Ch. 34- The War's Conclusion

One Piece © Oda

Blizzard, Jupiter, Ken, Marine K9 Unit © Me

Previously, Law and his men arrive to help Luffy, Blizzard, and Jimbei escape. However, the Marines are determined not to let that happen. Coby, who claims that he is hearing voices in his head disappearing, is disgusted with how the Marines have turned into a bloodthirsty savages and decides to take a stand once and for all. However, Akainu becomes angry that Coby has decided to stand up pirates and attempts to kill him, but before he can, the surprising arrival of the Red-Haired Pirates saves him. Shanks picks up the straw hat that he gave Luffy ten years ago and claims that he has come to end the war.

"Shanks?!" Garp growled. "He's the man that dragged Luffy into the life of piracy!"

Sengoku just stood there, saying nothing.

"IT'S THE RED-HAIRED PIRATES!" shouted the Marines.

"That fight he had with another of the Four Emperors, Kaido, was only yesterday! And now, he's here?!"

"What is going on?!"

Shanks looked down at his old straw hat. He missed the feel of the straw used to weave it and how it looked. However…he knew that for right now, this hat belonged to someone else.

"Hey!" Shanks called. "Buggy!"

Buggy looked down.

"Huh?" he muttered. "Shanks?! What are you doing here?!"

SWIP! Shanks tossed his old hat to Buggy, who caught it in his hands.

"Give that to Luffy!" Shanks called.

"What?!" Buggy asked. "Your old straw hat?! And why should I?!"

"Because," Shanks started, "I have a treasure map I want to give you."

"What? Really?!" Buggy asked, excitedly. "A-all right! Hang on! I'll flashily deliver it to him, right away!"

With that, Buggy flew off.

"Hey, Boss!" called Lucky Roux, eating a slab of meat, as usual. "It's been ten years since you last saw Luffy, right? Don't you wanna go see him?!"

"Believe me," Shanks said. "I'd love nothing more than to go and see Anchor…but…if I did…"

Flashback: 10 years ago

"Do me a favor, okay?" Shanks asked as he placed his straw hat on a sniveling Luffy's head. "Keep this hat safe for me. This hat means more to me than you'll ever know. Promise you'll give it back to me someday…when you've become a great pirate."

Luffy sniffled.

"…o…okay…" he sobbed.

Flashback end

"Hey, Captain!" Bepo called to Law, who is standing outside with Jupiter. "I know it's not everyday you get to see one of the Four Emperors and all, but you have to close the door! We're about to go under!"

"Just gimme a minute, Bepo!" Law called before he spotted something flying towards him. "What's that thing?"

WHAP! Law grabbed whatever it was out of the air, and he saw that it is Luffy's hat.

In the Heartless' medical ward, Luffy, Blizzard, and Jimbei have been placed on separate examination tables.

"…if I went to see him now," said Shanks, "it would violate our promise. Isn't that right…Luffy?"

"Damn you, Red Hair!" Akainu cursed. "Because of you, Dragon's son escaped!"

"Not yet, he hasn't," said Aokiji. "Ice AGE!"

KREK! KREK! KREK! KREK! The water began to freeze up.

"Oh, no!" Lucky Roux shouted. "They're still trying going after the submarine! The whole sea's gonna freeze over!"

Down below the water, it is revealed that the Heartless had managed to escape the ice.

"Dammit," Benn cursed. "I told him not to make another move!"

Up in the sky, it is revealed that Kizaru still has one last trick up his sleeve.

"Yasakani Sacred Jewel."

ZOW! ZOW! ZOW! ZA-ZOW! ZOW! Kizaru fired several laser beams at the water, trying to sink the Heartless.

"Watch out! It's gonna hit us!" shouted Penguin.

"Dive lower!" Law ordered.

Luckily for them, the crew still managed to get away, but the pirates up on land were still in shock.

"They just keep attacking until the very end."

"Oh, dear god, I hope it didn't hit them!"

"What about Ace's little brother, White Wolf, and Jimbei?!"

"If they're still alive after that," said Kizaru, "then we'll just have to give up and just say they got lucky."

Akainu seethed.

Shit…! he cursed in thought.


Out at sea, one of the battleships is setting sail without orders from anyone but…


"But how?!" asked one of the Marines on board the ship. "It's completely underwater! I really doubt that they were able to escape the Admirals' attacks, just now."

"No…" said Hancock. "They're alive. I can feel it!"

SWUP! She went into her looking down pose.

"Listen here!" she said. "You shall report to the Marines that I, Boa Hancock, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, will finish Straw Hat Luffy and White Wolf Blizzard!"

"Y-yes, ma'am!" said the blushing Marine.

"But Lady Hancock, how can we follow them?" asked another Marine.

"Just sail straight ahead, you louts!" Hancock shouted.

"Yes, ma'am! Right away! Oh, you may be crazy, but you're so damn beautiful!"



WHAP! Buggy grabbed Shanks by the collar of his cape.


"Look, I'm sorry, but I couldn't see any other way," Shanks said. "I was in a hurry. Anyway, long time, no see, huh Buggy?"


As Buggy continued on with his ranting, his followers watched in awe.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

"I sure am. Look at how he acts toward one of the Four Emperors!"

The prisoners went into tears, once again.

Cap'n Buggy! they thought. We'll follow you to the ends of the world!

Suddenly, Buggy hatched an idea.

Wait just one flashy minute, here, he thought. If I stay with these guys, I'll be get off the island without a hitch! HAHAHAHAHA! Oh, what a clever man I am! I must get it from my mother.

"Red Hair…" Marco said as he approached him.

"Marco," said Shanks. "Stop all this needless fighting and retreat."

"…right," Marco said.

Just then, one Marine spotted Mihawk waling away.

"Hawk Eye! Where do you think you're going?! You're not done here!"

"Yes I am," Mihawk answered. "I agreed to fight Whitebeard, not 'Red-Haired' Shanks. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be getting home. Adieu."

With that, he walked away.

"Listen, everyone!" Shanks called. "To go on fighting like this would only lead to more loss of life on both sides! However, if any one of you still wants to fight…then my men and I will gladly take you on!"

The Marines gasped and backed away.

"What about you, Teach?" asked Shanks. "Or should I call you…'Blackbeard', now?"

Blackbeard seemed to freeze at Shanks' glare. Although he had that smug grin on his face, inside, he was shaking. However, he couldn't let Shanks see that.

"ZEHAHAHAHAHA!" Blackbeard laughed. "Thanks, but no thanks! I'll pass, Red Hair! I got what I wanted, after all! It's not time to be fighting you…not yet, anyway! ZEHAHAHAHAHA! Come on, boys! Time to hit the road!"

With that, the Blackbeard Pirates took their leave.

"Everyone, listen," Shanks said. "Withdraw now…and allow me to save face."

The pirates stared at Shanks in disbelief. The Marines also stared at the Emperor while they tended to their injured comrades. Some seemed relieved, but others, mostly Akainu, seemed angry.

"We'll see to the proper burial of Whitebeard, Stefan, and Ace," Shanks said. "You've already broadcasted the battle throughout the entire world. I just can't sit by and watch you bloodthirsty idiots go on and make a spectacle of their deaths! Is that clear?!"

"That's absurd!" shouted Doberman. "You can't give them a funeral! We need to show off their severed heads to celebrate our victory!"

The Marines began to argue at Shanks, saying how much they disagreed with his decision, but then…


The Marines looked to Sengoku, who is back in his human form.

"I don't mind," Sengoku said.

"What?" Doberman questioned. "B…but Fleet Admiral-"

"Enough!" Sengoku barked. "That's fine by, Red Hair. I'll take full responsibility for this."

"Thank you, Sengoku," Shanks said.

"Hurry up and treat the injured!" Sengoku ordered. "As of now…THIS WAR IS OVER!"

Thus ended the greatest battle of the Great Pirate Era. The Paramount War of Marineford will be deeply carved into the tablets of history. One era has died, but thanks to the efforts of brave souls, one will be able to lead a new era in its place.


All right! It's done! AT LAST!

Must I say, this was a HASSLE, but I'm so glad it's done! Now, since I already did the Post-War one shots, I can get started on the Return to Sabaody Arc, followed by the Fishman Island Arc!

Review, please!