PG and F

I own NOTHING. All criticism is welcome for it helps me in my lazy writing.

Fiona woke up startled."What was that?!"

Her room was pitch black and she couldn't see a thing in the darkness. Cake lay in her bed on the shelf completely asleep, oblivious to the noise downstairs. It sounded like… bottles breaking?

"Whaa?" Fiona mumbled.

She picked up her sword from under her pillow and slowly went to the kitchen. When she turned on the light she laughed.

"Oh Gunther it's just you. Why are you here? You should be with the ice king." Gunther quacked and wabbled out the front door's hole where she and Cake had been wrestling earlier.

I should really get that fixed… Fiona thought.

"I was thinking the same thing." Said a voice.

"GAHH! Wh-whos there?!" Fiona yelled.

From somewhere in the ceiling a voice chuckled.

"Aw I'm hurt Fiona. You forgot about me already? Has Bonnoball cleaned your memory yet?" Marshall Lee the Vampire king then floated into the light so Fiona could see him.

"Ugh, It's you. Get out Marshall." Threatened Fiona.

"My, my that's not very nice. I even brought you a present." Marshall took out a green umbrella and handed it to Fiona.

"I don't want anything from you! Just get out before I kill you with my sword!" Fiona yelled. Cake suddenly appeared and froze when she saw Marshall Lee.


Fiona charged Marshall but he disappeared through a window like a ghost.

" WHAT was he doing here?!" Asked Cake.

"I don't know man! He was gonna give me a stupid umbrella… and after he tried to kill Prince Gumball too. He has some nerve." Fiona grited her teeth.

"Hey girl, lets just go back to sleep. We'll fix the door tomorrow and we have to go to Gumball's place too in the morning." Fiona knew Cake was right.

"Ok." Fiona replyed. But she didn't know that the Vampire King's emotions were changing as he thought about her on the roof of the tree house.

The next morning Cake and Fiona headed out early to Prince Gumball's Kingdom. Only to find that the people were REALLY sick.

"Oh my glob girl! What happened to Gumball's people?! They look like they are drying up and need water or something." Cake gasped.

Fiona looked around and saw she was right. The candy people were slowly drying up. Like when you suck on a lollipop and it slowly goes away. Except the candy people looked… dehydrated.

"Let's ask Gumball what's up Cake!"

They started running toward's the tower where Gumball's room is.

"Girl, I don't know if we should just pop into his room like this…"

"Trust me! We have no time! The candy people need our help!" yelled Fiona.

Cake nodded and Fiona hopped onto her back, Cake stretching her to the window of Prince Gumball's room.

"Dang where is Gumball?" Fiona whispered. Cake pointed to the hallway and Fiona followed Cake into Gumball's Lab.

"Fiona! Thank goodness you are ok!" He rushed to give Fiona a hug.

"Uh, th-thanks." Fiona blushed.

"My candy people have drank infected water that causes them to develop a sugar-deprivation. Their sugar levels drop rapidly until they can no longer function. I'm working on a solution but I can't figure out WHY their bodies refuse to make sugar…" Mumbled Gumball.

"Ok… would it help if I brought a candy person so you can figure it out?" Fiona asked.

"Huh? Oh! Yes! It would definitely help! Is it possible you two-" Gumball started.

"I'm already on it!" With that Cake and Fiona went on the hunt for a sick candy person.

Back at Marshall Lee the Vampire King's house he was just about to take a shower when there was a knock. Marshall groaned.

It better be someone important or something important because if not, I might get hungry… Marshall thought.

"Hello! Have you missed me?" A cute purple-haired girl jumped on Marshall, trying to kiss him but he transformed into a bat and got her off of him.

"Aw you look so cute!" She giggled. Marshall sighed and transformed back to normal.

"What do you want Kina?" Marshall growled.

"Ooh so scary! Remember I helped you save that pink PrinceBall." Kina said as she let herself inside the house.

"I said WHAT do you WANT?" Marshall repeated.

"I'm bored and I feel lonely so…" She sat on the uncomfortable couch. "I've decided to stay here a while."

"WHAT?" Roared marshall. "I'M MARSHALL LEE THE VAMPIRE KING NOT SOME BABYSITTER!" HE yelled as he transformed into a huge ugly monster with tentacles and fangs and ugly thick arms.

"EW! Well, I guess I'll look somewhere else." Sighed Kina. " But I'll be sure to keep in touch." She winked and *poof* she was gone.