Martin groaned as he dragged the heavy box into the living room and sighed with relief. "Well, that's the last of it. Now I need a beer!"

"You know Dad, " Frasier began as he sat another box onto the hardwood floor. "I'm not much of a beer drinker anymore, but right now a beer sounds refreshing. We've done a lot of hard, physical labor today and by God we've earned a beer or two!"

"You can say that again!" Martin agreed. "I'm beat!"

"That makes two of us." Frasier said. "I'll get those beers!"

Daphne watched as Frasier moved from the living room to the kitchen, returning seconds later with two gold cans that bore the name of Martin's favorite beer; Ballantine.

"Here you are, Dad." He said, handing one to his father.

The elder man's eyes lit up like fireworks. "Hey, thanks Fras! You're all right!"

The scene was amusing. Martin really loved his Ballantine Beers. Daphne didn't know what would happen if Ballantine were to one day no longer exist. Martin would definitely have a hard time dealing with such a loss. Had she been even the slightest bit happy, she would have laughed at the idea. But instead she was completely and utterly miserable.

Frasier glanced out of the huge picture window. "I'm glad we got everything inside before the rain started. He shook his head in annoyance. "It started out as such a beautiful sunny day and now look at it! Nothing but dreary sadness."

"Just like me marriage!" Daphne said, bursting into tears.

Martin and Frasier exchanged glances, prompting Frasier to carefully set his beer can on a coaster before coming to Daphne's side, offering a comforting hug."Now, Daphne, please don't cry." He said, gently rubbing her back.

"I-I'm sorry." She sobbed into his suit. "I don't know why I'm crying. I'm supposed to be happy, but-."

"I know this is difficult but you can't blame yourself."

"Fras is right." Martin said, settling himself into his favorite chair. "It's not your fault. If Donny hadn't been so damn-."


She smiled gratefully at the old man. She and Martin may not have always gotten along, but in many ways, she loved him more than her own father. She made a mental note to tell him as soon as possible.

Daphne leaned into Frasier's embrace, fully aware of the tears that just kept falling. In the past few days she'd cried so much, she was certain that she would drown in her own sorrow. Suddenly overcome with exhaustion, she closed her eyes and willed herself to relax.

Unexpectedly, Frasier released his hold on her and she felt the loss immediately. Although she appreciated the way he was always there for her with a soothing hug, there was nothing as wonderful as when Niles held her in the same manner

More tears fell as she pictured Niles' handsome face. She loved him so much. She would have given anything for him to be the one holding her, providing a comfort unlike anything she'd ever known. But instead, although she loved them deeply, she only had Frasier and Martin to keep her company.

Despite all of the efforts that she and Niles had gone through to expedite their divorces, there was no telling what their soon-to-be ex spouses would do to make their lives a living nightmare. While Donny was a bit more mellow, he was an expert when it came to nasty divorces. She'd seen it time and again and even though this time he was the one getting divorced, his yet to be seen actions frightened her. But he was nothing compared to Mel. The woman was an absolute torrent and was capable of anything. It made Daphne shudder just thinking about it.

Once again she was overwhelmed by loneliness and she cried even harder. It simply wasn't fair that she and Niles should be apart, just because they'd fallen in love with each other. It was so easy to imagine picking up the phone and calling him. To hear his sweet voice. But she couldn't risk it. If she called him before their divorces were final, the consequences could be... well, she didn't want to think about that.

Instead she glanced at Frasier and Martin who were deep in conversation about something. She loved the Crane men so much. But she loved Niles Crane so much more.