Hello! Gosh that took a while sorry XD All my thanks and lamingtons for NeverlandNat and Sasaphrinascream for their lovely reviews!

Chapter 3: Walks Like Rain

Balancing his camera on top of a stack of his school textbooks (the most he'd used them for since his mum had brought them home a week ago, preaching that earlier study made for easier study), Dan hit the red button and sat back down in his chair, briefly checking he was well placed in the shot and making slight adjustments to his fringe before he started speaking.

"Hello! Well I'm back, still alive and still gorgeous," He waggled his eyebrows, then continued on a more serious note. "You know, it actually ended up being not all that bad, as community service goes! The centre is pretty relaxed and the guy who's my supervisor, PJ, is very cool- he bought me pizza for lunch!"

He paused, knowing he could edit up waffling and silence later, trying to think of how to continue the video. There were no particularly funny stories, no amusing fails or danecdotes, but somehow he felt it was important find a way to document what was going to happen over the next few weeks of his life. Swinging his chair from side to side, inspiration suddenly struck.

"And with no further ado, may I present the newest section of this channel," Dan drummed his hands against his desk, "The most-interestingest-person I've met today!"

He laughed good humouredly at the atrocious title, "That is unless one of you guys can come up with a better name for it," his fingers pointed downwards, "Then let me know in the comments! I have faith in you my Danosaurs; I mean statistically at least one third of you are brighter than me…" He shrugged.

"But onto today's most-interestingest-person-" He paused, stroking an imaginary beard while pulling a whimsical face.

"I just realised there should be some sort of privacy involved in this, seeing as I am WAY too socially awkward to just ask people if they don't mind being named online- Aha! (He later edited a light bulb appearing over his head at this point) I'll just use fictional names! Let's call this guy… Gandalf. And I mean that in the way that he's the old-and-wise type," his hand movements became more exuberant as he got carried away with his description, "But conveniently he does have a beard and grey hair and wears this strange little felt hat thing- and he is officially the king of Scrabble. I can say this wholeheartedly because, well," he brushed some imaginary dirt off his shoulder, "I think you'll find I'm rather a champion of Scrabble myself! But this guy? I swear when the older guys at the centre asked if I wanted to play with them I thought it was going to be a boring hour of trying to politely ignore when they broke the rules of misspelt words; but these guys mean serious business and Sa-"

He corrected himself, making a mental not to edit out this blunder later, "Gandalf was the very best of all. He made a six or seven letter word almost every round and swept the floor with us all four times in a row. Playing with him was basically like being in the presence of royalty…"

Dan leant back, propping his feet up onto the desk and folding his hands behind his head.

"And he was a really decent player, you know? Setting it up nicely so we all had place to play, always up for suggesting a really filthy word and then giggly away like a ten-year-old- it was actually so much fun! I'm only sorry he didn't stay for more than two hours."

He let his head fall slack backwards, eyes turned to the ceiling, reliving the memory, a small smile gracing his lips. It took a moment for him to remember he was still filming, and when he did he sat back so abruptly he disturbed the balance of his chair and almost sent the whole thing toppling over.

"Anyway, there you go! Short video today, sorry, but PJ said the younger guys come in on Wednesdays so I might have more to tell you then!"

Dan suddenly smacked his palm to his forehead. "I just realised PJ might not be cool with his name in these videos either!"

He clasped his hands together in mock prayer. "Please forgive me. Or yell at me in two days and I'll go edit it out of both videos, err, and all the people who've seen them can be brainwashed? Oh dear so much to organise... Might be easier if you just sell me your identity," he winked at the camera, then waved brightly, "See you all soon!"

After an appropriate pause he leant over and switched the camera off and pulled it off the books, bringing it with him as he flopped down onto his bed, exhausted.

Some holiday. But he had to admit that he had had a fun day.

Rolling over, he planned to watch over the footage he'd just filmed, but instead was sound asleep in moments, fully clothed with the lights still on.

I hope the vloging works for you guys, let me know what you thought of this chapter and I'll try update soon! Phil soon I promise :3