Maka snuck stealthily around the shadowed corners of a large mansion. Her eyes scanning warily for any signs of a guard or hired mercenary to protect the jewels of the house. Finding none in current need of handling, she dashed swiftly around a corner and retreated behind a suit of armour.

How rich was this family? They have suit's of armour in their halls for crying out loud!

The small blonde thief internally gawked, gripping the hood of her black cloak to better conceal her face. The sound of footsteps echoing noisily down the halls drew her attention as she shrunk further into the shadows. Who ever was walking through the corridors was obviously very confident that no one would be slipping dagger between their ribs. She assumed it was a house resident, but the shine of steel weaponry and leather armour told her it was a hired guard. Was he really that stupid? She snickered at how the guard carried itself then quickly drew a hand over her mouth, but the guard never broke stride. Obviously he was really that stupid.

She watched frozen as the guard turned the corner she had just come from, and wasted no time in progressing further into the house.



Her hands rested lightly on the handle of the door, she admired it's design, and once again thought how much money this family had. The door was a deep rich red, obviously some rare type of wood that was hard to come by. As she'd never seen this type of door or wood for that matter, and she knew almost everything.

Carvings on the door were slightly encrusted with gold leaf, and her eyes tried to decipher the glyphs of foreign languages. She picked up what languages they were, but hardly knew the words themselves.

She breathed in sharply, snapping herself back to the job at hand. Slip in, steal as much gold and valuable jewels as possible as well as the ancient scroll and slip out. Her hand's quivered slightly in anticipation as she tried to pick the lock, thus it snapped, and she cursed. The lock was much harder than she anticipated but she quickly got it after protruding another one.

Breath caught in her throat as she opened the door and quickly slipt in, shutting it behind her. She'd hit the mother load! …Perhaps not in a thief's sense. But in a scholar's sense. Books, book everywhere. Books that only the richest of the rich could come by, books of forbidden magic, books of sciences, history, languages, legends and lore! She could've stood where she was admiring the casings of the books for ever. But she had a job to do! Surely the family wouldn't notice a few missing books amongst losing a lot of wealth! No, no, no! She ran her hands along the collection, grabbing several books and delicately placing them in her knap sack she carried.

Back on track maka! Find the jewels! And the safe! God who hides their wealth in a library…? I suppose it's unexpected…

She sighed and placed a scroll with gold string wrapping it together and the ancient dragon language's symbol for sun also meaning divine. Well… this is unexpected. I better be taking this…

Her eyes quickly racked over every inch of the room before they landed on the family's banner that hung on a single wall in the library, she almost squealed in delight as she dashed towards it.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you." A soft yet definitely male voice spoke warily. It had an odd calm, yet obvious threat behind the tone, causing her to flinch. She stood still, listening, waiting. Nothing. She turned around warily, scanning the room her hand on the hilt of her dagger that was found on her waist. But again, nothing. She was alone in the room, she was sure of it. She released her grasp from the dagger and sighed, but drew her hand up and muttered something in an ancient language. 'Soul detect.' She whispered at the end of the incantation, and her palm glowed a ghostly purple for a moment before dispersing.

Her eyes now with a slight glow to them, flickered around the room. She picked up three human souls up within her detection range, but they were far away from her, one belonging to the guard whom she snuck past. Her hand twitched warily, something told her to keep her guard up. To not turn her back. But her spells never failed, and she grumbled at how she was just 'paranoid', and turned back towards the banner, she flicked it aside and was greeted by a small wooden cupboard built into the wall.

"There you are beautiful." She whispered to the cache, and opened it slowly revealing a black safe.

"I told you not to touch it." The voice she heard before spoke, the one she thought she imagined. But the breath gliding along her neck said other wise.

She whirled quickly, kicking out and hand flying to her dagger. She was quicker than her opponent had assumed, as an audible crash was heard as the body fell into a chair that toppled backwards. But quick as a flash he was on his feet, and Maka had little time to even breath as she was thrown against the wall. A weight ceasing all movement pressed against her as her dagger clattered on the floor.

"Foolish you are little mortal." The voice taunted her, and she gasped in shock.

"Mortal?" She growled venomously taking offence to the term -though in the circumstance, being pinned against a wall unarmed and unable to move. A normal person would panic. But Maka was far from normal. Oh no, far from normal indeed.

"You bear a mortals scent, and a mortals body." Her captor simply said, though she could hear the slight hint of alarm in his strong voice.

"Ah, then perhaps you should breath deeper." She purred her eyes narrowing, seeming almost cat-like.

"…Dragon?" The voice asked, obviously shocked, his grip loosening ever so slightly.

"Hmm, slightly." She hummed, like being pinned on a wall in a threatening position was a normal day to day basis.

"You smell mortal. Surely you're no-" The voice cut itself off, trailing away in thought.

"Ah, but I am. Dragons can take the form of mortals you are aware…"

"Yes but the scent is always dragon, regardless." The voice growled now, angered. Maka looked up and was greeted with glowing red eyes staring furiously at her.

"Yes, but in mortal form, they can reproduce with other mortals." The little thief-mage clarified. The red eyes rage faltered and was replaced with fear.

"B-but the dragons died out decades ago!" The grip loosened more, giving Maka more freedom to move her head to look further upwards. She was greeted with a young face, sharp shark like teeth, and snowy white hair.

"A demon?" Maka gasped her eyes narrowing. That would explain the obvious 'mortal' talk.

"No." The mans voice was stern, harsh, quick to deny. Her eyes narrowed more, and she wriggled slightly in his loose grasp. She was denied the pleasure of freedom as the mans grip tightened further, causing her to wince slightly.

"You are still mortal mix-blood, I could kill you ever so swiftly right here."

"I would not die. My soul would simply find another vessel."

"Hmm… interesting…" The man purred in amusement trailing off causing Maka to frown angrily.

"I'll have you know this is not my true form." She hissed angrily, struggling a tad more violently to be released. The being holding her merely laughed at her attempts. Her frown turned into a determined scowl.

"Alright then." She hissed, her eyes flashing dangerously. "Let's play."

The beings smirk was instantly wiped off his face.

His body went flying backwards for the second time that night, and he was awed with the sight before him. He- as a powerful being had respect for other powerful beings, be it instinctual or purely conscious. But the dragon before him was more powerful. In the backlash of her shifting into her true form, he'd been sent flying. His red eyes gazed over at the dragon-Halfling. The sides of her face were adorned with golden jewel like scales, her hair was a wild untamed mess resembling a dragons mane, scales were on her forearms and the back of her hands, while her nails had become cat like claws. Seemingly minor changes so far, but the swishing scaled dragons tail that flicked back and forth, and the small dragon wings that adorned her back were definitely abnormal. She was fearsome, but absolutely beautiful. Dangerously so.

His awed expression twisted, and he smirked.

"Game on."

Her black cloak had dissolved into the darkness, and her body was covered in white elk skin armour. Perhaps not the most strongest of armours, but it was enchanted with wards so it was as strong as steel armour with it's own few kicks.

He'd assumed it was enchanted. He could detect the magical properties even though it was obscured before by her cloak. Now he could feel the raw power of the enchantments and knew he'd have to watch his steps with this Halfling. She was prepared for battle, as opposed to himself. He merely wore a pin stripped suit with a red dress shirt and black tie. But he was confident in his ability to defend with his powers, for he never fought with armour.

She was quick. Quicker than he anticipated, and that was when she was in mortal form. Now in her 'true form.' She was much quicker. The being collapsed backwards, hitting his head on the thick red carpet that covered the stone floor. His sight was blinded for a moment and it took him a few moments to get his bearings, and he was mildly surprised to see the Halfling crouched in a defensive position, her eyes a blazing green, calculating his every move.

"You're move." She simply stated, her eyes never blinking.

"Y'know. I do believe formal introductions are in need if we are about to practically kill each other.."

"Maka Albarn." Her eyes narrowed warily as she spoke her name, possibly trying to assume what he was playing at. He simply smirked and bowed.

"Soul Eater Evans." Then he lunged, and she evaded.

He growled low in his chest, not wishing to be the only one to get burned by this battle, and he quickly shifted bringing up his knee and smashing it into the side of her thigh. She yelps and releases a snake like hiss before whirling around quickly and slamming his tail into his ribs, knocking the breath out of him and sending him stumbling backwards slightly.

"Ah, so not a demon. But a branch of it." Maka chuckles, yet her eyes hold genuine curiosity and slight respect. "A Soul Reaper -I'd assume by you're eyes and teeth. I've suddenly got a reason to win this battle now. My soul ending up in you're grasp might be a bit more than troublesome."

Soul smirked. "Suddenly a lot less cocky now we know you can't be reborn -Once you're soul is mine."

"Oh believe me Soul Eater. You're soul is mine." Maka cackled her palm glowing white as she chanted in an ancient language.

"Nice trick, but my soul be your's? Never. But now I see you're of angel property, and a spirit dragon no less. This is more than troublesome on both our halves, wouldn't you agree?" He growled, his eyes glowing with power and rage.

Maka's mind barely registered his words, but the line 'angel property' caused her to lose focus and fail her spell. The mispronunciation of a word caused her spell to falter and the excess magic explode on itself. The dragon halfling fell back with a whimpering yelp as she was reverted back to mortal form. She cursed herself inwardly as she was momentarily paralysed, and the clicking of shoes walking towards her wasn't helping. Even if it was barely audible on carpet…

"My, my, my." Soul hummed, slouching more relaxed now as he hovered over the thief-mage. "Out already?"

"…" She couldn't speak a single word, but her eyes told a novel of rampancy towards this single being she'd barely known for a couple of minutes that stood before her. He saw this and smirked.

"Paralysed? Yes, yes. Ancient spells tend to do that when you can't say the word right. Much like joor- the dragon word for hell- but you know that. Most people would assume it's pronounced like 'door' if they read the human translation, where as it's actually pronounced like the mortal word for jaw." He explained stuff she already knew, speaking to her like she was stupid. She knew he was doing it to piss her off- and by joor's gates was it working. "Thus you say it like door and the magic cannot decipher the word and breaks down on itself. Funny thing magic. Especially ancient kind." He carried on.

Though now she was more surprised as to how a soul reaper knew of her language and magic kind so well. It was unsettling and a strong sense of impending doom settled in her stomach. She was helpless- and it frustrated her so. She could do nothing! Nothing until the spell wore off, or another of her kin released her.

"I suppose you wish for release, no?" His use of the English language reminded her of a madman, a crazy person who quite enjoyed insanity or just plainly took pleasure in pissing others off. Her eyes narrowed. What was he playing at? Her mind ran through all worse case scenario's possible being in her current helpless position. She was helpless, defenceless and stuck in a room with a demon… a MALE demon. She internally screamed and panicked.

Soul picked up on her havocking emotions and thoughts and he grinned wildly his eyes flashing a look of demonic thoughts. He crouched down so he was somewhat levelled with her face and drew a hand across her face lazily, yet delicately. Maka internally flinched. His hand continued to explore the shape of her face before delicately cupping her cheek and angling her face to look at him better. She was surprised to see his face blank and expressionless, his eyes guarded and distant.

"Calm down tiny-tits. It would be an uprise if I were to hurt angel property. And you'd be surprised to know, I actually value what life I have." His tone was normal now, intimadtingly stern- yet soft. Maka's eyes portrayed her confusion and he chuckled drawing his hand back.

"Sleep now. Maka Albarn." He murmured, drawing a hand over her eyes. She noticed that his palm was black with a spell. A sleeping spell by how quickly her mind started to fog up.

She began to panic as the darkness crept on her, she wasn't used to her mind being intruded by spells, she could always fight them off. Perhaps it was her paralysis that made her weak, made it so her mind would be more susceptible to the control of another's spell.

Or maybe, just maybe;

He was stronger than her.

Her mind went dark after those lasts thoughts.





Whoot! Another story~ Well, I had fun writing this. I love AU medieval super natural stuff.

So, dragons exsist, they got their own language, and symbols and such. And maka is a cross between a dragon, and a mortal.

Or is she O: maybe she's a cross between a dragon-meremaid and a cat-human!

Just kidding.

But soul is well, not a demon, but he is? Know what I mean?

Neither do I.

Any way~ Hope you enjoyed reading :3 lemme know if I should continue.
