Author's Note: Hey guys, I know that I just started a Covert Affairs fanfiction, but I thought of this idea and wanted to jump right on it. I like writing stories that shows another side of the character than just what we see on tv. I think that it adds dimension to the characters and shows their vulnerabilities, which helps make the characters relatable. I hope that you guys like this story and please review!

Disclaimer: I do not own Covert Affairs

Joan was having a bad day. She was thinking back to when she started dating Arthur, when he was still married. She always felt that it was more romantic that their love life was secret, almost like it was too special to reveal to anybody else. It was theirs, it was nobody else's business to judge them, they were in love.

She had a flashback to one night, Arthur called his wife to tell her that something had happened at work and he had to stay late. She remembered him calling her into his office. At that time, her desk was with a bunch of others, similar to how Annie's is and Arthur having his own private office, as their boss.

She walked in and he told her to shut the door. At that time, there weren't any blinds, so he didn't have to worry. She remembered him pulling her close, wrapping his arms around her waist as he kissed her neck passionately. She moaned out in delight as she ran her fingers through his hair. He then moved to her lips.

He then started to unbutton her blouse to reveal her breasts. They had never gotten this far before, he had wanted to, but she said that they couldn't while he was still with his wife. She knew deep down that she desperately wanted this, even needed this, but didn't know how to ask him to leave his wife for her. She knew that if they couldn't be together, she would fall apart. He had been the best thing in her life.

She started to pull away, not allowing this to go any further, she had really wanted it, but she knew that it wasn't right. "Arthur," she said quietly. "I told you how I feel, I cannot do this, it isn't fair. You need to tell her."

"Baby, I will when it is the right time, I promise. I will find the right time to tell her as soon as I can, but I already called her to tell her that I had to stay at work late, so lets just enjoy ourselves. Okay?"

"Alright Arthur," she said. She knew that he needed to tell her, but she didn't want to push it. She wanted to be the only one in his life and he constantly told her that she was. He didn't love his wife, but he didn't know how to tell her.

"Come on baby, I am going to leave and I will meet you at our usual place." He kissed her again, "In about ten minutes, you can leave."

"I know the drill," she said sexily as she walked out. She knew that she had to enjoy their time together and she did. She loved him and was willing to do anything for him and if that meant that he couldn't tell her yet, then she was okay with it. She trusted him to do the right thing.

She went back to her desk and filled out some more paperwork as she saw him leave his office.

She did some more paperwork for about ten minutes before she said to her colleagues, "There is no way that I am finishing all of this tonight, I am going home and I will see you guys tomorrow."

They all said bye as she walked out.

She got into her car and drove onto the beltway to a little "Mom and Pop" place about thirty minutes from Langley. It was far enough away that nobody that they knew would be there, but close enough to go last minute.

When she got there, he was already sitting at a table waiting for her.

She sat down and he reached across the table to grab her hand. They ordered and ate, like they always did, while laughing and talking. They really did make an amazing couple. They completed each other.

At the end of dinner he was paying the bill and said, "Baby, you do trust me, don't you."

"Of course Arthur." She said.

"Then trust me to take care of you. We can do things even though my wife doesn't know. I love you and trust me, that will never change." He said. That was the first time that he had ever said that to her.

He was the only one that she ever let really love her emotionally. She let him in and trusted him with everything. She smiled, "I love you too."

They got up and walked to his car, his arm around her waist. He opened the passenger door for her and waited for her to get in before he shut it.

She got in and turned to her before saying, "Joan, are you positive that you want to do this?"

"Yes, I have never been more sure. I trust you, and if you say that you love me, then I believe you."

He kissed her. Arthur drove to a hotel about twenty minutes away from the restaurant. They checked into a room and went upstairs.

The second that they walked in, they were all over each other.

He grabbed her and kissed her as she unbuttoned his shirt and threw it on the ground. She put her arms on his bare shoulders and continued to kiss him as she ran her fingers through his hair. He took her shirt off and threw it down by his shirt. She dropped her dress pants, never breaking the kiss.

He pushed her onto the bed, now only in her bra and underwear while he took off his belt and pants. He climbed on top of her and began to kiss her all over.

They continued their night until they were out of breath. She eventually fell asleep in his arms.

The next morning, he awoke in a startle. He looked over and Joan was still lying in his arms asleep.

He got up, careful not to wake her and realized that he was still naked. He put on his boxers and grabbed his phone, looking at the time. 10:30 am.

He quietly went into the bathroom and called his wife, she answered, "Hello."

"I am so sorry that I didn't call. I lost track of time and when I realized what time it was, I didn't want to call and wake you. I had to pull an all-nighter at the office."

"Oh, its ok, I understand."

"Okay, I'll see you when I get home," he said.

"Okay, bye." He hung up.

He then called the office. "Hello, this is Arthur Campbell. Will you please put me through to an agent in my division." They put him through. "I just wanted to let you know that I will not be coming in today. On a different note, Joan Welkin will not be coming in today either, she is on a private mission that I sent her on last night."

He walked out of the bathroom and Joan was just starting to wake up. "Good morning sleepyhead," he said, sitting on the edge of the bed, kissing the top of her head.

"How did you sleep?" he asked.

"Good," she replied before flipping out, "Shit! What time is it?"

"10:45," he replied, getting back into bed with her.

"Seriously, shit, shit, shit, I need to go to work, and so do you."

"Nope, not today babe, I gave us both alibies." She said, while kissing her.

She smiled, he had promised to take care of her and he did. She was really lucky. Last night was amazing and she wanted him now all to herself even more.

They ordered room service and ate breakfast in bed. They didn't even do anything special, she just laid in his arms and they watched movies.

At the end of the day, she said, "You should go home to your wife, and I should get home too. I love you."

He knew that their special time together would have to end, but he really didn't want it to.

They both got dressed and checked out. They both got into his car and he drove her back to the restaurant to get her car. Before she got out, she said thank you for the amazing night and day and then kissed him. "I'll see you tomorrow." She said, winking at him, as she got out.

The next few weeks were like usual, the late meetings, the weekend calls, all excuses that he had for his wife, so that he could spend time with Joan.

About a month later she called him one morning and said, "Arthur, I cannot come to work today. I have never felt like this. I cannot stop throwing up and I feel like crap. I feel light-headed and nauseous. I called the doctor, I have an appointment in an hour."

"Of course, tell me what the doctor says." He paused, "Do you want me to come over?"

"Umm, I don't think that it's a great idea. I will call you when I leave the doctor."

Joan hung up the phone and went to get ready before making a beeline to the bathroom to throw up again.

She got dressed and made it to the doctor's office without having to stop. She checked in and sat down in the waiting room.

They called her back and she told them what was wrong. They did a bunch of tests. Finally the doctor came in and said, "I have the results. There is an answer." She paused, "The good news is that there is nothing wrong."

"Well then why do I feel like this?" Joan asked.

"This news is life changing." She paused again. Joan was growing impatient, "You are pregnant. Congratulations.

"I am what?!" Joan exclaimed. "I can't be, its not possible I- " she paused. It was possible, "How far along am I?" she asked.

"Lets do an ultrasound and we can find out."

Joan followed her into the room where she lied and the doctor put the jelly on her stomach. "That's your baby, you are definitely pregnant."

Joan looked up. "How could I have let this happen?" she asked herself.

"It looks like you are about a month along." Her thoughts were confirmed, it was Arthur's.

"Your baby is healthy, but you should pick up these prenatal vitamins and we should schedule another appointment for the second month." The doctor said, smiling at her.

She wiped the jelly off of her stomach and said thank you before going to the receptionist and making her next appointment.

From the car, she called Arthur. He answered and said, "Is everything okay."

She started to cry, "I need you right now, can you come over."

"Baby, of course, I am on my way."

She got home only a few minutes before he did.

He knocked on her door and she opened it, her eyes swollen from crying.

"What's wrong, what did the doctor say. Whatever it is, we can get through it."

They sat down on the couch, she needed to tell him.

AN: So, I hope that you guys like it. The story does take place in the present, but I needed to show the whole history in order for the story to make sense. How do you guys want Arthur to take it? Obviously, they don't have the baby now, so I was thinking either abortion or adoption. If it was adoption, she would probably tell everybody that her boyfriend got her pregnant. This way, if she wanted, she could still meet the child. I don't know exactly what I want to do yet completely, so any input would be amazing. Please review and tell me how I'm doing with the story and what you would like to read!