AN: So since I am getting no feedback from this story I am thinking that I might not finish it and move on to something else.

Please read and review :D

"What? Where am I?" Sasuke woke up on the ground in an unfamiliar room. He quickly looked around and saw Sakura's unconscious body laying near by. He rushed over to her. "Sakura!" his voice was broken up with worry.

"Wh..what?" Sakura slowly opened her eyes. She looked around.

"Sakura, say something!"

"Where are we? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Na..." she paused "It was him. How could he do this to us?" she tried to stand but couldn't.

"Sakura, what are you talking about?" Sasuke helped steady her as she tried to stand again.

" were hurt, and..." she trailed off again.

"Sakura!" he snapped at her "I need you to tell me what happened!"

"It was..." she slightly sobbed "Naruto. He threw kunai at you and knocked me out."

"What? That can't be possible."

"It's true!" Her voice was hysterical "Naruto came out from the bushes. He hurt you and brought us here"

Sasuke just stared at her for a few moments. Sasuke quickly jumped up as he heard a door squeak open behind him. "Who is...Naruto!?"

"Yes, it's Naruto. The annoying village idiot." He chuckled. Itachi walked in a few moments later.

"Little brother." Itachi laughed.

A deep growl came from deep within Sasuke. "What the hell, Naruto? What made you do this?"

Naurto threw his head back and laughed. "What made me do this? I planned all this." he grinned evilly.

Sasuke growled again, putting himself between the two traitor and Sakura. "How could you?"

"It was easy." he grinned. A young, blond haired man came in and whispered something into Naruto's ear. He smiled again and looked at Itachi "Looks like everything went smoothly. Phase two begins soon."

Itachi's face was over taken with evilness. "Yes, master." he bowed and left the room.

Sasuke tried to lunge at Naruto but Naruto easily dodged him. "Don't even try it Uchiha." he smirked "I'm not as stupid as I act."

"Could have fooled me." Sasuke muttered

Naruto glared at him. "Yamato!" he yelled and a young boy with freckles and red hair quickly entered. "Take the girl away"

"No!" Sasuke objected. The young boy had no emotion on his face as he advanced towards Sakura. Sakura backed up until she hit the wall. Sasuke slammed into the boy, but the boy didn't even budge. 'What the hell?"Sasuke thought as he tried to stop the boy from taking Sakura. The boy swiftly delivered a crushing blow to Sasuke's stomach, sending him against the wall.

"Agh!" he stood up clinching his stomach. "You can't take her" he tried to walk but couldn't. By that time, the boy had Sakura siezed by the wrist dragging her from the room.

"Sasuke! Please!" she begged him

"Sakura!" he yelled and the door closed behind the boy and Sakura. Sasuke slammed into the door trying to break it.

"Don't waste your time. You can't break it." Naruto smirked as he sat down in a chair in the corner of the room. Sasuke gave up on the door and slammed his fist into it one more time.

"No!" he said softly to him self. Naruto laughed. "What?" Sasuke snapped and turned around.

"Nothing," he chuckled again. "You didn't think I was strong enough to hurt you, but you were wrong. So wrong."

"Bastard!" he lunged towards Naruto again. The blonde repaid him with another blow to the stomach. Sasuke coughed and fell to the ground.

"Your wasting your time with that" he sighed "It would go smoother if you'd stop trying to attack me."

"You betrayed me. And you betrayed Sakura!" he coughed as he stood, clinching his stomach once again.

Naruto's voice was cold as he spoke "Yes, I know." his eye's held a bit of regret but it passed quickly. He stood and walked out the door, locking it behind him.

Naruto sighed as he walked out of the room and slightly smiled. He walked to a room a few doors down and entered. "Okay," he paused "I did it."

"Good job." the voice was pleased. "Go to the girl."

"Yes, sir." Naruto bowed and left the room. A few more doors down he stopped outside of a door. He sighed and put a hand on it. "I'm sorry" he spoke softly as he entered. The room was small but nice. The walls were a rich red color. The couch was big and black. Famous paintings filled the walls. Under normal circumstances the room would have been warm and welcoming.

"Sasuke?" Sakura sat on the couch. Her eyes red and swollen from crying.

"No" Naruto's voice was once again cold and emotionless.

"What do you want?" Sakura stood and crouched in a defencive manner.

"To talk."

"I don't want to talk to you." she spat out, relaxing her posture the slightest bit. "Where is Sasuke?"

"He's fine."

"Why, Naruto?" she sat back down "Why did you do this to me?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"You wanted to come talk! Well, damn it, tell me!"

"I can't" his face hardened and he turned around.

"Wait!" she lunged forward and closed the door before he could slip out.

"Why did you come to talk to me? To tell me that you are sorry and that I should forgive you?" she looked him dead in the eyes "I trusted you."


"No! Not until I get some answers. I'm tired of being the damsel in distress!"

"I'm warning you, move." Naruto's fist clinched


Naruto's fist swiftly made contact with Sakura's side, knocking her down. Sakura quickly got up, ignoring the pain. Naruto sighed and delivered a blow to her stomach. She doubled over in pain and Naruto shoved her away from the door and walked out.

"I hate you!" she screamed after him once she managed to get up. She tried to open the door but it wouldn't over.

Once again, Naruto entered the room a few doors down. "I can't keep doing this." he told the man behind the desk.

"Yes, you can, and you will." the voice was rough and mean.