I actually wasn't going to write this chapter. I was just going to leave off with the last chapter and decide that that was enough, but it didn't feel quite done. Warning: This chapter contains large amounts of fluff.

Starfire opened her eyes hesitantly. She was so comfortable. She rubbed her cheek against her pillow. She took in a sleepy pre-yawn breath and smiled giddily. Her pillow smelled like Robin. Her eyes fluttered open. That was when she remembered that her pillow was Robin. She was currently lying curled against him, using his chest as a pillow. She looked up at him and, to her embarrassment, found that he was already awake. He'd been just watching her.

"Good morning, gorgeous," he greeted her sleepily.

Starfire blushed. She knew that she was pretty decent looking, at least. She worked to maintain what she felt was a suitable level of attractiveness. She wasn't denying that. But she moved around a lot in her sleep. Her hair was falling in her face and her part was crooked, not to mention that it was tangled and poufy.

Robin seemed oblivious to all this and pressed his lips against her forehead.

"Good morning, Robin." She moved closer to him so that their heads were on the same level, instead of hers being at his chest level. They were lying on their sides, facing each other, and she put an arm over his shoulder and rested her wrist behind his neck. She kissed him gently and he slipped his hand under the covers to rest on the small of her back. She pulled back after a couple minutes and just let her own happiness diffuse a little. "Robin?"

"Yeah?" he asked, lacing his fingers through hers.

"I think that out of all of the mornings I have spent on Earth, this is turning out to be my favorite."

Robin raised an eyebrow at her skeptically. "What about when we had lunch in the park and you have mustard for the first time?" he countered.

"That was in the afternoon," she reminded him.

"It was at eleven! That's still morning." He smiled at her. "But that's okay. This might be my favorite morning, too."

She was almost overwhelmed by the desire to kiss him again, but somewhere in her mind she recognized the fact that they were going to have to get up eventually. "What time is it?" she asked.

"Why? Are you trying to get away from me?" Robin asked, rolling over so the he was looking down at her. He leaned over her to kiss her again.

Starfire giggled against his mouth. She pushed him away gently. "We must rise. Are we not expecting the Batman to come take the Red X back to Gotham this morning?"

Robin groaned and rested his forehead against his girlfriend's shoulder. "You're not doing a very good job of making me want to get out of bed. Can't we just spend all day doing this?"

"What?" she asked quizzically. "Prolonged lip contact? Will you not get tired of that?"

Robin laughed. "I don't think you have to worry about that, Star." He brushed his lips against hers quickly. He pushed himself into a sitting position.

Starfire giggled again. She was almost annoyed at herself for being reduced into a cuddly, giggly, kiss-craving mess so early in the morning, but she pushed it back. She was so happy, and she let herself really feel it because they never knew the next time Slade would attack or super-organizations of evil metahumans would attempt to kill them. The next time it did happen, she wanted to be able to remember mornings like this, where the first thing she saw as Robin's eyes and the first thing she tasted was the gentle press of his lips against hers and the first thing she felt was unabashed, unbridled love for someone who more likely than not was thinking the same thing.

She realized that she'd just been looking at him thinking all this, and she blinked slowly, trying to come up with a non-clingy explanation for why she was just staring at him in probably a goofily lovesick way.

He ran his hand through her hair. He was close enough to kiss her but he didn't because he was probably thinking the same thing that she was: that they needed to emerge from their cozy dream world and join everyone else in getting on with their day. "I love you," he murmured softly, caressing her check with his thumb.

"I love you, too," she purred back, sitting up and slipping her arms around his neck even though she probably shouldn't and kissing him deeply.

He put his hands on her waist and her whole world became Robin and she lost track of the seconds- or minutes- or hours- that they were kissing and was only able to break out of a weird kind of trance that was probably caused by a combination of the rush that came from kissing someone you really liked and the lack of quite enough oxygen that also came with really intense kissing when there was a metallic knock on the door.

"Um, Robin?" Cyborg's voice came through the door. "I'm really sorry to bother you… It's not an emergency… Red X wants me to loosen the cuffs and I figured I should run it by you first…" he explained hesitantly and apologetically.

Robin sighed. "Yeah, I'll be right there." He frowned at Starfire. "I'm gonna…"

She pushed him away from her. "I know. I am going to get changed. We have work that must be finished."

He looked suddenly serious. He brushed his fingers through his hair in an attempt to make it look like he didn't just roll out of bed.

He was going to have a difficult morning, at least emotionally. "How long do you think it will be until my room is fixed?"

He glanced at her as he picked his mask up off his dresser. "Uh… not sure. I have to send the claims to insurance first." He fitted it over his eyes and blinked once.

"Then I will sleep here again tonight?" she asked.

He smiled at her. "Well, you could go sleep in Beast Boy's room. He has a bunk bed, I think."

Starfire frowned at him. She knew that he was joking, but the thought of sleep in Beast Boy's room… with days-old pizza littered all over the floor and half-crushed energy drink cans covering his desk like a prized collection… "I think I would rather sleep outside."

Robin laughed as he fixed his cape onto the collar of his shirt. "See you," he said.

And he was gone. She was going to go back to her own room and get a clean uniform, maybe take a shower… She sighed and lay back on his bed. She straightened out the covers and tucked them neatly under the mattress. She combed her fingers through her hair self-consciously and hovered down the hall to her own room. Raven, whose hair was slightly damp from a shower, looked up at her in surprise.

"Good morning?"

"Good morning to you, too, friend!" Starfire greeted her happily.

"No, I mean… You seem really happy." Raven seemed somewhat confused.

"Um, yes!" the Tamaranean didn't know what else to say.

Raven nodded. "I'm glad. You've been really upset lately. I mean, from what I could tell…" she added quickly.

"Raven, you know that I do not mind it when you read my emotions," Starfire said gently.

The empath shrugged. "I know. I just don't want to feel like I'm invading your personal space. You're sleeping with Robin now?" That was one nice thing about talking to Starfire: there was no fear of her interpreting anything as an innuendo, even if it's intended to be.

"Yes! Until my room is fixed. I think."

Raven raised her eyebrows at her friend. "You know, I pretty much fixed the ops room, except for the couch. Robin must have forgotten to ask me to look at your room."

Starfire tilted her head. "Do you think so? I will ask him to look into it. Thank you for offering."

"No, Starfire, I was trying to tell you that I think… Uh… Never mind," she finished with a sigh.

Starfire continued down the hall, finally stepping through the door into her room. The walls were pock marked with burns from explosives and starbolts, and pieces of drywall littered the floor. There was on fist-sized hole that opened up into the hallway. In all honesty, she could have slept in here last night and she probably could manage sleeping in here tonight.

She grabbed a clean uniform from her closet and picked her hairbrush up off her dresser. She looked in her mirror, wondering exactly how bad her hair looked currently. She gasped, a scream stuck in her throat. She turned and blasted a starbolt at Red X. How did he get out of the cell in the interrogation room? Panic crept up her throat. Weren't Robin and Cyborg in there with him?

"Star? Starfire?" It was Beast Boy. He skidded to a stop at her doorway. "What's the matter?"

Starfire turned and pointed.

"Um, did the mask call you a bad name?" Beast Boy asked.

Starfire whirled around to where she saw Red X to find the mask laying on the floor where Robin had dropped it. She turned back to Beast Boy, embarrassed and upset. "I am sorry, friend, to have caused you concern needlessly. I thought-"

"Hey, Star, it's okay. Don't worry about it." He paused. "Actually, you could do me a favor and ask Robin to get Batman to autograph my picture!" He waggled his eyebrows at her hopefully as he held out the same picture he tried to trick Robin into taking back to Gotham.

She raised an eyebrow at him, but took the picture wordlessly.

"Yes!" he shouted, pulling his fist into his chest triumphantly.

Starfire sighed and gathered her things together for her shower. She took a quick one, because other people were waiting for the shower and because she wanted to grab some breakfast. She had cereal and coffee (which Cyborg made for her). She was right about liking coffee, but it made her very jittery. She didn't like that.

The energy from the coffee was conflicting with her powers. She kept charging starbolts in her hands, trying to release some of the energy.

"Star," Cyborg said gently after a few minutes of warily watching her, "no offense, but do you think you could go up to the roof and maybe shoot a few starbolts up there? …You're making me nervous in here."

She leapt up quickly. "Of course! I am sorry to have bothered you. I won't let it happen again. Thank you for the coffee, I appreciate it very much. It was delicious. How much caffeine did you say was in it again?" Her words were tumbling out of her mouth too quickly.

Cyborg narrowed his eye at her. "Too much. Sorry, star, but I think I'm cutting you off. Forever."

"Oh, but it is a pleasurable drink, and I am sure that if I tried less of it at once, it would make a pleasant food-"

"Food?" Cyborg asked, startled.

"I will be on the roof," Starfire said over her shoulder as she flew out of the ops room.

Actually, she probably should have gone to the training room. She charged up an unusually large amount of energy in her hands, letting it out slowly as she spun in a circle. This created a large starbolt. It wasn't easy to control the size of it, and it was even harder to throw, but it was a really good way to work off the excess energy.

A black shape appeared out of the corner of her eye. She spun quickly to face what appeared to be an anthropomorphic shadow suddenly looming in her peripheral vision. She didn't know how long it had been there. It couldn't have been long at all, she was just looking in that direction a second ago. Her eyes and hands were glowing fiercely, and her face was set in a vicious scowl. She gasped when she realized who it was, so startled that she fell out of the air, bruising her backside.

She scrambled to her feet. She couldn't tell if the person in front of her was amused or annoyed. "Forgive me. I did not realize that it was you."

He choose to observe her rather than answer her. It made her uncomfortable. He was looking at her closely in an analytical way. She fidgeted uncomfortably.

"I take it you're Starfire," he said at last, his voice surprisingly gruff.

"Yes, sir," she answered. He reminded her a lot of her own father in the way he commanded obedience without really trying- if you could call parading around in a Kevlar bat-themed suit with a fully stocked weapons belt and a car that shot missiles not trying.

"I've heard a lot about you," he told her.

Starfire blushed, to her horror. She tried to fight it away. "You have?"

Batman shrugged. "Well, Robin told me your name and the nature of your relationship. I researched the rest at the JLA satellite."

Starfire tried desperately to think of something to say.

"Considering that it came from Dick, I heard a lot about you," Batman offered, realizing that what he said might possibly be considered offensive.

Starfire just nodded. "Would you like for me to bring Robin to you, or take you inside?" she asked, desperately hoping that he would say yes to one of those so that they wouldn't have to stand next to each other and try not to be awkward.

"Thank you, but that won't be necessary."

She raised an eyebrow at him. How was Robin to know that he was here if he didn't-

Robin appeared on the roof, a bat-shaped object in his hand that Starfire had never seen before. His mouth fell open at the sight of them together. He looked from Starfire to Batman a few times.

Well, at least they all felt awkward about this.

"Starfire, this is Batman," he said finally, probably more because he felt that he was obligated to than because they didn't know who the other was. "Batman, Starfire." He gestured between the two of them.

Batman nodded.

Robin came up behind Starfire and put his hand on the small of her back, pushing her away from Batman to hiss, "You just let Jason roam the streets of Gotham after bringing him under months of your tutelage and expected him not to lash out in some way?"

Starfire wondered if she should leave, but Robin kept his hand firmly on her back. She wasn't even sure that he knew he was still doing it.

Batman narrowed his eyes at his protégé. "I wasn't aware that he proved too much for you to handle."

Robin narrowed his eyes right back, but he reined in the anger in his voice. "He wasn't. As is evidenced by the fact that we have him handcuffed and ready to hand back to you."

"Besides," Batman continued, "I don't know where he got the funds for that suit. You should probably be tracking down whatever madman is genius enough to make the suit and those weapons, but crazy enough to base it on a xynothium power core."

Robin opened his mouth to answer, then snapped it shut.

Starfire jumped in quickly. "I can assure you, sir, that the maker of that suit is no longer a danger to anyone around him. If you will excuse the mess, I would be most honored to take you to the interrogation room where we have been keeping Jason Todd." She smiled soothingly at her boyfriend and his adoptive father.

Batman shot Robin an unsure glance, before nodding once. "Go ahead."

Starfire walked ahead of the two of them, and they stayed silent. When she got to the door, she let Robin punch in the keycode and they all stepped inside. Robin flipped a switch on the wall, allowing Jason to see through the Plexiglas instead of just reflecting himself back at him.

Jason stood and peered through the glass at them. His eyes rested on Robin first, then Batman, and then, with a sigh of relief, he called, "Starfire."

She stepped away from him instinctively, even though there was bullet-proof Plexiglas between them, and he was weaponless and handcuffed.

"See?" Robin demanded irritably.

Batman turned to Robin. "You called me here because Jay has a crush on your girlfriend?" he asked critically.

Robin's mouth fell open. "No, I-! He's been stealing, he's screwing around with xynothium-"

The Caped Crusader ignored the point his protégé was making. "I have to tell you, I'm about as worried about Jay becoming a rapist as I am about you growing up to make a living by extorting money from circuses."

Robin frowned at him. "He either goes with you or he goes in jail. He's inspiring other thieves and criminals in Jump."

"Alright, I'll take him home. I'll put him under lockdown in the manor for a few months, but I am not letting him go free in the streets of Gotham. You think you can solve your problem by passing on your criminals to me? You think Gotham needs another criminal?" Batman demanded harshly.

Robin glared at him. "I have no problem putting Jason Todd, the son of Bruce Wayne, in jail in Jump. They'd probably ship him off to the juvenile center of the prison. I don't know how much you want that kind of publicity." Robin paused. When he continued, his voice was a little softer. "It's not about giving Gotham another criminal. It's about defending each city fairly."

Batman narrowed his eyes at his ex-apprentice. He reached his arm out slowly and put his hand on Robin's shoulder, like it was a gesture he knew he should be familiar with, but was out of practice in doing.

The Boy Wonder glanced at Starfire, and she suddenly felt like she was intruding. "Robin, I will go, uh, prepare Red- I mean, Jason- for transport."

He shot her an expression that seemed to combine concern and gratefulness. "Are you sure?"

She paused. It might have been teasing a hungry dog with food, but she wanted to see him one more time. She didn't have any real feelings for him, but she felt a twinge in her stomach when she thought of letting him leave without even saying anything. She felt somehow responsible for him. "Yes."

"Okay. You're going to want to change those cuffs. The others are in the closet there, and-"

"It's okay, Robin," she interrupted gently. "I am capable."

He glanced at the ground and she turned away from the Dynamic Duo to a storage closet behind them. The reason they had to switch cuffs on outgoing criminals was because the ones the Titans fitted on their 'overnight guests' were set to have an alarm go off if they got outside of the interrogation room. For obvious reasons, they had to take those before they left. The handcuffs she was getting from the closet were equipped with a tracking system, which the Titans found convenient for transport.

She grabbed them off the top shelf and let herself into the cell.

"You met the old man, I see," Jason remarked after the door was shut behind her.

"Yes. He is… nice."

Jason laughed. "Oh, Princess, you try so hard to be nice to everybody that you turn yourself into a liar."

She frowned at him. "I am here to take your handcuffs off."

He raised his eyebrows at her. "I'm wearing handcuffs and a hot girl has the key in her hand… This has to be some weird dream."

She ignored him. She slid the key into place and as soon as he could move his arms freely, he rubbed his wrists, sighing. "You are hurt?" Starfire asked guiltily.

He looked up at her, a pleased smile on his face. "No, but my wrists've been itching me." He stretched his shoulders and she heard multiple tiny cracks. "God, it feels good to move again."

Starfire looked regretfully down at her hands.

"Can't I just get a couple of minutes of freedom?" Jason asked. His tone was playful, but she didn't think he was really joking. She glanced at the Plexiglas. Robin and Batman were talking, so she had time. Besides, she still had something she wanted to say to the thief.

"I have been thinking…" she began.

"About you and me? I'm flattered, but what would Dickie say? Not that I care, it's just fun imagining it."

Starfire ignored him. "Why did you say that you loved me?"

Jason's dark eyes rounded in surprise, then narrowed. "Why are you asking me that?"

Starfire looked at her feet and kicked at a scuff mark on the floor. "I do not know how much about my past you really know, but I am guessing that you know about Tamaran. We take emotions much more seriously there. For someone to say that they love you is not to be taken lightly. I am aware that it is not quite the same here, but still I wonder if you meant it."

He paused, calculating. "Okay, so maybe I don't love you. I think you're really hot. And I think that you have this great personality- that you've seen a lot of shit and you don't let it get you down. At first I started to look at you because Dick was, and I thought it would be fun to piss him off. But then I started to think-" He cut himself off and looked at her for a little bit longer than was comfortable.

"I don't love you. But I think that if things were different, I could. Very easily. But it's not even Important, because you hate me, so…"

"I do not!' Starfire assured him quickly. He raised an eyebrow at her doubtfully. "You have angered me, and I think you are rude. But you seem confused to me. I think that all of this is a cry for help."

He looked angry at her for saying that, and then he paused. He opened his mouth to answer her, but before he could, he closed it again. "I think Dick's getting impatient," he said.

"What?" she asked. Jason jerked his chin at the Plexiglas and Starfire turned to look. Robin was looking at her, a slightly pained expression on his face. She quickly turned Jason around and slipped the new handcuffs over his wrists, clicking them in place. She made them a little bit looser than they were before.

He gave her a small smile. "Thanks, Princess."

Starfire led him over to the door and Robin yanked it open, letting them out. She took her place next to her boyfriend while Jason stood next to his adoptive father, looking very much like a kid afraid to be grounded.

Robin nodded at his mentor. "Well, you know where all the doors are. And windows. Do you want me to walk you back to the roof, or do you want me to turn around so you can disappear enigmatically?" he asked bitterly.

"Hey!" Jason interrupted. "Don't I get a kiss for the road?" he leaned forward and puckered his for effect.

Robin tensed up next to Starfire, but didn't move. Batman yanked Jason behind him. "Goodbye. It was nice meeting you," he said to Starfire automatically. She bowed her head in response. This show of respect made Batman smile a little. "I like her," he said to Robin. "She's respectful. You could probably stand to learn something from her."

Not bothering to gage robin's response, he turned and started to walk toward the door. "Goodbye. Good luck," he said over his shoulder.

"Yeah, you too," Robin muttered back.

When they were out of sight, Starfire felt Robin wilt with relief beside her. After a few seconds, she turned to face him and gingerly reached back for the edge of his mask.

"Hey! What-?"

"I just want to see," she soothed as she drew it away from his eyes.

She pressed his mask into his hands. His eyes were bright blue, like a clear sky reflected over ice. She should have known when she first saw Jason's eyes that it wasn't him. Jason's eyes were so dark and stony. Robin's, though, were so bright. A beacon of light amid his other features- usually a worried scowl, his dark hair, the black of his cape… He could get so caught up in his work and could get thrown into such deep spells of melancholy and anger, but it never changed the fact that he exuded goodwill. She wondered now if the brightness there was what held him together. Maybe that was why Jason had become a thief and Robin moved on from that to remain a superhero.

"Starfire," he mumbled, his voice soft and gentle, "you're staring at me."

She hadn't even noticed. She refocused her gaze. "Are you okay?" She was worried that he might be a little moody after his encounter with the Dark Knight.

He just smiled at her. "Yeah, I am." His smile grew wider. "He likes you. Which isn't really surprising, because everybody should. But if anybody didn't, it would be him. And he does, so…" Robin let his voice trail off. He traced his thumb over her cheekbone, concern flickering in his eyes. "Are you okay?

She paused. What she had said was true- she really didn't hate Jason. She wished that none of that had happened, but it did, and she didn't want to change that. She felt even closer to Robin than she did before. "Yes. Yes, I am." She grinned back at him, assuring him that even though she paused, her answer was genuine.

Hooray! My first multichapter Teen Titans fic to be published to the site. Thanks for reading it! Feedback is appreciated! Sorry for hitting you over the head with eye color related symbolism. It had to be done. Do you think adding this last chapter was better, or should I have just left it at nine? Let me know in the reviews!