joen: ummm long time no see? i'm really sorry for not updating in a very long time, I guess life is hard? Or maybe not I guess I just read too much instead of writing hehehe


warning: bad grammar,spelling, punctuation etc...

Illusionary world

"Really even after death you still haunt us, isn't the guilt you made us carry for

the rest of our lives enough for you" mukuro snapped.

tsuna didn't say or do anything just watching his mist slowly breaking down in front of him as a small sad smile crept onto his face.

'Let it all out, all the pain and all the suffering you've locked inside behind your strong mask, let them out so you can move forward' tsuna thought.

"You enjoy watching our pain,it was you who brought everyone together and it was you who gave us happiness, warmth and a place to belong, it was you who gave us the burdens, it was you who broke us down till we are no longer are able to be put back again, it was you who made us suffer it was you who just have to be accepting and forgiving, how do you expect us to forgive ourselves when we were the ones who destroyed our own sky" mukuro yelled, his voice on the brink of breaking.

Tsuna lowered his head his hair covered his eyes and smiled.

'my dear mist you have held those feelings for far too long it's time to move forward and leave the past behind'

"Just shut it herbivore we said we won't mention that again" hibari carried chrome gently to a safe place to let her lie down.

Gokudera just glared at hibari not caring to taunt back.

"Maa maa how about be find away to get mukuro out of his illusionary space and save that kid before mukuro kills him née" Yamamoto said trying to break the tension

"Lambo-sama will just watch, Lambo-sama doesn't want to see hell again"

"Lambo you have to help" Ryohei called out from behind Lambo

"Gah ... Ryohei-niisan, don't scare me like that" Lambo jumped forward.

Ryohei gave Lambo a look which just screams 'you will be helping or you'll be training with me later' Lambo swallows nervously not wanting to train with the boxer later nodded his head.

Yamamoto laughed at the scene between the two, Gokudera just tched, hibari well being hibari ignored them.

"Ryohei-san please don't make Lambo-san train with your insane training he won't be able to stand it" a voice popped out of nowhere.

A wave of nostalgia washed over the group, how the voice and wording sounded so much like their sky but yet different. Turning around seeing the little boy standing next to mukuro who was lying face down on the floor. The groups eyes moved from mukuro to the boy to mukuro again and to the boy again trying to process what they are seeing.

"You..." Lambo manage to break the silence

"Yes?" the boy tilted his head


"Make proper sentences will you ahoshi no one can understand you" Gokudera said after hitting Lambo on the head.

"So what happened to mukuro?" Yamamoto pipped up from his thoughts

The boy tilted his head innocently "he collapsed, maybe he used to much of his flames"

"Weak pineapple herbivore"

"then let him rest that's all that we can do now" Ryohei exclaimed

"Idiot pineapple"

The boy giggled slightly at the scene by the looks of it the guardians are starting to act like they use to either that or they still the same when mukuro is involved.

"What's so funny?" Yamamoto said as he heard the giggles

"Oh nothing much all of you act like a close family just as my master said you do" the boy giggled again.

The remaining guardians just look at the boy with eyes widened in disbelief, how could their sky say those kind things about them even after all the horrible things they let him suffer through, but then again they know the answer their sky never blamed them, still accepted them and waited for them to return to his side till his death did they realize their faults.

'Oh my wonderful guardians, don't bottle up those regrets and dwell in the past, let them go and move forward'

The boy decided that the awkward silence was held long enough, running towards the guardian closest to him, who happened to be the rain guardian, and pulled his vest/blazer to gain his attention.

Yamamoto felt a light tug on his vest/blazer which snapped out of his musings and looked down to see the boy still grabbing on the side of his vest/blazer with what seemed like puppy eyes on his face.

" what is it little one" Yamamoto smiled while picking up the boy bringing up to his eye level

"Née née let's play a game" the boy said cheerfully as he holds on to Yamamoto

"Okay" Yamamoto let out a laugh "what do you want to play?"

"I want to play Catch" he said throwing both arms in the air
"YOU SAY WHAT!" Lambo and Gokudera both yelled out loud when they heard the words play and catch in the same sentence.


"Annoying" hibari just turned away thinking 'that kid is going to regret playing with the baseball herbivore'

Laughing whole heartily "sure why not, let's all play née" Yamamoto turned around to his fellow guardians to see for agreement.


"EXTREME PLAY" Ryohei yelled cutting Gokudera off while agreeing for everyone to join

"Yay we'll all play" the boy cheered while doing 'banzai banzai' motion

"Then it's decide let's go out back and play" Yamamoto laughed while Gokudera, hibari and Lambo giving him the 'you baseball freak just what the F*** are you doing' glare.

Without much hassle the trio went to the back of the mansion happily while the remaining three followed somewhat in an unwilling matter. It didn't take long for everyone to be outside in the sun, hibari found a lovely place up in the trees to take a nap, Lambo too chose to sleep under the shade of the tree, Yamamoto and Ryohei took out the baseball gloves and ball out of the storage and giving them to the boy and Gokudera to get ready.

"Is everyone ready?" Yamamoto said loudly while tossing the ball up and down.




"Okay here we go"

Yamamoto gripped the ball in his hand, his eyes sharpened, taking a perfect pitching stance and through the ball with dead accuracy at 200km/h towards the little boy. Seeing the speed the ball was throw his eyes widened it was coming too fast for him to catch instead of catching the ball and get hurt he wisely moved away from the ball's line of flight but cause of that small choice the ball is now headed towards the sleeping Lambo and hits him squarely in the face.

"Gotta ... stay ... Calm ..."

Joen: tell me what you think ?

reborn: how long does it take you to write Baka joen?

joen: not very long?

Reborn: then get started on the next chapter and update fast

joen: ha-hai *runs away to the computer*