Ok sooo i know finish your story before you start a new one but you guys now me i just couldn't wait so here is my new story Lucky hope you guys like it and don't forget to review :)



It had been a harsh day today. The mission against the dark guild had been harder than we expected it to be, even with three people. I guess it would have been easier if Laxus would have been there.

I sighed at the thought of his name. Laxus. Why did he had to get discharged, i mean we were all part of the Festival Attack but only he got punished. The Thunder God Tribe hasn't been the same since he left.

Going against a dark guild would have been a slice of cake for him one thunder bolt and they would all be out in an instant. But now it was only me, Bixlow and Evergreen. We could manage an S- class mission but even going against a whole guild by our self's now sounded impossible.

I sighed once more for like what it seemed to be the hundredth time that day. I slowly turned the key to the lock of my front door. It made a small clicking sound before i open it. I closed the door behind me and placed the keys in a small silver bowl on top of the desk.

I switched the light on, shinning light into the small dark living room. My place wasn't that big i lived in an apartment. It had one master bedroom, two bathrooms, one which was located on the master bedroom, a small living room which had a coffee table a bed couch and a one person couch, then a normal size kitchen. It was really not that big but i enjoyed it it made me feel comfy.

I took of my coat and placed it on the coat hanger. Then i took of my belt and my sword placing them both on the side of the couch.

I would normally take a shower and have dinner before going to sleep but today i was to tired to do so. So i went straight to my room. I unbuttoned my shirt and lifted up the covers ready to slide in and fall a sleep. When a flying girl jumped out of the bed and threw her self at me. She send me falling back her small hands hugging my neck.

"Daddy!" she yelled grinning like a five- year old

:DD heheh hoped you guys like it :3 waaaaaaaaaaa i can't wait to upload the other chapter :3 Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa im going crazy Review Review Review