Hey! So I'm new to this :(

Please review!

"Please!" A young girl begged, tears about to fall from her eyes. "Please madame Giry! I need this!" She cried, her arms stretched out in front of her.

The opera populaire was more beautiful than it ever was before. The white columns towered high above their heads. The wooden floors were polished and even. Every wall was lined in golden figures of women and angels and in the middle of it all there hung a beautiful glass chandelier, each piece glowing against the light of the candelabras.

Madame Giry of almost all people adored the sight more than anything. If the guests would be arriving early, this poor girl would be a disgrace.

"No, I am sorry mademoiselle but we have no place for you in our corps de ballet. The door is that way. I am sure you will have no problem finding it." The woman draped in black replied, taking a bow.

"I will work hard Madame!" She cried, not at all wanting to give up.

Madame Giry turned her head slightly saying "Good day to you mademoiselle" and she walked away casually.

If Madame Giry had any weakness it would be her compassionate heart. Something she had long ago when she saved a young boy in a fair. If she couldn't watch him suffer, how could she stand to see this girl cry until her eyes dried out?

"Wait! I need to be here at the opera house! I'll do anything! I'll clean! I'll wash! Anything please!" She called out, that being her last resort. She slid to the ground when she heard no reply. She buried her face in her hands before there was a firm grip on her shoulder.

"My dear Carmelina, are you really willing to do anything?" Madame Giry asked, concern and pity in her tone of voice. She nodded and instantly, Madame Giry smiled. "You must first work as a maid, I am sorry, but I will train you to be better. Your dancing isn't the best either but I am sure we can improve."

Carmelina got up, rubbing the tears from her eyes as her face lit up in happiness. "Thank you, thank you so much! You wont be disappointed I promise!"

Erik sat in box 5 as he watched the young girl run from the stage to the dorms, her dark brown hair swaying gently behind her. He felt his fists clench and annoyance build up in his chest. 'This girl has no talent. This girl has no place in my opera house.' He thought, getting up and taking a passage to his lair where he would write a letter about this to Madame Giry. A new opera house meant a new chance at redemption; at power.

"You what!?" Monsieur Firmin screamed casting a look of desperation to Andre who was feeling the same thing.

"We already have so much problems! So much salary to provide and now you have given us another mouth to feed!" they cried, massaging their temples.

"I will take care of her." She simply replied, taking her stick that leaned against the wall. She felt that was no more need to discuss. That was that.

She walked out their office confidently when an envelope with a red seal she knew only too well fell slowly from above. She scrambled to open the note and pulling out a piece of parchment, she had a feeling she knew what this letter would hold.

Her eyes scanned the note, shifting from left to right as she read:

Dear Madame Giry

I saw who you accepted earlier,

she has no talent really and there is no place for her.

Should you not send her out and cast her to the streets,

there will be a problem, no doubt for I shall make a scene.

I do not want her here. She seems to be no good

and madame Giry, I greatly fear I may be misunderstood.

If she shall not leave tonight you have made a grave mistake.

Take her now from my sight, let there be no delay.

Your obedient servant


Madame Giry looked down at the letters scrawled out in messy handwriting and sighed.

So what do you guys think? :)

I promise it will get better!

Tell me any suggestions or if there were any mistakes please? :)

Reviews are love!