Hey my little anime cubs...


So like...I suck I know.

I told you I was taking a break to study for my AP testing and then I ended up taking over 2 years to try and get back into writing.

So much has happened, and for the past 2 years, I have had so many ideas, but no motivation to write...

So I 1000000% apologize for leaving you guys the way I did. I did not plan to take over 2 years, but life just kinda took it that way. But I want to finish this story, I really do. I read it yesterday all over again and I realized how much I want to finish it not just for you, but for me :)

Hopefully you can find it in your heart to forgive me, and I can't promise weekly updates anymore, but I will try my hardest to do what I can.

Oh yeah since it's been 2 year I guess I can say I am no longer in High School :) I just got past my Freshman year of College and I am majoring in animation and video game design :)

Well here goes!

Last Time on The Road to Life:

Well A Lot...Sting joined Fairy Tail, Amelia and Rogue made up and now the guild with the help of Ryker continues to search for a way to fight their dark foes and save Dark.

Chapter 23: Training

Somewhere in Fiore

It was still dark when Lust returned from her little side trip. Fire crackled through the night as she stared up at the huge doors in front of her. She had been informed upon returning that her brother was already in a foul mood, and she was not too eager to see him, but she had to know what happened.

Opening the door swiftly, her bright purple eyes squinted in the darkness, enough to see her brother, standing up over a much smaller body that trembled with fear. She turned her attention to the blue light glowing nearby and knew that her sister Fear was in the room and probably using her powers to scare the cowering figure.

Upon her entrance, Fury turned to look at his sister his eyes filled with complete emptiness.

"Ahhhh my dear Sister, just in time to see this little girls punishment" he said while kicking the smaller figure in the gut. There was a small yelp of pain and the figure turned over to reveal the guild girl that had aligned herself with us. "What was her name again? Minerva?"

Lust simply did not answer her brother as she continued to walk down the hallway towards the party, her eyes avoiding the whimpering girl on the floor next to her. Placing her hands on her hips, she looked towards Fury, eyes irritated.

"I'm guessing her attack plan on the rebels failed?"

"Not necessarily Madam Lust" and new, calmer voice said from the darkness. With a look of contempt the older woman saw the familiar body of Zeo, her brother's loyal bodyguard.

"Tch" she growled "Zeo I thought I told you to continue watching the White Dragon Slayer and the Celestial Spirit Mage"

The large figured bowed "My Apologies Madam, but Master Fury told me of the Guild Girls failure to capture the other two Dragon Slayers and asked me to make sure the third one didn't get away."

At this, Lust turned her head slightly "So we still managed one sacrifice?"

Fury nodded, turning his back against them. "The rebel leader is unconscious down in her cage with the others where she belongs." he cracked his knuckles getting more excited. " That brings us to three sacrifices in total. All we need now are the others." His smile grew more sadistic as they all just stood there quietly, the only sounds heard being that of Minerva's whimpers as the torture continued.

"Fear!" he suddenly growled at his little sister who hadn't moved an inch since Lust walked in. She still stood over Minerva with a cold smile on her face as she tortured the guild girl. When he called her name she suddenly stopped what she was doing and bowed to her brother. "Yes brother?"

"Take this Guild Trash down where she belongs, a night down there in the dark should teach her the lesson of hard work!"

"Hai!" Lust watched as her sister dragged the girl off, a shred of pity forming for the mage.

"Serves her right I guess"

"Lust" it was her turn to bow towards her brother, her eyes calm as she waited her orders.

"It is almost time, be prepared for it" was all he said as he walked further into the darkness, disappearing all together. Zeo bowed, following his master almost immediately, leaving Lust all by herself in the dark room.

She clicked her tongue in annoyance "Why does it feel like I'm doing all the work around here" silently she sighed and shrugged her shoulders, "Oh well..." Suddenly her demeanor changed and she started laughing to herself, a cold smile upon her face. "More fun for me I guess"

Inside Lucy's Apartment

Lucy's POV

Lucy woke up to the sweet smell of pancakes that flew at her like a wall of bricks. Walking out through groggy eyes, she almost fell over in surprise.

In the kitchen, standing in a pink apron, Sting stood, flipping pancakes, and whistling a soft tune.

It had been about 5 days since Sting had joined the guild and the others returned from the camp. Rogue suggested Sting live with Lucy until they were able to find a place of their own, though awkward at first, the two eventually got into a nice routine of living together, but Sting was still surprising her as she found more about him. This being one of them.

Lucy stared at the boy's back, unable to comprehend what was happening. It was then that Sting turned around, and saw Lucy standing there. Seeing her dumbfounded face, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes I cook too Luce….I know, I'm perfect" he said with a smug look.

Lucy quickly shook her head, snapping out of her daze and giving Sting small smirk. "I wouldn't say perfect."

He led her to the table, pulling out the chair for her. He offered her a plate full of pancakes, and dished her out some eggs. Through all of this, her brown eyes narrowed slightly.

"You're being awfully nice today Sting." She laughed quietly "What's the occasion?"

Sting smiled, giving her a devious grin "I'm soooo glad you asked that Lucy…."

Lucy continued to stare at the spiky haired blonde, her suspicion rising with every moment. She took a small sip of her Orange Juice letting the Dragon Slayer to continue what he was going to say.

"We are heading into the Mountains for a few days" he said simply. Lucy took a wrong moment to take another sip and almost choked on it. She gave Sting an incredulous look as she put her glass down.

"W-What?" she stuttered "The Mountains? But why?!"

Sting stood up, cracking his knuckles "While it's true we are back at square one with figuring out a way to stop those demons, the #1 thing we must do is train ourselves for the harsh battles to come!" He gave Lucy a smile as he sat back down "That's why you, me, Rogue, Misaki, Wendy and Natsu will be spending a few days in the mountains, to get stronger."

Lucy nodded slightly, the initial shock of the statement now over. But she was still uncertain "It makes sense..." she took another bite of her pancake "But still, what happens if they attack the guild while we are gone?"

"No need to worry! Erza, Laxus, Gajeel, Mira and that ice-block friend of yours are staying behind, Masters orders, whatever happens those five should be able to handle anything!"

Something about this didn't set right with Lucy but seeing the White Dragon Slayers wide grin, she couldn't find herself to argue more about it. Nodding, she gave him a smile "When do we leave?"

Getting up, she watched as Sting walked towards the couch where 2 small little bags were already prepacked. Throwing one softly towards Lucy who caught it with ease Sting gave her a big thumbs up with a wide toothy grin "Whenever you finish your breakfast!"

Outside the Magnolia Train Station

Sting and Lucy walked side by side, holding hands as they entered the station. Lucy was acutely aware of the close distance the two were sharing and had to keep herself from blushing red.

"Aren't you use to this by now Lucy?" she asked herself "I mean you've already kissed him a handful of times and he lives with you for pete sakes!"

But the truth of it all was that she wasn't use to it, at least this feeling of being affectionate outside the guild halls and her own home. She could see some people were staring, whispering urgently to each other

"Hey isn't that Fairy Tails Lucy Heartfillia with the Dragon Slayer from Sabertooth?" she could hear a older woman ask. That man next to her smiled nodded his head "Sure does look like it. Hmmm they make a very cute couple if I may say!"

At this Lucy smiled, and felt more confident about her new found relationship. "Dumb Lucy! You shouldn't care what other people think!"

"Hey guys!" Sting yelled across the building, snapping Lucy out of her thoughts. She smiled as the two quickened their pace to catch up to their friends. Standing there were Rogue of course, smiling at the two lovebirds, Misaki who was busy arguing with Natsu about something and off to the side stood Wendy with the surprisingly newly formed BladeStorm team.

Lucy tilted her head but smiled at the trio. "Are you guys joining us?"

Amelia nodded directing a sour look at Ryker who leaned up against the side of a poll, a huge smirk on his face. "Dog breath over here got beaten up pretty badly against Minerva so I thought it would be a good idea to join you all...if that is alright of course" She added that last part a little bit more shyly as a blush crept up on her face.

Lucy giggled at the girl, letting go of Sting's hand and hugging the shy black haired mage. "Of course you can come! Rogue might be your family by blood, but all of us are your family by heart!" she looked down at Amelia, giving her a genuine smile "Got it?"

"Y-Yes" she stammered, lost for words, the blush deepening.

"Besides" Ryker finally said, interrupting the sweet moment "You need all the training you can get... ehh Treasure?" he added that last part with a smirk, giving her an arrogant grin.

Thats when Amelia lost it and immediately turned on her teammate, her face red with irritation "Shut up you stupid dog! Once we get to the mountains, so help me..." she started ranting at him making people wanting to stop and stare at the two bickering teenagers, while Ryker just calmly smiled.

Zoe stood off near the side with Wendy who both sweat dropped "Thanks for letting us come" she bowed politely towards Lucy.

"O-Of course" Lucy stuttered, looking at the two mages fighting.

"Train for Myoko Mountains leaving in 5 minutes!" and overhead voice said and the group all turned to each other. It was Natsu, who had stopped fighting with Misaki to smile at her and nod "Alright lets get going!"

In the Mountains

3 hours later, the group finally found their destination; A very wide, abandoned clearing on the mountain side, with huge rocks supporting them. There weren't many trees around the area so they had a nice view of the blue sky.

"Alright" Lucy said to the group "Set up camp first or train first?"

She saw Sting and Natsu give each other a wide smirk, while Amelia glared at Ryker not far off. The Celestial Spirit mage sighed in defeat

"Alright go ahead and get it out of your systems now. She turned her back towards the trees "I for one don't want any part of this so Im going to get firewood. Just promise me you won't blow up our camp site."

Sting cracked his knuckles, smiling at Natsu eagerly "I promise" they both said at the same time.

Sighing once more Lucy started walking away. "Wendy make sure they don't kill each other please...that goes for Amelia and Ryker as well."

"Of course Lucy-san!" Wendy nodded next to Zoe.

"Wait! I'll help ya Lucy!" Misaki said, following after her.

Sting's POV

"Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame!" Natsu voice yelled, aiming directly towards Sting. Luckily, he was quick enough to dodge the incoming attack, smirking as he launched himself in the air.

"Gotta be quicker than that Natsu-san!" he teased. Natsu gave him a smirk in response "Don't get cocky just yet Sting!"

"Lightning Flame Dragon's Roar!"

"Holy Nova!"

The two attacks collided, releasing a huge amount of built up power. Igniting the whole clearing in dust in debris.

"Oi!" he could hear Amelia growl "Mind not interfering with our fight!"

Sting laughed, getting off the ground, walking towards Natsu. The two had been at it for about 2 hours now, and he knew Lucy was bound to come back any minute so he figured he would call it the end of the match. Starting down at Natsu who started complaining Sting was reminded of the feeling of pure respect he held for Natsu while growing up. Not once did he think he could face Natsu one-on-one like this, and the idea of it just made him even more happier.

He saw Natsu smile up at him, the same thoughts echoing through him. He took Sting's offered hand and smirked "Not bad Eucliffe, having you in the guild is going to much more fun now" he said with a devious grin. Sting couldn't help but sweat drop at the mage. Helping him off the ground he heard the two small girls cheering on Amelia and Ryker's fight.

Farther off he saw Rogue and Frosch returning carrying buckets of at his best friend, he saw a small, proud smile on his face as he watched the two younger kids fight.

Sting had to admit, he was impressed. To have enough stamina to continue to fight as long as they have was no small feat. For the most part the two were evenly matched, one side occasionally taking the lead but then the other would rise up as well.

Looking at the two however, it would seem the fight was drawing to a very short close. Both Amelia and Ryker were breathing hard as they glared at one another, and he could tell they were exhausted.

"Hmph" Amelia said smiling in triumph "Looks like the dog isn't as strong as he thought" She pulled out a bone from her rib cage, dual wielding both the bone as a sword and her katana. Sting shivered in disgust, he still wasn't used to this girls power to manipulate her own bones.

Ryker flashed her a brilliant smile "I'll admit, you're good, but this ends now"

Suddenly Sting saw the boys hands turn bright blue and he lunged for Amelia in a last ditched effort. Amelia went at him head on and the two clashed, both evenly matched.

"Oi Oi Oi...you guys aren't done yet?!" a familiar voice called and Sting turned to see Lucy returning with handfuls of firewood, Misaki at her side.

"Almost done" he called to her, giving a smile "Seem like the two teenagers need to take their sexual frustrations out on eachother a bit longer"





"W-WHAT?!" Amelia called, immediately jumping away from the battle "Seriously Sting-san! If you think for one second that I like this flea bitte-" Her face was bright red while Ryker's was somewhat surprised himself.

Sting stuck his tongue out at the ranting girl "Just kidding"

Lucy sweat dropped at Sting, while Wendy just blushed profusely. Rogue himself was gaping at his friend and suddenly his face contorted into that of an older brother. "Amelia" he said trying to keep his anger down "Step away with him now, we need to talk"

Amelia just gaped at the scene all signs of battle gone, "You can't be serious..."

Sting started laughed his ass off, rolling on the floor. "Who knew they would take it so seriously"

By now the sun began to set, leaving an orange glow on the mountain top. Misaki placed the firewood down, using her powers to light it and creating a huge bonfire.

He saw Lucy giving him a look and he responded by just staring back at her. Finally after a while he gave her a weird look. "What?"

"Well what are you waiting for?" she said while smiling "We are all hungry Mr. Chef and now that I know you cook I ain't letting that go to waste."

Sting gaped his mouth open. No one knew about his love for cooking except Rogue and even then, he wasn't keen on letting everyone know his secret passion.

Natsu was the first react jumping on Sting's back. "WHAT?! YOU COOK?"

Sting cursed under his breath in annoyance. But looking at Lucy's sweet smile he couldn't find it in himself to argue and grabbed the nearby spoon. "Watch and be amazed Dragneel, this is how you cook!"

The dinner was delicious if Sting was so bold to say himself, and from what he saw in the others, they all agreed as well.

He felt a slender arm slip itself around his own and saw with a smile Lucy curling up to him. The night sky showed overheard, letting lose millions of stars, and for a moment Sting stared up in awe.

"Neh Sting-san" Wendy said nearby "Where did you learn to cook like that?"

"Seriously!" Natsu agreed not far off "That was the best meal I had in ages!"

Rogue smiled sitting next to Amelia and Misaki, a knowing look on his face "Sting has always had a gift for cooking, he just doesn't like anyone knowing" he turned towards him, a finger waving in the air and a teasing look on his face "Isn't that right Sting?"

"S-Shut up" he blushed under his friend's gaze, turning his attention towards the night sky again he found himself thinking hard about the trials to come. "I hope trusting Felicia works out in our favor. Fear said her family has been decided our fate since we were born...what could she possibly mean by that? Come to think of it, how many enemies are out there? We don't even know that..."

He could hear Misaki and Rogue talking about the good old days when they were kids. Natsu was snoring loudly, already passed out "Seriously? How can he do that so fast?" Wendy was telling Zoe and Amelia about the Grand Magic Games and how Fear had attacked them on the last day. She luckily didn't mention Sting's behavior during the first few days and how cruel he was. He could tell from Amelia and Zoe's voices that they were utterly impressed while Ryker pretended to be uninterested in the story trying to snooze not far off. All of them in good spirits.

It wasn't until he heard a soft giggle coming from Lucy that he snapped out of his thoughts. Looking down at her curled up next to him he saw her smiling softly.

"What?" he asked her and she just shook her head.

"Who knew we would ever be like this..." she said looking across the group who seemed to understand her words. "Sabertooths Twin Dragon Slayers, Rogue's Sister, Natsu's Cousin...who knew that one day we would all be sitting in front of a fire like this."

"I don't want it to end" he heard her say through their connected minds. It was then that he realized she was crying quietly, tears silently falling down her face.

Gently he wiped her tears away with his thumb and grabbed hold of her chin, forcing her to look at him. "I won't let it, until I breath my last breath, we will always be here, together." he whispered softly, kissing her gently on the forehead. She responded by curling up to him closer, and he took the hint that she was sleepy.

Laying down he felt a certain blissness that came with the night. He stared down at the blonde who snuggled up next to him and his eyes softened Thats right, whatever the trial, whoever tries to tear us apart. I will make sure until my last breath that we stay like this...forever.

"Goodnight" he called to the rest of the group who all followed suit, laying down one by one. "Tomorrow training begins" and with that he closed his eyes and drifted into a deep sleep.

Three pairs of eyes pierced into the darkness as they stared at the sleeping group of mages. One grabbed hold of the spear they carried, motioning for the group to move forward.

"Wait!" one of the voices hissed "Guild Mages. Capture. Not yet!"

"But Un'loac" another voiced growled, carrying a bow and a set of arrows "Guild Mages. Bad!"

"Tomorrow." was all the voice responded with. "Tomorrow"

Nodding, the three figures slinked back into the darkness disappearing altogether. But not before a certain Wolf Slayer caught their scent while pretending to sleep.

This should be fun...

Next time on The Road to Life:

"Who's there?!" Lucy growled in the empty forest. "Maybe doing this myself wasn't the best of ideas..."

Another twig snapped and this time Lucy's hands went straight for her keys. "I am warning you! Come out now!"

He irritation suddenly vanished by the look of complete shock when two figures appeared from behind the tree. Her brown eyes went wide and she had hope what she was seeing wasn't really happening.


Soooooo...how was it? Hopefully not bad for it being my first chapter to write in over 2 years xP

I promise to be a lot better about this story, I want-no I neeeeed to finish it! And if that means focusing all my time on this story and none of my others until it is done, then I will!

Please review and let me know how I did :)

It feels good to be writing again 3

Love ya my little Anime cubs! 3
