Zurg snapped, watching the whole scene from his monitor "He's doing this on purpose, just to annoy me! Go back and fight, you ninny! What kind of space hero are you?! Oh, curse you Buzz Lightyear!"

Back at the tower, Nos was almost beside himself with glee "Perfect! Now that Lightyear is gone, we are free to unleash my terror into the cosmos!" he exclaimed.

XL blinked in confusion while Cheetara gave Nos a look, clearing her throat and making him realise what he had said "Oh did I say 'my terror'?" he asked and Cheetara nodded. The vampire grinned "Oh, silly me, our terror." he corrected.

Cheetara snorted "Much better," she told him as XL turned back to the controls "Ah, got the target all lined up," he said and then moved aside "Ladies first," he told Cheetara. The techno-organic smirked "You're too kind." she told him, pulling the lever and sending a shot out to some poor unfortunate planet.

Inside the cannon, Ty groaned; every shot that was fired took a lot out of him. Nos looked up at him "I apologise if my weapon pains you, Ranger Parsec," he said before grinning and buffing his claws on his cape "But I simply cannot conquer the universe without you." he turned to Cheetara "Fire it again!" he told her.

Cheetara smirked "Anything for you." she purred and pulled the lever, sending more shots...this time straight for Star Command.

Nebula looked down at the radar "What are those things?!" he asked.

"Unknown." a LGM replied.

"Well can ya stop 'em?" Nebula asked.

The LGM pointed "No time!" he exclaimed before everyone found themselves surround by Wirewolf shots.

The rangers all ran but it was no use and one by one, they were consumed by the curse.

Nebula struggled "Hey! Get off!" he said but he soon fell as well.

Within minutes, all of Star Command was filled with Wirewolves.

Things were looking grim for the galaxy.

Looking at the pad in her hand, Cheetara grinned as Nos floated over "Another direct hit!" she told him "All of Star Command's rangers are Wirewolves!"

Nos returned the grin and suddenly grabbed Cheetara around the waist and spun her around before dipping her like in a tango.

Cheetara felt her face flaming as the vampire then pulled her right up against him "Excellent!" he purred, stroking her face before releasing her and laughed.

"Soon the whole galaxy will be turned into machines!" he said before grabbing a vampire Hornet "Existing only to feed me!" he then bite down on the Hornet, feeding off it while Cheetara clutched the pad to her chest and spun around on her feet a few times, grinning.

She hated the universe; they all deserved to become the vampire's food.

XL carefully walked over "Umm...I know we've covered this before and I know I don't have to worry about Cheetara cos I know you like her and all but that doesn't include me, right? You wouldn't eat me, your fellow partner, would you?" he asked the vampire.

Cheetara stopped spinning around and looked at Nos who had a look on his face. He quickly dropped the Hornet "Oops...said too much." he muttered so only Cheetara heard him.

"I mean you both need me right? Cos I'm the guy who's gonna help ya both nap Ty Parsec and oh..uh..I already did that." XL said, as Nos smiled knowingly and Cheetara stood next to him. XL tried again "Well I'm the guy who's gonna guide you two through Zurg's planetary defences..oh wait, did that too!" and Nos' smiled widen.

XL give it one more go "Hey! There's only one guy in the galaxy who can whip up the plans for the Wirewolf Cannon which is already done." he finished lamely.

Strike three...you're out Cheetara thought, smirking.

"Oh," Nos moaned, licking his lips with his long forked tongue "But there is one more way you can serve me, XL." he laughed, slowly approached the large bot.

XL looked worried "Right! I can go and get that umm... thing!" he said, backing away as Nos drew nearing, Cheetara snickering in the background "That thing that you need very very very much that only I can find."

"Buzz Lightyear?" Nos questioned.

XL nodded "Um...yeah, sure! That'll do! I-uh I better go get him now!" he said, before waving at the pair "Bye-bye!" and run out the door at a very fast pace.

Cheetara lifted an eyebrow "Wow," she remarked "He sure can move when he really wants too."

Flying in between the buildings with the two Wirewolves hot on their trail, XR turned to Buzz "I'm please with your new retreat friendly attitude but we could really use a more proactive plan here!" he said.

"I just happen to have one," Buzz said "We'll strafe that plant...on my mark...FIRE!" and the pair shot at it, coursing it to exploded, knocking Mira and Booster back and allow Buzz and XR to escape.

Upon seeing they had lost sight of their pray, the Wirewolves snarled in anger and flew off.

Buzz and XR watched them do so "We ditched them," Buzz muttered "So far, so good."

XR wheeled around to him "Beg to differ but I think so far so bad is much more accurate here-WHOA!" He yelled as he and Buzz got shot at suddenly.

"Peak-a-boo I see you!" XL taunted.

"Case and point," XR said.

Looking up, Buzz quickly moved out of the way as XL took another shot him before he fired his own laser at him, only for it to bounce off. XL pounded his chestplate "I'm'a really emplatin'!" he taunted "Nice, huh? Let me show you another one of my convenient features!" and shot Buzz with a bolt of electricity.

A couple of laser shots ricochet of XL's dome and he turned and saw XR handing from a pipe "Bro, I'm takin' you down!" XR said only for XL to spray acid at his gun, melting it.

XR wasn't amused "Ok, see when you do things like that it just makes my job more difficult-YI! He yelped as XL grabbed him and throw him down on top of Buzz.

XL grinned "You know, with all our fancy high-tech weaponry, sometimes it's nice to get back to the basis: simply crushing!" he said and brought his feet down on Buzz who caught it in time and looked up at him "XL, wait! Just listen to me for a minute!" he said.

XL shook his head "Oh, no! You're not gonna hoodwink me with your fancy word games!" he said.

XR wheeled over "Maybe he is." he told him. XL frowned "Hmm, ya think?" he asked his little brother. XR nodded "Oh sure, there's no use fighting it." he said "Well maybe I better listen then." XL said, removing his feet of Buzz.

"Professor?" XR asked as Buzz got to his feet "Wake up and smell, you can see what Nos-4-a2 and Cheetara are doing." Buzz told XL.

"Not from here I can't!" XL told him, prompting Buzz to smack himself in the forehead.

"This is big boy talk, XL. Try to keep up." XR said, wiping grim off himself.

"Oh! Go on," XL told Buzz.

"Nos-4-a2 is gonna feed on every robot in the galaxy and you, my friend are a robot and Cheetara doesn't have anything to worry about because A: she's close to Nos-4-a2 and B: she's part organic" Buzz told him.

"Uh, yeah maybe," XL said before looking up "So what makes you think I could see those two from here, anyway?"

XR extended his legs and grabbed XL's dome "XL, that vampire is going to eat you!" he exclaimed.

"He was lookin' at me kinda funny." XL admitted.

"And licking his lips?" XR asked, an eyebrow lifted.

XL looked surprise "How'd you know?" he asked before a look of horror appeared on his face "Oh! He's gonna eat me!"

Buzz and XR nodded.

"You can't go back to Nos-4-a2," Buzz told XL "It's dinner time."

XL nodded "Yeah, you're right," he said "I better give Nos-4-a2 and his girlfriend my letter of resignation."

XR lowered himself "Well, that went rather swimmingly." he said then yelled and jumped behind Buzz as XL aimed his weapon at them "Right after I vaporise you!" he said.

"Yikes!" XR whimpered as Buzz cringed and gritted his teeth.

XL grinned and waved bye-bye at them but Buzz just looked sideways at him "Vaporising us isn't your only option, XL." he told him.

"I know," XL agreed before pulling out a blade "But flay gets so...messy." he said.

"You could join us." Buzz told him.

"What?!" XL asked.

"What?" XR asked.

Buzz took XL aside "XL, you were once a ranger and that's not something you can just wipe hard-drive," he told him "No my friend, that's part of your operating system. Oh you may have strived onto the path of evil but I'm willing to bet that when microchips are down and the fate of the galaxy lays in the balance, you my friend, are still a space ranger."

Buzz looked at him "What's it's gonna be XL?" he asked the bot.

Ty groaned madly, he wasn't sure how much of this he could take.

Nos and Cheetara were getting more then annoyed about his moaning "Oh please, stop whining!" Nos snapped, rubbing the side of his head "It's giving my motherboard a migraine."

Cheetara, who had two fingers placed on either side of her temples, looked at him "How do you think I feel?" she asked.

Nos didn't answer her, instead he selected his new target "Now target Capital Planet: Alliance Plaza. And...Ha!" he exclaimed as the cannon fired again.

Nos laughed madly as an image of Alliance Plaza appeared on his monocle "Jolly good!" he said.

"This is indeed a historical day!" a senator announced to the rest of the senators "This masolution could only produce with bipartisan cooperation!" he said before shaking hands with a female senator "After centuries of in-fighting, we have finally put aside our differences."

The senators all clapped when they heard the howling and were assaulted by the Wirewolf Curse, soon all becoming Wirewolves like the rangers on Star Command.

"Now let's see, who to target next?" Nos mused "Rhizome or Tangea?" he turned to Cheetara "What do you think, dear?" he asked her.

Cheetara mulled it over before smirking and opening her mouth to answer when the doorbell rang out. "I'm home!" came XL's voice before the door opened and he walked in with Mira and Booster and something under his arm.

Cheetara looked at it and felt her mouth drop. There under XL's arm was what seem to be a dead Buzz Lightyear!

Nos grinned "Splendid, XL!" he said, placing his hand under Cheetara's jaw and closing it "You have terminated Buzz Lightyear!"

XL grinned "Just doin' my keep around here." he told the pair, dropping Buzz. They looked at the body then at XL "And...XR?" Nos asked.

"Let's just say that after I defeated Lightyear, my little brother went to pieces!" XL laughed evilly.

Nos and Cheetara looked at each and the techno-organic trailed her finger along Nos' jaw, smirking, before they looked back at XL "Excellent," Nos said, approaching him, the vampire's monocle lighting up "You've served my bride and I well," XL froze in horror, his jaw dropping "But you've outlived your usefulness."

Opening his mouth, the vampire's fangs came down, spinning and placing his hands on XL, moved to bite him when... "For evil, maybe!" a voice said and looking over, both Nos and Cheetara saw Buzz alive and well "But not for good." he added before jumping away as Mira leapt at him.

"Lightyear!" Nos snarled as Buzz started climbing up the cannon towards Ty. Nos and Cheetara came after Buzz as XL grabbed Mira and Booster launched onto his right arm "Hey! These Wirewolves are getting' all bitey and stuff, ow!" he said.

Buzz reached for Ty only for Nos to tackled him away. The vampire hovered over him, Cheetara just behind him on all fours "Well played Ranger," Nos taunted as she laughed "But you've stumbled at the finish line!"

Buzz looked at them, smirking "Then it's time to pass the petition," he said "XR now!"

Turning her head, Cheetara saw XL opened his chest and shot XR out like a cannonball...straight at the cannon!

"NO!" The techno-organic screeched but it was too late, XR hit the Wirewolf Cannon dead on and it exploded, blowing off the top of the palace and sending smoke everywhere.

Cheetara shrieked as she was throw hard against a wall and then the ground. The hybrid groaned; she could feel numerous cuts on her person and her whole body burned in pain as she gripped the wall and slowly pulled herself up before turning her head.

She couldn't see Nos anywhere but she soon heard a groaning and looking over several feet away, saw Lightyear hanging onto the edge with one hand. Cheetara scowled; she was about to go over there but someone beat her to it.

With his wings glowing menacingly and clutching his left arm of which, to Cheetara's horror, had almost been completely blown off, Nos looked very threatening right now.

"Not good enough, Lightyear!" Nos hissed furiously before he grabbed Lightyear's face and sunk his fangs into Buzz's suit, drawing a painful groan from him.

From where she sat, Cheetara smirked, the mighty Buzz Lightyear groaning I never thought I'd see the day! She thought with malice, thinking they had still won.

But in that one moment, everything changed.

A mechanical paw suddenly grabbed Nos and pulled him away from Lightyear and with a thrill of horror, Cheetara saw it was Ty, who looked very angry.

He pulled the vampire right up to him, glaring down at him. Nos started to panic and Cheetara was in too much pain to move and help him. Nos held his good arm up at Ty "What? No! What are you doing?!" he asked "No, you must obey me! I am your dark masteeerrrrr!" he screamed as Ty threw him away into the smoke, behind him.

Cheetara crawled over when she heard a sicken sound like something being impaled and looked down.

Nos screamed in pain, a huge shard of metal impaled right through his chest. The vampire clutched it with his good arm and glancing up, saw Cheetara staring down, pure horror written on her.

Nos mentally cried out to her, knowing he was finished Cheetara, I'm sorry! I...love you! He thought.

He saw her eyes widen before he screamed again and promptly exploded, his pieces flying pass Ty.

Cheetara gasped before disappearing into the smoke.

Ty stood up and the chuck of moon rock was blown off by Buzz who had crawled back over the ledge.

Ty fell to the ground, groaning as he changed back to human.

"Oh!" Ty moaned, standing up "Oh, it's nice to be me again!" he said.

Mira and Booster come out off the smoke, still Wirewolves but a second later they changed back to their olds selves and groaned.

At the Alliance Plaza, all the senators were still Wirewolves and fighting and then promptly changed back and stopped.

"We're back to normal." the senator who had been making the announcement said before he and all the other senators started fighting again.

At Star Command, everyone also changed back though Nebula had a wrench in his mouth.

Back at Planet Z, Buzz turned to Ty, smiling "And so ends the Curse of the Wirewolf." he said as groaning was heard and XR fell out of the remains of the cannon. XL run over to him "Hey, little brother, we did it! High five!" he said, holding up his hand.

XR extended his legs, grinning "Woo-hoo!" he said then realised he was lacking both arms "Whoa! Don't like that," he said and looked at XL "Say umm, bro, you wouldn't have a spare arm I could borrow, do you?" he asked.

XL opened his chest compartment "I'm sure I've got something," he said and then pulled out a dark yellowish arm with claws "Umm...you don't mind one with an electro death grip, do ya?" he asked.

"I'll wait." XR replied.

Buzz turn to Ty "Thanks Ranger," he said "You saved us from a tight spot back there.

Ty shook his hand "Well that's twice now, not that I'm keeping count." Ty told him.

"And so in recognition of his fine work under extreme conditions," Nebula said, writing a piece of paper as Buzz and his team watched "I hereby reinstate...Space Ranger Ty Parsec."

"YES!" Ty exclaimed.

Nebula lifted up another piece of paper "And next," he looked at Buzz "Uh, Lightyear you sure on this one?" he asked.

"It'll be a strictly clerical position sir." Buzz told him.

Nebula sighed "Alright then, I also hereby commission XL to serve Star Command as photo copier/ fax machine." he said.

XL saluted him "Ready to redoes and collate sir!" he said as XR wheeled "Whoa! Bro, you are lookin' sharp!" he said.

"You think? I don't know about those colours, I'm more of a winter." he told XR.

Rubbing his head, Nebula groaned "Now I'm stuck with two of 'em!" he said.

XL came over "Say Dad! This weekend can you XR and me to the Star Command family picnic?" he asked as XR also came over "Good idea!" he agreed "This family has got a lot of quality bonding time to make up! Can we, dad?"

"Ooh! Ooh! Pop! Can we enter a sack race?" XL asked, earning a "Oi!" from Nebula and smiles from Mira and Booster "I've always wanted to run in one of those sack races!" he said.

"Get away from me before I enter you in the five knuckle race!" Nebula said, walking out the door, XR and XL each clinging to a leg and the Commander's floating desk behind them as the door closed.

Mira smirked but then turned when she heard Buzz gasp and saw a look of horror on his face "What's wrong Buzz?" she asked.

Buzz gritted his teeth "I just remembered," he said "Remembered what Buzz?" Booster asked as Ty frowned.

Buzz threw his hands up in the air "Cheetara!" he exclaimed and the others gasped "In everything that followed after the Wirewolf Cannon was destroyed, we completely forgot about her and now she's still out there on the loose!"

Booster bit his lip "You don't think she'll try to..." he trailed off.

"Take revenge on us for what happened to Nos-4-a2? Probably." Buzz growled, folding his arms.

"What do we do?" Mira asked.

"Stay on our guard until she's caught," Buzz answered "That's all we can do."

At the tower there was silence, Zurg hadn't returned yet and the grubs, brain pods and hornets had disappeared.

The silence was then broken by sobbing.

Cheetara drew in shaky breaths before falling to her knees, tears streaming down her face. Nos' death kept replaying her mind over and over and the techno-organic found herself wanting to kill herself. Cheetara sobbed; she had somehow heard the vampire's mental cry, she had heard his confession and it made her heart burn even more.

He loved me! He LOVED me! And now he's gone! She thought, looking around.

Suddenly a gleam caught her eye just to the left and looking over, Cheetara saw the vampire's monocle laying there.

Grabbing it; she brought it over, stared down at it and saw her own her reflection staring back.

Cheetara gently run her finger over it's golden rim and as she did, a feeling swelled up in her.

A feeling...of determination.

The techno-organic narrowed her eyes and looked up, her sharp eyes spying out the vampires pieces before looking back down at the monocle What am I doing? Sitting here, crying? Nos wouldn't want that, he'd want me to get back up and finish what we started. She stood up And we shall...together.

Bringing the monocle to her lips, Cheetara gently kissed it and headed towards the other pieces "I'll bring you back Nos, I promise," she muttered "And when I do, you and I will make everyone who dared cross us suffer more then they have ever known!"

Looking down at the monocle, Cheetara smiled "I'm a woman of my word, after all." she said and laughed.

Oh, were Lightyear and his friends in for a nasty surprise but first...

She had work to do.

Yes! Done and dusted but like I said: there will be a sequel.

Now I hope you all don't hate me for killing Nos, believe me, I didn't want to do it either but I had to otherwise the sequel won't work.

Anyway in teams of Nos' fate, without Cheetara he would just remain a pile of scrap or worse, Zurg would have melted the parts down to make sure he couldn't come back but with Cheetara, his fate is changed and therefore yes, he will be in the sequel.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this, I sure did.

Until next time, everyone!