Disclaimer: I don't own Glee.

A/N: This is a Karley fanfiction and focuses on Kitty's POV throughout. Of course they are other couples mentioned; mainly Brittana and Faberry with a small element of Klaine and Jarley (eww I know)

The way she looks at him makes me feel sick; it is so naive and she looks so vulnerable. Maybe that is why I am walking down the hallway towards her with a Slushee in my hand. She is the easiest target in the whole school and she hardly ever fights me back. Jake was my boyfriend and then she stole him away from me. She is the real bitch here; she thinks the world revolves around her. Then as soon as this Ryder guy walks into her life she leaves Jake hanging and focuses on him. Now she has the two hottest guys in our grade fighting over her.

That should be what is happening to me but I am just being called a bitch by everyone in the school; even some teachers. This girl is playing the little miss innocent card and everyone seems to love her to bits. She now will become even more loved by everyone because she got the lead in the school musical as a sophomore. I just don't get this school at all. I am a popular cheerleader but most people hate me. That doesn't even make any sense.

The worst part is while she got the lead role I got the part of Patty Simcox! Do you even remember her from the musical 'Grease'? Me neither; I only found out who she was after I googled her. How dare they give me the role of the extremely unpopular cheerleader? It is all the new director of the losers' club fault. He is just being awkward by casting a brunette as 'Sandy' and a black boy as 'Rizzo'; who does he think he is? That club is going to go downhill after Mr Schuester leaves and dumps all the losers on their asses to fight for the arts in Washington.

I have decided that I am going to do the musical though because it could get me some points with Coach Sylvester if I look like I am infiltrating the Glee Club. It is exactly what my idol Quinn Fabray did in her sophomore year so how could I not? I can sing better than most of them losers so I will get in for sure. I just need to get the main loser to look bad and then i can float right in and save the day; they will have to love me.

Marley Rose is the new star of the Glee Club. She has a strong and powerful voice that carries just the right amount of emotion when she sings. She is the perfect target because I know what really makes her feel vulnerable and threatened. Her mother is huge and that is the main reason why all the football team and Cheerios make fun of her. With a mother like that one of her main insecurities has to be her weight and how she looks. That is how I will get her to crack and give me all the attention back.

That is why I was backstage in the school's auditorium fixing the skirt that Marley wears during one of the scenes in the musical. They will be running through it tomorrow so by making it two sizes smaller she will hold up the whole production. I know that it is really bitchy to make her think she is becoming fat but it is the risk that I will take to become the head cheer leader and most popular girl in the school. It is the only thing that matters right now; it is way more important than some poor girl's feelings.

She will try it on tomorrow and feel so horrible that she won't be able to concentrate on learning lines or practicing her solos. It will just make me look that much better and everyone will start to pay attention to me again. Jake will stop fawning over her and realise what he left behind. He is popular no doubt about that so he could boost my reputation. He is not as popular as Ryder but he is also all loved up on Marley so I have no chance with him. It actually does hurt when he looks at her and they both have that glimmer in their eyes. My chest feels tight with the pain of not being good enough for him.

But Kitty Wilde never gives up on anything so that is why I wait backstage for Marley to struggle with her skirt. I have to get her to trust me before I can throw her back in the trash were she came from and take the top spot. All the Glee Club girls are staying in my house this Friday night because I need to make them think that I am a good person so they will get behind me. Too bad that 'Lady boy' has to come but I won't let anything get in my way. I am a very determined person and I hate to lose; especially to the daughter of the lunch lady.


"Are you making fun of me Kitty?" Marley re-enters my bedroom just as the song was about to finish. It was actually perfect timing; like it was all rehearsed so many times on a TV show.

"Some people are so touchy." I finish my song and it looks like everyone enjoyed it except Marley. Well she wasn't supposed to anyway because I was making fun of her 'Grease' style.

I know that I have gotten to her tonight with the whole weight and eating disorder stuff. It is cruel to actually make someone want to throw up but she does it to me all the time when she looks at Ryder and Jake. I just want to punch them guys in the face so she will stop looking at them, and pay more attention to me like everyone else. It is so frustrating with Marley and I sometimes wonder why I bother tormenting her. She acts like she doesn't care on the outside, but I know that inside she is dying to break down and cry.

The sleepover is going quite well because all the Glee girls are actually talking to me and not calling me a bitch. I would call that progress in itself; I just need to gain Marley's trust then I can get on with my plan. She needs to fall for the whole weight issue thing and I thought I was pretty convincing in my bathroom. Maybe I should go talk to her and try to be more comforting with her like my mom used to be with me. That always made me calm and I knew that every word she spoke was the truth.

"You are going to be pretty and popular just like what your mummy. Daddy knows that and you want to make him proud of you, don't you dear. Are you going to make him proud for me?" That was one of the last things she ever said to me and it has stuck with me throughout the years. I soon found out what she meant by it all once I started Middle school and my father's expectation got higher. I will never stop trying to fulfil her wishes and that is why I need to be head cheerleader and popular. I know Brittany is a lovely and kind person but I need the top spot more than her. She has Glee Club which is full of her friends to fall back on; I have no friends that would actually care.

All the other girls are getting ready to sleep after a night of gossip about the boys and eating fatty foods. It is what they do at sleepovers so why should I complain when I am trying to get them to like me again. The plan worked pretty well tonight I just need to keep it up. It will be hard because I am just so used to cutting losers down with my insults. It is a bit weird having a boy sleep over at my house but I know that he likes to be a girl so I don't let it bother me. If my father found out about it though he would be livid so Wade is dressed like a girl the entire time so my father doesn't suspect anything.

"Marley, can I talk to you downstairs?" I ask her as the other set down blankets and pillows to sleep on. The scared look on her face is really cute, I mean funny. She nods hesitantly though and I lead her downstairs to the living room. My father is in his room now sleeping because he gets up early for work on Saturdays. Once we are sitting down on a couch I go through what I was planning to say to her all night. She looks at me with a confused look and it just makes my mind go blank; I can't seem to focus on anything I meant to say to her.

"Is there something you want to ask me Kitty?" She asks me while I am stilling working out how to make the words come out of my mouth right.

"I um, I just wanted to ask you did it go alright in the bathroom? It can be hard the first time." I smile at her trying to make it look genuine. She gets that scared look across her face again and my smile doesn't feel forced anymore.

"I couldn't do it Kitty. I just can't. I want to be popular and be great in the musical but I can't seem to do it." She has tears in her eyes and I didn't predict this happening. I don't know how to handle a crying girl; I hardly ever cry and when I do I just go straight to sleep trying to forget everything that happens.

"I know how you feel Marley; I want the exact same things. The difference is that I love myself enough to do what I have to do to make it happen for me." I try to be nice but still keep my bitchy attitude in there so it actually seems believable.

"Could you help me then? I know we are not friends or anything but it would be fun to be." She smiles at me and I don't think I could say no right now; especially if I don't want a girl crying on my couch.

"Maybe it would be fun but I'm not sure if we will ever know. I'll show you how to do it then you will be great in the musical. I think everyone will win."

"But, what is in it for you? I took the part you wanted in the musical and made your boyfriend break up with you." She says, I think it actually just hit her after all this time.

"I can be a nice person if I want you know. I just don't come out to people like you a lot. Any people judge me as a bitch and leave it like that; but you actually still think it could be fun." Right I have no idea why I am saying this to Marley of all people. She is supposed to be my enemy but now I am saying the most truthful thing I have said in a while (that wasn't an insult).

"So you will help me with all of this?" She asks me with that same smile that makes her whole face light up.

"Of course I will!" I lead her into the downstairs bathroom so none of the other girls suspect anything. "Now, all you have to remember is that it is a Scout's honour." I hold up two fingers and smile at her as she does the same.

A/N: So what do you think? I got the idea while watching the newest episode and I really love both of these new characters. Reviews would be great because I don't know if I should continue it or not.
Sorry for any mistakes but I have looked over it a couple of time :) It doesn't seem great now but I promise it gets better!
Thank you and happy reading :)