Charlaine Harris owns almost everything. I own the rest.

My darling SeriousCrush has been ill for the better part of three weeks now and was not able to edit this chapter. All mistakes are my own.

This is the last chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this little story!

The Tilted Kilt Chapter 14

Eric's POV

Her mouth opened, as if she was going to say something, but then she kissed him instead. She was sweet and warm. He couldn't get enough.

*MA content has been edited to satisfy FFn guidelines. Please visit my blog for the full unedited story at MySecretOFanFiction dot wordpress dot net *

He licked her wound and then he healed her with a drop of his blood.

Sookie's eyes were closed and her skin glowed. Her beauty was amplified by the smile that seemed to touch every part of her face.

A strand of her golden hair clung to her forehead. Eric moved it and then traced the contour of her face. "So beautiful."

Her eyes fluttered open and the skin around them creased as her smile deepened. "Thank you." She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close so she could nuzzle into his chest. "Now I can see what all the fuss is about." His skin muted her words.

"What fuss?" He lifted away from her so he could see her face.

She smiled again. "Sex. I never understood why it was such a big deal. Feeling is a lot different than seeing it from someone else's mind."

"Thank you for feeding me." His fangs descended at the thought.

Sookie giggled and touched them with her fingertips. "I hope I didn't leave you wanting more."

His hair brushed against her arm as he shook his head. "I have never been more satisfied in my life."

"That makes two of us." She grinned.

*.*. *.*

True to his word, Chow had taken care of everything. A new security system protected the Tilted Kilt twenty-four hours a day. The windows and doors had been reinforced and a storage room in the basement had been converted into a vampire safe room, which was fully stocked with TrueBlood.

Just after closing Sunday night, the serving staff was called to a meeting. Sookie stood side-by-side with the other women.

"You all have tomorrow off. Paid leave."

Squeals of excitement rippled through the group of women, but just as promptly as it started, they quieted down.

"I would like you all to watch the news tomorrow."

"What channel and time?" Ginger asked tilting her head to the side.

"Doesn't matter. There will be one story that dominates the news feed tomorrow." He held up his finger, stopping Ginger from asking the obvious question. "You'll find out what it is soon enough."

Sookie had the only smile in the group. Everyone else was frowning.

"I'll see you Tuesday evening, unless you decide not to come back to work. If that is the case, your paycheck will be mailed to you."

"What? Why wouldn't we come back?" Ginger put her hand on her hip. The other servers looked to her, nodding in agreement, except Sookie, who was still smiling at Eric.

"That's all for now. Good night." Eric nodded and crossed his arms over his chest.

Everyone filed out, one after another, until there were only four. Eric, Pam, Chow and Sookie.

"When will you be back?" Pam touched Eric's shoulder.

"Before dawn tomorrow." That's when they should be back, unless something goes wrong.

Pam frowned. "Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?"

"We'll be fine." He nodded at Sookie. "Stay at your house. You too Chow."

They left together. Chow activated the alarm after Eric hung the sign, informing the public they would be closed Monday evening.

"We'll be watching. Be careful, Sookie." Pam's forehead was furrowed.

Sookie smiled at her. "Thanks Pam. I will be."

Eric escorted Sookie to his car. "It's already one, we need to go if we're going to get there in time."

Sookie napped on and off for most of the ride, but as they approached New Orleans, she was wide-awake. She had never been this far south, and had questions about everything. Eric promised to take her sight seeing in the evening.

Before they went inside the news studio, Sookie turned in her seat. "We need to come up with a code, you know, if I find someone. I'll touch my nose."

"And say their shirt color."

"Right. That's a good plan." She swallowed hard. "I'm nervous."

His hand fell on top of hers. "Don't be. I won't let anything happen to you."

Sookie nodded and then got out of the car.

The WWL studio was buzzing with people, despite the early hour. Eric and Sookie walked into the building at a quarter to five. The woman behind the desk looked at them and smiled briefly. "Are you part of the group for the six o'clock interview?"

"Yes. Qu…Sophie-Anne Leclerq is expecting us. Eric Northman and Sookie Stackhouse."

She scanned a list of names and nodded. She pressed a button on the phone, activating the speaker. "Mike, more of Ms. Leclerq's people are here." She smiled again as she disconnected the call. "Mike will be right with you." She gestured to the waiting area.

Sookie had been quiet since they stepped inside the building and had taken a seat immediately, but Eric couldn't relax. Today was the day history would change. No more hiding.

A round man with a headset propped on his head came out to the waiting area. "I'm Mike. I'll take you back to the green room."

Sookie's gaze was fixed on Mike's face, but she didn't respond when he spoke.

"Sookie?" Eric touched her shoulder, making her jump.

She smiled. "Sorry, did you say something?"

"We need to follow him." Eric nodded toward Mike. He touched his nose lightly.

Sookie shook her head. "After you."

Mike handed them each a pass attached to a lanyard. "Put these on and follow me."

People bustled around, seemingly oblivious to their arrival, but the mood changed outside the green room. Everyone walked carefully, not making a sound as they passed by the door.

"Here we are." Mike gave them a curt nod and turned on his heel, talking into his headset.

Eric knocked lightly and waited. Andre opened the door.

"Ah! Perfect timing." Sophie-Anne waved her hand, beckoning them to come in. The room was host to the Sheriff's from each Area, in addition to Andre, Sigebert, and Wybert. "Miss Stackhouse, so lovely to see you again."

Sookie's smile was tight and her bow stiff. She wasn't focused on anyone in the room.

"We go on in an hour. Apparently, the lead anchor is going to break the news and then throw to our interview. I just love using news jargon. Anyway, we have some time. Miss Stackhouse, what can I do for you?"

Sookie inhaled and she blinked. "I need to leave this room. There are too many people here, too many thoughts. It's all jumbled."

"Is there dissention in the ranks?" Sophie-Anne sat up in her chair in front of the mirrors.

"I think that's a military term," Andre said out of the side of his mouth.

"What difference does it make?" Sophie-Anne shook her head. "Miss Stackhouse?"

Sookie frowned. "Maybe. You've certainly gotten a lot of attention. I need to mingle. With Eric."

Eric put his hand on the small of her back. "Lead the way." He followed her to the door, but just before they stepped out, he turned back to the Queen and her entourage. "If we find anyone that is going to make a scene, I'll bring them to you."

The door clicked shut behind them. Sookie turned and put her hands on his chest. "I need you to stay back. They're suspicious of you. But stay where you can see me."

It took them the better part of thirty minutes to work through the crowd of employees. Eric leaned against the wall as casually as he could and watched Sookie work.

Her mouth was slack and her gaze unfocused, just as it had been the entire time they had been here. She turned her face from one person to the next, always moving on, until she suddenly snapped back to one of the men in the production booth. Her eyes went wide. Her hand jerked up to her nose.

"Black shirt." She was whispering, but he still managed to hear her.

Eric moved in a blur, disturbing loose papers in his wake. "Sir? May I have a word with you?" The man in the black shirt looked at him and his face went blank. "You are not going to make a scene. You are going to go to the green room, and when you get there, you are going to talk to Sophie-Anne." The man nodded and walked away. Eric slipped back over to where Sookie was standing.

"What did you say to him?" Sookie was breathing heavily and her heart raced.

"I told him to go talk to the Queen."

Panic flashed across her face so Eric put a hand on her shoulder. "He's not in danger. She will glamour him. That's all. What was he thinking?"

"I could see images from movies of vampires being staked. He was wondering if that would work. He is afraid."

Eric nodded. "I'm sure Sophie-Anne will take care of him. Can we keep looking? We've only got twenty minutes."

Sookie nodded and then her face went still.

Three more people were sent to the Queen for similar reasons. At a quarter to six, Eric and Sookie made their way back to the green room.

"Is everything ready?" Sophie-Anne addressed Sookie directly again.

"I think so." Sookie swallowed hard. "If someone were blocking their thoughts intentionally, there's no way for me to get in their head. I listened to everyone. Most of the folks here are concentrating on work. I'll stay close during the interview, just in case."

The Queen gave her a gracious nod. "Thank you Miss Stackhouse."

A quiet knock drew the attention of everyone in the room. Mike was back. "Ms. Leclerq, it's time to get you on set. If any of your, um, friends want to come with you, there is a spot where they can sit near the set."

Sophie-Anne lifted her chin and followed Mike. Everyone trailed behind her.

Mike carefully connected a microphone to Sophie-Anne's shirt, handing her the battery pack to attach to her waistband. "You will be interviewed by Melanie Hebert, she's the brunette just finishing the early morning show." He nodded to the news desk where the two anchors were just signing off. People rushed to get in position. Without pause, the pretty brunette walked over to Mike. "Ms. Hebert, this is Sophie-Anne Leclerq."

Melanie smiled. "A pleasure." She held her hand out and withdrew it quickly.

"Likewise." Sophie-Anne settled into the chair and signaled Andre to back away, who in turn directed everyone else to their positions offstage.

Sookie was still scanning the room and when Eric locked his fingers in hers, she jumped. She looked at their hands and smiled.

"Thank you for being here today."

"Are you nervous?" Sookie's forehead creased as she nodded.

"Not with you by my side." The honesty in his words surprised them both. They definitely shared a deep physical connection, but up until that point, he hadn't realized how much she meant to him. Now it was obvious. On the verge of the Great Revelation, instead of being nervous, he was happy, and it had everything to do with her.

"I'm not going anywhere. Not without you."

I hope you enjoyed it. What do you say? One more review for old time's sake?