Dan threw the maps down onto the stone bench, his hands stained with black ink.

'Don't you see Phil? I have tried my best for you but there is no way for us to get in undetected.' He traced a finger along the stone wall he'd marked onto the parchment, which circled the entire town.
'It's madness, even Alex was willing to admit you've set yourself on a fool's errand.'

Pressing his finger against the small drawing of the castle, which held their enemy and their friend, he lingered for a moment, as if praying he could somehow alter the lay of the land by pressing firmly enough on the map. After a moment, Phil shifted in his seat and spoke up.

'Fool's errand or not, this is our only chance at making any difference; we have to risk it, no matter how mad it may seem. Charlie believes in it, he would have done the same if..' The sentence remain unfinished, hanging in the air, pressing down on the two young men until Dan gave in and fell back onto his seat with an exhausted groan.

'In the days of old, there were tales of men who could manipulate the mountains and redirect the rivers to their will, perhaps we should continue our quest in searching for the Gifted? Surely that would be a better use of our time.' Dan seemed resignedly desperate, as if he knew how little Phil would listen to his warnings but was determined to press them all the same. He leaned forward across the table, trying to move his face into Phil's line of sight, which was fixed on the small, painted castle. 'Anything else which would actually help us break into this vault would require a miracle.'

At this Phil suddenly looked up.

'A miracle?' He grinned suddenly and Dan felt compelled to mirror him, despite being unsure as to why and how he could be joyous at a time like this. It was strange, as soon as he smiled he somehow felt as though Phil had infected him with some of his enthusiasm and optimism, just like that. Their eyes were still locked, Phil's shining with new promise and Dan relieved to see that all was not yet lost for his friend, but still confused as to how this had changed from moments ago when he had sat desolate and full or despair.

'Phil?' He spoke softly, but their faces were close enough together that the word, only slightly louder than a whisper could be clearly heard.

Phil moved forward to rest his head on bent arms; elbows staining with the still wet ink but neither noticed this. Their faces now level, Dan's eyes right glowed back at his in the candlelight.

'I have no problem believing in miracles.' Phil's voice was low and had a new, rough edge. One moment he was frozen, as if afraid for a moment, doubting himself- and then he was leant forward, resting his hands on the sides of Dan's face and pulling him in to kiss him…