A/N: Hope you're all happy. Starting another story is crazy with so many left to finish. But I need something to release the creative juices and being blocked on all my other stories is kinda not giving me the option.
Other than that I want to share that I am reading...not fanfics[though I still read them some], but actual books. And I like to have hard copies. Maybe since I don't have a phone or tablet that I can get books on, but I like the physical holding and possession of it. I just wished there more bookstores to go it nowadays since Borders went down. And I'm sharing this little info because if anyone has any recommendations then that would be awesome. Contrast to my taste in fanfics, I like suspense and angst. Murder mysteries, court battles. One of my favorite authors is Jodi Picoult and right now I'm reading 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher.

John groaned as his rubbed his assaulted neck. It was not the first time he had been kicked in the head. And not the first time that CM Punk had done the kicking either. But the impact was one of the worst. Punk had not held back in that attack. Which had caused him to be dazed and half-conscious when Punk planted a kiss on AJ. Also too dazed to even stop it.

John turned a wary eye over to look at the sleeping diva. She had fallen asleep after about a thousand apologies and just as many tears, they hadn't even left the arena yet. She was innocent in this entire thing. She had not been the one to kick him or attack him. He had always known AJ to be honest. Still he knew that this wasn't just any girl.

This was AJ Lee or AJ Mendez. She made a fast impression on the WWE and the WWE Universe. Becoming the 'Geek Goddess' and 'Crazy Chick' to the fans eyes. She had been involved in a storyline with Punk, Daniel Bryan, and even Kane, that had more twists and shocking moments than he could count. But had put her as a front runner in the divas division without the need to jump in the ring. Sweet, eager, and ready to take on any challenge it was a wonder how anyone could have a grudge against her.

So when the scandal started he had just been focused on clearing their names. Neither of them had done anything, at least not with each other. He wasn't a stranger to scandal and he knew how to deal with Vickie. But AJ wasn't as experienced. Still coming off of having her private moments with Punk revealed by none other than Punk himself. Furthering the split in their already cracked relationship, as well as the one in AJ's delicate heart. When it came to Vickie, AJ's best method of handling the cunning woman involved beating the living hell out of her.

So in the weeks of having their names dragged through the mud, he had become AJ's shoulder to cry on. Her only friend. When they decided to take it a step further into an actual relationship he had been excited. He was off his divorce and ready to find someone to move on with. Who better to do that with than AJ? She is cute, smart, active, talented, and genuine.

He felt like an idiot. He had not considered the amount of stress AJ had, nor how far she had been broken. Just how much of her innocence had been tainted by CM Punk?

"I don't think this is a good idea." Paul said. His voice firm, but still standing off ever so slightly to not try irritating Punk. He had told Punk these same words before he did that promo. More rapidly everything he told Punk was getting filtered out or just ignored. It would not be long before Punk decided to be rid of him.

Punk shot him a quizzical glare, silently demanding for Paul to explain himself.

"Look, you wanted to be rid of her. That's the whole reason we gave Vickie all those things to get her fired." Paul explained. "She was bringing you down." Still keeping his voice firm, but with the slight hint of plea. None of Punk's current school-boy crush fascination would be good, for either of their careers.

"Really? Cause I couldn't help, but notice that she's gone...AND SO IS MY CHAMPIONSHIP!" Punk snapped. "And I never told you to make it look like she had an affair with Cena of all people!" Punk had his points, the scandal just kicking into full swing recently and more doubts about it disappearing, more and more people agreeing with Vickie's testimony.

"What so you wanted your name dragged down in the mud along with hers?!" Paul questioned, his voice raising to match Punk's. Something even more. Punk becoming a name in this scandal probably would have ended in a sooner lose of the championship...But even Paul had to wonder if that would have even mattered at this point.

"Do you forget that I am a heel? Getting my named dragged through the mud is exactly what I'm suppose to be doing. I disrespected Bret Hart, Mick Foley, and Jerry! All to make people hate me! I revealed all that crap with AJ to look like a bully. And now she's gone to Cena along with my title." Punk growled. He turned to the wall giving a firm punch to the hard surface. Wincing as the wall did more damage to him than he had to the wall.

"Look, you still have your rematch. You can get the title back by next pay-per-view." Paul said. Trying to bright the mood of the former champion.

"...And AJ." Punk said in a mumble looking at his reddened knuckles with a wistful scowl.

"And AJ." Paul confirmed, with a roll of his eyes and a groan in his throat.

AJ peeked from under the lids of her eyes. John had dropped her off in her own room. Since they were still just starting their relationship they hadn't jumped into bed together or even stay in the same room just yet. Just because Vickie was making her out to be a slut didn't mean she had to be...

"You did that with Punk though"

AJ did a shake of her head trying to get the annoying and condescending voice out of her head, that sounded too much like John's. She had been exshauted after Raw. She had lost count of how many times she had apologized to John. And just how many times she had cursed herself for feeling anything during Punk's kiss.

She had actually kissed him back. And even if John hadn't seen it while it was happening there were still about 3 different replays of it for him to see during the night. From multiple camera angles no less.

When Punk kissed her, she had been shocked. And at first wanted nothing more than to push him away and curse him for all the shit he had pulled in the past and minutes before with what he had said to John. That had been her intention when she gripped his shirt. But the familiar feel of his tongue guiding across her lips made her melt. She lightly responded to his forceful kiss, giving light movements of her lips without putting any pressure or force behind them. Punk had pulled her by the back of her head tight enough that it wasn't needed anyway.

She had regretted it as soon as it ended. Punk's smug and knowing expression looking down on her made her fell sick. There was no way to deny to John, him, or even herself that she had felt nothing. For so long she had wanted Punk, his attention and affection were things she craved. When they had the stuff on screen she was happy for the chance to work with him and get closer to him. He gave her some of the best advice she could ask for. But with all that bonding came new feelings that neither of them had been ready for.

He had been burned many times from getting involved with the other divas. And she was still young and naive. It happened so fast and quick that if either of them blinked they would have missed it. They had fallen fast and fallen apart even faster. Their work being the main driving force that kept them apart. Diving into the heel persona made Punk act more like jerk off cameras. Not something she or her heart had been able to handle. With the addition to Paul being around Punk had less and less time for her.

Not that she had much time to give him either. She had agreed to become the role of general manager. So working with the teams of writers had taken a lot more time than when she would have a simple segment of going out to the ring. She had to coordinate the ideas and story-lines knowing when each thing took place. And if something ever started to get out of hand she would make a quick judgement and create an impromptu match.

Then they had a fight that AJ couldn't even remember how it started, but it did. She didn't know why they had even fought. It was one of the few times they had together, normally they would just enjoy that time watching tv, reading comics, or doing a more physical activity. But that fight was it for them. And it probably could have been fixed easily, but neither had the time or found the time to fix it. It was just over. Even if neither or them really wanted it to be.

At least that's what she thought. She knew when they had gotten evidence of her having an affair with John it was bogus. But after seeing and hearing all the drawn up and so called evidence Vickie had gotten. She knew just where it had come from. She remembered voice mails similar to those that she had left on Punk's phone. She could tell they were edited slightly and even some audio of things she had said in a promo had been in there.

Maybe that was why she kissed John after winning the championship from Punk. She knew Punk and John had a rivalry and at that moment screwing Punk over was one of the greatest things she could think of doing. Not to mention his long time title reign had ended.

Still she could not help, but question if she only started something to screw with Punk? Did she even have any feelings for John?

A/N: You all still suck! Anyway I'm uploading this just a half-hour, or half-hour is you don't count the pre-show, WWE Survivor Series is about to air. Like I said with Surviving Love, this is only an concept and in no way the actual happenings. I'm just doing something that current WWE creative probably can't think of.