Got another chapter for you! This time you get to learn a bit about Ludwig! And from now on i think I'll do my updating on Sundays because I have a lot of work and this will be the easiest way to get things done! Thanks for reading! Please enjoy :)

Ludwig had several suspects, although he doubted all of them. First was his own brother who had agreed to letting Feliciano drive, but he didn't see him as capable of betraying the family. He had, after all, saved Feliciano and gotten hurt himself.

He crossed his brother's name off the list in front of him. The next was Francis who had spent the previous night at the house but he doubted him too. Francis had little to no interest of understanding of family affairs and posed little threat. But on the other hand they knew little about the man and that left possibilities.

The last person on his list was Roderich. He tapped his pencil over the name. He didn't see any reason for Roderich to betray the family and surely he wasn't low end enough to do something to underhanded. But there again, Roderich was not close with anyone in the family and he had always been cold.

Ludwig sat back in his seat and rubbed his temples. His last was driving him insane. A light breez blew in through the window and lifted the curtains, reminding him that e gave the list one last look before tucking it away in his shirt pocket and grabbing his coat. He needed to get out.

Tossing his coat over his shoulder he left the room. All things aside, Lovino had been surprisingly unaggressive about his investigation. The Italian had only pestered him once and now seemed completely comfortable letting Ludwig handle the work himself.

He strolled around the grounds, thinking mechanically. It seemed now that that was all he did. It had warmed up into summer and the air was too hot for him to comfortably wear his jacket. He set it on a table and walked through the garden.

Roderich was his main suspect. He didn't think Francis capable, the man was simply too silly. He thought that it was just the French in him. But he didn't want it to be Roderich. Despite his stoic distance, Ludwig liked the man. He was a good, hard worker and that was one of the things he most valued in a person.

Sighing he spotted a bench and sat down.

He wondered vaguely if he had payed Marcus back yet, he'd worked for the family for several years now and he'd done all manner of things both lawyer like and unscrupulous. He wondered if either Feliciano or Lovino understood the obligation he felt towards the man and by default to them as well. Feliciano may have.

He did not remember the Germany of his childhood. His father had taken him and his brother to America before the Great War. His brother remembered, he knew that but he only had a few vague memories. Most of what he remembered was set in a German corner of New York.

His father had been hard working and proud but things had been hard. When the war came, many people did not want the services of a German. He could not find work anywhere and the three of them had fallen into poverty. That was when they had met a rising member of a small Sicilian community. Marcus. Marcus had not cared that they were German and helped them immensely. From early childhood he remembered his father's friend as a great man and when his father passed, Marcus continued helping him and his brother and for that he would be forever grateful.

Having rested enough, he picked up his coat and whet to tell Lovino of his main suspect.

Lovino listened to him quietly. "You really think it was him?" He asked.

"I'm not sure of anything but he seemed the most likely.

Lovino nodded sagely but scowled. "I see. Call Roderich to come and speak to us tomorrow.""

"I can do it now he's in the building."

Lovino teetered for a moment. "Alright, now is as good a time as ever. Go and get that bastard."

Ludwig did as he was told, ignoring Lovino's cursing. He'd long grown accustomed to his flagrant overuse of profanity. He found Roderich in the library, going over some paperwork.

"Can I help you?" He asked, looking up.

Ludwig swallowed, wanting to be wrong. "Don Lovino wants to speak to you."

Roderich gave him a raised eyebrow. "What for?"

"I don't know, He didn't say."

Sighing, Roderich closed his ledger book. "Alright." The exited the room and headed back to Lovino's office.

Roderich stood in front of the desk, declining the chair offered to him. "Is something the matter?" He asked.

Lovino nodded and shot a glance at Ludwig who had taken a seat next to the open window. "Feliciano is badly hurt." He said. Roderich nodded. "And as you know, a bomb was placed in his car, meaning that it was not an accident and that someone intentionally meant to do him harm." There was a moment's hesitation. "We just need to ask you a few questions. Where were you the night before?"

Roderich's eyebrows came together. "I was in the library." He said. "Am I a suspect."

Ludwig cleared his throat. "Maybe. We aren't for sure. Right now this is just rutein questioning."

Roderich bristled indignantly. "I see, well I was doing paperwork in the library that night."

"Did you see anyone on the lawn who wasn't supposed to be there?"

"No, the library windows face the back yard, not the front."

Ludwig watched Roderich's face intently. "Was anyone else in the library while you were there?"

"I suppose one of two people might have come through I don't really know."

"Any names you can give?"

"I'm sorry, I was very much immersed in my work."

Ludwig frowned. He knew enough about Roderich to know that he became oblivious to the world when he was focused on work. "I see." He got up and stood with his back to the window, enjoying the sun privately. "Well, I can't think of anything else." He said nodding at Lovino. "Do you have any more questions?"

Lovino shook his head but his eyes were narrowed. "You can go." He said, folding his hands and escorting them under his chin.

Roderich gave a curt nod as Ludwig escorted him to the door. "Thank you for your time."

Once the door was closed, they gave it a few minutes before Ludwig poured himself a drink. "What do you think?" He asked.

"His story has a lot of loop holes." Lovino examined his nails as he spoke. "Have someone tail him. I don't care wh but after a week report back to me."

Ludwig nodded. "Right away." He turned and started towards the door when Lovino called out after him.

"Oh, and Ludwig? Go and visit my brother, he's been asking for you."

Startled he nodded. "Of coarse." He felt a little guilt. He hadn't been to visit Feliciano for a few days.

"Oh, and write my Grandfather. I didn't tell him about this mess."

"I'll do that." He almost asked why he didn't write himself but stooped, it wasn't his place to ask and anyway, they had made some goo headway.

Hope you all liked the bit about Ludwig's father and the Vargas brother's Grandfather, I've hinted and mentioned how he feels like he owes Marcus, but I didn't feel that I'd really explained it.

Thanks for reading update will be on Sunday!