Hey, so this is my first fanfic on this site. (I do have a Harry Potter fanfiction going, but that's another story.. literally) I know the chapters are very short, that's because this was going to be a oneshot but I prefer uploading bits at a time, you know? Anyway. Tell me if you like it, if you don't like it, if you want me to combine the next chapters into longer ones. Any sort of feedback is appreciated. (Just, fyi I don't even know where this story came from. I think it stemmed from the fact I've never heard Colin Morgan sing and I bet he'd have a really sorta entrancing voice but not necessarily be a good singer... so there you go).

Arthur only had one memory of Merlin singing.

It had been the day when Merlin was finally made Court Sorcerer and Gwaine had convinced the knights, the king and Merlin that they all deserved a few good pints of ale. Arthur had protested at first, stating how he needed to look after Llacheu. Elyan had reminded him Llacheu had Gwen to look after him for tonight. Beyond that, it didn't take much persuasion to get Arthur drinking.

Two hours later saw all of them drunk. Percival held onto Gwaine, giggling like no tomorrow as the latter tried to chat up the ugly new barmaid. Elyan and Leon were still forcing ale down their throats, challenging one another to see who was quickest.

Arthur and Merlin, however, were doing something else. Arthur sat on the floor of the Rising Sun Inn, staring up in drunken awe at his Court Sorcerer. Merlin was standing on a table in the middle of the room, holding some sort of instrument Arthur had never come across. Merlin swayed gently as he played the strange instrument and strummed it's thin strings, and he sang along with it.

Drunk, Merlin was no amazing singer, but Arthur found the sounds entrancing. Merlin had his eyes closed, and the king bet they were glowing gold underneath his eyelids, because no music could be that brilliant without some help. And where in Albion had Merlin learnt to play that weird instrument? Arthur had definitely never seen it before and didn't think Merlin had ever mentioned being able to play a... whatever it was.

The words of which Merlin sang were not of Albion tongue. They rolled over each other smoothly, rhymed when it seemed impossible and Arthur knew if this was in his language, no one would take any heed to the melodic song being played by his ex-manservant.

As it was, though, all eyes fell on Merlin when he performed. Even Gwaine, probably the drunkest of them all, turned his head away from the barmaid to look at Merlin in wonder.

The warlock took no heed to the crowd he was drawing in.

Merlin had never been one to show off, or to boast about his powers or talents (not that he thought he had many) but this time, he either allowed them to watch as they grew more involved in the song, or didn't notice in his drunken state. So he carried on, with his ballad.

To Arthur, when the song finished, it seemed as though it had only started a few seconds ago, and judging by the other men's reactions, they thought the same. On the last note, Merlin drew it out as long and as sombrely as he could, finally finishing while opening his eyes at last. He drew in a quick breath and everyone seemed to snap out of the trance the young sorcerer had put them in.

Arthur was the first to move, but never took his eyes off Merlin's blue orbs. As he stood, Merlin stepped down off the table. They stood face to face.

"Merlin... that was..." Arthur couldn't finish his sentence. He didn't know what it was he had just witnessed. He knew Merlin wasn't the best singer he'd ever heard... but yes, he was the best singer he'd ever heard.

"Merlin! Mate, that was... wow. Who knew you could sing like that?" Gwaine slurred as he joined the two men. All three ignoring the crowds shouts for more music. The Court Sorcerer just shrugged and felt his face grew red, the adrenaline was wearing off now but the alcohol was still in him.

"I think... I'm going to go to my chambers." And before anyone could stop him, the young warlock was gone, sprinting to his new chambers in the citadel he'd only been assigned that afternoon.

The king stared after him, vowing never to forget how Merlin sang.