WOW I am so sorry for the long weight I'm really sorry. My computer crashed last Friday so I've been jumping between my dad's computer, my mom's computer, my friend's computer and the school computer. But Christmas Vacation is coming up so I can guarantee a few chapters next week!

Thank you all for the reviews and follows!:)

The man smiled at them again. "Who're you two?

"No one of your concern." Elaine snapped. Jack inhaled, narrowing his eyes, feigning pain.

"That hurt."


"Come on." he tried again as Elaine turned away. She didn't go very far, though, only to the controls. When she didn't answer, he looked to River. "And how about you? Going to shun me for no real reason?"

"No, I'm going to wait for my husband to get to you."


"The Doctor."

"You're married to the Doctor?"

"I am."

"Jack." they all looked up. The Doctor was standing beside Elaine, making her jump when she realized he was there.

Jack stifled a chuckle. "You're the Doctor?"

"Oh, shut up." he hissed.

"Blondey's a lucky girl." Jack smirked, folding his arms. "You haven't been tied down since Rose...who was also blonde." he laughed as the Doctor blushed a bit. "It all makes sense now."

"Shut up. How are Mickey and Martha?"

"They're fine. Still running around alien hunting. UNIT has been helping them, though, quite a lot, actually."

The Doctor smiled a bit, putting his hands in his pockets. He walked to stand beside River. "And Sarah Jane and Luke?"

Jack's face fell. "Sarah Jane... she died, Doctor. Last year, they found a tumour in her brain."

The Doctor didn't say anything. River touched his arm and tried to speak, but ELaine came up behind her and grabbed her arm, pulling her away before the Doctor made a fist. He turned and slammed it down onto the metal of the controls. A few sparks of electricity flew about as he silently fumed.

"Doctor-" Elaine went to him and put her hand on his. She put her other hand around his shoulders and said, "Doctor, listen to me. Don't you dare blame yourself- its not your fault."

"Its always my fault."

"No, its not." she insisted, lightly rubbing his shoulder. "I promise that you couldn't have known."

"I should have seen signs."

"Is he alright?" Jack quietly asked, inching closer to River. She sighed.

"He's still healing. He regrets the mistakes of his past regeneration."

"How old is he know?"

"About a nine hundred and eleven."

"And the girl?"

River hesitated and took a breath. "A very old friend of his. She's another Time Lord."

"But I thought he was the last one."

"Well, apparently not. I thought he was, too. He thought he was, too. Then... she came along."

Jack paused. "You sound a little jealous."

"They were married." she explained with a shrug. "With children."

"And now you're the Doctor's lady." he cleared his throat. "His- his last regeneration- he was- well. Martha and I were kind of in the same boat."

"You were in love with him."

Jack smiled a bit, shrugging. "Yeah, but oh well. Its a lost cause now."

"I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter anymore."

"Of course it does."

"I guess I didn't expect him to still make me want to, you know, jump off a cliff." he chuckled. "As long as he's happy. He seems it."

"I think so."

"You know, I always knew he was a pimp."

River laughed.

"Come on, Stranger." they heard Elaine saying quietly. "What makes you feel better? Going on wild adventures. Take me somewhere I've never been."

"Have you ever been to the planet of the cats?"

She shook her head and rested her chin on his shoulder. "Tell me about it."

"Ten thousand years into the future, cats have adapted the ability to speak and walk on their hind legs. They've created schools and they have a government."

"How did they get to another planet?"

"Do you want to find out?"

"I'd love to. I love cats." she paused and smiled. "Can we see if one of them wants to come with us? Oh, that'd be great- 3 aliens in the TARDIS. Sounds like a book for children."

"Ahem." Jack pretended to clear his throat. They both looked. "2 Aliens, 2 humans and a cat, actually. You're not ditching me again."

"I didn't ditch you - you went back to Torchwood!" the Doctor shouted. River rolled her eyes and said, "Besides, I'm not going to go with you." she shrugged. "I"m sorry, I am - but I can't. Besides," she smiled. "An archeology team is being deployed to a library and I'm going to accompany them."

The Doctor's face paled. "A library?"

"Yes, in the 51st century. Two Daves on the ship- that should be fun. And a girl named Evangalista. Lovely name, isn't it?"

"Yes," he mumbled. "I suppose it is. Before you go, let me take you somewhere." he turned to Elaine and forced a smile. "Can you and Jack keep busy for a while?"

"Of course."

"River," he smiled at the blonde woman. "Let's go have a picnic."

"Oh. Sure."

"But-" Elaine interrupted Jack with a smile. She put her hand on his arm and said, "Come on, Captain. Let's go for a walk." she laced her arm through his. "Its been quite some time since I last walked around Cardiff."

"Yeah, sure." he smiled warily and Elaine started to lead him to the door of the TARDIS. She looked back at the Doctor, who just mouthed, "Thank you."

She nodded with a small smile and exited the box. They stood back as the familiar sound of the TARDIS rang in their ears, and vanished with a great gust of wind.

"So, what was that about?" Jack asked.

Elaine sighed. "She's going to die in that library." she said, and started to walk away.

"Wait- what?!" Jack shouted as she left him. He followed after her, begging for answers.

As they sat down for a meal, Elaine began to explain everything. She told him who she was, who River was, and how the blonde woman and the Doctor never seemed to meet in the right order. She explained to him how she was a Time Lord, and how she and the DOctor were reunited.

He sat in awe the entire time, listening intently. He didn't say a lot after that. Elaine figured it was all sinking in. After dinner, they walked back to where the TARDIS had left them. Sure enough, it was there waiting.

"Should we go?" Jack said, his hands in his pockets.

"Maybe we wait a bit longer." she answered with a slow exhale, and turned to walk to a bench.

"Are you alright?"

She sat down and let out another sigh. "River was my friend is all. SHe saw me become a Time Lord again. But I'll be OK. I'm more worried about the Doctor."

"You and him were married, right?"

"Yeah, a long time ago." her back straightened. "But that's it- we've been over for centuries so don't get any ideas."

"I was just going to say that it seems like you're still in love with him."

She didn't answer. Jack huffed a bit and sat beside her. "I was telling River that we're in the same boat. I always expect to see the Doctor one day and forget that he's as wonderful as he is and I suddenly won't be drawn to him anymore." he paused, chuckling a bit with a sad smile. "That day hasn't happened yet. Even though, all in all, I've only met him a good five or six times. Even now, he's married and has a mistress-"

"I'm not his mistress."

"-and for some reason, I still believe I have a chance. He'll always be the Doctor- my Doctor. And you know what?"


"I think he's truly glad to have you back. He's already fallen for you again."

"Don't be ignorant, Jack." she scoffed.

"He has."

WIth a sigh, she smiled. "Its too complicated. I'm happy being friends with him again. I wish all men were like you- entirely uncomplicated."

"I'm very complicated." he laughed.

"Oh come on, you're simple, kind and handsome. You are every woman and gay man's dream."

"You know," he cleared his throat, "I could be your dream, too."

"I don't have a dream anymore."

"Why don't we go away for some time while the Doctor mourns a bit? I've got a vortex manipulator that could take us anywhere."

"I can't."

"Sure you could." he put his hand on hers. SHe couldn't help blushing a bit. "Just the two of us."

"I already can go anywhere."

"Yeah, with a married, emotionally unavailable man. I'm unattached and apparently uncomplicated."

Elaine smiled, grasping his hand tight. "THat's sweet, Jack, really. But the Doctor just lost Sarah Jane and River. I can't leave him. You can come with us though."

"I'm going to. But I want you to know that if he ever hurts you, you can find me and I'll take you away."

"Thank you"

She looked away and then back at him. His blue eyes were hard, but sad at the same time as he mumbled, "Elaine-"

"He isn't going to hurt me, Jack."

"You said he sent you away."

"He saved my life."

"He broke your heart."

"It doesn't matter anymore."


"Its over and done with." she snapped. "The doctor is my friend and I'm going to stay with him as long as he needs me to."

"What about what you need?"

"I need him to be happy so he doesn't accidentally piss off a Dalek."

"Hey guys!" they looked and saw the Doctor waving his arms like a madman. "Come on! River will be OK! She's always OK! Let's go to the cat planet!"

"We'll be right there!" Elaine shouted back to him and stood up. Jack grabbed her hand.

"Think about what I said."

"I will." she slid her hand out of his and took off towards the TARDIS. Jack followed, sighing. Elaine ran past the Doctor inside the box, but he stopped Jack by extending his arm. He asked warily, "What were you talking about?"

"I let her know that her world doesn't have to revolve around you."

Jack walked past him and the Doctor closed the door, glowering. They both watched elaine tinker with buttons and levers for a moment, before she pulled on one lever, resulting in a mini-explosion She jumped back, letting out a shout of surprise.

"I'm OK!" she laughed, fanning away a bit of smoke. "Its all good!"

Jack didn't leave them, like he promised. He stuck close to them at all times. Well,most times. Until one day Elaine said she had some business to take care of. She got dressed with clothes she found in the wardrobe and did her hair up. She found a jacket and sunglasses, making Jack remark that he looked like Audrey Hepburn. SHe just smiled like she had a secret.

"Where are you going?" the Doctor asked, watching her a she put together a bang in her bedroom. He sat on her bed, while Jack stood in the doorway.

"Just to visit a friend."

"You have other friends?" Jack smirked.

"Haha. I'll be back later. I'll meet you here- where the TARDIS is now. Alright?"

She walked to the Doctor, put her hand on his shoulder and kissed his forehead. He smiled a bit like a child. She touched his chin quickly and said, "Chin up, Doctor. You've definitely got the chin for it."

"Shove off." he muttered, unable to keep himself from smiling. She walked over to Jack, kissing his cheek at the same time he kisses hers.

"Play nice, boys!" she called out, walking out of the room in high heels.

"Think she has another boyfriend?" Jack chuckled. The Doctor gave a half-hearted laugh. Something didn't feel right to him.

But she returned later in the night, carrying her heels in her hands. She shook her hair out of the bun as she walked into the seemingly empty TARDIS.

"Doctor?" she shouted, walking up the three steps. "Jack?"

"Hey!" Jack ran up the stairs from below the controls. "I thought I heard you. How'd it go?"

She blew out a puff of air and pushed her hair back from her face. "Well, I'm thoroughly exhausted. My, uh... friend is mentally unstable."

"Who;'s the friend?"

She smiled. He narrowed his eyes. Elaine didn't answer as she tried to walk past him. But he turned around and said, "We don't have to be worried, do we?"

"Not yet."

"What does that mean?"

She smiled sadly, leaning on the red railing. "I mean, that if the time comes when something happens to me, stay with the Doctor. Stay with him until he finds someone who will take care of him."

"Nothing is going to happen to you." Jack shook his head, frowning. "Don't talk like that."

"There will be a time when I'm not here, Jack, that's been confirmed."

"Time can be rewritten."

"Not my time."

They both stayed quiet for a moment. Elaine looked down the hallway that led to her bedroom, but showed no intention of actually going right that moment. After a few silent seconds, Jack asked, "Do you know when-"

"No. But soon. Very soon." she smiled sadly and started to walk away. But she said, still walking, "You're a sweetheart, Jack, you are. I know you'll stay with the Doctor as long as you can."

"I promised because of you."

One hand on the railing of the staircase, she stopped and turned around. "What do you mean?"

"If anyone else asked me, I'd probably say no. Something won't let me disappoint you."

Elaine sighed. "Jack-"

"No, wait." he went to her quickly. He put his hands on her face and kissed her. Elaine didn't react. When he pulled away, he said, "I still don't know who you really are and I don't know if I'll ever know but I think that's what draws me to you."

"Jack, I don't-"

"I know you don't. You're in love with the Doctor."

Despite her face tinting red, she laughed, shaking her head as she said, pushing her hands away, "Oh, no, no, no, no. No i'm not. Don't be silly. The Doctor and I have been over for centuries- there's nothing between us anymore."

"Well, then he's in love with you because after you left, I went out for a little, and when I got back, he was asleep on your bed, curled up like a cat. You don't realize how much he wants you."

Elaine sighed. "That's not true, Jack, and I'd appreciate it if you'd cut it out. I'm tired, so I'm kicking the Doctor out of my room and going to bed."

"Elaine-" he grabbed her hand. "Fine, but nothing is going to happen to you. I won't let it happen. The Doctor won't either."

She tried to smile, but it faltered. She pulled her hand away and walked through the winding hallways and corridors to her bedroom. Sure enough, the supposed Oncoming Storm was curled up in a ball at the foot of her bed, hugging her pillow tight to his chest like a child. Or a kitten.

She smiled for a moment, but frowned again. She had to wake him up, but apart of her just didn't want to. So, carefully she put her shoes down, slipped out of her dress and replaced it with a pair of pyjama pants and tee-shirt. She went around to the side of the bed he wasn't on and started to pull the blanket down. But he stirred and awoke.


"Yeah, You can go back to sleep if you want."

He sat up and yawned. "No, no, sorry, I'll go. Is everything alright?"

"Of course. I'm just tired is all."

"Oh." he didn't say anything, staring at her with wide eyes. "Are you sure?"

She told him that she was absolutely fine. THis was a lie. Not an outright lie. She finally knew what River meant, when she said that she saw her die. Not only would the Doctor cross paths with River one more time, but they would all witness her death.

Her death from the world completely. She had no regeneration ahead of her. She had neared the end of her rope. Her life began with the Doctor, and it would end with him too.

To be honest, she was glad. The Doctor would be with her until the end. But the only thing she was worried about was how he would react. If she knew her Doctor, and she knew she did, it wouldn't be good.


"Well what?"

"Is she on board?"

"No, Master. SHe refused our offer and has claimed to have accepted her consequences."

A brunette man sat in a throne like chair folded his fingers over his stomach.

"So the TIme Lady is prepared to die for a man she hasn't seen in hundreds of years. How pathetically faithful." hje lifted his hand to motion to the door on the other side of the big dark room. "LEave. Get her and the Doctor and who ever is with them. The more the merrier."

"Yes, Master."

The man ran out of the room,, leaving the man he called his master alone. In time, he would have what he needed- the blood of a Time Lady. Unbeknownst to many, the blood of a female Time Lord was very precious. Women gave points of their blood for medical reasons, including curing even the deadliest of diseases.

When he had her blood in his possession, the Master could grant himself the gift of immortality.