The four friends stepped into the cinema.

"So,what movie are we watching?" asked Eileen.

"Well...i have two tickets for.." he pulled them out,"Hot Marcedes 2!"

"Hot Marcedes 2?That first movie was fucking swe..." started Rigby but didn't plan on finishing the sentence the way he wanted to,"It was...not bad i guess..i mean if you're into girls and cars and stuff like that."

"Then i also have two tickets for.." he pulled the other two out of his pocket,"History of Uranium."

Eileen grinned,"That's..that's...ihhh.." she tryed hard to hold in her excitement,"It' sounds boring."

"Well,i'm watching it." said Margaret and looked at Rigby.

Rigby tryed to let out a smile,"Sure..i'll watch it with you..."

"Cool." smiled Mordecai and turned to Eileen,"Hot Marcedes 2?"

Eileen nodded and Mordecai gave Margaret the tickets for History of Uranium.

"See you guys in a bit!" said Margaret and looked at Rigby,"I'll get us some popcorn!"

Rigby had a distasteful look on his face as he followed her.

Mordecai went trough a door with Eileen. They set down and the movie started. On the screen, appeared a hot blonde with large breasts and a huge behind,she was poorly dressed ,"Hey there. my name is Marcedes" she said then rubbed the wet rag against her breasts,"And this.." she turned to her car and started washing it with the same rag,"Is my Marcedes."

Eileen raised her braw.

Meanwhile,Margaret and Rigby were watching History of Uranium. Just like Rigby suspected,it was a really boring documentary.

He sighed.

"Something wrong Rigby?" asked Margaret while eating popcorn.

"No..." he answered then sighed again after five seconds.

Margaret keept eating and watching the so called movie.

"I just.." started Rigby which got Margarets attantion. She turned to him. ,"I just wanted to impress Eileen.." he continued,"i want to watch Hot Marcedes 2. "

"Well.." Margaret put down the popcorn,"Maybe Eileen likes you the way you are."

"Yeah right. I'm an immature,childish jerk."

"Maybe. But you have a heart of gold. That's what she told me."

Rigby glanced at her,"She really told you that?" Margaret nodded,smiling,"She also said you were cute and charming and funny."

Rigby smirked,feeling a bit full of himself,,"Yeah,that's true. I am."

Mordecai was grinning,leaning towards the screen,"This is awesome!"

"Mhm..but i don't really get be honest." confessed Eileen.

"What's not to get?"asked Mordecai.

"Is this..supposed to be something meaningful or what?"

"It's about chicks and doesn't have to be." explained Mordecai,"Don't you like it?"

"Oh no. It's's's just that.." she looked down.

Mordecai didn't turn away from the screen,his eyes were wide open. He pulled something out of his pocket then gave it to Eileen.

Eileen noticed it was a drawing. She pulled the glasses out of her bag and took another look. On the paper,there were drawn a boy and a girl resembling Rigby and Eileen. they were holding hands by a tree and there was a half sun in the corner.

"Rigby made this." said Mordecai while starting at the movie.

Eileen smiled,looking at it,"It's really cute." she said,"Beautiful.." after a while of watching it ,she put it in her bag,"I gotta go." she got up and left the room.

Mordecai finally turned his head with a smile on his face.

On her way out,Eileen bumped into someone,"Sorry.." after she apologized,she ooked up. It was Rigby.

They were looking at each others eyes.

"It's..alright." said Rigby.

They were both quite for a while then Eileen decided to speak,"I..i really like your drawing." she smiled.

Rigby had a confused look on his face,"What drawing?"

Eileen pulled it out of her bag and hand it over to Rigby.

He blushed,"I didn't draw that." he lied then turned around,crrosing his arms,"It looks like something a child would draw."

Eileen put her hand on his shoulder,still smiling,"A child by heart...i think it's beautiful."

"You.." he turned back,letting his arms fall down,"you do?"

She nodded and kissed him on the lips,"And so are you."

Rigby grinned,"You're wearing your glasses again."

Eileen frowned,"I'm sorry i'll.." she reached to take them off but Rigby held her hands,"No. I like them...and i like you..alot."

She grinned,"And i like you too alot, Rigby."

They started at each other,it was quiet again. Rigby then rubbed his head uncomfortably,"Umm..this is a bit awkward to ask but.." he put his hand down,"Do you mind if i ..?"

Eileen giggled,"Go watch Hot Marcedes 2. I know you want too."

"Thanks!" said Rigby and run in.

Eileen went to the other door to watch History of Uranium with Margaret.

Mordecai,Margaret,Rigby and Eileen were outside the cinema as the movies were over.

"I leared alot today." said Margaret.

"Me too." said Rigby,"I leared that girls can't drive..but they sure can ride!"

"Yeahhh!" agreed Mordecai.

Mordecai and Rigby raised their arms,"Oooohhhh!"

Margaret giggled and walked to Mordecai,"Maybe we can watch the third movie together."

Mordecai smiled,"Yes..that would be.." they were looking at each other,"Great."

Rigby rolled his eyes,smiling,he started walking away with Eileen.

"I read The Little Prince." he said.

"What do you think of it?" asked Eileen.

"I got it. It was awesome!"

Mordecai and Margaret watched as Rigby and Eileen were walking,"We did a good job." pointed out Margaret.

"Yeah." agreed Mordecai.

"I think there are another two people we need to help out so they can have a nice,long lasting relationship."

Mordecai turned back to her,"Oh?Who?"

Margaret closed her eyes and pulled Mordecai into a kiss. Mordecai just stood there like a rock for a few seconds. He was really surprised by the kiss. But after a while he closed his eyes as well,and hugged her. They soon fell onto the ground,but they didn't stop kissing.

"Rigby..there is somthing you should know." said Eileen.

"What is it?"

"I didn't have my period this month."

Rigbys mouth opened,he blinked then looked at her,"You mean you're.."


He took a while to think about it then shouted,"AWESOME!"

Eileen giggled,"I said maybe!"

"I guess we'll have to wait and see."

"I guess we will." they continued walking.

Rigby poked her,"Hey! Remember our song?"

"Sonny & Cher?" asked Eileen.

"Yes!That one."

Eileen smiled and started to skip while singing,"They say we're young and we don't know,we won't find out until we grow."

Rigby runned after her and hugged her from behind,stopping her,"Well I don't know if all that's true,cause you got me, and baby I got you...Babe." he moved and held her hand,she held his while looking into his eyes."I got you babe." they singed together then continued walking,holding hands,"I got you babe."