Disclaimer: If I owned Harry Potter, I'd write much more than 7 books.


I don't think moping around about my death is a good idea. Focus on our joke shop. Or on Angelina and the kids. Speaking of her, I should apologize for taking her to the Yule Ball. I had thought you preferred Katie, but I never felt anything for her. Don't worry.

I see you've raised young Fred well. He dyed the Slytherin bed sheets red and gold. That made me laugh.

Oh, you know what happened? Harry's dad, Sirius, and Remus made me their fourth Marauder here. They were missing a member after Scabbers no longer was Scabbers.

Anyway, Fred and Roxanne are amazing beaters, just like their dad's. They sent a Bludger that broke Malfoy's kid's nose. That made me laugh too.

I know you were hesitant when Ron offered to help with the joke shop. It's okay. I know Ronnie won't mess it up.

Speaking of him, he's an Auror without his 7th year at Hogwarts! Crazy, right?

Oh and Percy's eldest wasn't made a Prefect! I cracked up. I know you're all grown up now, but please put a beetle in his bowl at the next family reunion? Tell him I love him and it's from me.

I'm glad Bill moved back to England. Remember when we tried leaving Percy in one of those pyramids? Good times.

That leaves Ginny, make sure Harry's treating her right. He's better than the blokes she dated though. Anyway, keep on bullying her while secretly loving her inside for me.

Take care of mom and dad. I know they miss me too.

Just as much as you do at night when Angelina and the kids are asleep.

The truth is,

I miss you too, Gred.

Don't be in too much of a hurry to meet me at Kings Cross.

Take care,
