Chapter One

You'd think dropping everything and moving across the world would be upsetting to someone. Having to leave behind family, friends and the home you've always known. Leaving behind everything you've ever known. Going to a place that's totally different than where you lived. Having to learn a new language to communicate better and learning the ways of the country.

Well, I'm not.

In fact that's the reason why I'm moving. To get away from everything and everyone. Don't worry; I'll save you the gruesome and gory details. You don't need to know, nor does anyone else.

So here I am, staring at the place I once called home, not even flinching, knowing I'm never coming back. The surprisingly cool weather for Florida makes me nervous as I gaze at the house. I turn and make my way towards the cab that's waiting to take me to the airport. Gladly, I didn't have a car to begin with so I don't have to worry about how to get it all the way to Sweden.

Yes, Sweden.

Why? I figured someplace new, totally new and different. Not just somewhere that is only a thousand miles away, but somewhere with a new everything. Language, government, currency, customs, and most importantly, people.

The cab takes off once I tell him where I need to go. Not even sparing a backwards glance at the now empty house when the yellow car turns the corner, making it disappear from view.

I look down at the medium sized faded dark blue backpack that's resting in my lap. I don't need anything else; just some clothes, my phone, ipod and wallet. Everything else will be bought once I reach my new apartment in Gothenburg. I don't need a reminder of this place, or what happened, so I'm leaving everything besides bare essentials behind.

Sighing, I lean my head against the cold window and watch as my breath fogs that escapes from under my mask fog it up. Reaching a finger up, I draw two dots for eyes, and a straight line for the mouth. Just like my Cry mask.

I wear a mask, all the time. My mask is pure white. Not a single scratch or unwanted dent on it. The only color on my mask is a straight, deliberate, black line for the mouth. The eyeholes are a bit awkward, since you can see my eyes instead of a black material covering them. I only take it off if absolutely necessary. Like when I have to go through security when I get to the airport. I'm not looking forward to it, but all I need to do is a quick flash before I enter the metal detectors to the guy taking tickets and it will be over.

I'm sweating just thinking about having to leave my only thing to keeps me at a distance from everyone else.

As for why I call it 'Cry mask' is because I never give out my real name. I've learned that the hard way. I go by Cry, which is another reason for my heart to speed up and my breath to quicken at the thought of someone briefly glancing at my ID in the airport. Even that's too many people knowing.

'Just remember Cry, after going through the airport you will finally be in Sweden. It's worth showing your face and revealing your name for a brief second.' I remind myself to calm my raging nerves.

"Hey kid we're here."

I look up quickly out the window. Damn, I must have really been really deep in thought.

Giving the balding cab driver a twenty before he can comment about my mask, I throw the car door open, carelessly toss the backpack over my right shoulder and slam the door shut.

Pushing the airport doors open and waiting in line to go through security since I only have a carry on, I feel the curious and freaked out stares from the people around me. I ignore them, which isn't hard considering I've worn my mask for...awhile.

Finally making it to the bored looking, bubble gum popping women receiving tickets and license, I hand them over. Judging by the stare she's giving me, I quickly pull my white mask up, just long enough to show her I'm not a suspicious person. Well, not suspicious enough to take down a plane and kill everyone inside it.

She reluctantly nods and I pull my mask down, very aware of the perspiration that's forming on my palms. She gives me my ticket and license back and I go to the next step, relieved to have that over.

After getting my backpack checked I sit down in my plane area, apprehensively waiting for it to start boarding so I can get the hell out of here. I brush my brown hair out of the front of the eyeholes and remind myself to get a haircut once I get settled in my new apartment.

I once again ignore the stares and whispers around me and impatiently wait.


The screen above the entrance to the boarding dock to the plane flashes, notifying everyone the plane is now boarding.

Handing over the A-3 ticket to the lady standing there, I shuffle the backpack to my left shoulder and walk down the jet bridge to my only way out of here.

Once I'm in the plane I find A-3, luckily a window seat. I'm both excited and nervous to finally get out of America and into Sweden. Finally leaving that behind and starting anew. No one will know me, or have heard anything about me. I will be an insignificant person to Gothenburg. Just another human being to all the Swedes. Well one that always wears a mask…but that's not the point. The point is nothing will matter what happened in Florida.

I let out an excited gasp as the plane finally takes off. Staring out the small window and not sparing the person beside me a single glance. Pulling out my ipod I place the white headphones in my ears and put it on shuffle. Using the cold window as a pillow, albeit a hard, rough, freezing one, I close my eyes and let myself get a few hours' sleep before the plane lands. Hoping I don't continue my nightly routine of waking up and unintentionally scaring the shit out of the people around me due to my own freak out.

I awake abruptly to a hand shaking my left shoulder.

"The plane has landed sir, you need to get off."

Surprised I can hear him I realize my earphones fell out and are now hanging down my light blue cardigan.

"Thanks." I mumble out and he nods, going back behind the curtain to the back of the plane. Grabbing my stuff I put the ipod back in my backpack and throw it over my shoulder. Stretching, I make my way off the plane and out of the jet bridge into the Sweden airport. It's raining and dark considering it's nighttime, but I've always loved the rain. It's…comforting in a way.

Taking in everything new, I head out the exit and haul another cab.

My chest feels lighter and my head less foggy. I did it. I finally did it! No more Florida. I feel like crying tears of happiness to be rid of that hell hole. Everything is completely different than back there. It's busy and there are a lot of people but I can tell it will be better.

When one finally stops for me, I open the door and tell him the address. He nods and we're on our way. I smile and hug my arms around myself in hopes of warming up a little. Thunder booms in the sky and I take a moment to look out the window. The soft, steady, large drops of water cascading down the window lets me know I will like it here.

It's very different than Florida, which is why I picked it.

Having already switched all of my money to kronor1 besides the twenty for the cab back in America, I hand him the appropriate amount when we arrive to my apartment. Grey, almost black clouds slowly move overhead, while the thunder storm shows no sign of passing any time soon.

I thank him and step out of the car. Grabbing my backpack and assessing the building. It's actually a complex full of small apartments. The building is a faded tan color, obviously not new, but well kept. Dozens of windows that are parallel to each other decorate the building. The wet sidewalk leading up to the complex is narrow and weeds are growing out some of the cracks. Bright lightning strikes and lights up the sky for a brief moment, followed by thunder, as I make my way towards the complex.

At that moment I don't care I'm soaking wet through my clothes and I'll most likely get a cold if I stand outside any longer. Everything is perfect.

I'm sure if anyone could see my face, they would think I'm insane, due to the very wide smile that refuses to leave my face.

"Home sweet Home."


1Sweden Currency