Narrator POV

The detective took care with his footsteps to make them as light as possible as he approached the wooden piece of furniture. In case the boy was right about someone being in the room he did not want to alert them of his ever growing presence. He would catch them alright. Quickly he opened the door and to his delight he found…coats. Okay so he wasn't actually delightful about it. Feeling a little miffed he pushed back the coats and found…the back of the wardrobe rich dark wood in color with a fine glossy finish. It was nice but not what he was hoping for. He gave a snorted huff as he closed the door.

"Well it would seem that nothing is amiss, at least not yet. I do hope that whoever is behind these murders knows the fault of pride is as wide as a room that is so high it causes one to fall." He marched over to Goyle/Connard and the two then left the room.

A few minutes later the two intruders exited the wardrobe. Draco/Hollings stood for a moment perplexed over the realization of his friend's sudden spike in deductive reasoning.

"For once I am stumped on what to call Goyle. Clever or Wanker."

"I already know I'm calling him a word for donkey." Was the crisp reply of his partner in crime.

"Bob's your Uncle then. What?" He asked as she looked at him as if stupefied. She quickly shook it off and went back to opening the suitcase.

"It's just odd to hear you use slang." Draco/Hollings could not help but to smirk a little at her comment. "We need to get a move on."

"There are a number of things you don't know about me." (Click) "Just like there are quite a few things we may not know about your brother. Are you sure you want to look inside this case? What if there are things that you don't know about him could change how you look at him?"

"If it was you, would you rather it was something you discovered for yourself or from someone else?"

"I suppose you are right." She opens it up a peek before Draco/Hollings put his hand atop of hers. "But considering the recent events perhaps we should take a little more caution when opening this suitcase. We don't know for certain if it is his or a clever trap."

"What do you think it's going to make the walls cave in like Indiana Jones?" Draco/Hollings was rightfully confused about the reference.

"Right wrong person to mention it to and wrong era. Can we just take a look at what's inside?" Draco/Hollings nodded while Lindsay/Amelia went back to opening the case. Her first attempt did not open the case. Which confused the two as it seemed like such a straight forward sort of clasp only when they had taken a closer inspection of it did they realize that it was a special sort of locking mechanism. The first thought was for Draco/Hollings to use the alohomora charm. Which did not work.

"Must be a stronger sort of lock. If only we had a bowtruckle."

"A what?"

"A bowtruckle. Cute little green plant like insect creatures that are known to be good at lock picking. We learned about them in Hagrid's class."

"That oaf…"

"Don't start." Draco/Hollings knew that it would not benefit him to go on any further so he heeded Lindsay/Amelia's advice and thought long and hard on what charm may open the case. Lindsay/Amelia began to look over the case feeling for anything movable that could lead to unlocking it. Her hand at one point ghosted over Draco's. A act that caught him off guard but not off task. He two began to follow her method. Together the two had managed to move a few keys into place. At what felt like the final stage of the puzzle the two hands met each other again. Even though they knew whose hand belonged to who they still followed in sight the person's arm and up it. Past their chests, neck and up into their eyes. Holding onto each other's gaze and frozen in time for a short bit before they were brought back down to earth. A couple clicks sounded off breaking the trance. The sound they knew it meant that the case was ready to open. Amelia/Lindsay was the first to open clearly eager to see inside of it.

"Shirts? He put a lock such as this on a case for shirts?" The professor picked one up and then another.

"Silk shirts. But I don't think that was the reason for the lock Professor. You made a good point just now. Why would a man just have shirts when he went through the effort of such a detail lock?"

"Another way to hide what was really inside."

"Exactly. We should check the lining or even the insides of the clothes."

"I will take the lining of the suitcase."

"Then I shall take a closer look at the shirts." The two went to their tasks. Amelia/Lindsay took the muggle route and felt about the shirts for anything that could be considered a clue. Draco/Hollings used a spell to look further into the case. So far there wasn't anything that the two could find.

"I can't believe it. My brother was this protective over his shirts!" Lindsay/Amelia kicked one of these shirts away as if it now the very sight offended her. Draco/Hollings meanwhile had not yet given up and instead felt the inside of the suitcase. A curious thing he noted was a slight rising in the framework.

"I wouldn't bet your entire savings for that yet. Pass me some parchment." Lindsay/Amelia did so and quickly. Draco/Hollings thought quickly on what he should use next. "I don't suppose your brother had any interest in being an artist and carried graphite around?"

"Afraid not. The only thing about art he took notice of was the price tag associated with it. But I do have this khol eye pencil. It should do the trick. Coincidently how do you know about such methods? After all they aren't your usual cup of tea." Draco/Hollings knew that what she was really asking about was from him and not his character's knowledge. But he was not going to make it easy for her to find out.

"I tell you what after all of this murder business is over and done with you come up to the university and ask me again."

"If you survive that long. Since the two of us have been poking our noses further into this investigation whose to say that we aren't next on someone's list?"

Is that your attempt to threaten me or flirt with me?"

"That is a matter of taste and logic. Would you rather I flirt with you or do you know I would kill you?" Her eyes seemed to pierce him. It was a strange sensation to experience. It wasn't fear that transpired but it did seem to put him on edge. As if there was some sort of omen hanging over him. An invisible sort of energy that was pulling him to do something that he was uncertain of.

"I doubt you would kill me, we do not know each other very well. Having just met we are strangers but it is the foreign element to us that we are inclined to be on our toes." He then got up from his crouched position. He leaned over her. His hands placed on the upholstered bench that Lindsay/Amelia had taken refuge upon. Though they were a respectable distance from her hips to her they may as well have been on them with the way she felt. Her heartbeat went up a notch her temperature had risen a little and the scariest thought in her head was that it did not repulse her as it would have a year or two ago when they had first known each other. This was something new to her. And little did she know to him as well. "It gives one a sense of excitement doesn't it?"

"I tell you Inspector there is someone up here."

"The detective! We got to get out of here!" Lindsay/Amelia was the first to react she snatched the paper out of the suitcase. Draco/Hollings used wingardium leviosa to place the refolded shirts (Lindsay made sure to do this as she searched them) back into the case. A quick shut of it and shove under the bed and the two were free to flee. They managed to get out into the hall but could see that the two were two close for comfort. Draco/Hollings knowing the interior of his own home better than anyone took hold of Amelia/Lindsay's hand and quickly hid inside of a cleaning room for the house elves. One of them was currently inside and was rather startled by the appearance of her master.

"You will keep quiet about us being here."

"Of course Master Malfoy. Do you require anything else?"

"No, you may continue with your duties. Just remember not to bring any attention to us."

"Yes, Master Malfoy." The she elf bowed quickly and went straight to gathering her cleaning supplies and going about her chores. The minute she went out the detective and Goyle/Connard stopped to talk to her. The elf stood with spine erect when the detective set to question her.

"Excuse me, but have you seen anything unusual happen in the last few hours or so? Any voices you didn't recognize or did recognize? Especially around the decedent's room?"

"I have heard nothing strange or unusual coming from the room. Nor have I heard anyone in the hallway that sounded unusual. Well unless you count you sir. I get the feeling that you are the very definition of unusual."

"That I am and it is in bold print no less in the most recent edition of course. Now are you sure that you didn't see or hear anything that bears mentioning to me? Any little things could help in the investigation you know."

"I am well aware of that sir. You said exactly the same thing last night when you interviewed me after the film bloke's body was found."

"Manager. He was a manager of his sister who is a film star not himself. I don't believe he had much to do with the movies outside of giving his sisters a role so that he could get a percentage out of it. I don't think that he had much talent for anything other than getting his sister to pay for him to do next to nothing."

"You try getting a good part without an agent. Especially one who doesn't do a roll in the hay for an audition." Lindsay/Amelia mumbled under her breath a few choice insults about Rumplestilskin and his acting.

"Sir I will say it again for your benefit. I have seen nor heard anything that would be considered strange in this hallway or in the vicinity of the decedent's room. Now if you will excuse me there is work to be done and I am the one who has to do it. So if you will excuse me I must be on my way." Rumpelstiltskin was about to say something when the she elf decided to put a quick stop to it. "And yes I know and remember to not to touch any crime scene until you give me permission. Until that time comes though I do have other areas to clean. Good day sir." With that flash of insult and orders understood the she elf went to work and Rumpelstiltskin was left with Connard/Goyle who was becoming interested the smell of a baked delicacy coming from the downstairs. He was quick to rush off after this. Rumpelstiltskin decided to follow him. The two young wizards crept quietly out from the door and then dashed the other way before they could be seen. The two kept the pace till they made it to Lindsay/Amelia's room.

Draco/Hollings took off his glasses to wipe the sweat from his brow. And then rub the bridge of his nose. The blasted thing where irritating him to no end. Honestly he couldn't understand how Potter could stand wearing these things. Feeling like he was being watched he looked up to see that Lindsay/Amelia was staring at him most intently.

"Can I help you?" He asks. "What was in the suitcase?" "The what?" A dramatic roll of the eyes was his answer. "Oh that suitcase." Carefully he pulled out the paper. Lindsay/Amelia drew closer to him to take a look.

"I'm not sure what this is?"

"Perhaps if we were to look at it in the light?" Lindsay/Amelia walked over to the lamp by her bed. Draco/Hollings joined her. In order to see what was on the paper Draco/Hollings found himself leaning over her shoulder right by her cheek. Being so close to her he caught a whiff of her scent. It was light and airy like the mist in an early morning. There was a slight touch of peach just waiting to be tasted.

"It's a bunch of numbers." Lindsay/Amelia's voice broke him from his thoughts. His mind then set him to the task at hand. He saw the way that some of the numbers were spaced and a thought came to him. "Do you think it is some kind of safe combination?"

"No. But I do have an idea of what it may be." Draco took hold of the note and then Amelia/Lindsay's hands. Together they went down into the library. The professor ran his hand quickly over the spines of the book. His hand stopped at a particularly lovely blue leather with gold leaf. Carefully he pulled it out.

"The History of the Wand?"

"It's a rather good book if you are a history buff."

"I take it that it isn't a good book for the rest of us?"

"It can be if you are open to it."

"Delightful as this banter is what does a book have to do with the numbers we found?"

"I caught your brother snooping around the bookcase. When I asked him what he was doing all he said was that he was looking for something to put him to sleep. I recommended this book. He said he didn't want to be put into a comma."

"I thought you said it was a good book? Recommending it as an alternative to a sleeping draught doesn't sound like a trait of a good book."

"The book is so good that it would put you to sleep because you had spent all night reading it." A snort of laughter came out of her and she was quick to blush at the absurd sound. "But he still took hold of it. I thought it was strange at the time. Now I believe I know why." Draco/Hollings opened the book and began to flip through various pages and writing down various words from them.

"So you think that the numbers are part of some code with this book? Why this book though?"

"It's just a hunch and no offense but I get the feeling that your brother wasn't interested in reading anything that wasn't a contract or other periodicals of a certain nature."

"What did you find while we were searching my brother's room?"

"Do you really wish to know?"

"I suppose not. I should appear more innocent of my brother's misdeeds."

"We all have misdeeds of some sort hidden from the sights of those we care for. And those we wish to return such affection."

"One would think that you were almost human Malfoy."

"It's Professor and I think I have found the answer to our riddle." Professor/Malfoy points to a page in the book that held a picture of a serious looking wizard holding a rather ornate and heavily bejeweled wand. The sheer amount of which was taken great care to recreate in the picture that one could go blind from the shine.

"The Wand of the Shiek. Valued for the rare jewels and their power inside of them."

"Gaudy thing isn't it?" A loud humph came from the picture at the comment to which Lindsay/Amelia uttered a quick apology. "How does this correlate to the numbers found? This could be a random attempt to steer me in the wrong direction whilst you locate the true killer of my brother."

"And why would I do that?"

"If this was a movie I would say that your reasoning would be for fame and glory and perhaps to get the girl. I'm guessing a rather pretty blonde type who is already engaged or dating a friendly rival you have at work. Hoping that once she hears about this in the papers she will immediately end her engagement and then running into your awaiting arms. Is that the ending you are hoping for?"

"I can't say that it is. But you have gotten one thing very wrong about me."

"And what would that be?"

"I am attracted to brunettes not blondes. To confirm about your inquires I noticed that there was spacing between certain sets of numbers. I figured these groups referred to a placement of a book and the page number needed."

"This is detailed and a good way of deduction but how did you come across such an idea for this?"

"I recalled that before his death I found your brother in here looking around at the books. I didn't think much of it until we talked about reading. How your brother seemed to think little of it. So why would he be in here looking at a book."

"It's a good theory that this has something to do with his death and in consideration of what I know that you don't know can help confirm it." Quickly Lindsay/Amelia cut him off from asking. "A movie that my brother had been a co-creator for is all about the legend surrounding the The Shiek and his famed wand. How it was considered the most powerful of the time, a great weapon of war and that those who possessed it after his death find themselves with great misfortune and that the wand has a habit of disappearing."

"Yes, a wand so desired but not easily found. A great trinket for a discerning collector or the next conqueror's secret weapon."

"If that is what this is all about. We could be going through fake clues left by the murderer. After all my brother could have been doing research for the movie."

"This is true. This could be nothing more than a red herring."

"A red herring, a snipe hunt or a wild goose chase…" Amelia/Lindsay went silent for a moment. Her mind racing but Draco/Professor did not notice at first. "I suppose so…Amelia?"

"A red herring is also a wild goose chase. A goose can be foolish."

"Amelia, are you alright?" Suddenly she griped his arms tightly. "Don't you see?! Don't you see?!"

"See what Amelia?"

"The game! The point of it?!"

"The point is that we are trying to solve a multiple murder."

"No, that's only the cover story!"

"Cover story? Amelia, I think you maybe over thinking these events." Amelia/Lindsay wasn't listening to him or rather she didn't want to. She wanted him to understand what she was talking about. Still gripping onto his arm she headed towards a bathroom. Quickly she shoved herself and Malfoy into the room and locked the door behind her. The Professor/Malfoy was confused by these actions and knew that it was not a teen fantasy of snogging in a locked bathroom. Not with the look that she was giving him.


"Why did you shout that?"

"You didn't read all of the rules did you?" Draco didn't answer. "The rules state that if you shout out the word Stop in another language you can get an amount of time free from the other rules. The older the word is the longer the time out is. As I used a Latin word which is one of the oldest languages in the upperworld that means we have thirty now twenty-nine and a half minutes left."

"What that's great we could…"

"But there is one catch…you can only use each word once. So we have to use our time wisely. Which is now…twenty-nine minutes exactly."

"Alright let's go out there and use them." Draco placed his hand on the door but stopped by Lindsay's voice.

"Draco! There is a reason other than explaining this rule that I brought you in here."

"I assume one of them is for privacy reasons."

"You caught on to that pretty quickly." Lindsay said rather snottily.

"I don't think I should help you if you are going to have that sort of attitude with me." Just as Draco got the door open a crack Lindsay's hand fell on top of his and pulled him towards her. "Sorry. I'm sorry about having a tone with you. Is that better?"

"Honestly it was more than I thought that you were going to do. Go on."

"I think I know the real reason behind this game. It's not a murder mystery game. It's a riddle game."

"A riddle game?"

"You would understand this a little more if you live in the Underground. The fay no matter who love a game of riddles. They can be as simple as children riddles about what is black and white and red all over to the puzzles Da Vinci came up with."

"Da Vinci was in the Underground?"

"Oh yeah. Anyone with a mind like his often came to us. Even Steven King did once and he did not handle it well…at all…I think he has issues. Definitely won't be coming back. The point is a mystery is a great riddle and Rumpelstiltskin is a great lover of riddles especially the ones he designs for my brother and me."

"He loves making them more than doing them."

"In some ways that's an oddity among our kind we enjoy the thrill of solving a riddle more than creating one. One of the reasons Rumpelstiltskin is a force to be reckoned with."

"Reckoned with?" Lindsay nods but then quickly shakes her head.

"We are losing focus here. Rumpelstiltskin is not interested in how everyone will follow the rules exactly to the letter in order to solve this. If this happens the game will have a predictable ending and nothing will bother him more than a predictable ending with little to enhance it. In fact I don't think he even cares about the story anymore. All the clues are here and there. Each clue is with very little rhyme or reason. The game has become boring to him which means he is going to amp it up till no one can solve it."

"I take it that is a bad thing?"

"Not being able to solve a riddle does not always look good especially when you are the daughter of the one who aided in an Upperworlder in defeating him in his most well known story."

"I'd like more details about that later. That is my price if I help you in what I assume is an alliance you hope to make."

"You would be correct on this. I need your help and I know where to go next. At least I have an idea. Will you accept an alliance with me?"

"With this alliance will you tell me the story of what your father did to Rumplestilskin?" Lindsay was curious to why Malfoy was asking for that when in the past he would ask for a little more than necessary. This time he was asking for less than necessary.

"If that is what you want. Do we have a deal?" She removed her hand from his having not noticed that they had held hands the whole time. She then reoffered it to him and he shook. "Now that that is done we don't have much time. We have to think to what He said while we were searching the room."

"Searching the room? He didn't see us."

"Get a clue Malfoy. He may not have seen us but he knew someone was in that room. It's why he said what he said just before he left."

"You mean about a room of pride?"

"That was it. Quick I need you to think what room feels the Malfoy's with great pride."

"Well…I suppose the room with all of our family portraits…"

"Good let's start there and we have about twenty-five minutes to get there and look without having to worry about the rules."

"Not so fast. I have to have a word with the two of you." There stood the detective looking all smug and done.

"Rumplestilskin, I am not in trouble of rule breaking. I have said the word in another language and the time is still active therefore. And since Malfoy was in the room with me when I said the word we are able to ignore the rules for the time allowed. Now if you will excuse us."

"I said not so fast. I am not here to punish you for anything that you may have done. I instead want to offer you a little wager."

"No thank you. Wagers are not something I wish to be a part of now. Since a wager is what has lead me here." A distinct look was given to Malfoy and a knowing twinkle passed over Rumpelstiltskin's eyes.

"Fine then no wager will I offer. Instead I wish to make a point."

"You usually do."

"Aye that is what you and I know of each other. Hmm I take it back I won't make a point. I'll just wager this you myself. I don't believe you will be the one to figure this out and when you don't I will simply watch. Watch from the sidelines. Do put on a good show. I don't wish to be disappointed." The small man only looked back once and the smug smirk had not disappeared. "The two of you may want to get a move on. You have less time than when you began."

The two scurried down the hall careful to avoid anyone who would inhibit their investigation. When they arrived to the portrait room, which was really more of a hallway than a room, they began to question the portrait about seeing anything strange happen. None of the portraits had seen anyone but the servants and the two of them enter in the last three days. Not one of the household, not one of the guests and definitely not the magical madman. It was a dead end.

"What else could he have meant about a room of pride?" Lindsay now back to Amelia asks aloud while pacing the floor. Malfoy wondered this as well. He also wondered how a simple parlor game he suggested had turned into the grand showcase of a power struggle between two members of the Underground. It was also clear that Lindsay/Amelia was very nervous around Rumpelstiltskin. And he seemed to enjoy such reactions from her. Whether it was a benign or malice enjoyment was yet to be seen.

"Professor Eric, What room would be the pride of a home?"

"Let's think about it. A kitchen wouldn't be it as it is a hearth and therefore synonymous with the heart of a home. To suggest a loo would be laughable. A hallway represents transition."


"Well it does connect one room to another therefore you are moving on when leave for another room."

"Hmm. That's rather clever actually. What about a mourning room?"

"I do believe there is a clear pun in that one."

"Right. I don't suppose the bedroom should be considered?"

"It could be for someone with much to boast about. However I am inclined to believe that it is more a representative of a false vibrato. King Henry the eighth comes to mind when I think of this."

"It could also be a room of sin if we recall the tragedy of Othello."

"Sin or distrust? Lust or love? Truth or fiction? Just like in this investigation one thing can mean another." The professor/ Draco leaned closer towards Amelia/Lindsay. "How do we know that it is a room of pride we are looking for?"

"Do you have an idea Professor?"

"I've been trying to remember exactly what it was the Detective had said. He mentioned a room of pride but what he said was that a room of pride is as wide as a room so high."

"That's right. So that means a room of pride is not what we need to find to search but what we need to find the room to search. Wasn't there something else that he said? It was something about a warning right?"

"Something about width and height…"

"Can you remember anything more specific?"

"As in word for word? You were there too shouldn't you be able to recall?"

"I was further in the back what I heard was muffled. I couldn't hear the whole sentence. Close your eyes for a minute." Draco/Professor squinted at her. "Please just do it. I promise that I am not going to try to kill you."

"Put your hands out then." It was Lindsay/Amelia's turn to squint at him but obliged. She laid her hands out and he took them into his own. Lindsay/Amelia out of instinct tried to pull away from his hands. "Call it a trust exercise. I close my eyes and you don't have a hand to kill me with. Deal?"

"Fair enough. Now close your eyes Professor."

"I think I would prefer you calling me Eric." A soft scoff escapes her throat.

"Focus, Professor. I need you to imagine you are back in Chester's room. We are hiding in the wardrobe…"

"In the coats hanging on the hangers I recall. I have to admit that it worked out better than I had thought. The look on the Detective's face when he opened the door and found no one there was priceless." Lindsay/Amelia's cheeks warmed his praise but she quickly pushed it down and set the scene.

"It's after he has looked in and found nothing. It's only him and Mr. Connard in the room. But imagine that instead of talking to Mr. Connard, the detective is talking to you. He is saying something only for you to hear. What is it?"

"A room of pride…sounds like a warning…"

"Okay good go with that. What is he warning you?"

"It's not a room of pride. It's a downfall of pride."


"Yes and something about a vault."

"Well pride would make you store your best items in a vault. Does your family have one?"

"No, wait it wasn't a vault it was a fault."

"Whose fault?"

"Pride's. The fault of pride! It is as wide as a room… that is so high it causes…"

"One to fall."

"You heard that part?"

"No, but it was easy to guess. All throughout history there are warnings about pride causing one's downfall. One of the reasons it became a part of the seven deadly sins." Lindsay/Amelia sighs. "In fact it could be that Rumpelstiltskin could have just been throwing a dig. Sending us on an entirely new goose chase."

Draco/Professor Eric watched as his fellow player slump into a chair upset over being made a fool and no doubt feeling worse having dragged him through it. In this rare moment of self reflection he saw that what he had seen as meeting goals to win her over where more like reasons to push her further away. He made her school life as hectic as possible. He succeeded in ending her relationship badly with her boyfriend. He even dragged her to his home for the summer. Now his game which was supposed to be a way for him to impress her was being used by a madman that was trying to fulfill his own agenda. Which he guessed wouldn't bother her so had he not been a part of it. But do not be impressed by his sudden depth of character. He was still going to pursue her and make her his girlfriend but he wasn't proud of how he acted in the past.

"You know you could still be right." Lindsay/Amelia saw as Draco/Professor Eric took a seat next to her. "It could be that we just need to reexamine what he said. If we find another meaning then we have a clue. Otherwise we could sit here and do nothing. Let the good detective get an easy win." She tilted her head for a second before asking him.

"Do you really think so or are you being nice?"

"I don't like to lose to anyone and that is the truth."

"Alright. Then let us think. Okay so if it's not about a room of pride maybe a room for pride or for pride's downfall."

"What if we forget that it's a room and focus on great examples of fallen pride?"

"Great examples of fallen pride. Well some of the best ones I can think of are all Greek myths. Arachne, Icarus, Bellerophon, Niobe, Theseus and Pirithous." A blank look passes over Draco/Professor Eric. "Theseus and Pirithous at one point both believed that they deserved the best sort of wives, meaning daughters of Zeus. Theseus kidnapped a young Helen of Troy. While Pirithous believed that he deserved to marry Persephone who was already married to Hades King of the Underworld, who was not happy about that. So when they came to take Persephone away Hades convinced them to sit in these special chairs that would not allow them to leave. Theseus was able to eventually while Pirithous was not so lucky. Thus the lesson is don't believe that you won't get in trouble for stealing someone else's wife or lover."

"Noted. Well let's look at some of those myths then. Which ones dealt with height or falling."

"Icarus and Bellerophon. They both deal with flying high enough to reach the gods but end up falling to their deaths."

"I think we may be able to limit it to one. Stoppen! I know a little German."

"Is my father will hear about this one of them?"

"Very cute King, but there is a reason that I needed a break from the rules…"

"Is it to tell me that we should focus on the myth of Icarus because like Icarus I too have a father, who has done something in the past to someone who decides to take his revenge upon him which in trying to evade would ultimately lead to the death of his son? Yes, the thought did occur to me when you suggested it. But if we go by that it would mean we would have to search the air above a body of water. Since that is where the story takes place."

"That's where it would end. But the story begins in a tower."

"A tower would be a high place and falling can occur. Also used in other mythos and stories dealing with pride and hubris too. But which tower would we look into. Aren't there a lot around here?"

"There are a number of them." Draco's morale started to slip until it perked back up again with an idea. Do you remember where it was that the tower that imprisoned Icarus and his father was? And where they were heading to?"

"It was Crete that they were imprisoned and I remember that because it's the home of the minotaur in the myth, but I don't remember where it was that they were fleeing to. Do you have a map of the world by any chance?"

"We have several. Do you think you might have an idea of where if you look at one."

"I might since I just remembered that where Icarus fell it was called the Icarian Sea. It might be an island in it. A father wouldn't want to be far from his son."

"No he wouldn't. Come on then to my father's study." The two made their way to the study. Once they were inside though Draco became even more careful of all of his movements and of Lindsay's. He knew his father would be most displeased with him if he disturbed anything in his office that he wouldn't want to come into the light. Especially with the princess in tow. "Don't touch anything. I'll get the maps."

"I won't but we better hurry. We have only a few minutes left till our rule free time ends and something tells me that Rumple will have something to spring on us then." Lindsay couldn't help but look behind her and through the crack in the door. It was like she expected Rumpelstiltskin to be right outside the door poised and ready to say No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

"Don't lose your head. I've already found them. Here." He carefully laid the maps on the desk. They flipped through the first one, then second and third till finally they came to one of the Mediterranean Sea. "Look here is Crete."

"And here is the Icarian Sea. You know we might not need to know what exact place he would end up. If we from here to there it looks like we can figure out the direction."

"West. The West Tower it is then." Draco quickly rolled up the maps and put them away.

"Let's go before anything should happen."

"I don't think you should say things like that." The two had just opened the door when who should appear but the detective with the Sir Henry and Mr. Connard.

"Did you order a welcoming committee?"

"I wouldn't be joking if I were you Ms. Harold. Under the circumstances and all."

"If you don't mind my asking Detective, what circumstances have risen that involve Ms. Harold?" Sir Henry/Lance noticed how the good professor was coming to Amelia/Lindsay's defense and she did not push him away. This seemed to irritate him only slightly.

"The circumstances have put Ms. Harold as the murderer and we are here to put her under house arrest until backup can arrive to escort her to jail. If you don't mind Ms. Harold, it would help if you don't resist arrest." The detective flourished a mocking bow for her to exit the room. Amelia/Lindsay's posture stood straight and she walked out of the room with her head held high.

"If you were expecting some kind of spectacle you will sadly be disappointed."

"Who's to say the show starts now, my dear." Sir Henry and Mr. Connard help the detective to escort Amelia to her room. The professor stayed behind and shouted to her that He knows she didn't do it.