Hey! I'm baaaaaaack! Sorry for the longest hiatus in the history of them. I thought about writing this fic about a couple months ago but I never had the right motivation... But tonight... I finished this thing! And I'm motivated again so, review and tell me if you liked it/hated it and want me to continue/just stop because I'm embarrassing myself. Anyways, enjoy and review!

A/N: This is an AU story. A lot of things are different. For one, there's more magic involved. Caroline isn't a vampire- she's a "Witch". I say that because she isn't exactly like Bonnie in the sense of that word. More to come in the story development if you guys end up liking this.


"Where is he?" Caroline frantically pushed through the blob at the front counter, eyes wild.

Liz Forbes, her mom, grasped her elbow. "Caroline... He's in surgery right now."

"He has to make it, right?" Caroline whispered in a fragile state. "Dad has to be fine. He said he would be fine, mom." her voice trembled in the last syllable and Liz sighed, pulling her only daughter into a tight hug.

"It doesn't look good, Caroline."

"Sheriff Forbes!" Matt spoke, towing Elena and Bonnie closely behind. "How is he?"

"Not too good, Matt." Liz answered. Caroline wiggled free of her mom's grasp, feeling a chill through her spine.

"Care?" Elena asked, seeing her friend's discomfort.

Caroline's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as she got the urge to get out and go as far away as possible from the now smothering hospital. And there it was, that faint whisper telling her that she needed to go outside.

"I just- I just need some air," she croaked. It was almost zombie-like, the way she walked out of there. As if she had no control whatsoever of her movements or of the knowledge of where the hell she was going as she continued to walk on, soon entering the dark depths of the woods.

The whispering seemed to become more prominent as she grew closer to her unknown destination.

A twig cracked under her boot and the whispering ceased, snapping Caroline out of the trance. Thoroughly lost, she took in her surroundings, realizing she must've walked all the way to the site of the abandoned church.

"Well, this is creepy..." she mumbled, trying to figure out the path she'd taken to get there. Something behind her cracked and she spun quickly, facing the noise. It was no use; everything was pitch black except for the very faint moonlight.

"Well, I'm glad it finally worked."

Caroline gasped, turning to face the voice.


"So, any idea if your dad's cancer is getting any better?" Elena asked, taking Bonnie's apple. Bonnie protested, failing at trying to retrieve it.


Caroline sighed, shaking her head. "The doctors are doing everything they can. It's not looking any better- but," she took in a breath. "They did say that it looks like he'll be around for a bit longer, now. With all that chemotherapy."

Bonnie nodded. "Well, I'm glad you're taking this to your full advantage. What are your summer plans?"

Caroline smiled softly, "I'm thinking about going to see Rome with my parents. I've saved up enough money and I figured I could use the vacation... You know, one last time with my dad before he goes."

Elena nodded, fidgeting with the apple. "So, Bonnie. What did your Grams say about you getting home late last night?"

Bonnie's mouth dropped open. "God, don't remind me! She gave me like, the biggest speech ever about how I should've been more responsible. I was ten minutes late. Quick, somebody call a priest because I need to convert and become a nun."

"If you did that, you'd have to swear off boys forever." Caroline pointed out, laughing.

"I hate you, Caroline Forbes!" Bonnie complained, throwing a carrot stick at her. "And it was worth it. I think that I might finally have a long term guy by my side."

"Maybe. If your Grams doesn't scare him away with all that witchy talk." Elena commented.

Bonnie looked at her blandly. "That's not going to happen. I've already discussed that with her and she promised that she'd tone it down. She's just concerned about my well-being and the fact that she actually thinks we're witches."

"Maybe you are, it would explain why you're so smart." Caroline said. "Do you think you can dream up my Physics test answers? I'm dying here."

"Ha. Ha." Bonnie said sarcastically. "It's not funny. Grams really thinks that we're witches."

Elena rolled her eyes. "Is she still looped on the liquor?"

Bonnie nodded.

"Makes sense." Elena smiled brightly before looking beyond the heads of the overcrowded lunchroom. "There's Stefan. I've got to go."

"Yeah, abandon us to go make out with your boyfriend, Elena!" Caroline projected, earning a tight shush from Elena.

"He's such a god, that Stefan." Caroline mumbled. "I wish I had me some arm candy."

Bonnie rolled her eyes. "And you will."

"Please, by the time I have a guy it'll be the end of something."

The dark haired girl looked at her friend with all consideration. "Or the beginning of something big."

"You're going to drive this whole 'witch' conspiracy to the ground, aren't you?"

Bonnie merely smiled.

"What did I say about a low profile?" Klaus growled, grabbing Kol by the collar of his shirt. Sometimes, his younger brother really could be a great pain.

"I was- you're the one making a huge deal about this, Nik." Kol managed to escape his older brother's grasp, moving so swiftly that he almost tripped over the girl's unconscious body. "I was hungry. You had me lying in a coffin for over a century. Excuse me if I wanted a meal."

Klaus shook his head. "Have you forgotten that we're not safe? Have you completely lost your mind?"

Kol rolled his eyes, "You're not my father. You don't get to tell me how to behave. Is that why you undaggered me? Want me gone?"

"No, Kol. I undaggered you because I figured I'd do something nice for once. Accept it, we're brothers and as much as you annoy the hell out of me,I need all of you to help me get rid of Devin and Garnet."

Kol grumbled, trying to smooth out the now wrinkled material of his shirt. "Those clowns again? I thought they'd be dead by now. How long has it been, brother?" Kol mocked. "A thousand years?"

"They were witches, Kol. Users of devilcraft. They have followers throughout the generations attempting to resurrect them."

"Resurrect? Please, you said so yourself that there wasn't a witch strong enough to do that."

Klaus's eyes shot him a look of suspicion and Kol's eyes widened.

"Dear god, you have, haven't you?"

Klaus remained silent as Kol laughed without humor.

"So I guess that's it, then? We're going to die."

"I won't let that happen to anyone in this family," Klaus growled. "Just because some witchy prophecy says something doesn't mean it'll come true."

Kol didn't look convinced but he dropped the subject, instead switching to a much less heavy topic. "So, who is this girl?"

"The witch?" Klaus reiterated.

Kol nodded. "Tell me, brother. How did you find this daughter of Artemis?"

"How does anyone find somebody? I have connections in the witch community."

"Who helped you, Niklaus?"

Klaus sighed, "An old Bennett witch. Sheila. I saved her life once, the least she could've done for me was find this one young girl."

"And if the mass is heavier, the greater an object will accelerate."

Caroline drummed her pencil against her notebook, looking out of the window and at the rainy sky. It was unusual that Mystic Falls would have such gloomy weather and she just couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to go down. She sighed, returning to her notebook full of sketches.

She bit her lip, using her pencil to darken the edges of a necklace. It was a simple necklace; just a cross and leathery cord. She didn't know why she'd been obsessed with it for the past couple of nights, it seemed to be a recurring theme in her dreams.


She shivered inwardly, looking up to make sure her teacher hadn't caught it.

Caroline had horrible nightmares full of howling wolves and monsters who lurked the night, craving blood. They came in disoriented flashes but what she could make out was a full moon, woods, and split second of that necklace. Who did it belong to?

She didn't have the slightest clue. All she knew was that it scared her to her core.

Thunder outside shook the glass panes on the windows, taking her attention to the moving trees outside.

"Caroline!" Elena whispered.

Caroline's green eyes looked at her friend and she smiled. "Hmm?"

"Tyler Lockwood is having a party tonight at his house, do you want to be my date?"

"What about Stefan?" Caroline asked.

Elena frowned. "He has plans tonight and I really don't want to show up all alone."

"My dad wants to hang out with me tonight," Caroline explained. Elena shot her a look of desperation and after a moment, Caroline cracked. "Well, I guess it can wait until tomorrow... Fine, I'll go to Tyler's party."

Elena smiled, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"You owe me big time, Elena." Caroline whispered back.

"We're going to wake up Rebekah?" Kol grouched, his hand closing his little sister's coffin. "The devil herself?"

Klaus sighed, debating whether or not it had been a good idea to undagger Kol. "Yes. Mind you, Rebekah actually serves as an asset."

"I take high offense to that remark," he snapped. "But think about it, Rebekah is unpredictable. And moody. And a girl."

"Good. So you two have something in common, then." Klaus slapped Kol's hand away. "Now get out of my way."

Klaus lifted up the coffin top, breathing in deeply, seeing his baby sister lifeless and gray. He'd never meant to leave her sleeping for so long but he had done it for her own good. It was his proclaimed duty to look after his siblings, after all, he was the hardest to kill. He reached in and quickly took the dagger out from her chest.

Nothing happened.

"What the hell is taking her so long?" Klaus grumbled.

"She's just being dramatic. Can we go and get something to eat, I'm starving."

Klaus glared at him. "Go out and find something to do, Kol. I've got bigger things to worry about than your own amusement."

Kol's deep green eyes narrowed. "Fine. And I'll have you know, brother. I'm very good at gathering information. Just saying."

Kol slammed the door shut on his way out. A few moments later, the door opened again.

"Back from your trip, already?"

"It's certainly good to see you, Niklaus."

Klaus turned slowly, coming face to face with his brother. "Elijah. I thought you were Kol for a moment," he tossed the dagger aside. "And next time you leave, you can take Kol with you. He's been pestering me ever since you pressured me to wake him."

Elijah shook his head. "I only returned because you said you found her."

Klaus blinked. "I believe I have."

"Believe? You haven't layed eyes on her yet?"

Klaus shook his head. "A witch friend informed me of her whereabouts."

"And that is..."

"She's in Virginia, in a little town called Mystic Falls. And you and I, brother, are going to retrieve her and keep an eye on her. She's the only one that can bring back those moronic sorcerers and we're going to make sure that doesn't happen."

"For the sake of our family." Elijah added.

Klaus blinked once. "For the sake of our family." he repeated.

"Mom, I'm going out!" Caroline yelled from the front steps of her house. Keys in hand, she moved to her car when her mom shouted out.

"Caroline, wait!"

She spun and faced her mother. "Yes?"

"You're going out tonight? I thought you were going to hang out with your father?"

Caroline shrugged. "Well, we can hang out tomorrow... A friend wants me to go to a party tonight."

Her mother frowned. "A party? Caroline..."

Caroline sighed. "Look mom, it isn't going to get out of hand, I swear. There won't be anything illegal at the party, either. It's at Tyler Lockwood's which means it's at the mayor's house."

"Still... You're father doesn't have a lot of time left, Care."

Caroline bit her lip, feeling guilt wash over her immediately.

Stop it! You deserve a night out! For God's sake, you've been stuck inside your house for the past year, it's time to take time for yourself.

"I just want one night..."

"I know sweetie, but your father."

"Listen, mom. I get it. I understand completely that dad doesn't have... much time left," she choked out. "But ever since we found out that dad had cancer I've been stuck in this bubble and, honestly? I need some balance in my life. I can't keep isolating myself from the rest of the world."

"I understand where you're getting from, Caroline. But he doesn't have time anymore. Your friends will still be there after-" Sheriff Forbes stopped. "After he's gone."

"And so will I." Caroline stated weakly. "I don't ask for much but tonight, I'm getting out. I'm sorry." With that, she climbed into her car and drove off, guilt consuming her.

"What did your mom say when she found out you were ditching?" Bonnie asked Elena.

Elena sighed. "She didn't find out. My Aunt Jenna's covering for me again."

"Your Aunt Jenna is cool," Caroline pointed out, adjusting her hair. "I don't see why you complain about her."

"I only complain because she brings in guys from her college classes and... tutors them rather loudly."

Bonnie and Caroline giggled. The party was in full swing, lights, music, everything.

"What about your mom, Care?" Elena asked, sipping her drink and making a sour face. "This is too strong..."

"She gave me that guilt spiel. Honestly, I can't go one second without feeling bad for thinking of myself." Caroline shook her head and frantically filled her red cup with a drink. "But you know what? She's just going to have to get over that."

"Whoa," Bonnie whispered, hitting both Elena and Caroline's arms repeatedly.

"What, Bonnie?"

"Hot guy alert." Bonnie whispered, never taking her eyes off of the new guy with the golden brown hair and devilish eyes. "I've never seem him around here before."

"He's hot." Elena said, drinking again. "Definitely not from around here."

"I call dibs!" Bonnie said quickly.

"Whoa, there!"Caroline said. "I thought you were having a fling with quarterback guy?"

"Ugh, no way. He made out with Kerry Kruikshaw this morning. Screw him."

"Thought you already did that, Bonnie." Tyler interrupted.

Bonnie made a disgusted look on her face before walking towards her mystery man.

Tyler turned to Caroline. "Hey Caroline."

Caroline nodded and smiled. "Nice party. Bad taste in music, though." She noticed that his eyes raked over Elena, who ironically, didn't notice right then. "Still a man-whore, Ty?"

Tyler feigned hurt, turning on his full flirting charm. "Ouch. That was a low blow, even for you, Caroline. I thought the Queen Bee was dead- just like your future."

"You're one to talk. You're still momma's little boy. Or are you still taking party tips from the stoners?"

Tyler shook his head. "Well, what would you classify as good music?"

Caroline made her best bitch face. "Not this crap. Then again, you always favor Vicky's opinion over anyone else's so..."

Tyler hit another mood swing, leaning in closer to her to whisper, "That's not what you said last year in the back of my car."

Caroline's eyes filled with angry tears as Elena gasped. Her and Tyler's hookup had been a secret for a reason. She had been the stupid one to believe his empty promises and false sweet words. He was the first guy she'd done it with and he'd laughed in her face afterward, telling his buddies every detail. Ever since then, Caroline had tried to avoid him as much as possible. All he cared about was his stupid social status and his conquests.

"Screw you," Caroline managed to say, walking away as quickly as she could. Elena chased after her when she felt her phone vibrate.

"Hello?" Caroline sniffled away the tears.

"Caroline. You need to come to the hospital right now. It's... It's your father." Caroline gulped, ending the call and informing Elena, who luckily, found Matt and asked if he could take them to the hospital.

Caroline quickly located Bonnie who was talking with her mysterious man. He would have to wait.

"Bonnie, we have to go. It's my dad, he's in the hospital!"

Bonnie nodded, turning briefly back to the guy. "I'm sorry, my friend needs me right now... Um, sorry. What's your name?"

The guy smiled seductively, "Kol."

Bonnie smiled. "Oh. Well, it was nice talking to you, Kol."

THE ABANDONED CHURCH SITE ~Present time~ 11:59 p.m.

Caroline gasped, facing the stranger. She had long dark brown hair and was wearing a strange tunic.

"Who- Who are you?" Caroline stuttered, shaking with fear.

"That isn't important now, child. What's important is that you fulfill your destiny. Awaken us, daughter of Artemis and you shall be spared."

"What the hell are you talking about, lady? Who is Artemis and awaken who?!"

The woman's black eyes pierced into Caroline's light green ones. "Do as you are told, young priestess and you will live. Awaken my brother and I from our everlasting slumber!"

Lightning illuminated the scenery, revealing the stone platform Caroline had seen in her dream.

"I don't know what you're talking about! What are you?"

"That isn't of your concern. If you want to survive, hand over your blood and say these words:

Expergiscere caliginis, et lux

gemini caelorum

erit enim immensa, nox

Cum hoc vitae essentia,

Vita fit mors"

Caroline's eyes darkened slightly, the gibberish feeling seemingly familiar. But from where? That was the question.

"Do this and I shall spare your father."

Caroline's eyes snapped at the woman's. "Spare? As in.. Save him?"

"Yes." The woman held out her hand. "Come forth, child."

She shook her head. "No. This isn't real. You aren't real. I'm hallucinating from the hysteria and the alcohol." she ran a hand through her hair. "This isn't happening."

Another strike of lightning made Caroline jump.

"Now you insolent girl! There isn't much time!" The woman's eyes were frantic. "I've seen your deepest desires. You want someone to care for you the way you care for your friends and family. You feel as if you could disappear and nobody would care, is that right?"

Caroline gulped, tears stinging her eyes.

"You keep up this charade of strength when really, you're a scared little girl waiting for a purpose; waiting for something to fight for. I've seen it all, Caroline. And by assisting me you can finally have a purpose- a destiny to fulfill."

"How? You're not real!"

The woman smiled. "Dearest Caroline, everything you know. Everything you once believed; you're foundations, friends, family... It's about to change, whether you're prepared or not."

She held out her hand once more.

"So I ask again, come forth, child. Take hold of your fate."

There was another crunch of leaves, snapping the spell. "Now, come on, Garnet. Stealing my girl already, aren't we, love?"

Yay, or nay? Leave me a review telling my your opinion!
