"Come on I would like to get to know you, so how was your day?" asked the salmon hair boy.

"O you know the usual getting picked by some random stranger and getting ordered to marry them in a year, so you know" the blond replied sarcastically.

"Come on I'm serious I'm interested in you and I want to get to know you"

"Ok I not interested in you and I don't want to know you".

Ouch that had to hurt

Now wait


Your probably wondering how this happened… now let's start from the beginning. It was bright, sunny day as Lucy Heartfilia an 18 year girl who lived in an orphanage got ready to start her day.

Today wasn't any different

A family would come in look at each girl, they get your hopes up and they don't pick you.

That's how it worked

Until today…

"Come on girls we have a very special surprise" said in a happy voice. "Today Ingeel CEO of Flamin Fire and his son Natsu are coming in to pick a bride". Every girl dropped what they were doing and their mouths hanged open. Lucy had heard of that company the company that had made their own fire for houses all over the world.

But Lucy knew the drill, she stopped getting her hopes up a long time ago. Why here? What was so special about this place? She didn't say anything through she got dressed in a red tank top and a blue skirt.

Then they all heard a ding, each girl got off their bed and lined up. Now entering the door was the CEO Ingeel and his salmon hair son Natsu. Something told her he didn't want to be here either. Now as he went down the line of girls, Lucy got more nervous. Why was she, she knew wasn't going to get picked.

Now all they needed was his answer…

"I… I pick her" Natsu replied while pointing at Lucy.

What her…HER was so special about her. But she had no choice to obey and go.

"Come girl don't be scared" Ingeel said. And she listened, she said bye to all her friends. And left arm in arm with Nastu.

Ok… Ok now we are caught on to the story now.

Now after hours of driving they arrived at their house. Where a blue cat came out and greeted Natsu.

"Hey Natsu and who's that"

"Hi Happy and that's my soon-to be bride Lucy"

"Lucy this is Happy my best friend"

"Oh hi I'm Lucy you know soon to be bride"

"Sadly" Lucy muttered under her breath.

"Now let's take a tour shall we" Ingeel said

Now their house really was great it was so big and looked polished. So after an hour they had finished the tour. "Now I would like you guys to get to know each other so for the next couple hours I will lock you guys in a room and you will talk" Ingeel

Now in the room

"So" Natsu said awkwardly while rubbing the back of his head.

"I don't like you" Lucy said in annoyed tone

"Hey well I'm not a ball of sunshine either trust me if it wasn't for my foster dad I would be marrying someone else"

Now that hurt


"Well I'll start Ingeel is my foster dad".

"Um my parents died when I was 4"

"See now were getting somewhere"

"Oh shut up and say something"

"I am part of a guild called Fairy Tail"

"I have a question why did you pick where I lived?

"I don't know something just drew me there and you're not like other girls who are stuck up and stuff like that"

"Can we leave this room now?"

"Probably not he wants us to talk"

"What's a guild?"

"Kind of like a club where everyone hangs out".

"So I hear were supposed to get married in a year"

"Yea not a lot of time to make someone fall in love with you"

"Yea… this is so awkward"

"Finally you guys have gotten somewhere, now we can go it dinner" Ingeel said yelling to get their attention.

"Yay now let's eat" Natsu said while taking Lucy's hand and running down to the dining hall. It was so beautiful, wooden tables, but the best part was it was like back in the day when there was princess and princes and king and queens. Lucy was in awe, her eyes got big and her mouth hung open.

"Cool right?" asked Natsu. And Lucy just nodded because she was still in awe. And now they began eating Lucy used all her best manners and Natsu… well he was eating like a pig, she didn't see why it had to her.

Now they went to the common room. Where they sat and in silence and did nothing.




It was so silent they could hear the rain and their breathing. God why can't they play a board game, or I spy for a fire dragon slayer Natsu was so quiet. Now she couldn't take it anymore she was going to speak up.


"Can we please do something fun!" Lucy yelled

"Well what do you suggest" Natsu snorted back. Damn… something about the boy made her want to kick him in the face and others places.

"Don't you guys have a board game of something like that".

"I think we have clue".

"Well then get it" Lucy commented

"Why me!"

"Because you know this place better than I do" she said


"I hope you trip"

"Well me too!" "Wait that came out wrong"

"To bad, now get the game."

Now after five hours they played three rounds of clue and Lucy won all of them. Natsu swore she was cheating, then Lucy wacked him on the back of his head. But then the incoming fight got interrupted by Ingeel.

Now as she put on her nightgown she realized that tomorrow the real adventures begins and…

She has only a year…

A year to fall in love with him…

Or be married to him when she doesn't love him…

Only a year…

So thats the first chapter sorry for any errors and if it kind of seems rushed but if you dont get it I'll explain it Lucy Heartfilia was picked to marry Nastu Drageel and their going to be married in a year so she has to fall in love with Natus or marry him when she doesn't love him. So R&R