XVII: Back Home At Last

"We will be landing shortly," said the voice over the intercom. "You may now use your cell phone.s Thank you for your cooperation, and we hope you enjoyed your flight."

Again with the feelings. SeeU simply couldn't stop them. They flooded into her, and filled her up with a warm, fuzzy sensation.

She peered out the window. It was nighttime - midnight, to be exact - but Daegu never seemed as beautiful to her as tonight. Its lights twinkled and the cars still roared along the highway. SeeU reflected that day when she was going to the airport in the taxi.


The nostalgia. It came back in full force.

SeeU didn't try to put it aside now. She slackened her guard and allowed it inside her, letting her heart clench with - how should it be named? - love. Love and nostalgia - for even when she was gone only for a short time, nostalgia had the power to preside over her. It was exhilarating. It was beautiful. For a moment, SeeU strayed off the main thought her mind was focused on (Let me just enjoy this), and marveled at how the blood ran in her veins, how healthy she was and now weak she was before.

Then with a clank, the plane dropped onto the runway.

She reflected on how it was, the plane slowly turning, and then rushing into full speed for takeoff. The landing was different: the "full speed" lasted only for a few moments, and it was mainly a bout of swerving and slowing down.

"We have now landed. Thank you for riding with Korean Air."

That was it.

SeeU stood up dutifully, stretching her tired, sore muscles. The sky outside was dark. She went up to the compartments and took out her suitcase, and then, following everybody else in a line, walked to the entrance where she was to exit. She doubted that a taxi would be there to drive all to her village. No, she'd just go to a hotel she happened to know that was near the edge of Daegu and call one of her family members. She patted her pocket for her phone and -

It's not there.

SeeU sucked in her breath nervously. How could she lose her phone - and on the plane, of all the places? Without it, she was totally helpless. She still had her yen to turn into won. She still needed to call someone -

Calm down, SeeU. Think.

Where had she left her phone?

SeeU pushed back to her seat. The phone, the phone. It had to be somewhere. Digging deeply, she found that her phone lay beneath her seat. Breathing a sigh of relief, SeeU flipped open the phone to make sure nothing had been altered, that her phone had not been toyed with. After confirming that, she brushed her mussed up hair from her face, let her heartbeat slow down, and squeezed into the line again.

Exiting the plane, SeeU felt the rush of feelings come at her again. Just a bit annoyed this time, she pushed them away and headed to the luggage claim section. She really didn't need to, as her suitcase - the carry-on - was right there, but she did need to cross the luggage claim section to get to the security checkpoint and whatnot.

She managed to keep calm and stoic while she took off her shoes, put the bag into those battered gray bins, and came out on the other side with the people waving metal detectors all over her as if they were groping her.

And then she was outside.

How can I ever say...?

SeeU threw her head back and gazed at the sky for a few moments before looking straight ahead again. All those people, holding their signs... She combed the crowd just for fun. Of course, it'd be unlikely that her family would come here to do anything, especially in the midnight, but -

Oh. My. God.

"Mother?" SeeU whispered, astounded. It was her! It had to be her.

Mother's shoulder-length blonde hair, cut childishly and yet seemed to accent on her appearance as a woman. Her sparkling, cheerful blue eyes. Her porcelain skin was still smooth and soft, although some wrinkles surfaced as laughter creases. Mother looked like she needed some sleep, but her smile was seemed to say that it was worth it.

And then... wasn't that Father next to her? Father, with the blonde hair and blue eyes as well, laughing and waving. He looked slightly better. Standing next to him, it was...


Not just Gumi, though.

Yukari! Her other friend.

SeeU wasn't sure what had come out of her mouth at the moment; it sounded like a cross between "thank you so much" and "oh my gosh," but all that she knew was that she was in her mother's arms before long.

Then she reflected on all that happened in her trip, and surprisingly, all those feelings seem to pour out of her. And so SeeU did only one thing that was natural to her at the moment. She cried.

Mother patted her gently, hugging her. Gumi anxiously asked SeeU what was wrong, as did Yukari, who rubbed SeeU's back as well. But SeeU could find no answer. It was just... there... in front of them... and somehow, all of them understood after a while without SeeU telling what to think. By this time, SeeU's crying had ceased, and taking a few shuddering gulps, she smiled tearfully at her family.

"I'll have a lot to catch up on, don't I?"

Gumi chortled, and the rest of the company burst into laughter too. "You have no idea!" she exclaimed, coming over to take SeeU's hand.

"Is it possible to miss Japan - and China, although I've only been in it briefly - so much, even though I just came back?" SeeU mused to herself a week later, laying idly on her bed.

The birthday party was great. SeeU was fluent in French now (kind of), and was moving on to English, although Oliver had already taught her some phrases back in her senior year of high school.

Speaking of Oliver...

SeeU flipped her phone open again.


Lol! Personally, I think she's out of her mind! But… Expand Post


But seriously? SeeU, I really do think you should spare this Oriba a chance. He *might* be the one you're looking for. Besides, your description of him is quite accurate. I can give you the Craiglist link if you want.

xx Love, xx


SeeU's finger hovered over the "Retweet" button. But what was there to say? Besides, there were a lot of people in the world named Oliver. This could be a random person.

But then...

All those miracles in the trip. The thousandth paper crane. SeeU still had it with her; they were hanging on the long strings above her bed.

If the gods had healed her when she could have died, maybe they could make another miracle work for her too. So she replied,


Oh okay. :)

Just this time though..I still think my point is valid. ;O Nonetheless, give me the link and I'll take a look!

...I haven't been able to get a hold of a lot of SeeWoo's friends as they're all off in college too. BUT- I -have- told my friends, and they didn't really believe me.

Well they did think it was funny ;)...so I may show them that I'm being right ;D Speaking of...How is it over there with you and SeeWoo? =3=


Two minutes later, there was an enthusiastic reply.


Oh … ! Haha. I still think that… Expand Post


I still think that you should. Who knows, maybe it *will* be! :D

Haha. Teeheee. Get them and I'll get a picture of us two together with our engagement rings. XDD Bet that'll shut them up. And I don't mind~

Giving ya the link right now!

xx Love, xx


Without hesitation, SeeU's finger found the "view" button for the website, and to her surprise, the description did fit her.

More than it should.

There was things about a nurse from high school who was now eighteen - SeeU's age - doing public service. Check. The person writing this had injured his right eye in a car accident. Check. Actually, the person writing had even included vague things like SeeU's height.

And he had enclosed his Twitter.

Interesting. Very interesting.

For only a moment, SeeU mulled over what she should do, before opening the Twitter tab once again and typing out a tweet to this Oliver in her best English.


Hi! :)

I think I am the girl you're looking for on Craigslist. I'm not sure but it's close as close could get.

If I'm get this right, you are Oliver Hibiki, who had ended up in ER due to a serious accident. You fractured both of your hips and your right arm was badly broken. Your right leg was broken in two places as well, and you nearly lost your thumb. I'm sorry if I'm getting too gory. Please let me know, I am only trying to find the right person.

I am the aforementioned girl, SeeU. I had done public service. I WAS seventeen at the time; I'm eighteen now, and in college. My height is that of the one you mentioned.

Thank you for reading my tweet.


Within an hour, Oliver had replied.


SeeU! :) I think we have a lot of catching-up to do, not to mention making sure we're really who we think we are. For starters...Expand Post

So, maybe it was true.

The gods had granted more than just one wish of getting well. They had granted a second wish, too - the wish for someone so she would never feel lonely.

SeeU smiled. Life was beginning to taste sweet.



Internet dating? Haha, you had me on that one.

SeeWoo and I are coming along fine~! I'm glad you asked.

So you and Oliver know for sure that you are the one they are looking for? Aww! How sweet! If you don't mind, I'll daydream about it. this fits into a nice story. LOL

I really have to go now. SeeWoo is calling insistently, Lol. But don't worry; I will get back to you!

You and Oliver HAVE to get together soon and meet each other again! I just … YOU HAVE TO!

PS Glad to know you're not really "dating" and have vidchats with each other on Skype. Lol. A sister-in-law-to-be has to be protective sometimes too. Speaking of that, SeeWoo has been pretty protective of you, really hoping that you've found your true partner and that Oliver won't dump you.

But I, like you, think he's too sweet for that to happen. ;D I'll be watching you two!

xx Love, xx




I speak no lies. 8D


Final chapter.

UWAAAHHHH I LOVE YOU ALL! ;u; Thank you thank you thank you so much for those who persisted in reading through the entire (slightly monotonous) story! *FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO VIEW CLOVEN DREAM, THE STORYID IS 9063035.

I won't continue because it will make me too sad. OAO I began this in November, after all, and the trip to-...

Kay I'll shut up now. Thanks again to all those that read the chapters~ I'll see if I can hit 100+ reviews with this chapter ^w^ And, final thank-you for those who read and reviewed!Thanks to the reviewers of the last chapter~ Troubled Windchimes, Ten-Faced, Katize Luka, knight of nights, guests friend (I'll take heed to what you say, promise! oAo), and ownitlikeaboss~!

~Unyielding Wish