Hey everyone, cr8zymommy here. Yeah, yeah, I know. Been a long time. And I hate to disappoint, but this is not my return. I'm only here shortly, just to give you all a brief message, and to change the info on a few of my stories. Right now, my stories are all on hiatus and I'm sorry about how long they've been that way. My health is not doing too well right now. I thought things were better after the last treatment but there have been a few complications and some adverse reactions and, well, I'm going to be okay, it's just taking a while. I'm sorry I won't be updating for a while. I'll be marking most of my stories as *on hiatus* for now until I feel better. When I come back, I'll post here in the drabbles to let everyone know.

Anyways, I couldn't just post a page with an AN because it's against the rules, so here's a clip I wrote for my friend Spencerremylvr that goes in the story he's currently posting, titled A Little Something Special. It's one of his Remy LeBeau/Spencer Reid slash stories, but he took Remy out of the X-Men world and made him a regular person just like anyone else, and threw him into the CM world. So he's like Remy Lebeau, with bits of his past and such like that, but mostly he's Spencerremylvr's character lol. If that makes sense. Anyways, he hates writing case parts, and I do too, but he convinced me to write this part for him, so I thought I'd share it here for you guys to read, just because it gave me the ability to post this LONG AN lol.

Take care everyone and I hope to see you soon!

It only took five minutes of being inside Rupert Newcomb's house to see that Spencer had been right in his prediction in the car. Rupert very obviously looked at the young agent and officer and judged them by their age and appearance and dismissed them as any kind of threat. He allowed the two into his house and in his living room. They both stayed standing when it was obvious Rupert wasn't going to sit. Rupert was of a like size with Aaron; Spencer estimated him to be maybe an inch taller than Aaron and probably about the same weight, give or take five pounds. His brown hair was cut short and stylish, made to spike here and there. Sharp blue/green eyes watched them with just a touch of amusement. Though the rest of his body language stayed calm, controlled, it was those eyes that the experienced profiler made sure to watch. They would give him away.

Spencer took him through the basic spiel, explaining who they were and that they were there to ask him about a few young men he'd had encounters with. According to Penelope's information, Rupert was thirty one years old, worked at a local grocery store as a cashier, was single with no children, was an only child to divorced parents, had graduated high school but failed out of college, and had been raised in a strict catholic household.

Rupert looked at the pictures Spencer handed him, skimming casually through them. "Yeah, I seen em. They came in to the store sometimes. Came through my line a few times." He closed the folder and held it out toward Spencer. "That's 'bout all I knew 'bout em. They weren't exactly the chatty type at the register, ya know? Just paid and left."

"Did they usually come in alone, or was there ever anyone with them?" Reaching out, Spencer took the folder and held it in casually front of him.

Shrugging, Rupert hooked his hands in his pockets. "Sometimes. Some of them fancy, college friends of theirs. They'd come through talking and laughing and making a nuisance of themselves." A slight sneer curled his lip before it smoothed away and there was a flash of anger in his eyes. "Like I said, they didn't talk to me much. Boys like them, with their fancy educations, they don't talk to guys like me."

Alarm bells went off in Spencer's mind. His attention sharpened while his outside stayed calm and just a bit meek. "I bet that made you angry, them treating you that way." He probed carefully.

This time it was easier to see the anger tightening around Rupert's eyes. He had a harder time smoothing that away. But then it was replaced with a look that Spencer could only deem satisfied. "Doesn't really matter." Rupert said with a shrug.

Spencer's phone buzzed and he pulled it out, seeing Derek's name on it. Morgan, you have got to have the best timing he thought to himself. He'd just been trying to figure out a way to discreetly excuse himself to make a call. Holding up the phone, he gave Rupert a shy smile. "I'm sorry, it's my coworker. Why don't you tell Officer Evans here about some of the friends you saw these men with, if you can recall? I'll be right back." And Spencer pressed the button to answer the call as he made his way toward the front door. "Reid."

"Hey, Reid. My guy checked out already and Prentiss and Rossi are back at the station. Rossi's checking in with Hotch. How're things going with you?"

Wow, they'd gone through their suspects fast, hadn't they? Then again, his and Evans' had been the furthest from the station, almost twenty minutes. This was a secluded bit of property with the house and a barn in the backyard. Spencer chewed on his lip as he opened the door and stepped outside, letting it slip shut behind him. He tried to think of how to word this. There was a very good chance that he would still be able to be heard if he stood here on the porch, so he moved down the porch and toward the car, hoping it would look casual if Rupert looked out the window. "So all of you are back at the station, then?"

"All except Hotch. Is everything okay?" The last part was asked just a bit sharply. Derek hadn't failed to notice that Spencer hadn't answered his original question.

"I'm not quite sure." He cast a look over his shoulder.

Derek didn't waste any time. "Are you in danger?"

"Not yet, I believe. I'm not absolutely positive. There are signs, though."

"Hang tight, Reid. Do not do anything yet, we're on our way. Keep him calm until backup arrives."

A wry grin tugged at Spencer's lips. "I'd kind of already figured that one out on my own, Morgan, but thanks."

"Smart ass."

Anything more that might've been said was cut off by the sound of two quick gunshots from inside the house. Spencer swore and spun, drawing his weapon and dropping the phone. He didn't hear Derek shouting out his name. Every inch of him locked down in and he switched over fully to Agent Reid. He moved quickly and carefully, taking one final deep breath before going back in the door. He was only two steps in when he heard another door towards the back of the house. That was about the same time that he saw Evans on the ground, bleeding. Son of a bitch. Hurrying over, he squatted down beside him, automatically reaching to find a pulse. He didn't have to. As soon as he dropped to one knee, Evans opened his eyes. "Go." He croaked out. "Go. He's panicking and he'll go kill the kid. Go."

Spencer yanked off his sweater and put it over the wound on Evans' stomach. Then he grabbed his hands and put them over. "Put pressure right there. Backup's on their way." That was all he had time for. Raising his weapon, Spencer rose to his feet and hurried toward the backdoor. He flung it open in just enough time to see Rupert darting toward the door to a barn at the back of the property. Spencer took aim and fired once, twice. There was a shout and then Rupert was in the door and Spencer was running. His heart was pounding as he hurried forward. This had to be one of the single most stupid things he'd ever done, chasing after an armed Unsub on his own, with one officer already down and no vest. But if he didn't hurry, Joe Boston could die, and Spencer knew he couldn't let that happen.