I own nothing. All characters are property of the creators, writers, and producers.

Penny, Bernadette and Amy sat around the bar at Penny's apartment recapping their week. All but Penny were candid with the details.

"And for some strange reason, Howard seemed like he was expecting the announcement. He was so happy. He immediately called his mother. He didn't even come after me when I ran off crying."

"Men." Penny said, turning up her glass of wine.

"Well, not all men. Sheldon was extremely caring this week. He called me several times just to chat." Amy smiled, hugging herself.

Penny poured herself another glass and turned it up again. She had told Sheldon that calling to chat was an important part of being in a relationship. He had yet to call her since reuniting with Amy.

"I just feel like he may have did something to knock me up." Bernadette continued, sipping her iced water.

"He certainly did." Penny chuckled.

"No, not that. Well, yeah he did that. But I feel like he did something to my birth control." She admitted.

"Bernadette, that is a fairly serious accusation." Amy said, twirling her straw in her cocktail.

"Yeah, Bern, that's some soap opera level drama. Why do you figure?" Penny asked, drinking out of the wine bottle.

"I don't know for sure. It's just a feeling. He was so offended by my reaction."

"Well, of course he was offended. He wants to be a dad and this was probably the best news he ever got." Penny offered.

"You really think that's all?" Bernadette asked.

"I think so too, Bernadette. You're obviously overreacting because of the increased in hormones resulting from your pregnancy."

Bernadette lowered her head in agreement, but couldn't shake the nagging feeling that Howie had compromised her birth control.

"Now for an update of me and Sheldon!" Amy announced.

Penny groaned.

"We spent all last night, cuddling and watching Star Trek: The New Generation. I told him it was a compromise, my physical desire and his entertainment desire. He then told me that he wanted both! He initiated the cuddling and even prepared me a beverage- at my house!" She clapped her hands in joy.

"That's great." Bernadette said with little enthusiasm. She got up and sprinted to the bathroom, morning sickness taking its toll.

Alone with Amy, Penny teetered between wanting to know how Sheldon was in bed and wanting to throw a drink in Amy's smug face.

"Did you guys really have sex?" She asked, instead.

Amy blushed. "No. Almost."

Penny sighed in relief. A strange part of her wanted to be Sheldon's first. She knew it was crazy, she was with Leonard and he was with Amy. But that carnal part of her wanted to claim Sheldon as hers.

Leonard looked again at the email from Priya. She was back in the States and wanted to have dinner with him. The proud part of him felt entitled to having dinner with an ex. Penny had kinda sorta cheated on him. With Sheldon, no less. He also wanted to get some closure to their breakup. He never heard from her what happened with her ex. He clicked reply and began to type.

"I'm telling you Mom, I just did what I had to do. I promised you grandchildren and I'm going to deliver." Howard listened to his mother talking loudly through the receiver.

"Well, it worked on Days of our lives and it worked in real life." He chuckled.

"What worked on Days of our lives, Howie?" Bernadette asked, walking into the apartment.

"Mom, I have to go." He disconnected his call and turned to his small, angry wife.

"What worked in real life, Howard Wolowitz?" She asked again, walking up to his face.

"Uh, a visualization process where the man verbally-"

"Stop lying to me, Howard!" She interrupted.

He sighed. "Remember a few weeks back when you couldn't find your birth control? I took it to work and had the psych department grad students create a placebo… sugar pills. I can explain, Bernie. I just knew that once you knew you were carrying my child-our child, you would change your mind."

"Howard, how could you? This is my body. Mine! How dare you?" She cried. She picked up her purse and walked to the door.

"Bernie, where are you going?" he asked, his voice small and resigned.

"Anywhere that's not here. I don't want to see you for the foreseeable future. You have really messed up this time, Howie."

She closed the door behind as she left. Howard sat down on their couch and put his head in his hands.

"God, I don't want to lose her."

Please Review! Trying to please all Shenny and Shamy lovers alike. Stay tuned to a choose your own path ending!