Disclaimer: (checks closet) Coooome ooouuut Masky! Nope, not there. No Subway or any other build-your-own-food resturants or anyone from Marble Hornets in my closet! How sad...

Slenderman held up a hand. "No, Hoodie. Today we're going to get Masky back from Jay." He said. "We are not going to go to Subway to say hello. Jeez, sometimes you're as oblivious to common sense as Jay."

"But….I REALLY want Subway! Or Quizno's, or Mr. Sub, even Extreme Pita would do!" Hoodie whined. They NEVER did what he wanted. It was always find Jay this, and tell Alex that. Why couldn't they act like normal people for once? And Hoodie just wanted a sandwich.

"Do you want Masky back or not? Yesterday you were crying at not having seen him for a 'suuuuupppperrr loooonnng tiiiiiime!' What is it? You want sandwiches, or Masky?" Slender was getting frustrated. Why did he always get the weirdos to help him?

Hoodie looked down. He hated Slendy's ultimatums. "Masky," he whispered.

"Good. Now, you know what to do, right?" Slendy handed Hoodie a video camera. "Remember to record it and put it on Jay's computer, I want to freak him out a little." Although he didn't have a face, Hoodie would have sworn that Slendy was smiling. "Then come back with masky. Don't mess it up."

Hoodie scowled. "Yes, I know. Jessica," he added under his breath.

"What did you say? If you called me Jessica again, so help me-"

"I said 'Operator'! I know you aren't Jessica!" probably. He thought. "Why can't we get subway though? Tim works at Subway!"

Slender sighed, putting two long fingers where his noes would be and pinching slightly. He wasn't going to win this fight. "Fine. Let's go." He sighed.

"What? I didn't hear you, Je-ss-i-cA!"

Slender glared at Hoodie. "Let's just go get your freaking Subway. Might as well say hi to Tim while we're there."

So Hoodie and Slendy went to Subway and saw Tim, their mission that day forgotten.

A/N: I really should have been doing math instead, but this popped it's way into my mind and I had to write it. The idea that Slendy is actually Jessica came to me in a dream (dearms do what dreas do, what can I say?) after my friend exclaimed "I REALLY hope Jessica isn't Hoodie!" and then... some how this was born. And for some reason I feel that Tim works at Subway~;D Hope you liked!

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