Author's Notes

Story Theme: Life is Beautiful — Sixx A.M.

Trilogy Theme: In The End — Linkin Park

Final Theme for "Twenty Minutes": The Last Man — Clint Mansell

Final Theme for "Epilogue I": That Next Place — Thomas Newman

And now that that's out of the way, I'd like to thank you all for reading Assassin's Creed: Ashes of the Star. It's been a wild ride with Suna and co., and it couldn't have been done without your guys' support!

I'm sorry for how long it took, but with school it became really hard to properly post things on a self-made schedule at all. This summer was a great chance to finally bring it all together, and hopefully end it well for you guys.

I'm annoyed how there are a few inconsistencies within the stories, but it was hard to get many straight answers, considering how there are a lot of errors within the lore. Still, I tried my best, and I hope you all enjoyed.

There will definitely be a story revolving around the upcoming Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, and it will feature not only Suna, but a new character as well, since I'll be doing some of my own research into time periods (time periods beyond Suna's birth, actually).

I'd like to thank these people in particular for reviewing: MasterAssassin2012, ShadowJ95, DanAlaya, Demonic Storm, RavingSunshine, AssassinsVow2012, Wolfpaw of Winterclan, Dessoestma, unknown author 5342215, JayMan551, lilmommy0911, and the few anonymous guests that also reviewed! I like reviews a lot.

There's something I'd like to make clear: Emma Hale and the guest characters that appeared within this story belong to MasterAssassin2012, who very graciously allowed me to use them since our stories were very related. I urge you all to give her Assassin's Creed: Generation Y and Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines stories a visit. Generation Y is currently undergoing a heavy edit, with Bloodlines soon to follow. Just as well, she will soon be writing a story which will once more include Suna and the "gift" Suna left behind for Emma. Keep an eye out for it! She has also been writing an Elder Scrolls fan-fiction which includes an alternate universe version of Taryn, my Dragonborn from my own Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim fan-fiction. It includes spoilers from my fan-fiction, so read with caution!

Speaking of The Elder Scrolls, I'll be working my butt off on it next, and it won't be on a hiatus ever again. I never put things on hiatus, and was quite annoyed that I did because I couldn't properly form what would happen next. Now that I have a pretty clear view, it's my top priority, and I plan to do the DLCs for it as well. I also plan to write something similar for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, with a new character and all (since it was the very first Elder Scroll game I got into).

I've got a pretty big schedule, and since I've graduated high school I'll also be entering university, but I'm sure it isn't anything I can't handle. Now that I look back, I realize that I started my first fan-fiction in my grade nine year. Time flies, truly.

Once again, I hope you enjoyed Suna's trilogy! On behalf of Suna, safety and peace, friends! And thank-you again!