I sat curled up on the hard, dusty floor of the forest. My body heaved with my dry sobs; I had run out of tears ages ago, my cheeks were red and tearstained from the pain in my chest. I remembered Edward standing in front of me, telling me that they were leaving and I was being left behind, that I was just a toy for them. That I meant nothing and was only there until they got bored. That I wasn't his mate or his love just some pathetic human girl who thought she belonged with him.

My head lifted slightly at a faint sound coming from the trees, "Come out Bella, I only want to play, I heard Eddie boy left you, how it must hurt, I can end that pain." I heard the familiar hiss coming from the trees and tilted up my head. Victoria leapt out of the tree and landed gracefully in front of me. I smirked and she faltered, her eyes growing wary. "Do you know what would really hurt Edward, that rat faced bastard, if I was changed. If I was so beautiful and oh so… untouchable. What do you say Victoria do you reckon you can stop." I bared my neck and saw her face change from wary to cunning and she sped forward, dropping herself down next to me and taking my head in her hands.

"After this we are even Isabella, after this I will go and join my dear James, don't worry my innocent little mortal this will only hurt for a little while," she hissed before her teeth punctured my skin and I felt my body seize up. "Goodbye little Bella, I hope you get your revenge," she hissed then she was gone. I heard several people enter the clearing but I ignored them all, my mind focused on the immense pain surging through my body and the face Edward would make when he saw what I looked like. I smirked and let my body drift into the dark corners of my mind, the pain pushed far away.


Jane, Alec and I were going Cullen hunting as we liked to call it. Once every few years we would have to check up on them, make sure that they were not revealing our secret. Carlisle had reported that only one human knew of them and that she had sworn never to tell. I disagreed, the girl could not be trusted but of course Aro being Aro had to see her to believe she was trustworthy, all I wanted to do was sit in my room and work, it took my mind off my pain.

Many years have passed since I was changed and yet, I had no mate, no love, no life. I saw what losing Didyme had done to Marcus, I have never seen him smile since she died and I know that all of the Volturi have tried to make him. I have waited centuries for my mate and I can feel I will find her soon.

Jane giggled as she jumped down from her tree onto Alec's back; he chuckled and bounced her up and down. I grinned; they only ever felt free to be children when it was only around the Volturi. I froze as I smelt fresh blood; it was enchanting and changing quickly. I looked over at my 2 companions and saw that they too had frozen, through unspoken agreement we sped off, heading in the direction of the smell. I was first to enter the clearing and saw a young girl lying in a pool of blood, her eyes unfocused and bites marks on her neck.

I gasped as I felt an intense tugging in my chest; I rushed to the girl's side and fell to my knees, cradling her head in my hands. She groaned and her back arched into a painful position. Jane and Alec stood to the side, their eyes wide with amazement. "I think you've met your mate Caius," Jane whispered. I nodded my head and picked her up in my arms running over to the 2. "To Volterra, we have to get her to safety," I whispered. They agreed and we flew at vampiric speed back home, I glanced down at the soon to be vampire in my arms as she whimpered and groaned. "Soon mi amore," I whispered brushing her bangs out of her eyes.

We soon arrived and I hurried into the throne room, the human held in my arms. "Caius what a surprise, who is this young lady?" Aro asked his eyes alight with curiosity. "This is my mate Aro, I found her in the woods near Forks," I explained her nodded and beckoned me forward, stretching out his hand for her to grab.

He held her tiny hand between his own and concentrated hard, "This is… strange I cannot get to her mind.. it is blocked," he muttered. My face morphed into surprise and I looked down at her. "Take her to the moon bedroom, that can be her permanent residence, I want her to be comfortable during the change." Aro directed sitting back in his throne. I nodded and held her closer to my chest as she whimpered in pain. I ran at vampiric speed through the many winding corridors before I came to the huge double doors of the moon room.

It was one of the most beautiful rooms in Volterra and I knew then that Aro actually liked the soon to be vampire in my arms. I pushed open the doors and strode in, placing her on the huge bed. I stopped to survey the room. It had a huge domed ceiling that let the moon's radiance shine in. There was a walk in closet as well as a large desk and several bookshelves. I heard my mate moan in pain and I was by her side in an instance, praying for the change to be over soon. It could take as much as 3 days.