K so I know I said next few days but I was in a show and then I was ill and then AVPSY came out etc etc (p.s if you are a fellow Starkid then PM me, we can chat) so I've been busy, it was finished but I just forgot to upload it! BUT HERE WE GOOO:)


Phil's POV

I'm so so so excited for Dan to come home today, I've missed him so much. I just want this bus journey to end so I can be at the train station already. He doesn't know I'm going to pick him up. Hopefully he'll be excited.

Dan's POV

I really want to get of this flippin' train. I want to get home and see Phil. I mean, it was good to see my family but I really do miss him. I miss cuddling him. I miss waking up in the middle of the night and just seeing him looking so peaceful and happy. I miss his adorable meow. I miss him.

3rd person

As the train got into Kings Cross Dan heaved a sigh of relief. Finally. He got of the train and went through the gate, just as he was heading out of the station, he heard someone yelling his name from behind, 'oh no, not fangirls' he thought but he turned around anyway just in time to see Phil running towards him. Dan dropped everything and ran, straight into Phil's arms.

"Phil, what are you doing here? Dan asked grinning at his boyfriend.

"I came to pick you up silly!" Phil replied matching Dan's grin.

"I missed you." Said Dan kissing him on the cheek, he thought a full on PDA would be a bit much.

"I missed you too, now lets go home."

And so they walked hand in hand towards the bus stop talking the whole way. They were both so happy to be back together. And from that moment they knew they would never separate again.



Sorry it was a short ending but my creativity has died. I thought about continuing it but I'm running out of ideas for this story, the plot kind of died, that's another reason I hadn't written in ages! Thank you all for your lovely reviews etc, I didn't realise so many people would read this. #cray I love you all. I have some ideas for one-shots etc though so stay tuned:) XOXOXOXOX