A long time ago; before you, before me, before most of us there was a powerful sorcerer. His name was Pariah Dark the Wizard King. He was a wizard of such power and magnitude that he could do anything. His rule was absolute until a group of ancient and powerful wizards banded together in a last ditch effort to defeat the king! By locking him up in the sarcophagus of forever sleep. With the King defeated his empire crumbled and soon several smaller kingdoms rose. One such kingdom is the peaceful Kingdom of Amity Park. And this is the story its protectors the mysterious warrior only known as the Paladin and his familiar the Phantom.

At the boarder of Amity Park and the Dragon Kingdom

"Sir the Dragon knights have overrun our eastern flank we have to retreat!" the scout reported.

"Negative, we are all the stands between that invading army and our homes! So we stay here and fight to the death!" The Old Knight ordered.

"Forget this! You're on your own Sir Lancer!" a young knight said as he fled the battlefield. "Right behind you!" another knight yelled following the first deserter.

"Sir Dash! Sir Kwan! Get back here and die with the rest of us!" Sir Lancer demanded until he noticed that the enemy has now completely surrounded him. "Oh great tragedy of Cleopatra!" he cried wishing he had left with Dash and Kwan. As he and what was left of his men braced for the end a green firewall erupted between him and his enemies.

"Are you guys alright?" asked a little girl with snow white hair, dressed in black and white clothing, with green flame emanating from her body, hovering directly above them.

"You you're the Phantom," Sir Lancer said in amazement.

"Yup," the girl confirmed. "and he's the Paladin!" she said pointing to a seven foot knight dressed in full black and white armor literary swatting the dragon knights away like if they were flies! "Look we've got this so you guys better fall back!"

"Thanks for you offer but we're not just going to leave this to you two. MEN TO ARMS!" Sir Lancer ordered. Seeing the Paladin joining the battle renewed the solider's hope and fighting spirit. Soon they began screaming cheers and battle cries as they rejoined the battle.

Meanwhile at the Dragon knights' camp, one man was carefully observing the battle through a telescope. Seeing his men being tossed about like toys confirms the rumors of the Paladin's power. And his little familiar, the girl called Phantom. Her fire magic is indeed impressive, but something more intriguing caught his attention. "Lord Masters, shall we send in reenforcements?" one of his aides asked him. "No signal a retreat," Masters ordered.

"But sir the king..." the aid stuttered. Vlad Masters glared at the poor man. He could understand their fear, the king is not one to tolerate failure nor is he one to show mercy. "Do not worry I'll take responsibility," Vlad promised. His aids looked at each other nervously before retrieving some horns. After sounding the horns the Dragon Knights quickly began to abandon the battlefield and retreat back to their territory.

"VICTORY!" Sir Lancer announced at the sight of the retreating enemy.

"Yes victory," the Paladin agreed.

"Brave knight I thank thee on behalf of my men and the Kingdom of Amity Park," Sir Lancer said saluting his savior. "Her royal majesty Princess Samantha has been hoping to meet with you..."

The Paladin raised his hand cutting Lancer off. "Give her my regards but I have no intentions of meeting with her or swearing allegiance to your kingdom. I fight for my own purposes." And with that Paladin jumped on his horse and rode off with his familiar Phantom flying right behind him.

"The Princess is not going to like this," Sir Lancer sighed.

After riding several miles from the battlefield, Phantom cast a portal spell which transported her and Paladin to the stables in Amity Park. Making sure no one was around the two revered back into their normal forms of Danny Fenton the 5'5" tall cripple stable boy and his young cousin Dani Fenton. "Well that was fun," the little girl said excitedly.

"Yeah now back to our day job," Danny said sadly as he picked up a shovel. Today is the day that he's suppose to shovel manure.

"You know being the Paladin could be your day job if you let Princess Sam know about you," a friendly voice suggested. The two turned around to see their good friend and only one who knows their identity, Tucker the Royal Jester.

Danny recalled the good old days when he, Tucker, and Princess Sam were playmates and best of friends. Danny even promised to one day to become a great knight to protect her and her kingdom. But then during a training exercise Danny broke his leg crippling him. Since he could no longer be a knight Sam made him the stable boy instead. At the same time the one responsible for crippling him was promoted to knighthood. She told him that because of the war with the Dragon Kingdom she needs as many capable knights as possible, even if she finds them distasteful. The memory of that betrayal still hurts him. "Sorry Tucker but no thank you!" Danny said as he hobbled towards the manure pile.

"You can't stay mad at her forever Danny," Tucker pleaded. "And I can't keep this secret either!"

"But Tucker your our friend and you promised," Dani begged.

"Yes but I'm also Sam's friend and her royal jester," Tucker pointed out. "So that means it's also my royal obligation to report you to her. Otherwise I'm committing treason."

Danny sighed sadly. He wasn't ready to forgive Sam but at the same time he didn't want to get Tucker in trouble. "I'll think about it. Just give me a little more time."

Meanwhile at the Dragon Castle, King Argon roared with rage over the loss at the battle. "How dare you all return after your failure. I should have you all executed!"

"Please forgive them your majesty. It was I who called retreat." Vlad Masters said stepping forward.

"You how dare you overstep my authority. Tell me why should I not kill you here and now!" Aragon demanded.

"Well sire it's the Paladin..."

"Paladin!" Aragon yelled. "That pesky knight has been a thorn in my sides since he showed up!"

"Yes, well I have discovered something interesting about our adversary." Vlad pulled out a crystal ball which showed an image of the Phantom.

"His little familiar so what?" Aragon said losing his patients.

"Look closer at her head," Vlad suggested zooming in on her forehead.

Aragon studied the image then gasped as he saw a tiny D with a P inside it branded on the girls forehead. "The Mark of Pariah Dark!" Aragon exclaimed.

"Yes, I believe that either Phantom or Paladin must have a Relic," Vlad grinned.

King Aragon pondered for a minute before saying, "Get me the Hunters!"


A/N: I hope you all enjoyed my first chapter of Danny Paladin. This is my first attempt at making an AU. Just to clarify any confusion. Yes this setting is medieval times, and there are no ghosts! All the ghost characters will be wizards instead. With the exception of two, you see the reason why in later chapters. While Dani is called Phantom in her alter ego but technically she is a wizard. And Yes the famous DP logo stands for Pariah Dark, the crest of the Wizard King. Which will also be explained in more detail in later chapters. If any of you have any more questions about this world feel free to ask. I will try to answer without spoiling too much.