3 weeks after the accident Monica is discharged from the hospital.

11 weeks later

"Hey sweetie, we still on for tonight?" Chandler set his briefcase down next to the door, he had moved in with Monica, they had cleared all of Richards stuff out of the apartment and filled it with Chandler and Madison's stuff.

"Oh I'm not sure sweetie, it's our first night leaving Madison, I don't think I'm ready."

"I know it's going to be hard leaving this little cutie but it'll be worth it. I promise. Please?"

Monica thought for a moment. "Okay.. But we can't be out for too long, I don't want to be away from Madison to ages."

"We'll be back before midnight, I promise you." He said, kissing her neck and pulling her closer towards him.

Monica laughed slightly, "Chandler.. We can't.." She pulls away from him and kissed his lips. "I'm going to take a shower." She walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

Chandler walked over to Madison's bassinet and picked her up gently. "Hey baby.. You're going to stay with Aunt Rachel and Aunt Phoebe tonight while me and mommy go out.. Can you keep a secret?" Madison gurgled in reply. "Okay I'll tell you.." Chandler glanced at the bathroom door, making sure Monica wasn't listening. "I'm going to ask mommy to marry me."

Chandler and Monica were shown to their table by the waiter. "Here are your menus, I'll be back soon to take your order. May I suggest the pasta for tonight? We have a new sauce recipe." He turned his heel and left.

"Wow..Chandler this place is beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you.. God that sounds cheesy."

Monica laughed. "Just a bit."

. "Monica I-"

"Oh my god.."

"What?" Chandler watched Monica shift uncomfortably in her seat, whilst staring at the other side of the room. "Sweetie what is it?" A woman with dark hair walked towards their table.

"Well.. If it isn't my 'mother in law'" The woman spoke in a Spanish accent.

"Excuse me?" Chandler looked back and forth from the woman to Monica. "Mon who is she?"

"Chandler, this is Michelle.. Richards daughter. So.. How are you?"

"How am I? Well, apart from the fact that my dad is dead because of you I'm doing pretty good."

"What? Because of me? I didn't kill Richard."

"Yes you did! You made him get into that car that night, you made him go crazy!"

"I didn't make him do anything! He dragged me out of the apartment and into the car!"

"Well if you didn't betray him like-"

"Betray him? I didn't betray him!"

"Oh no! I'm sure every wife sleeps with the neighbour accross the hall!"

"I had my reasons!"

"Really? And what reasons were they?"

"Your dad was beating me!"

"LIAR!" Michelle flew for Monica, knocking her off her chair. Chandler pulled Michelle off Monica while a stranger from another table helped Monica off of the floor' "You bitch! My dad would never do that! He's a good man!"

Monica started to laugh "Show how much you know about 'daddy' then doesn't it? He was a monster. He deserved everything he got!" The chef came out of the kitchen and asked Michelle to leave seeing as she initiated the fight. Monica sat back down on her chair and the chef offered them a free meal under the circumstances and because he knew Monica, the politely took the offer.

"Hey, you okay?" Chandler reached out and stroked Monica's hand.

"Yeah, I'll be fine.. What were you going to say before?"

"... It doesn't matter now."

They enjoyed the rest of their meal, once they finished Chandler suggested a walk through Central Park. "Shouldn't we be getting back?"

"Mon it's only 10:05, we've got plenty of time."

"I know.. I just miss Madison."

Chandler chuckled, "come this way, I want to show you something.." He lead her down a dark path, Monica became slightly nervous.

"Chandler? Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

"A good surprise?"

"Yes.. Hopefully." At the end of the path was a fountain, surrounded with fairy light.

"Oh Chandler.. It's beautiful here." When he didn't say anything back she turned around and saw him knelt on the ground. "Honey you okay? What are you doing?"

"Monica.." He started, he pulled out a blue velvet box. "I can't tell you how long I've been waiting to find someone like you. And not long ago, I did. From the first sight of you I fell in love. You're beautiful Monica. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Monica Geller.. Will you marry me?"

Monica took a sharp breath in, she could feel tears forming in her eyes. "Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" She dropped to her knees so she was in level with Chandler and kissed him passionately. He slipped the ring onto her finger and smiled.

"perfect fit.. Like us.." He whispered, and pulled her in for another kiss.

They had overcome this.. This Dilemma.

That's it I'm done! Finished! Finito! Guys you have been amazing, the reviews have been wonderful. And I'm done. That's it and they live happily ever after.

Ive got another idea for a Mondler story so check that out. Im starting it today. Love you guys!x