Hey guys,

I'm really sorry I haven't posted anything, in like a year. I've been really busy with college and life and haven't had a lot of time to write. I've also found I've had some issues with some of the things I've written, and I'm afraid some of it might be a little offensive. And I'm sorry if it has offended anyone.

I don't know if I'm going to continue this story or not. I've just gotten stuck. I've also been taking a break from the Avengers fandom. It just hasn't been doing it for me lately, and I haven't seen many of the past movies. There's just too much to keep up with, and I don't have the energy to do it, and I don't want to get disappointed by any of the new movies.

So, I'm sorry if you've been looking forward to a new chapter for ages. I didn't mean to abandon you, or this fic. But sometimes things happen. I'm not really even sure what I wanted to happen, or how this was going to end. I had a vague idea, but no idea about how I was going to get there, and I realized a lot of things didn't add up (Mostly the years and ages, I'm horrible with that kind of things) and I just had no idea how to fix it all.

I'm disappointed in myself for not finishing this, and not working harder and I'm disappointed that I disappointed you guys. Again, I'm sorry. And I also wanted to let you guys know that I'm not dead or anything.
