
Third Person POV.

"Forks?" Cat asked "We're moving to a place named after silver ware?!"

"It's a very nice place" Caren, her mother insisted

"Mum, I researched it, it's the wettest place in the US, it's always under a constant cloud cover and rain!" Sophie backed up her sister

"Of course she researched it" Cat rolled her eyes, Sophie shot her a glare. Cat and Sophie were twins, but they weren't ordinary twins. They had the ability to read each others minds, but that wasn't all they could do.

"Mum I don't want to move" Cat whined, she didn't really like changes

"I'm sorry, honey" Caren sighed, she knew there was no point in arguing with her daughter.

"Why are we moving down there?" Sophie asked, she had always been more calm about things then Cat had.

"Your father has gotten a promotion to the hospital down there, and so, we are moving" Caren explained

"I guess seeing as we can't leave dad on his own" Sophie shrugged understanding

"I thought you were on my side" Cat thought

"This could be a great opportunity for dad, we can't stand in his way. Anyway this might not be that bad" Sophie thought

"We're moving to a place where we don't know anyone and it's always raining" Cat complained

"There's nothing wrong with rain" Sophie rolled her eyes

"Yeah for you, it's your thing" Cat reminded her

"When are we leaving mum?" Sophie asked ignoring her

"Few weeks from now, we need to get everything packed" her mother smiled "I'll have a few boxes brought up to your room in a minute"

"Alright" Sophie smiled, she turned around and walked to the stairs, Cat rolled her eyes and followed her sister. Cat walked into her and Sophie's shared room and saw her twin sister organising things to pack into boxes

"Really?" Cat asked annoyed

"What? Mum said she would bring the boxes up so I might as well start getting organised" Sophie shrugged

"Do you really want to move down there?" Cat asked sitting on the end of her bed

"No," she admitted sitting on her bed opposite "But we shouldn't stand in dad's way like that, and it can't be all that bad"

"You don't believe that" Cat knew when her sister was lying

"Well think about it, Dad is getting a promotion, which means a raise from the heap of money he already gets, and, and that sounds awful" Sophie realised

"But true, we might both get cars instead of sharing one like originally planned" Cat grinned

"That's selfish, this is a good thing for dad, we are not going to abuse it" Sophie demanded, Cat rolled her eyes and sighed. Their mum came up with a heap of boxes, she went back downstairs just to come back with even more. Cat gave up and began packing with her sister, although she hated changes Sophie, as usual, was right; there had to be something good about moving to the wettest place in the US.

A few weeks later Cat and Sophie were sitting on a plane out of Miami to the Seattle airport

"Still can't believe we're flying from one corner of the state to the other" Cat sighed

"Oh it'll be fine" Sophie rolled her eyes

"From the warmest place to the wettest" Cat ignored her

"Well think of it this way, we have been living in your main element for the last 17 years now it's time for me to live in mine" Sophie shrugged

"Yeah but, you were ok with it, I'm not" Cat complained

"Who ever said I was ok with it?" Sophie asked

"You never complained" Cat explained

"Who was I going to complain to?" Sophie asked, Cat was about to snap back but, realised she didn't know what to say. Sophie and Cat were elementals, they were able to control the elements. They each had two elements, Sophie could control water and wind, while Cat could control fire and earth. That was why Cat was more rebellious then Sophie, who was very calm and mellow. Their elements effected their personalities. The girls had been like this since they were thirteen, they had no idea why and they hadn't told their parents, or anyone for that matter, about it. Because of this Cat preferred to be in warm sunny places like Miami, while Sophie preferred the cool places, like Forks. That was probably why she wasn't opposing, as much as Cat was, about leaving.

The flight was six hours and fifteen minutes, Cat and Sophie played cards against each other, read books, watched a movie or two and were landing again in no time.

"That was a quick flight" Cat said surprised

"Well we did stay in the same country you know" Sophie grinned

"I know but still, went really fast" Cat smiled back

"Come on girls hurry up" John, their father, called. They went down to the baggage collect and grabbed their suit cases, they all had two each and grabbed two trollies in order to transport them all to the car their dad had hired. The rest of their stuff was coming over the week, including their parents cars. They all got into the rental car and their dad drove to their new house

"How long a drive is it?" Sophie asked, you could tell she was eager to see the new house

"Only about half an hour to an hour sweetie" their dad answered

"Only?" Cat started to complained

"It'll fly by, just like the flight did" her mother assured her. Cat sighed and looked out the window, the water drops running down it made her feel even worse. Sophie watched them running down her own window, she drew a horizontal line on the window and all the rain drops followed it. She smiled, it was always fun to watch how she could manipulate water like that, even after four years of doing it. They drove for about 45 minutes before they turned into a long driveway, their house was on the border of Forks and La Push and was hidden in the forest. Cat looked at all the trees a little happier now, back in Miami she had had the benefits of the sun, where as Sophie had the benefits of space for her wind power, now they had swapped elements. Sophie was in her water element and Cat was in her earth element. Sophie and Cat looked at each other and beamed, they were finally both happy with moving. Their driveway was about a mile long, their own little road, when they came to the house the girls stared up at it in amazement, it was a Forks version of their Miami house. It was very open, windows everywhere, there was a four car garage which excited both the girls very much. The house was a three story and very expensive, the garage, library, theatre/games room and a laundry were on the bottom. The living room, kitchen, dinning room, both their parents studies and a bathroom were on the second. The third had four bedroom's three of which had an on-suit and all four had walk in wardrobes and another bathroom. There was a spiral staircase that went all the way to the third floor. The bedrooms, lounge room and studies were very open and, if they were in a corner of the house, had at least two full walls of windows. The girls looked at each other before jumping out of the car and running into the house.

"Our room has a sign on the door, no one goes in there" Caren explained as they ran through the door

"Yep" the girls yelled. Cat got up the stairs first, she had always been better at athletics while Sophie was better at school work. She ran to the top and stood there for a second before running to the door that captured her interest. The room had one whole wall full of windows and a walk in wardrobe, Cat removed herself from the door way and saw a pair of double doors with a sign on it

"Mum and dad's room" she muttered, her eyes set on a second set of double doors. She walked towards them as Sophie appeared at the top of the stairs, Cat opened the doors and looked into the room. Opposite the door was a king sized double bed with purple and red sheets and bedding. The walls were a lilac colour with white skirting boards, white window frames and grey carpet. On either side of the bed was a bedside table, there were also tables on either side of the door. To her left there was a corner desk, to her right was a huge shelf. On the right of the bed was a huge dresser with a huge mirror. Next to the dresser there was a door leading to the walk in wardrobe, there was another door between the dresser and the bed leading to the on-suit. There was a chest of draws on the left side of the bed, the entire left wall was full of windows. There was a window bench in the centre with a heap of cushions on it, there was a door as well that didn't lead anywhere, not to a balcony, it just dropped off. The window was facing the forest, Cat loved it

"This is my room" she immediately decided, Sophie walked up behind her

"Damn, nice room" she half sulked

"Sorry, but I got here first, what took you so long to get up the stairs?" Cat asked

"Mum called me" Sophie sighed, she walked into the last two rooms. Sophie walked into the last room. It was on the other side of the house to Cat's new room, the door was in the corner and the wall on the right had two doors, leading to the walk in wardrobe and on-suite. On the wall near the door was another king sized double bed, two bed side tables, one on either side. There was a dresser opposite the door and a shelf on the far side of the bed, a corner desk in the corner opposite it. There was a glass door between the desk and dresser, the wall opposite and the far wall were both full with windows. There was a chest of draws in between the wardrobe and on-suit doors. The walls were a light blue with white skirting boards and window frames like in Cat's room. The carpet was also grey.

"This one is definitely mine" Sophie grinned

"Good, no arguing" Cat grinned

"Mum we chose our rooms" Sophie yelled down the stairs

"Any arguing?" her mother yelled

"Nope" Sophie smiled

"Well that's good" their dad smiled as he walked up the stairs with some boxes "Here you are" he gave the boxes to Cat before walking back downstairs to get some more

"Thanks" Cat muttered, she walked into her room and began unpacking. Sophie walked downstairs to her parents, her mother was organising things in the living room while her father unpacked the car

"When are the other things arriving?" Sophie asked

"Over the week" her mother answered

"Until then you will only have these few things" her father said, handing her a heap of boxes

"Thanks dad" Sophie said sarcastically. She turned around and walked back up the stairs

"And when you and your sister are finished emptying your boxes I need you both back down here" her mother ordered

"Alright" Sophie heaved the boxes up the stairs and disappeared for about an hour.

"You finished?" Cat asked, poking her head into Sophie's room. Sophie looked around

"Yep I think so" she nodded

"Well come on" Cat instructed

"Calm down, calm down" Sophie sighed as she walked out, following Cat down the stairs

"OK mum we're done, what's up?" Cat asked

"I need to show you something" Caren explained "Because we live so far away we decided to give you something in order to help you out"

"What do you mean?" Cat asked

"Follow me and you'll see" their mother smiled. The girls glanced at each other confused

"What do you think's going on" Cat asked

"No idea, do you think we should be worried?" Sophie bit her lip

"Not sure" Cat looked at her mother walking away from them. Caren turned around and looked at her two daughters

"Come on" she smiled, the girls glanced at each other again and followed their mother downstairs and into the garage. Their mouths dropped open, there sitting in the garage were two very expensive and good looking cars.

"A 2009 Lamborghini Murcielago" Cat muttered "In white" Cat looked like she was in love, like she had never seen anything so beautiful

"And a Porsche Carrera GT" Sophie's eyes widened, she had always been into more 'soft' cars then her sister, she had also always had a thing for convertibles.

"Oh my god" both girls said in sync

"What do you think?" her mother

"I think I'm going to die of happiness" Cat whispered

"I agree" Sophie smiled

"Well good" Caren smiled "Cause they're yours" she held a key in front of each of the girls, they looked at each other in shock, completely surprised yet happy.

"Go on, accept it" their father walked in behind them

"Daddy?" Cat asked, she had always been a daddy's girl

"This our sorry gift for making you move all the way out here" John explained

"That's a $450,000 dollar car!" Cat reminded them

"Plus another $440,000 for the other car!" Sophie argued completely surprised

"Well, with the money we got from selling our Miami house, we were able to buy this house and make it as much like home as possible, but we hadn't used all of it" John explained

"Plus the money your father has gotten from his new raise" Caren continued

"We were able to afford them easily" John concluded "The Miami house costed a lot more then this one did" The girls looked at each other and smiled, they turned around and hugged their parents

"Oh my god, I can't believe you did this!" Sophie had tears in her eyes

"And just to make us feel more at home" Cat was still hugging her father

"We will do anything for our girls happiness" John sighed

"We did make you move right across the country, away from all your friends" Caren reminded them

"Oh so this is a bribe now?" Cat pulled away and raised her eyebrows, her mother laughed at her expression

"No, it's just to help you feel better" Her mother assured her

"Well I feel better already" Cat took the keys to her car from her mum and walked over to the Lamborghini.

"You're going out now?" Sophie asked

"I'm just going to drive around the reservation, or LaPush as it's called, check out the forest a little, maybe go to the beach" Cat shrugged

"Beach?" Sophie asked, Cat turned to look at her surprised

"Yeah, there's a beach in LaPush, but because it's always cloudy and windy here, not many people actually swim" Cat hinted

"How do you know?" Sophie asked

"I finished unpacking long before you did, and because I had my laptop I did a bit of research" Cat shrugged

"Right" Sophie sighed suspiciously

"Come on Soph, it's a windy beach, right up your element, don't tell me you don't want to go" Cat hinted, no one knew her sister more then she did

"Ok, I admit it I do want to go down to the beach" she sighed, Sophie knew she couldn't lie to her sister, especially after they find out they could hear each others thoughts

"So, you want to go with me or drive your new car?" Cat grinned

"I want to drive my car" Sophie admitted "Mum, can we go take a look around?"

"Oh course, just be really careful" her mother answered, handing her, her keys. Sophie beamed and walked to her own car, she smiled at Cat before they both got into their cars. Cat put her keys in and turned the engine on, listening to it start up made her squeal, she looked over to see her sister doing the same. Sophie and Cat reversed out of the garage at the same time, Sophie, being the nicer sister of the two, let Cat turn around first and watched her speed away down the driveway. Sophie shook her head, Cat's car was faster then her's was but, while Cat went for speed and looks, Sophie went for style and comfort.

Sophie's POV.

I punched the directions to First Beach into the GPS my parents put into my new Porsche and followed the directions. I pulled into the beach car park and looked around, Cat was right, it was right up my element, water and wind. I smiled, in Miami all I had been able to use much, was the wind, we did live near the beach, but everyone goes to the beach in Miami, so I never had any privacy. Cat had loved it, it was always warm and the sun always shined, of course she hadn't been able to use her earth powers like she'd be able to here. I knew that Cat liked her fire powers better then her earth powers and being in the rainiest place ever might not help with that.

"Then again she can use lightning because of all the clouds" I muttered. I shut off the engine and got out of the car, making sure the roof was on and the windows were up. I locked it up and made sure I could see my car from the beach, I was not giving anyone the chance to take it. I took my shoes off and walked down to the water, I walked right down to it, looking back at my car every now and then. I felt the water wash over my feet and the wind blow through my hair, I immediately felt calm and relieved. I shut my eyes and it felt like I fell asleep, I never felt more calm then when I was surrounded by both my elements. I don't know how long I was there for, but it felt like hours.

Cat's POV.

I sped off down our long driveway in my new Lamborghini. I loved this car, I had wanted one for ages and know I actually had one. I sped through the roads, not going to fast just incase I lost control, not that I was to worried. I could create barriers of heat and when ever something touched it, it was incinerated within three seconds. Not only that but being able to control the earth allowed me to create physical barriers that nothing could get through, being able to control nature allowed me to get away from places quickly, my fire allowed me to run at the speed of light, because I could control light too. I enjoyed being fast, that's why I liked this car so much, it got to 100km/h in 3.4 seconds which I must admit is fast, and safe for constantly wet roads. I didn't head to the town, with all these trees around I just wanted to venture into the forest and be surrounded by all that earth and nature.

"Wow I sound like some nature freak" I thought "Now I see why I like the fire better" I drove past what looked like a park. I slammed my foot on the break and reversed so I could pull in. I parked my car and locked it up tight, the park looked like it was hidden so I wasn't very worried about anyone taking my new ride. I put a heat barrier around it anyway just incase, making sure it didn't touch a single piece of the car. I grabbed my keys and walked into the forest, the second I was surrounded by tree's I felt my entire body relax. I walked for ages, almost three whole hours. When I was in the middle of know where I stopped and looked around, I breathed in, the smell of the tree's, earth, plants and flowers filled my nose. When ever it came to earth, fire, lightning/storms, nature and even animal's no one's sense of smell was better then mine. Of course my sister had excellent hearing and smell with her wind power, and excellent sight when in water. Then again all of our senses where incredibly heightened when we got our element powers, we still weren't sure why. My senses were excellent when I was surrounded by my element, either of them, the same with Sophie. While Sophie could carry sounds and smells across the wind, I could feel vibrations in the earth. I could stand here in the forest, miles away from anywhere and yet I could still feel the vibrations being made by the people in the town. I had been using my power for so long that by now I could memorised vibrations. My sister could no longer sneak up on me because I had memorised her vibrations. The only reason I could do that was because everyone walked differently and not many people weighed the same, the vibrations were almost like finger prints; all unique. I sat on the ground against a tree and placed my hands, palm down, on the ground. I dug my fingers into the soil and felt the vibrations in the earth, I felt the life of all the plants around me. I became one with the earth and everyone in it, on it, or touching it. I could even feel anyone or anything touching the sand, whether in the water or at the shore. Sophie could feel things moving through the water and flying in the air, and I could manipulate light and heat, that increased my eye sight. I sighed, I listened to the birds and animals, felt them in the trees and on the ground. My fire was like my anger, my earth was my peace, Sophie's anger was her water, the raging sea, were as the wind was her peace. Well until we got hurt then all hell broke loose. My eyes snapped open, I looked at the ground, something was running in my direction, very fast and swiftly.

"They're hardly touching the ground, yet they're making a huge amount of vibrations" I mumbled, I thought for a while before standing up. I turned to the tree I had been leaning on and placed my hand on the trunk. Immediately, strong, short branches grew out of the trunk in the form of a spiral staircase which went all the way up to the highest branches. I ran up the branch steps, as soon as I stepped off a branch it disappeared and the tree returned to normal. I sat on a branch at the top and and waited

"I should probably tell Sophie" I bit my lip. Even when far apart the two of us could still communicate, we could hear each others thoughts when within a specific range, Sophie could carry my voice on the wind and being as smart as I am, I could carry words from plant to plant. I can use plants as though they were people, they hear things and pass it along like chinese whispers. I can also connect me senses into a tree, the roots and earth could carry them to where ever I needed to be. It was like I put my soul into a plant and moved through them like a train in a subway. I still wasn't sure how it worked but my ears used the trees like my sister used the wind to hear things. I still wasn't even sure how to explain it. I sighed,

"Would be smart" I decided

"What would be smart?" I heard Sophie's thoughts

"Woah, you must be close by" I thought

"I'm at the beach" Sophie answered

"Well that's funny, I didn't think I was near the ocean" I admitted

"Let me guess, you lost track of time while being in your element" Sophie sighed

"You can't talk, you're at the beach, water and wind, you must have practically passed out there" I grinned, I practically felt Sophie rolling her eyes

"So, what would be smart?" Sophie asked, ignoring my last thought

"If I should tell you about something a little strange" I explained

"Would would that be?" Sophie asked

"I felt some… strange, vibrations," I started "There is someone, on two feet, like human, that is running extremely fast and swiftly, but they hardly touch the ground and yet they make more vibrations then a bear does"

"You've never told me that you felt anything like that before?" Sophie said confused

"That's because I've never felt vibrations like that, normally I know exactly what kind of animal it is, whether it's human or not, but now it's like a human but it's to fast and agile, plus the vibrations are to heavy and, I'm confused" I admitted

"I think I'm going to come and take a look" Sophie decided

"There's nothing to see yet" I sighed

"So?" Sophie asked a little confused

"They're heading towards me, there not here yet but" I began

"Doesn't matter, I'm on my way" Sophie demanded. Being able to control the wind allowed Sophie to manipulate it to carry her around, almost like flying. Three seconds later Sophie lowered down onto the branch next to me

"So, has it…" Sophie started, I put my finger on her mouth

"You need to keep your voice down" I thought

"Why?" Sophie asked

"Because we don't want anyone to know we're here" I thought

"Fine" Sophie rolled her eyes and I moved my finger. She sat next to me and we watched the ground

"I can hear someone running towards us" Sophie thought

"Yeah I can feel it" I nodded, we looked down and saw a figure run into view. It stopped a few meters away from the base of the tree, I looked down at her, she had red hair and was extremely pale

"Have you ever seen someone so pale?" Sophie asked through her thoughts

"No, she almost looks dead" I noticed

"She's extremely pretty" Sophie exclaimed, I glanced at the girl, I used my fire ability to manipulate light, because fire is heat and light I can control both of them, it allowed me to have better eye sight. I looked at all her features with my excellent sight. She was almost perfect, but there was something about her that worried me

"There's something not right about her" I thought for a while, trying to understand.

"Why is she out here in the first place?" Sophie wondered

"Maybe the same reason I was?" I shrugged

"I'm pretty sure not everyone is attracted to forests" Sophie rolled her eyes

"No but it is a good place to relax or hide" I sighed

"Hide from what?" Sophie asked

"How am I meant to know, I've only been here a few hours remember" I reminded her

"Yeah I know" she shook her head a little confused. We watched as the girl stopped looking around and started running again. She ran so fast that it was impossible, I gapped at Sophie who was looking at me the exact same way, we turned in our seats to watch her disappear. I turned to Sophie,

"How the hell did she do that?" I whispered

"What was that?" Sophie asked back. Oh great we moved to an unnatural town. I felt my phone vibrating in my back pocket, I pulled out my samsung galaxy 3 and saw the caller ID, it was mum. I pressed the answer button

"Hey mum, what's up?" I answered

"Hey honey, do you think you could text your sister and tell her to come home now" Caren asked

"Sure, something wrong?" I asked

"No, it's just almost dinner time" my mother answered, I looked at my watch

"Woah, how time flies" I muttered "Alright, we'll be home soon" I assured her

"Thank you dear" Caren thanked before hanging up

"Get all that?" I asked my sister

"Yep" Sophie sighed. She stood up on the branch and jumped, she floated down onto another one a little further on. Sophie had the power to manipulate gravity as an extension from her wind powers, so she could levitate things to do what she wanted, including herself. Sometimes I wished I had her wind power, it seemed so useful, though I don't know if it would suit me, not only that but, I don't know what I would trade it with. I stood up and jumped in the opposite direction, I landed on a branch not far off. Being athletic and being able to control plants made me less scared about falling to death. Not only that but, hot air always rises, I could make myself as light as hot air, making myself hover, or fly like my sister could with her wind… or something along those lines. Explaining all this supernatural stuff really wasn't easy.

Sophie's POV.

I jumped through the trees back towards the beach. I could do several tricks with my wind that allowed me to move through the tree tops, I could compress air, which allowed me to create barriers as well as a type of stepping stone. I could levitate myself and use the wind to carry me, when I thought about it wind is actually very useful. Sometimes I was jealous of how Cat never gets cold or hot, she can see perfectly in the dark because she can manipulate light, she can blow things up by heating up the molecules. Cat could also manipulate a few minerals, like iron, she heats it up then, by controlling the heat in the molecules, she moves them around to create a shape and then absorbs the heat in order to cool them down, but because the minerals were once a part of earth she can do manipulate them that way too. She's immune to any hot substance, whether a liquid, solid or gas, she always has a light because she just creates a flame. She could warm up drinks or popcorn or food in an instant, then there was the fact that she could run really fast because of her fire powers, I'm still not sure what that had to do with fire but I could fly as fast as she could run so. Not only that but earth is a strong element so she can be very strong, she threw a car once so she has super strength, that was one power I could find useful, but I could become invisible and I could make my body like a liquid and move through certain objects. We both had some useful things, we just sometimes wanted what we didn't have, but all humans do that so.

I reached my car and pulled the keys out, unlocking the car and getting in, driving back home. I got to the garage before realising I had to get out to open the garage door. I was just about to get out when Cat pulled up, I saw her look around in her car before finding what she was looking for. She help her hand up and had a button in it, she clicked the button and the garage door for her cars parking spot opened. She drove right in and parked the car before getting out, I looked at her a little surprised

"Where did she get that remote from?" I thought. Cat walked out to me while the garage door still stood open,

"Why are you sitting out here?" she asked

"Because I haven't gotten out to open the door yet" I answered

"Why would you get out?" she asked me

"How else am I going to open the door?" I asked confused

"With the remote?" Cat gave me durr look

"I don't have a remote" I rolled my eyes

"Sure you do" Cat walked around my car and leaning over the passenger door. Seeing as my convertible's roof wasn't on she just had to lean over. She opened the glove box and pulled out a remote, clicking the button. The garage door in front of me opened, we had a four door garage so we each had our own door for our car's space.

"How did you know that was there?" I asked her curiously

"I'm a nosey person sis, I went through my entire car and found it" she rolled her eyes as if I expected less from her.

"Of course" I shook my head and Cat stepped back from the car and I pressed my foot on the accelerator the car eased forwards into the garage and I parked it, shutting off the engine. I got out of the car and the two of us walked through the door, up the stairs and through the house to the kitchen

"We're home" I smiled as I walked up to mum, giving her a small hug. I had always been a mommy's girl while Cat would ALWAYS be daddy's little girl, that was the way we liked it to.

"Did you come home together?" my father asked

"Yes, we arrived a few minutes between one another" Cat smiled

"Why would you take two cars if you went out together?" mother asked

"We went to different places mum, we just arrived at the same time" Cat rolled her eyes

"Well, what did you two do all day?" Mum asked us while setting the dinner table, we glanced at one another for a second before I spoke about my day first.

"I went down to the beach, it's a wonderful place, it's very quiet unlike in Miami because it's to cold for everyone here" I smiled

"Well that sounds nice, but weren't you cold down there?" my father asked

"No, I was warm enough" I smiled, truth be told I never got cold because I controlled the cold, I didn't really get to hot because I just cooled myself down

"What about you Cat, what did you do?" our dad asked

"I went to a park and wondered around in the forest" Cat shrugged, our mother looked at her a little horrified

"On your own?" she asked, Cat nodded and went to sit down at the table as Dad put our dinner on it

"Catherine, do you not understand how dangerous that is?" my mother must be very angry to use her full name. I saw Cat's eyes flash red when she heard her full name, she never really liked it, I'm still not sure why.

"I'm fine aren't I?" Cat asked

"That's not the point, we don't know what kind of wild animals might be living in there, and until we do, I do not want you walking through the forest on your own!" Mum instructed, Cat just rolled her eyes

"We live right in the middle of it mum, why would you get us to live here, in the middle of the forest, when there's no one for miles if you are scared of the animals that might be in there?" Cat asked

"She has a point mum" I shrugged, my mother sighed, she could argue with Cat all day but she couldn't argue with me.

"Just please don't walk through it alone. I don't know what I would do if I lost one of you" she stood up and put her arms around our necks

"Fine" Cat mumbled

"I'll do a little research for you to find out what animals live around here" I sighed, my mother smiled at me. If it got her off our case then I would do it, otherwise Cat would just keep getting into trouble for being out there alone. There was no way she would be able to stay away from her own element, I've tried it and it's practically impossible.

"Hey, Cat?" I thought

"Yeah?" Cat answered

"Tomorrow, do you want to find where our new school is and take a look around Forks?" I asked. Cat sighed

"Do we have to?" she whined

"We have nothing else to do?" I reminded her, I glanced at her and saw her glaring at me from the corner of her eyes.

"I don't want to" Cat said stubbornly, I thought for a minute

"We can go to the forest and walk through it to the beach" I persuaded, Cat thought about it but didn't seem convinced yet

"You can take and drive your car" I eventually offered, I saw her beam and knew I had won her over. After tea, Cat and I were practically out of it and we heaved ourselves up the spiral staircase to our new rooms. I got into my pyjama's and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.