Hey guys! I'm happy to say that we are continuing this story! I want to apologize firstly. This chapter isn't going to be the best, but its been so long ago that we last worked on this story that i've forgotten what all I had planned! I hope you can forgive me!

Chapter 9 :

(24:00 midnight)

Anakin and Padme tip toed through the long alley ways. They were investigating the south side of town while Ahsoka and Lux explored the northern sections.

"See anything?" Padme asked as she remained pressed against the wall waiting for the 'all-clear'.

"No. Not a thing. Where could they be? I was certain that we would find something."

"How do we even know that their headquarters are located on this planet? What if they are on the moon? Or better yet, how do you know that they are even in this system?"

"We don't." Anakin said before he continued walking again.

"I hope Lux and Ahsoka are having better luck than us."

"No, no, no. Carlaac was not my fault." Lux crossed his arms.

"How in the blazes do you figure that?"

"That was actually my evil twin brother. We look exactly alike."

"Then how do you explain his knowledge of me?"

"I-um," Lux stuttered,"A lot of people know who you are."

Ahsoka smirked,"Then how were you able to explain Carlaac to Steela back on Onderron?"

Lux cringed,"My brother contacted me and told me what all had happened."

"You're hopeless!" Ahsoka laughed.

The two continued walking until the sound of voices entered their ears. The voices were communicating in raised whispers. Ahsoka and Lux pressed their backs against the wall as they moved in closer.

"Malik isn't going to like this!" The figure's voice was filled with worry,"Two Jedi? Here on the planet? Malik will have our heads!"

"Pirates.." Ahsoka said under her breath.

"Would you calm down! All we have to do is catch those snoopy, little runts and that'll be the end of that." A familiar pirate said.

"Hey! That's the pirate that caught us earlier!" Ahsoka thought to herself.

"Have you gone mad!? They're Jedi! We don't stand a chance! They'll foil our plans and return all our loot!"

"The plan will continue accordingly. If we can just keep them away for one more rotation, Bane will arrive and it'll all be over."

"If you say so.."

And with that the two figures walked away.

"How do they know we are here?" Lux asked in shock.

"I guess our little story of how I acquired my lightsabers wasn't convincing enough for them."

"Well what are we going to do? The plan is ruined now that they know we are here."

"I don't know. But we need to find Anakin and Padme." Ahsoka stated.


As they turned to go regroup with their so-called 'Mother and Father' they were stopped by a very big, muscular pirate who had been standing behind them. The pirate was standing with a gun aimed and ready, and pointing directly at them.

"Where do you think you're going?" He said with a smile before firing tranquilizers at them, causing them to fall to the ground unconscious.

Anakin and Padme were sitting in the hotel room. Anakin was pacing due to anxiety. They had agreed to meet back at the hotel at 01:00; it was now 01:45 and Ahsoka and Lux were still not back.

"Where could they be!?" Anakin groaned.

Padme just sat quietly. She had been married to him long enough to know that in times like this there was nothing you could really say to calm him down.

"Did they mishear me when I said be back by 01:00? Or were they captured?!" Anakin gasped,"Or maybe worse! What if they snuck off to kiss on each other! Oh I'm gonna skin me a Bonteri!"

"Anakin! Just calm down! We'll go out and look for them." Padme said grabbing her belt and holster.

"But where would we even begin to look? This city is pretty big."

"How about in the northern regions like we told them?" Padme said as she made her way to the door.

Anakin followed her move,"Oh yeah… The northern regions."

"I swear. Your memory gets worse every day." Padme smiled.

And with that, the two set out to find their lost children.

It's not much at all. And it's quite possibly the worst chapter in this story, but give me time! I'll get back in the swing of things!