AN: Hey everybody! This is my first EVER FanFiction so I'm hoping you guys like it! I am such a HUGE fan of Ren and Kyoko and I JUST COULDN'T WAIT for chapter 195 to come out, so I decided to write my own ending. Please read and review! I'm open to any criticism as long as you agree with me. Just kidding!...maybe…

This story takes place right after chapter 194. If you haven't read it yet, I strongly suggest you do! And if you haven't read any Skip Beat chapters at all then I suggest you stay out of my sight unless you live near a hospital. :D Enjoy!

I do not own Skip Beat. Obviously. *falls to knees and dramatically asks "Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"*

'This…isn't Cain Heel. But…it isn't Tsuruga-san either... It's almost like…he's…another person…'

Kyoko was pinned underneath Ren, and both were currently playing their Heel sibling roles. But things had quickly changed when Kyoko's phone went off and "her brother" threw it across the room in a jealous rage. He was now on top of Kyoko, demanding answers as to why she had been in contact with Sho Fuwa. Kyoko was shocked at how the situation turned out. It didn't even feel like they were acting anymore. She was starting to get nervous.

Suddenly, Kyoko realized why she felt so anxious. She remembered this feeling…she had felt it when she watched her beloved sempai fight those hoodlums that hit on her in her Setsu outfit. How could she forget? His face was permanently etched into her mind. His fluid movements, that terrifying scowl, and those eyes... Kyoko had never seen a man so focused on hurting someone else. The eyes that were so kind and gentle had turned into something totally different, as if they had seen other violent situations before and were used to it. They were indifferent, yet determined. They were possessive, and they didn't let any action go unnoticed. When they turned their attention towards you, you were struck with fear and you couldn't look away, because they spoke a silent message to you: "You are mine."

And now those eyes were focused onto a new victim, and while they didn't show any murderous intent, they did make it evident that they planned to devour.

"You're…not answering me? Can you even deny it?" Ren accused as he held "his sister" down on the bed. He clenched his jaw, furious. Furious at Sho Fuwa for placing himself in Kyoko's heart, furious at Kyoko for allowing him in, and last of all, furious at himself for breaking character and forcing the only woman he ever loved to explain herself. He knew Kyoko was freaking out, and he also knew that demanding answers from her about her relationship with Fuwa would confuse her and possibly complicate the already delicate relationship that she had with Ren, but he didn't care. He just couldn't stand the closeness between her and that stuck up teen singer. Somehow, one way or another, Ren was going to make her realize what Sho was doing to her and separate her from that arrogant brat for good.

"Why are you asking me this now?" Ren heard Kyoko say with her velvety Setsu voice. He was so busy contemplating how he would carry out his plan that he didn't realize the roles had been reversed. Whereas before Ren was on top of Kyoko, interrogating her with the power of brute strength, Kyoko had somehow managed to flip him onto his back and was now straddling him and licking her lips. 'I need to figure out why Tsuruga-san is acting this way,' Kyoko thought. 'Perhaps he's added a second personality to Cain Heel that I wasn't aware of? Or maybe this is a second personality of Tsuruga-san… Whatever the case is, I want to learn more about this man. If anyone can squeeze information from a man, it would be Setsuka.'

"Are you jealous, nii-san? It's a good look. It suits you. Maybe I should get calls from insolent stalkers more often…" Setsu giggled. Then she pouted confusedly. "But...nii-san…you weren't like this before. You were never this animated when the boys at school got too close. Perhaps you're finally realizing…what…we…could…be…hmm?" Setsu emphasized every pause with a perfectly manicured point to Cain's chest.

Ren's eyes widened at Kyoko's straight-forwardness. Was his innocent angel really this capable of being so seductive? The thought put Ren on edge as he imagined her looking at Sho Fuwa with the same predatory gaze. His eyes narrowed and he snatched the tiny wrist in front of him. He pulled Kyoko down so that her face was merely inches away from his. "Don't change the subject. What were you doing with that snot nosed brat? How did he ever get you into his car?" Ren breathed his words onto Kyoko's face, intending for them to be threatening. To his surprise, however, Kyoko smirked. "Now who's changing the subject? Why are you so adamant about denying your feelings? I know you want me. Why else would be acting this way?" She straightened and flipped her hair back for emphasis. "But, if I'm wrong and you don't want me, then I suppose I could call that insistent stalker back and have some fun." Kyoko had planned on exposing Ren's alternate character by making him jealous. She thought she could handle whatever answer "Cain" gave her, but she forgot all about the Emperor of the Night.

Ren tried to keep his cool throughout Kyoko's little speech, but hearing her considering running off to Fuwa was the straw on the camel's back. Envisioning Kyoko in her Setsu outfit meeting up with that hormonal volcano was enough to bring Kuon out. Ren flipped Kyoko so that he was on top again. "So you want to know how I feel about you, hmm?"

Kyoko smiled, unaware of the present danger. "Hit me with your best shot."

Kyoko's words made Kuon angry somehow. He didn't like to be demeaned. He needed to gain control of situation again. He wasn't used to losing a fight. Growling, he came down on her and crushed her smile with the fiercest kiss he could muster. 'Interesting…' Kyoko thought. 'So Tsuruga-san really did create and alternate Cain. The original Cain would never hurt his sister like this.' Kuon darted his tongue into Kyoko's mouth. Kyoko blushed. 'Tsu-Tsuruga san! No, wait…Cain nii-san…' Although she was acting, she hadn't prepared herself for such passion. Still, she reminded herself that she was just acting after all. 'I…I have to kiss him back…but how? He won't let me!' Kyoko winced as Kuon's kisses became rougher, deeper.

"Nng…nii-san? Ouch!" Kyoko exclaimed as Kuon bit down on her lip. He gazed up at her through his eyelashes. "What?" he said. "You wanted to know how I felt about you, and I'm showing you. I'm just doing what you asked me to. You're right; I don't know why I ever kept my feelings down for so long. It feels so good to let them out. Have you ever been kissed like this? Surely you have, what with all those 'insistent stalkers.' Well, too bad for them. They're never going to be able to touch you as well as I'm going to. I'm going to make you mine tonight, and by the time I'm through with you, you'll forget you ever even gave them a second glance."

Kuon's words had the desired effect. Kyoko trembled. Make her his? What did that mean? She didn't mean for things to get this far. She had to stop him somehow. But he was just…too…strong…!

Kuon smiled evilly as he watched the little girl squirm uncomfortably underneath him. He wouldn't let her get her way this time. Slowly, he guided Kyoko's wrists to the top of the headboard, forcing them above her head. Holding both her wrists in one hand, he used the other to caress her pale cheek. Gently, he replaced his hand with his lips and kissed Kyoko on the sensitive spot right below her ear on her jaw. He then moved his hand bit by bit down her arm…then her stomach…then her waist…slowly feeling her smooth skin as if he were too shy to touch it. He stopped mid-thigh, admiring the easy access of her outfit. Chortling, he whispered, "I can feel you quivering. Is it excitement? Or fear?" he pulled himself closer to her. "The first thing we need to do," he said huskily. "…is get these bothersome clothes off!" Kyoko's eyes widened. "No!" she screamed. What was he thinking?! Kyoko couldn't possibly give herself to a man whom she was only acting with! He should have known that better than anyone, considering it was he whom she promised to keep her chastity. Faced with the not-so-thrilling prospect, Kyoko suddenly found the strength to push Kuon off of her. Feeling the tears stinging at the back of her eyes threatening to spill over, she ran to the balcony. She didn't want him to see her cry and realize just how much power he had over her. Flinging open the sliding glass door, Kyoko ran to the edge of the railing, not caring about the chilling night air, and focusing instead on taking deep breaths to calm herself down.

Kyoko couldn't believe that her sempai would go to such lengths just to stay in character! To think that he would actually consider sleeping with Kyoko, even though they were acting, just for the sake of fulfilling a role made Kyoko wonder exactly how serious Ren was about acting. It both frightened her and filled her with admiration. Just then, Kyoko felt a shiver run down her spine.

"You shouldn't be out here without a coat. You know how sensitive your skin gets…" Kuon wrapped his arms around Kyoko, tightly. "Of course, I could just warm you up myself…"

Kyoko Shrugged Kuon off. "Stop…you…with me…this is wrong, and you know it. I'm sorry I ever suggested it." Ren sensed the double meaning in her words, and it hurt him. He couldn't stand the distance between them, and it wasn't just physical. Kyoko had never seen him as a man; only a teacher. Kuon fumed as he grabbed Kyoko's shoulder and spun her around.

"I'm tired of your teasing. You walk around in these skimpy little outfits and you hang on to me any chance you get, and you expect me to just sit here and do nothing? You said it yourself. Why should I keep my distance?" He backed her up into the railing, trapping her in his arms. Kyoko's heart thumped in her chest.

"I have to…go…cook dinner…" Kyoko stuttered as she tried to escape, but Kuon's strong arms shoved her back.

"Cain!" Kyoko's eyes snapped shut as her head was jerked back and her Setsu wig got knocked off. Her eyes widened as she leaned over the rail and tried to catch it. When it fell to the street below, both she and Kuon stared at it for a full minute. She turned towards him with enlarged eyes, wondering how Ren would react to the change in script. As they made eye contact, Ren blinked as he finally realized just what he was doing to Kyoko and resurfaced, pushing Kuon back into the shadows. He cleared his throat.

"I…um…your hair looks a little messed up," Ren said, expressionless. He turned away swiftly and crawled into bed, secretly panicking and thinking of how he could possibly fix the situation.

After Ren walked off, Kyoko released the breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Walking across the hotel room, she grabbed a blanket to cover her hair with and went to retrieve the wig, hoping that the drama with the Heel siblings was over. 'I'll never use Setsu to interrogate her brother ever again.'

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the stressed actors, a camera flashed on a discreet street corner nearby, capturing every moment of the tense encounter and recording it for future reference.