Disclaimer: Once Upon a Time does not belong to me! All characters and references to the show belong to ABC and Channel 5.

This is my take on what it would be like if all the fairytale characters were modern-day 19 year old college students and/or teachers. There's laughter, tears, romance (It's OUAT people) and lots of little surprises. Enjoy!

Once Upon a Time: Schools Out!

Once Upon a Time, someone had a crazy idea to turn all of our most beloved fairytale characters into the students and teachers of Fairytale College. Trials, tribulations, and meddling parents await them. How will they get on?

Beep Beep Beep.

Nineteen year old Snow White Blanchard groaned and rolled over in bed and slammed her hand down on her alarm clock, shutting off the beeping noise it was making to announce that, yes, it WAS 8:30 am. She then sat up in bed, stretching and brushing her long black hair out of her eyes.

"Hey" she said, nudging the body next to her "Time to get up"

James Nolan-or, better known by the nickname she had given him when they met, Charming- groaned "No" and then snuggled deeper into his pillow.

Snow White smiled "Come on, we'll be late!" she said, nudging her boyfriend again. He moaned and pressed his face into the pillow.

Snow White's smile changed from sweet to mischievous, and she leaned down and kissed James' naked shoulder, she felt him stiffen as her red lips made contact with his skin and then started to progress up his neck and towards his cheek.

At the last minuet James turned onto his back, definitely awake now. Snow White laughed and pressed a kiss to his lips

"Good morning" she said impishly.

James sighed and lifted his head to kiss her again "'Morning" he said when they broke apart, a grin on his face.

Snow White giggled and with a light shove pushed herself off of him and out of the bed.

"Like I said, we don't wanna miss class!" she said, starting to get dressed. She heard James sigh, and then squealed as he grabbed her and pulled her back into the bed, kissing her in a way that made her head spin.

"We can always be a little late" he whispered before pulling her closer to him...


Student Body President Regina Mills was sat in front of her vanity mirror, looking at her perfect reflection as she did her make-up. Her clear peachy skin, her full, dark red lips, her huge dark and shiny eyes that were framed by long thick lashes, and her short dark brown hair that was styled in a way that fanned around her head like a flower.


More beautiful than anyone on campus.

Definitely more beautiful than Snow White Blanchard.

Regina gritted her teeth as that thought entered her head. Snow White...

"Fairest of them all...Ugh!" she sneered, and turned away from the expensive mirror to look at the expensive clock on her wall.

8:35 am.

Regina sighed "Time to face the mortals" she muttered, thinking of the meeting she had to lead today while the entire student council just ate up her every word like the mindless trolls they were. Lifting herself off of her chair and grabbing her bag and laptop, the Student Body President walked out of her dorm room-which resided in a College Building her Daddy, Henry Mills, had paid for. Meaning that she got the biggest, most utilised room on campus.

As Regina closed the door, she saw something that made her blood boil.

On her door, where the name "Regina Mills" was printed in swirly gold writing, someone had crossed out her name with a black marker and written "Evil Queen"

With a furious snarl, Regina slammed the door.


"...so do the brave thing, and bravery will follow. No matter how scary a situation might be, be it a declaration, a confrontation, or a proposal, you'll never know what the result will be until you do it.

Until next time,

Belle French"

Belle saved her article for the Fantasy College newspaper-The Mirror-and glanced at the time.

8:40 am.

Belle stuffed her laptop into her pretty blue bag, brushed out her long chestnut hair, and moved towards her door.

Then she noticed the small, slim black rectangle on her desk. Belle paused, and then picked up the box, realising that she would be late, but the curiosity was too much.

When Belle opened the box she gasped in delight. Residing inside the box on a plush velvet cushion was a small, crystal rose, attached to a thin golden chain.

Laughing with delight, Belle picked up the necklace out of the box, and it was then she noticed the small rectangular card inside.

Still holding the necklace in one hand, Belle put down the box and picked up the card. On it was written:

"Happy Birthday Sweetheart. X"

Belle smiled happily as she clasped the chain around her neck. He remembered!


"You said that you'd have it for me, today"

"I know but I just need a week to-"

"Today, George. You said you'd have the money for me today, not in a week. You know this means I'll have to take my property back"

"Rumplestiltskin, please, I just need more time!"

Rumplestiltskin Gold was stood in George Spencer's room, and he was bored. A while ago he had given this idiotic boy a programme for his computer that allowed him to hack into the Lecturers grading criteria and change his abysmal grades. George had promised to give him the rest of the $500 he owed him today, and he had not delivered.

Rumplestiltskin moved past George and went to his computer. He put his hand in the disc release.

"No, wait!" George cried, but Rumplestiltskin wasn't listening. Seconds later he had the disc in his hand.

"Hey" Rumplestiltskin said in his thick Scottish accent as he put the disc into a case and slipped it into his pocket "Look on the bright side. You can always study!"

Rumplestiltskin laughed at the desperate look on Georges face. This nineteen year old looked ready to cry!

"Rumplestiltskin, please don't-" he started, but Rumplestiltskin cut across him.

"I'm sorry, George but I have to leave. I don't want to be late for my lecture" and with a smirk, he left.


"Hey, where did you get that necklace?" Snow White asked Belle, who had been subconsciously fingering the chain around her neck while they were walking through campus towards their lecture hall.

"Oh, uh, what?" Belle asked, letting go of the chain. But it was too late now.

Snow White laughed good-naturedly at her friend "The necklace! That thing around your neck? Where did you get it, I've never seen it before"

"Yeah, it's so pretty!" Ella Boyd, the pretty blonde girl from Snow White's dorm said. "I love the flower" she added, reaching out to touch it.

Belle smiled "It's a rose. I got it for my birthday today" she turned to Snow White "That reminds me, thank-you so much for that new book. I've been dying to read it for ages now!"

Snow White smiled back"No problem. Happy 19th Belle"

"Thanks. Can you remind me to thank Ruby for the present she got me?"

"What did she get you?" Ella asked eagerly.

"Rose perfume"

"Ooh! Nice!"

"Excuse me!" Snow White said, turning both girls attention back to her. Belle's brow furrowed slightly.


"Who's the necklace from, Belle?" Snow White demanded, and then gasped aloud as the newsletter reporter ducked her head and blushed, a smile creeping onto her lips.

"Oh my God, it's from him!" she said, and Ella gasped, and looked at Belle with a open-mouthed smile of realisation.

"Is it?" she asked, and they both gasped excitedly when Belle nodded.

"Your secret boyfriend!" Ella squealed.

"Oh, Belle, you have to tell us who he is!" Snow White begged, but Belle shook her head.

"Not yet!"

"Why not?" both girls whined simultaneously, and Belle sighed in amused expiration.

"Because...we don't want to go public yet!"

"Oooh!" they groaned, and Belle laughed.

"You can see his argument though" came a vindictive voice from ahead of them "Why anyone would want to admit that they're in a relationship with you is just mind boggling!"

All three girls looked up to see the Student Body President and well known spoiled-little-rich-girl, Regina Mills, standing ahead of them. Her arms were folded and there was a nasty smirk on her face.

Snow White glared at Regina as she felt Belle stiffen. She stepped forward.

"Piss off, Regina" she practically growled. Regina's smirk just grew wider.

"I'm just saying, the day that someone goes for a little hermit like her..." she trailed off, and Belle narrowed her eyes in a glare.

"I think they'd rather me than the College Psycho. Poisoned anyone lately, Regina?" she said sharply, and the other girl's face turned hard and mean. She looked just about ready to rip Belle a new one, when James Nolan and Thomas Herman, both dressed in the football jackets they wore when they weren't playing on their football team-The Royals-appeared from behind the girls. Thomas, Ella's boyfriend, moved protectively to Ella's side, while James did likewise with Snow White. They both looked defensively at Regina.

"Everything O.K here?" James asked.

Regina sniffed, realising she was massively outnumbered but not wanting to admit defeat, and for the last time looked at Belle and especially Snow White with utter disdain.

"Don't worry, James. Nothing you need to worry about" she said in a voice that was so falsely bright it practically shone. She then turned, and gracefully walked away.

"What a bitch" Thomas said, wrapping his arms around Ella from behind and kissing her cheek, which caused her to giggle and blush.

"Yeah" Snow White and Belle agreed in unison, then Snow White turned to James.

"So, how's the training going for the football final?" she asked, and James inclined his head slightly.

"It's going good, the guys are working really hard"

Snow White grinned "You making them work hard, Charming?" she asked teasingly.

James smiled back at her "I'm the Captain, Snow. I do what I have to to make a good team"

"Yeah, we might actually defeat the Ogres when they come for the Final this time" Thomas said, and Ella patted his shoulder soothingly.

"And we'll be right there on the sidelines when you do" Ella said, inclining her head to Snow White before giving Thomas a swift kiss.

"Where else would you expect a couple of Cheer-Leaders to be?" Belle said, quickly taking in the gold and purple cheer-leading uniforms Snow White and Ella were wearing.

Belle checked her watch as they either gave a small smile or chuckled lightly at her comment. She gasped.

"Oh God, guys we have to go. Class is going to start in five minuets"

After several muttered curses and fumbling around for dropped bags, they made their way to their classes.

As Belle and Snow White hurried over to class, Snow White said to her:

"Hey, you never did say who your mystery boyfriend is"

Belle laughed and rolled her eyes. The girl was like a dog with a bone.


Fifteen minuets later, Snow White was in a lecture hall with Ella, listening and taking notes as Ms Gorhm talked about English Literature.

Ms Gorhm was in full flow, discussing the double meanings authors might use to portray good and evil in their books, when the door slammed open and a figure walked through the door, causing most of the class to look up to see who had arrived.

Ms Gorhm stopped the lecture, and sent a hard look at the new arrival.

"Rumplestiltskin Gold, you are ten minuets late and you have completely disrupted my lecture!" she snapped, hands on her hips.

Snow White-along with the rest of the class-watched as the illegal computer-programme dealer arched an eyebrow at the lecturer.

"Yes. It seems I have" he said nonchalantly, moving up the stairs and sitting down at the back of the class. Ms Gorhm made a disgusted noise and continued with her lecture.

Regina, who sat behind Rumplestiltskin during this one class they took together, kicked the back of his chair when he sat down.

Rumplestiltskin turned to look at her hate-filled glare. He grinned.

"You know, I hear that saying "Hey" is also a good way to get someones attention" he said in a whisper. Regina's look intensified.

"I know it was you!" she hissed, and Rumplestiltskin put on a look of innocent confusion.

"Regina, I'm certain I don't have a clue what you're talking about"

"You were the one who graffitied on my door!" she snapped, her voice rising slightly. Rumplestiltskin's grin just grew "My dear, you have my word that if I wanted to get under your skin, I wouldn't be nearly that subtle. Now do stop talking to me, this conversation is eating up precious moments of my life" and he turned back to feign an interest in Ms Gohrms lecture.

Regina frowned. If it wasn't him-and she still wasn't convinced that it wasn't-who was it?

At that moment, Regina was distracted by a tapping noise. She looked a few rows down, and saw her supposed friend, the blonde, curly haired and blue eyed Maleficent Pyro, looking bored and supporting her chin on the table with one hand.

And with the other, she was tapping a thin black permanent marker pen on her table.

As though she felt her looking Maleficent turned her head and, when she saw the look of outrage, she grinned a huge evil grin that showed her pearly teeth. She then lifted the pen slightly and waggled it in the air before turning her attention back to Ms Gohrms lecture.

Regina worked to keep the rage that was bubbling inside her contained. Didn't everyone know by now, that no-one made her look like an idiot and got away with it?

Regina plotted throughout the rest of the lecture. And by the time Ms Gorhm had snapped at Sleepy Jenkins for falling asleep in the lecture-again-she already knew exactly what she was going to do to wipe that smirk off of Maleficent's face.

I wonder what Regina will do to Maleficent? And who do you think Belle's mystery boyfriend is? (Yeah, because it's going to be so difficult to work out...)

O.k, so this is my first chapter, please read and review as whether or not this continues rests purely on your opinion!

I should also point out, for this I decided to not have Regina and Daniel even meet yet. I have *ahem* plans for them later on.

BUT IT ALL RESTS ON YOU! If you decide that this is a load of crap, please tell me and I will automatically kill it. If not, expect an update sometime next week.