They survived falling in love and having four (count 'em, FOUR) children. Now, Geekward and Nerdella are parents of teenagers. Say a prayer for them for they are in for a bumpy ride. Kyra is being a brat, displaying actions akin to her uncle who is nearing the end of his life on death row. Owen is a geek, like his dad. Then there is Mia and Masen, the twins. They're still cute and adorable. Well, as cute and adorable as twelve year olds can be.

Let's not forget Alice, Jasper, Adam, and Gianna (the Whitlock's), Justin, Alex and Demetri (the Volturis), Esme and Marcus (the Volturis), Tim, Rose, Ava and Lucas (the Napletons) and our antagonist, Jacob Black. Emmett will also make a brief appearance in this story, too. But he's not causing drama. His final goodbye, as it were.

We've got the epilogue coming up, where we're going to wrap up loose ends and find out about the family's happily ever after. We will have a combination of POVs for the final chapter, but ultimately, it will end with Edward and Bella, since this is the end of their story (but the beginning for the rest).

I'm going to do my thank you's and announcements at the beginning since I don't want to clutter the end. This story, well trilogy of stories, is near and dear to my heart. I started writing SGD and ANSOL when I was going through a divorce and moving out of my house. The humor of my shy, geeky Edward and socially awkward Bella brought light to me during that dark time. It continued with our geeky couple having kids and eventually, dealing with them as teenagers. This last story is a bit bittersweet, too. I lost my mom during the course of writing this. She passed away about two months ago, but I think she guided me in how this story was supposed to end. I like to thank her for that last chapter before the epilogue. It was her stroke of genius.

Sorry about the long A/N. Anyhow, thank you to everyone who stuck with me throughout this journey of SGD and Nerdella. There are so many people who have read these stories and supported me. I had a lot of fun with developing these characters and seeing them grow up into the family they are today.

Will I completely give up SGD and Nerdella? Probably not. This is the last full story. I may do some outtakes (Steve and Bella with the promise ring, Steve and Kyra's first time … the options are limitless, really).

Pictures and such for this chapter are on my blog and tumblr (links for that are on my profile). I'm also on Facebook. I'd love to hear from you at Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation or on twitter: tufano79. Thank you again for sharing in this journey of geekiness, silliness and love.

And now …

Chapter Thirty: They Lived Happily Ever After



Three months later … Beginning of September

"I can't believe that Kyra's engaged," Rose mused as we waited for a meeting with the movie producers for the final Charmed movie. "She was a baby yesterday and now? She's getting married? My goddaughter is getting married. Fuck!"

"Language, Rosalie," I snickered as I flipped through a bridal magazine. Kyra was excited about her engagement, but was more thrilled that Steve was back in the Chicagoland area. He worked incredibly hard, making a name for himself at Kate's law firm, but his eyes were just for my baby girl. He worshipped the ground she walked on.

"Have they set a date yet?" Rose asked, checking her cell phone.

"Nothing yet. They're leaning toward New Year's Eve," I said.

"Of this year?" Rose shrieked.

"No. Next year. Kyra is still trying to balance work and her own studies. She wants to make sure that their wedding is special and not something thrown together haphazardly. Plus, they'll get married before Steve turns thirty-one," I said.

"Wasn't that how old Edward was when you got married?" Rose asked.

"He was thirty-two," I countered. "How are things going with Ava and Lucas and their significant others?"

"Lucas broke up with the gold digger," Rose scoffed. "When he refused to buy her a diamond watch, she threw a fit and he finally saw her materialistic ways. Ava is still bouncing around Europe, reeling from the breakup from hell, blogging about her travels. I think she's going to come back with a much older, Italian husband."

"And you're okay with that?" I snickered.

"I'm fine with it. But, I'm not ready to be called Nana," she shuddered. "I do not look like a grandma. Neither do you."

"You don't act like a grandma, either," I pointed out.

"Exactly, I still have sex with my husband without the need of Viagra," she said proudly.

"It helps that Tim's younger," I quipped. Rose smiled smugly, waggling her brows. The movie producer finally called us into his office and we had our final meeting for Charmed Endings. The final movie was in post-production. The series had made both Rose and me millionaires. I put most of my money that I received from the films into a trust for my four children. We had more money than we knew what to do with, but I felt proud of my success in the Hollywood business. My other movie scripts were just as lucrative, but I did it for fun now. Not as a job. I wrote two or three scripts a year. If they were made into a movie, then bonus for me. If not, and they were shelved, they had another script for a later date.

We finished with the meeting, planning the final premier. It would happen just before Thanksgiving in San Francisco where the books/movies were set. When we finished our meetings, Rose and I went back to my house in Brentwood. Edward couldn't come out with us since he had a Foundation opening in Green Bay. We had a girl's night in, discussing plans for Kyra's wedding. The next day, we flew back to Chicago.

Back at the house, I returned to my two remaining children who lived at home. Kyra was still in her Evanston condo and Owen had an apartment down in Bloomington, Indiana where he went to Indiana University. Esme and Marcus had stayed with them while we were out in California. I trusted my daughter, but my son left much to be desired with his slutty behavior. Can a man be a slut? Mia and Masen were now juniors. Mia was dating a sweet, shy girl named JJ. Masen was a ladies man, emphasis on ladies. That boy was giving me more gray hair. My trips to the salon were far more frequent because of my youngest, horniest child. Thankfully, my son didn't have one of his girls in his room. We removed his door when Edward found him getting a blow job in the basement. He had yet to earn it back. Masen's only vice was pretty girls. He was smart and worked hard with his grades, but a pair of tits and cute ass, he was drooling. Teenaged hormones had attacked Masen and turned him to a horn-dog.

"Mom?" came the sweet voice of my youngest daughter. I turned to her. She was taller than me and very muscular, due to her athletic abilities and numerous sports activities. She also had large breasts, which shocked me. I was fairly small and Esme, her grandmother, didn't have big boobs. She was still gorgeous with porcelain skin, and a choppy, but cute short haircut with bright red highlights that framed her face, but had more of a tomboyish appearance since she finally grew into her skin and accepted the fact that she was a lesbian. She still liked to get her eyebrows waxed and she wore mascara, but she was more comfortable in a pair of jeans than a dress. "Mom! You're spacing out."

"Sorry, Mia," I said. "What's up?"

"Can I borrow the car to take JJ out to dinner and a movie?" she asked. "Her older brother totaled their shared car and that only leaves our vehicle."

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Dinner at Rock Bottom and then a movie after that," Mia smiled. "I should be home by eleven."

I handed her my keys. "I may have to talk to your father about getting you and Mase a car. Thank goodness I don't have anything going on," I snickered. "Have fun and say hi to JJ for me. Oh, and she needs to give me that recipe for those lemon bars she made for your birthday party."

"I'll remind her. Love you," Mia said, hugging me tightly.

"Before you go, where is your twin?" I asked.

"Out with some guys from the football team," she answered, rolling her eyes. "Probably looking for girls or something. Masen is such a walking stereotype. I'd try texting him. Bye, Mom!"

Mia was disgusted with her brother's behavior. He had hurt her last year when he had made out with a girl that Mia was interested in, just to spite her. Masen said that he could get more pussy than Mia and my daughter refused to talk to her twin for almost six months. Masen was, of course, grounded for being an asshole and he made up with Mia, but she lost all trust in him. I didn't blame her.

As a result, she rarely brought JJ over to our house because she was afraid he'd do it again and cause her heart to break. I hated that I never got to see my daughter's girlfriend since I did like her and Edward was just ashamed of Masen's douchebaggery.

I did end up texting my son, asking where he was. He responded with a very teenaged response. Out. I picked up the phone, dialing his number. I reamed him a new one saying that if he wanted to stay 'out,' he'd tell me where he was. He apologized and said that he was at the movies with his friends. I reminded him of his curfew and went to make dinner for me and my husband. He was on his way back from Green Bay, almost home from my brief conversation with him after I spoke with Masen.

An hour later, Edward strolled in the door. I was just finishing up making our meal and putting it on the kitchen table. Our house, which was once filled with kids, laughter and noise, was now empty and quiet. It was weird. I had to keep music or the television on so I wouldn't go bat-shit crazy.

We ate dinner and he told me about the opening in Green Bay. It was a smaller building, but we still tried to go to every single opening for the Cullen Children's Foundation. It was our baby, our brainchild to stop bullying and the strong preying on the weak. We both struggled with people teasing us, bullying us when we were children and we wanted to show them that anything was possible. That being teased doesn't mean that you're always going to be weak. Edward and I were a testament to that. We persevered, growing stronger than any of our tormentors ever imagined.

We were doing dishes and I turned to my still sexy husband. Like a fine wine, only getting better with age. "I think we need to consider getting a car for Mia and Masen," I said.

"Yeah, I noticed that the Range Rover was gone," Edward replied, looking to me. "Who has it? Mia or Masen?"

"Mia," I snorted. "I wouldn't want to give Masen my car. It would come back smelling of sex."

"You see this?" he asked, pointing to his silvery shock of hair. It was still thick and unruly, but now it was the most alluring shade of silvery gray. "All Masen. I do not trust him with a car or any responsibilities other than school work or his devotion to the theater."

"If you think about it, we're pretty damn lucky. Yes, Masen is a bit of a slut, but he's smart and …"

"Doesn't have a bedroom door, Isabella Marie," Edward deadpanned. "Slut is an understatement. I love him. I do, but ever since he grew into his body, he's been out of control with the girls. I always thought he'd be gay with his foray in musical theater in middle school."

"He still does musical theater, but it's to attract girls," I giggled. "I think that we need to get ONE car for the both of them. Kyra received your old Volvo. Owen got the Prius before it was totaled."

"And then we got him another one since he went away to school," Edward replied. "They can share the car. I like it. And when they go off to college, I'll give one of them my current Volvo and buy a new one."

"We have to set up rules for the car usage," I said, wrinkling my nose. "Just because we're giving them a car doesn't mean that it's complete freedom, an all-access pass to leave the house whenever you want."

"Well, like with Owen and Kyra, we'll pay the first six months of insurance and then the rest is up to them, in addition to gas and maintenance of the car. They also need to share the vehicle, as well. What if they both need a car?"

"That's something they need to figure out, but I'm afraid that Masen won't let Mia have it. Should we get two?" I asked, my lips pursed. Edward shook his head fervently. "You're right. It's just that their relationship is so strained. Mia doesn't trust her brother."

"We don't trust her brother," Edward countered. "Rules. For both of them in order to have access to the car. Maintain their GPA. Don't let their freedom get to their heads. If they get into trouble, they lose the privileges of driving the car; staying out past curfew, getting into trouble at school, having girls in their rooms."

"What about with Masen? He doesn't have a door. Wouldn't that count against him already?" I asked.

"No. We don't trust him to be in there with a door. That's a given. When he moves out, he can have a door and fuck the world for all I care," Edward said, his voice tense. "But that boy better be smart. I'll tan his hide if he gets a girl pregnant."

"When I've picked up his laundry, I've seen a few boxes of condoms buried in the back of the closet. Your 'no glove, no love' speech is embedded in his brain," I snickered. "So, we can talk to them when they get back about our decision. Then, we can go out and find them a car. New or used?"

"I'll leave that up to them and give them the same deal we did with Owen. They pay half and we pay half," he said. He sighed, pulling me into his arms. "I liked them when they were still cute and listened to what we had to say."

"Now, now. Kyra, Owen and Mia are perfectly fine," I giggled, scratching his back. "It's Masen who's a pain in our ass."

"Can I just lose myself in you? That six hour drive back from the land of the Cheese Heads kicked my butt," Edward whined, his lips finding my ear. "My hips are tight and I know that making love to my wife will help me loosen them up."

"Who am I to say no to you?" I purred, kissing his lips. He growled lowly, dragging me up to our bedroom and locked our door, thoroughly enjoying the benefits of privacy and being alone. I loved not having to keep quiet.

xx STTD xx

"But, Bella, we have to do something for your birthday," whined Alice as we wandered around the grocery store. "Kyra and Steve are coming into town. Can't we have a party?"

"No, Alice," I said. "Dinner's fine, but I don't want a party. Who has a party for their forty-seventh birthday?"

"Uh, you!" she snickered. I shot her a look. "Come on! We need to have a party!"

"We just had a party. Did you forget the engagement party we hosted for Steve and Kyra?" I asked, arching a brow. "And let's not forget the wedding we're planning for New Year's. I don't need a party. A family dinner is perfect, really. I don't even need that. I don't want to be reminded that I'm getting older."

"You don't look like you're almost forty-seven," Alice said. "If I had to guess, you look closer to thirty."

"It's that wrinkle cream that Rose gave me and an awesome hair salon," I grinned. "Plus, I don't try and act like I did when I was twenty-five. There are some mothers at Mia and Masen's school that dress worse than the kids with short skirts, tops where their tits hang out and it's awful."

"I tried," Alice sighed, her face falling.

"Are you trying to stay distracted?" I asked. She nodded. "Gianna?"

"That girl has black hair. She dyed her white blonde hair black. She's wearing all black clothes and I know she's smoking cigarettes, possibly pot. My daughter is a mess and I know that it's my fault," she said, her tiny fists clenched around the shopping cart handle. "Nothing we do is helping."

"Sometimes, you need to let your children fail or crash before they can accept help," I said, hugging her. "It sucks to not be in control, but it may help her in the long run."

"I don't want my baby girl to get hurt or …" she trailed off. Alice looked at me, tears in her hazel eyes. "Just let nature run its course. I hate this, but maybe you're right. I pray that you are." We walked for a little while longer, shopping for our families. Alice settled herself and picked up a cake as we passed the bakery. "We're still celebrating your birthday even if you won't let us have a party, Isabella Marie."

"Damn it," I spat.

We finished our shopping and went our separate ways. Alice planned a small family birthday celebration. I was looking forward to it, really. My daughter and her new fiancé were coming for dinner and so I was happy about that. We had some things to discuss for the wedding. I was excited to help her find her dress, plan her day and assist her taking that next step in her life with Steve. As I was driving home, Kyra did call me, confirming that she and Steve were coming for my birthday dinner.

The rest of the week went by quickly. Mia and Masen were in the process of choosing a car and were cooperating for the first time since Mia came out to the family.

I spoke with Owen toward the end of the week. He called to wish me a happy birthday since he couldn't get home for the weekend. He had a performance with one of his many ensembles at school. It was understandable since he was a music performance major, with a minor in orchestration and conducting. He had already been accepted to Yale University for his masters. Steve even took him on a tour when he went to visit the campus over the summer since he had received his law degree from the same university. Steve had some time to kill before he started his job and he went out to New Haven with my son, showing him the campus and the best options to live. He and Tasha were going to move there. Tasha got her degree in music education, hoping to teach in the New Haven area.

On Saturday, Steve and Kyra arrived at our home. They were living separately. Steve was very conservative and also he wanted to respect my daughter. Plus, the slight fear he had of my husband prompted his decision to stay in corporate housing until they got married. However, when they were in the same room, you could feel how much in love they were. It reminded me of my relationship with my husband. Steve doted on Kyra, treating her kindly, respectfully and grounding her. She brought out Steve's silly side, making him laugh, and showing him the fun in any situation. They were never not touching. He had his arm around her waist or their fingers threaded together. I loved that my baby girl had a wonderful man who adored her. Edward was warming up to Steve, but he was still apprehensive about the age difference. I did put Edward's mind at ease after they got engaged, informing my sullen hubby that our daughter was still a virgin. He liked Steve a lot more after knowing that tidbit.

Edward didn't need to know about their frequent adult sleepovers.

On Saturday night, Kyra and Steve went out with Mia, JJ, Masen and his new 'girlfriend,' Emily. Gianna went with them, but you could tell she would have rather put a white-hot poker into her eyeball. It was better than staying home with her parents. Alice and Jasper came over and helped with the prep for my birthday. I wasn't cooking. Alice insisted. She and Edward were preparing one of my favorite meals, chicken Milanese. They were laughing and pounding the chicken breasts. Jasper was giving pointers.

Our laughter came to an abrupt stop when Jasper's phone rang. "Hello?" he said. "Wait, hold on, Kyra. Slow down. Let me put you on speaker."

"… Gianna hopped to some guy's motorcycle and left!" she said, her voice breathy and anxious. "She gave us all the bird and they drove off. As they pulled out of the parking lot, she threw her cell phone onto the ground and it was obliterated by some truck."

Alice paled and leaned heavily against Edward. "What do we do?"

"I got a partial license plate, Edward," Steve said. "I can't tell you much about the guy since he was in all black and wore a helmet. The helmet, though, had purple flames on the sides. Oh, and he had to be older than eighteen. He was a big guy."

"Gianna is sixteen," Alice whispered. "He could …"

"Don't think that, Alice," Steve said, his voice stern. "I'm going to give you back to Kyra and call the police. I know we can't do anything since she wasn't 'kidnapped.' However, they can be made aware."

"Thank you, Steve," I said.

"Mom, we're coming back," Kyra said once she got the phone back. "Mia is really upset. JJ is calming her down, but she doesn't understand why Gianna would just get onto some random guy's motorcycle. Masen and Steve tried to run after the douchebag, but two guys can't beat a motorcycle."

"Drive safe," I whispered. "I love you, sweetie." The phone call ended and Alice tried to call her daughter, only getting her voicemail.

"Edward, do you have your laptop here?" Jasper asked. My husband nodded, grabbing his computer from the bag near the table. He handed it to Jasper, who quickly began typing on it.

"What are you doing?" Alice asked, her eyes filled with tears. "Jazzy?"

"I put a tracking chip in her bracelet/cuff thing," Jasper said. "She never takes it off except to shower." He smiled evilly, clapping his hands. "Got her! They're on I-88, heading to the city."

"Gianna isn't allowed in the city," Alice growled.

"Do you think she cares?" I asked, hugging Alice.

"Call Oliver or Johnny," Edward smirked. "They both have this program on their laptops."

"What about Steve?" Jasper asked. "And us?"

"Do you think that's wise?" I argued. "Gianna is fighting back against everything right now. Having her dad and uncle come and stalk her would send her further away. I think that Oliver and Steve might be the best bet. Oliver has his girls and Steve is really good with Gianna."

As we were talking, Mia, Masen, Kyra and Steve walked through the door. JJ and Emily presumably were dropped off at their respective homes. Mia ran to me, crying quietly and clinging to me. Masen was pale. Steve was limping. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Motorcycle one, Steve zero," he quipped, pulling his leg up until it cracked. "The cops said they couldn't do anything. She's of age to consent, supposedly. They couldn't issue an amber alert. They told us to wait, essentially."

"That shit ain't happening," Jasper growled. He pushed the laptop toward Steve. "We're following them."

"Jasper, we are not going on a wild goose chase," Edward chided.

"I can't just sit here and do nothing," Jasper snapped.

"Uncle Jasper, do you trust me?" Kyra asked, her eyebrows raised. Jasper frowned, his hands clenched. "If you go after her, she's going to keep pushing you away. Let us handle it. Let me handle it. I went to school for psychology, counseling. Specifically, teenaged girls."

"Kyra, this is a really shady part of the city," Edward whispered, pointing to the laptop.

"I'm still licensed to carry," Steve smirked. "Nothing is going to happen to my fiancée. I'd take a bullet for you, sweetness."

"Aww, that's so romantic, baby," Kyra snorted, kissing his lips. Steve rolled his eyes. Turning to her father, she gave him a hard look. "We're going. You got that fancy little program on a tablet?"

Edward barked out a laugh and grabbed his tablet. He found the program and put in the GPS tracker information. "You are a force, Kyra," he said. "Don't do anything stupid."

"Summa cum laude," she said, obviously calmer than when she called us. "Come on, baby." She grabbed Steve's arm and they went out the front door.

xx STTD xx


"Turn left up here," I said, pointing to a very scary looking street. "There's the bike."

"I don't like this, Kyra," Steve growled. He was wearing a black leather jacket, which I knew concealed his shoulder holster. "This neighborhood is bad. Really bad."

"My cousin is fucked up," I grumbled. "She needs help and we're going to do it. How are your arms?"

"My arms?" he asked, laughing confusedly.

"You may have to do some lifting," I smirked. "I don't know if your old ass can handle it."

"I'll show you old," he retorted, kissing me swiftly. He looked up at the boarded up brownstone. There was some fire burning on the second floor. "Let's get this shit done. I want to get you both home before we become an inner-city statistic." He got out of the car and walked in front of me, his hand squeezing mine. We walked up the stairs and slipped through broken door. He pulled out a tiny flashlight, clicking it on. The building was disgusting. I heard scratching and I whimpered. "Shhhh, sweetness."

"Rats," I hissed. "This was a bad idea."

"It was a bad idea when you suggested it, Kyra," Steve deadpanned. "But, we're committed. Gianna is up there. I can smell pot and other nasty shit. I just pray that the guy who took her hasn't taken advantage of her."

"Can I shoot him in the balls if he did?" I asked.

"No, Kyra. I will kick him in the balls," he growled, leading us to the rickety stares. We climbed them and the smell of marijuana and booze got stronger. The sounds of laughter and slurring speech got louder as well. Once we were on the second floor, Steve clicked off his flashlight. He stood taller and prepared for a fight, his hands clenched into tight fists. Gianna was there, making out with a skeevy looking man with long, stringy black hair. She was rocking against him and he was going to take off her shirt. "I'd stop that, if I were you. She's only sixteen," Steve said, his voice barely controlled.

Gianna turned around and she was not fully with it. She slumped off him, not moving once she was off his lap.

"You bitch! You told me you were twenty," the guy snapped, going to hit my cousin. Steve, faster than a blink of an eye, had the guy slammed against a wall. He was held up against it with Steve's forearm and I think he was turning blue. I was shocked. I never saw Steve move so fast. His face was pulled into an angry snarl.

"You don't want me to get mad, fucker," Steve hissed, his eyes narrowed at the guy. "What did you give her?"

"Nothing!" he choked out.

Steve looked at the 'party.' "Coke, marijuana, ecstasy, you're a regular pharmacy and taking advantage of an underage girl? I could just call the cops and then fucking send your smelly, nasty ass to jail for attempted rape. What. Did. You. Give. Her?"

"Ecstasy and some whiskey," he rasped.

"Call the cops, Marie," Steve said, his eyes cutting to mine. He used my middle name so we couldn't be identified. I dialed 911, speaking quietly, telling them about the squatters. The rest of the 'party' was too stoned to do anything. They were just watching, blinking sleepily. The lights of the police flickered, which got them moving but the cops stopped anyone from leaving. Steve dropped the skeeve and removed his coat, wrapping it around Gianna, picking her up easily. One of the police officers asked Steve about his weapon and he asked me to show him his concealed weapon license from his wallet. He also explained that he was an attorney. I got to cup my fiancé's ass while I fished for his wallet. Steve smirked.

Steve carried Gianna down and set her in the backseat of his car. She was drifting in and out of consciousness, slurring her words. We both gave our statements to the cops, really focusing on the guy's actions to my underage cousin. After we gave our statements, we were cleared to leave. Steve wanted to take Gianna to the hospital, but I said we were taking her to my condo. I called my parents, explaining what we were doing. Gianna was going to spend the night with me and I was going to give it to her. Aunt Alice, Uncle Jasper, no one could interrupt us. Gianna had to realize that she fucked up.

I apologized to my mom for missing her birthday, but hopefully I could use my degree and help someone in my family. Mom was understanding, as was my father. Aunt Alice was pissed, but Dad said he'd sit on his sister to stop her from messing up what I had planned.

Steve and I put Gianna in the guest bedroom that used to be inhabited by Rex. He moved out when I got engaged and into a cute little studio in Boy's Town. He said he didn't want to hear any moaning. Steve just gave him a look, but Rex squeezed Steve's cheek.

If he only knew.

There was no moaning.

Okay, a little moaning.

But no sex.

By choice.

I changed into a pair of pajamas, sitting on the couch in the bedroom where Gianna was sleeping. Steve put a garbage can next to the bed, pulling me into his arms. "Do you think you can reach her?"

"I hope so. I'm going to approach her like I do the kids at the group home," I shrugged. I twisted my engagement ring, a nervous habit I acquired. "How long do you think she's going to be out?"

"If I had to guess, she'll start puking around two," Steve said, his lips finding my neck. I shuddered. He stopped kissing me. "Did I scare you? Tonight?"

"I thought you were bad ass," I said, turning to face him. "You picked up that asshole like he weighed nothing."

"He smelled," he grumbled.

"That explains why your hair is wet," I teased, running my fingers through his cropped blond locks. "Thank you for helping me get her."

"She's family," Steve said, his face softening as he looked at Gianna. "She needed our help."

"I love you, Steve," I whispered, kissing his lips softly.

"I love you more, Kyra," he whispered back. He moved us so he was laying down and I was on his chest.

We made out innocently until the sound of Gianna moaning broke us apart around one in the morning. I hopped up and helped her as she stood up uneasily, guiding her to the bathroom. She threw up what felt like for hours. She was moaning and crying, wishing for her mom. I held her hair back and massaged her shoulders as she dealt with her hangover. She fell on the floor, leaning against the bathtub. "I'm going to die."

"No, you're just dealing with an awful hangover," I said, my voice cold. "I'm going to be easy compared to your parents."

"Shit," Gianna said, rubbing her face and smudging her mascara. She looked like a raccoon.

"Steve? Can you get me some extra pajamas?" I asked, poking my head out of the bathroom door.

"Sure, sweetness," he replied. He returned with a pair of loose pajama pants and a t-shirt. Stuck between the two pieces of fabric were a pair of panties. "Do you want some Tylenol for Gianna?"

"A gun would be nice," she said, scowling at the toilet.

"I've got one of those, but I'm not letting you near it," he said, arching a brow.

"Shower," I barked, handing her the clothes and getting up from the floor. I closed the door and went to make her some toast. Steve stood behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist. "You know? You're going to be an amazing mom."

"In order for that to happen, we need to have sex," I snorted.

"We will, sweetness," he smiled against my shoulder. "Did you get off the shot?"

"I'm back on birth control pills," I grumbled, wrinkling my nose. "I hate them. My boobs constantly hurt." Steve's fingers slid underneath my t-shirt, squeezing my breast and I moaned. "Stop it. We've got to be a good example for the delinquent."

"Sorry," he laughed, kissing my shoulder and still massaging my breast. He was irresistible.

I turned, glaring at him. "You are too adorable, but behave," I said, pointing at him. He kissed my fingertip. "Why don't you get some sleep, baby? This may take a while."

"We're a team, Kyra," he said, taking my hand and kissing my palm. "I'm here for you. I'll sleep when you sleep." He smiled at me tenderly. "Thank you for getting off the shot. It'll make the decision to have children a lot easier. You just have to stop taking the pill."

"The things I do for you," I smiled. "But, that's almost a year and half away before we do anything. I wanted to control my girly business so I wouldn't have my period on our wedding night, or our honeymoon." I stood on my tiptoes, brushing my lips with his. "But, I do like the idea of having babies with you."

He picked me up, placing me on the counter and standing between my legs. His hands cupped my face as he gave me the most radiant smile. "I love the idea of having babies with you, sweetness." He gave me a deep, loving kiss. I almost lost myself in him until I heard the shower turn off. He chuckled against my mouth as he helped me off the counter. "Right. I can behave. Maybe."

"No, you can't," I chided as I finished with Gianna's toast and got her a water bottle along with some pain killers. She padded into the living room. Her face scrubbed clean of the dark, overbearing makeup. However, because she wore a tank top, I could see more of the problem. The tops of her arms were covered with scars. The most substantial one was hidden underneath her cuff, which she had removed. Steve squeezed me in support as we sat down with her on the couch. "Do you feel better?" I asked, handing her the toast.

"Not really," she said, her voice rough and unbearably tired. She looked up at me. "Do my parents hate me?"

"They're very worried, Gianna," I said, sitting next to her. "Why did you get on that motorcycle?"

"We'd been chatting online. I sent him a text when I heard you were taking out Mia and Masen," she shrugged, covering the ugly scar on her wrist. "I told him to meet us at the restaurant. I needed to get away. Mom and Dad are just … so fake! They don't care about me. They send me to a fucking shrink and he does nothing."

"Does he know about this?" I asked, pointing to her wrist. "And your cutting?"

"No," she said sullenly. "He asked me how I'm doing. I say fine and he hands me a prescription for a new anti-depressant. I hate taking them. I feel like a fucking zombie. So, I don't. I flush them down the toilet so Mom thinks I am taking them."

I sighed, staring at her. Without her war paint, Gianna looked like the girl who spent so many hours at our house when her own mother dealt with her issues a couple of years ago. I knew that was what got the ball rolling with Gianna's behavior, her depression, her cutting. "Have you talked to your parents?" I whispered, taking her hand and massaging her arm, trying to erase that ugly scar.

"They. Don't. Care," she hissed, trying to take her hand away. I held firm.

"I beg to differ. Your dad was ready to fight the world to get you home safe. Your mom was a mess. You worried all of us, Gianna. We found you in an abandoned building with druggies and that man who was trying to have sex with you," I said, arching a brow.

"No, he wasn't. We were just kissing," she scoffed.

"Then, why do you have a hickey on your breast?" I asked, pointing to the bruise on her chest. She blushed and pulled up her shirt. "Were you aware of what you were doing? What was the last thing you remember?"

"Pulling up to this huge building," she said, her voice tiny.

"And then?" I pressed.

"Puking in the bathroom," she replied, looking up at me, tears brimming in her blue eyes.

"You don't remember kissing that guy, or Steve carrying you out of that building, or Steve carrying you in here?" I asked. She bit her lip, shaking her head and tears falling down her pale cheeks. "Gianna, you may think your parents don't care, but they do. They love you so much and tonight? It scared the shit out of all of us."

"I don't know what to do," she cried. "I hurt all of the time. The only time the pain stops is when I'm drinking or I'm cutting!" I pulled her into my arms and held her tightly. I felt Steve kiss my head, slipping out of the room and into my bedroom. "I want to die, Kyra. I can't do this!"

"You can, G," I whispered. "You are strong, intelligent, beautiful girl. Your family loves you and we don't want to lose you." I kept her in my arms as she cried herself to sleep. I eventually dozed off, Gianna curled to my side. When I woke up, my neck was stiff and sore and Gianna was still snoring on my lap. Steve sat down behind me, running his fingers through my hair. "Alice called me. They're on their way, but are not going to come up until you give the go ahead."

"She needs a lot of help," I whispered, my hand brushing through her tangled black hair. "But, she has to ask for it."

"I'm going to get some of those pastries and donuts from that bakery around the block. I think that she needs the carbs," he said, kissing my forehead.

"Oh, a venti café mocha with a triple shot of espresso for me," I said, pleading with him.

"After last night, I'll get you a quadruple shot, sweetness," he chuckled quietly. "Love you."

"Love you more," I said, puckering for a kiss. He gave me one, slipping out of my condo. I stayed on the couch until my bladder was screaming. I got up from underneath Gianna and quickly peed, changing into a pair of jeans and one of Steve's button-downs he'd left at my place. I tossed my hair up into a ponytail and started looking up residential programs for girls that had problems for Gianna. She needed help. More than what just a psychiatrist could provide. I wrote down a few excellent programs, one of which was located near Nana and Papa in Naperville. Steve came back a half hour later with a large box of goodies and two huge cups of coffee. He handed me mine and I kissed him stupid. "You are the best fiancé on the planet."

"I do try," he said, putting the donuts onto the kitchen counter. Gianna moaned and shifted on the couch. "Do you want me to make myself scarce?"

"I like having you around, but it's up to you," I said, sipping my coffee.

"I'll just go into the bedroom and let you two finish your talk," he nodded, going back into my room.

A few moments later, Gianna woke up, confused. She remembered our discussion and took off to the bathroom. She dry heaved. I just waited for her to come back out of the bathroom, holding the other cup of coffee. She groaned, leaning against the door. "Do you want water or coffee?"

"Coffee," she said, reaching for the proffered cup. "I'm never doing this again."

"I certainly hope not," I smirked. "What did you remember from our talk?"

"Everything," she said, her lip jutting out. A few fat tears fell out of her eyes.

"Do you want to die, Gianna? Do you want to hurt yourself?" I asked, becoming a counselor and not a concerned family member.

"No," she whispered. "I was just so desperate."

"I need to hear you say it, G," I murmured. "I can't do anything until you say it."

I stared at her and kept my eyes on hers until she looked up, her blue eyes shimmering with tears. She broke down in sobs, clinging to me. I soothed her until I heard those magical words. "I need help."

"You've got it, Gianna," I vowed. I hugged her, texting Steve to call Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper. A half hour later, the doorman called up when my aunt and uncle arrived. Aunt Alice looked like a wreck. Her normally coiffed hair was as messy as my father's. Uncle Jasper look like he'd aged ten years. I told them everything that had happened and what we'd discussed last night, with Gianna's permission. Aunt Alice felt so lost when she saw the scars on Gianna's arms and angry at the shrink for not really caring. "These are some residential facilities. While we were waiting for you, Gianna and I agreed that staying at one of these might be better to help her path toward healing. It's not permanent, but she'll get round the clock psychiatric care, therapy and help."

"Anything for you, Gianna," Uncle Jasper whispered, opening his arms to her. She ran into them and the tears began anew. I held it together as I watched my cousin, my family, heal a little bit in front of my eyes.

"I've taken the liberty in calling Linden Oaks in Naperville," I murmured, handing Aunt Alice the address. "If you want to do this, they're expecting you today."

Aunt Alice hugged me, nearly strangling me with the power behind her embrace. "I'm so proud of you," she whispered against my ear. "I love you, Kyra. Thank you for helping my baby girl."

"You're welcome, Aunt Ali," I whispered back. She squeezed me once more before enfolding Gianna to her arms. Uncle Jasper hugged me, but didn't say anything. He was too busy crying. I gave Gianna a hoodie and the three of them left. Once they did, I collapsed, my own tears flooding out of me. I sobbed and Steve held me, reiterating that he was proud of how I handled the situation and that he loved me so much, counting the moments until we were husband and wife. I couldn't have done it without him. Steve was my rock, my hugest supporter and he gave me strength when I didn't know I needed it.

He really was my dream man.

xx STTD xx


Six months later … February


I looked up and saw my business partner and best friend. "What's up, Jasmine?" I asked.

"I'm heading out," he replied. "Gianna is getting released today from Linden Oaks and I want to be there to pick her up. I just wanted to drop off the schematics for the latest update for the malware program."

"How is Gianna?" I asked.

"She's almost the sweet girl I remembered," he smiled, sitting down across from me. "Kyra saved her."

"If you asked Kyra, she wouldn't agree with that statement. She was just merely doing her job," I said, pride coming through my statement. She really had saved Gianna. I spoke with my sister and she said that if Gianna had continued with her downward spiral, she probably would have died before the end of the year. "I hope everything goes well. Is she going back to school?"

"No. We're going to homeschool her for the rest of the year and send her back as a senior," Jasper explained. "Alice already has the curriculum and a tutor lined up through the school district."

"Well, good luck," I smiled. Jasper nodded, scurrying out of my office.

After thinking it over, Jasper didn't 'retire.' He did cut back his role in the company to focus on his family. He was still the CEO on paper, but almost all of the executive decisions were made by me, Demetri, Charlie, Eric and Oliver. Charlie, however, was looking to retire. He was getting older and he wanted to spend his time fishing up in Canada. His wife, Sue, had already scouted out a few locations to build a cabin. I knew it was just a matter of time before Bella's dad would pack it all in.

Oliver, though, really surprised me. He took to the company easily. He helped make our educational technology department the best in the country and third in the world. He also had a knack for code and programming. He shadowed Jasper, working with him in the software department as well. In addition to his position at Whitlock, Oliver finally won custody of his twin girls. They were living with him and they were the cutest things I'd ever seen. His ex-wife fell off the face of the planet after he gained full custody and was dating a woman from Eclipse Publishing, the floor below, named Senna.

I was working on my latest upgrade to the medical tricorder when Demetri came strolling in. He had the widest grin on his face. "Guess what?" he asked.

"You won the lotto?" I teased.

"Pssh, no. I'd have to hide the money. Alex could spend it like that," Demetri snickered. "Seriously, guess!"

"I did. The lotto?" I said, arching a brow.

"I'm going to be a grandpa!" he bellowed, holding his arms out. "Justin and his wife, Sarah, are expecting!"

"Congratulations!" I cheered, getting up and hugging him. "When did you find out?"

"Justin called, asking if I could go to lunch with him and Sarah. We met at Sarah's favorite restaurant and they showed me and Alex a sonogram. They're about twelve weeks along," he replied, handing me the fuzzy ultrasound picture. "That's my grandbaby. I'm going to be a grandpa! Papa Demetri!"

"Wow," I breathed. "I can't believe it. It just seems like yesterday that Justin and Sarah flew off to Vegas."

"It's been a year," Demetri said. Justin, Demetri's adoptive son, had been dating Sarah for only six months when he proposed, shortly after he graduated from college with a degree in engineering. They didn't want a long engagement. Justin suggested Vegas. A month after he proposed, they flew to Vegas, with Demetri, Alex, and Sarah's parents. They got married in the Bellagio chapel. Sarah was a beautiful girl with long, sleek black hair and gorgeous ice blue eyes. "Speaking of weddings? How are plans for Kyra and Steve's nuptials going?"

"Good, actually. Bella and Kyra found a church and a reception venue. There's a gorgeous venue on the campus of Millennium Park. They had their engagement pictures taken around there just before Christmas. Kyra fell in love with the space. Thankfully, they had a cancellation and we were able to use the indoor reception location," I explained. "Next, we need to find the dress, caterer, DJ or band, photographer …"

"Aren't you going to use Victoria?" Demetri asked. "She's been your go-to for everything!"

"Victoria will be an invited guest. However, Victoria is looking for someone for us. She doesn't trust just anyone with my principessa's wedding. She's trying to get in touch with her old business partner, Riley. Regardless, Bella's handling most of the arrangements since Kyra is working almost fifty hours a week, in addition to taking master's courses in the evening. My poor daughter is pulled in so many different ways."

"She should hold off on her master's degree," Demetri frowned.

"She showed me the schedule and if she takes the classes scheduled, Kyra will be done with her master's degree, minus her internship, before the wedding. Once she gets back from her honeymoon, she'll start her internship and take a year off, focusing on her job, before going back for her doctorate," I said. "But, I think they may start a family relatively quickly. I don't know."

"Kyra can still be a counselor without her doctorate, right?" he asked.

"She's a counselor now. She works for DCFS in addition to her time at the Foundation on the weekend," I replied. "I couldn't be more proud of her."

"Jasper couldn't stop lauding the praises of Kyra for what she did for Gianna," Demetri smiled. "He said that Kyra broke through that thick armor that Gianna put up, really making her see what she was doing to her body and to her family."

"It hit my baby girl hard. Steve said that she was a hysterical, sobbing mess the rest of the day. Kyra was so strong for Gianna, but it killed her to see her cousin so afraid, vulnerable and hurt. What really got her was the cutting," I shuddered. "But, Kyra took on a role of protector of Gianna when she was dealing with the whole fiasco with Alice and her selfishness. It makes sense that Kyra got through to Gianna. They still talk, every night. Kyra is Gianna's biggest cheerleader."

"Well, I wanted to let you know my big news," Demetri beamed. "I can't believe I'm going to be a grandpa. I don't feel like I'm old enough to be considered a grandfather."

"You don't look it," I snorted. "And I can't picture Alex being grandfatherly, either."

"Alex is grandma," Demetri snickered. "And he's already planning on quitting his job to babysit our grandbaby. I'm going to be working until I'm eighty. I'll see you later."

"Congratulations, again and give my love to Justin and Sarah," I said. Demetri smiled, bouncing out of my office, singing that he was going to be a grandpa. I worked until four and then decided to pack it in. I drove home and found my wife reading in the living room, her head bopping to some music from her mp3 player. I put my work bag next to the door and sat down, pulling my wife's feet into my lap. She stopped reading, smiling brightly at me. "Hey, gorgeous. I like the haircut!"

"Thanks! It was getting pretty ratty and the grays were popping through," she snickered. "My stylist had an opening so I went in. Did you hear the news? About Justin and Sarah?"

"Demetri told me earlier this afternoon. I'm so happy for them."

"Alex called as I was getting my foils taken out and his voice was so loud. I had to put him on speaker. I think he broke the mirror at the salon," Bella giggled. "He's very excited about being a grandma."

"So is Demetri," I murmured, rubbing her little feet. Her toes were painted a sweet pink with hearts on the big toe. "Valentine's Day pedicure?"

"I used the gift certificate that Steve gave me for Christmas," she murmured. "Oh, speaking of Steve and Kyra! Our daughter coming to visit this weekend. We're taking her wedding dress shopping."

"Me?" I asked, arching a brow. "Isn't that a girly thing?"

"She wants you to be there, Edward," Bella said softly, her eyes piercing through me. Bella wants me there. "We have an appointment at twelve at this high-end boutique in Schaumburg. If we can't find anything there, I have a contingency plan down in the city at another boutique near your office." I scratched my head. My daughter is coming into to town so we can go back down to the city? "Don't think about it, Edward. Just trust me."

"Okay, gorgeous," I shrugged. "Where are Mia and Masen?"

"Mia's at work and Masen has rehearsal until six," Bella said. "He's getting a ride home from Emily."

"They're still a thing?" I snorted.

"Supposedly so. They're the leads in the show, Footloose," she nodded. "They're dating in the show and so they're dating in real life."

"He still doesn't have his door, right?" I grumbled.

"It's in the basement, Edward," she laughed. "Masen has calmed down since that ordeal with Gianna and since he started dating Emily. Maybe he's learned the error of his ways." I grunted. "Come on, angel. Have a little faith in our horny son."

"I'd rather get horny with you," I said, pulling her closer to me, kissing her neck.

"We've got an hour before Masen is supposed to get home," she said breathily. I growled, dragging her off the couch and up to our bedroom. Clothes were strewn everywhere and we were a heap of naked limbs, lost in each other. An hour wasn't nearly enough time, but having a rushed tryst is better than being cut off, or interrupted by your children. And I still got it. Making my wife scream and climax three times in the hour?

I'm so the man.

xx STTD xx

The rest of the week went by without any more huge announcements. The weekend came and with that, so did my oldest daughter. On Saturday, we got up and drove to Schaumburg to the boutique to find Kyra's dress. The trip to the boutique was fruitless. Kyra didn't like anything she tried on and the sales woman was very pushy. I thought that my daughter looked beautiful in everything. I was holding back tears most of the afternoon. My baby girl was buying her wedding dress. Gah!

An hour later, we were back in the car and driving to the city to another boutique. It was the same place that Bella found her dress when we got married. I was shocked that it was still in business, but Bella reassured me that high-end couture would never go out of style, especially for wedding gowns.

The one thing we learned from the first shop was that Kyra did not want a huge, princess ball gown. She was so tiny that it dwarfed her. As much as I loved one, I had to agree. You didn't see my daughter, you saw this enormous dress. With that knowledge, we searched the boutique in the city, finding something called a mermaid style dress. The petite woman who helped us, pulled all of the mermaid dresses and pushed Kyra into a dressing room. Bella and I sat on a plush-looking couch, sipping champagne and eating petit-fours. The first few dresses we saw were too big and just too gaudy. The gowns had a clear break from the bodice and the skirt, which poufed out at her knees. She didn't like that and wanted a more subtle flare, or a the skirt starting it's poufyness higher, around her thighs at the lowest or at the hips at the highest.

We spent a couple of hours, finding things we liked about each dress, but nothing really stood out. However, the sales woman said that we could create a customized design. Kyra's eyes lit up and she said she knew what she wanted, or at least, the basis for her dress. They changed back into one of the favorites and we began 'pulling' it apart. The first dress was somewhat ornate with a sweetheart bodice. The bodice was strapless, but we added a single strap on one shoulder, with some beading around the arm and the same beading at her waist, moving up the body of the dress. The skirt of the dress resembled a duvet cover, so we nixed that, opting for a simple A-line chiffon skirt, flaring out at the hips. The train was long, something called a cathedral train.

Kyra stood on the podium with her jimmy-rigged, customized dress. Bella was fluffing her veil and cooing over what we'd created. I was trying not to cry. When the sales woman handed Kyra a bouquet, the tears started flowing. "Daddy," she whispered, turning on the podium and shimmying down. She took my hands, squeezing them gently. "Don't cry, Daddy," she sniffled, wiping my tears away.

"You're getting married," I said, cupping her face and smiling sadly. "I thought I'd be okay – a tough guy – but, my baby girl is getting married. I'm so proud of you and you are so beautiful." My voice cracked as I enfolded her in my arms. "I don't want to lose you, Kyra."

"Daddy, you're not losing me," she said, rubbing my back. "You're gaining a son." I laughed, kissing her head. "I may be getting married, but you will always be my daddy. The guy who scared away monsters under my bed, who taught me how to drive, who showed me how to love."

"I know," I whispered. "It's still … it's real now. You're standing in your sort of wedding dress, wearing a veil and tiara."

"Well, it's not real since I'm wearing a combination of three different dresses," Kyra snickered, waddling back. "It'll be more real when I have my final fitting and when I'm walking down the aisle to become Steve's wife. Just don't cry then, Dad. You can cry now all you want, but I don't want tears on my wedding day."

"Miss Cullen, I need to take your measurements," said the sales woman. "We'll get started on your dress and it should be ready by November."

"Are you okay, Dad?" Kyra asked, squeezing my hands.

"Not really, but I will be," I answered, kissing her forehead. She hugged me once more before she went back to the dressing room with Bella to get her measurements and finalize the design of the dress. I sat down, trying to wrap my head around all of this. I knew it was coming; that it was a reality, but seeing her in a wedding dress made it more real. My phone vibrating against my ass broke me from my reverie.

Where are you? I need to talk to you! ~ Owen

I got up and walked to the entrance of the shop, dialing Owen's phone number. "Owen?" I barked when he picked up. "Is everything okay? What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, Dad," he said, his voice whiney. "I didn't mean to just show up, but I need your advice. Your help."

"Well, I'm out with Kyra and Mom, buying Kyra's wedding dress," I explained. "We're probably going to go out for dinner and then come home. Do you need me to come now?"

"No, it's not that pressing. But, I was hoping we could go shopping tomorrow?" he squeaked out. "For an engagement ring?"

Fuck. Me.


Another one of my kids is getting married. Is Tasha pregnant? Am I going to be a grandpa?


I can't breathe. I need to sit. Yes, sitting is good. Shit. I can't handle all of this.


"What?" I croaked out.

"I thought you had a stroke or something," Owen said.

"I'm about to," I said, pinching my nose. "You're proposing to Tasha? Is there more you need to tell me?"

"We're not pregnant, Dad," he deadpanned. "It's just her dad is giving her shit about moving to New Haven without having a ring on her finger. I knew I was going to propose to her before we left, after we graduated, but I'm thinking about doing it over Valentine's Day weekend."

"Okay, we'll go shopping tomorrow. Can you stay for dinner?" I asked.

"That's fine. I don't have class until noon on Monday," Owen said. "Thanks, Dad." We hung up. My wife and daughter walked out of the boutique, talking animatedly about the wedding. Now that we had the dress, everything was falling into place, supposedly.

"You okay, Edward?" Bella asked, smiling.

"Owen's at the house. He needs me to go shopping with him tomorrow," I shrugged. Bella narrowed her eyes. I arched a brow, hoping that she could read my mind that I'd tell her later.

"Wan's home? We don't need to go out to dinner. I want to see my brother!" Kyra said, breezing past me. She took my keys from my hand and she was out the door.

"Is everything okay with Owen?" Bella asked as we followed our exuberant daughter.

"Owen wants to buy an engagement ring for Tasha," I whispered. "But, don't let on that you know. Please?"

"Okay, okay," she said. We got into the car. Kyra drove us back. I sat in the backseat while Bella and Kyra planned the rest of the wedding. I was merely the funding for the event, and weepy father of the bride. Once we got back to the house, Kyra hugged her brother and they disappeared. Bella made dinner, telling me how much Kyra's dress was going to cost. My eyes about bugged out of my head when I heard the final price tag. Yes, we had a lot of money, but paying $10,000 for a dress you're going to wear once? Damn!

Dinner was, in a word, perfect. Everyone was home. Mia had gotten back from work and Masen had rehearsal during the day, but was fighting with Emily, so their plans fell through. I knew my wife was over the moon that all of her children were back, even if it was for one night.

The next day, I took Owen shopping with me to find an engagement ring for Tasha. He had some pretty specific requests. "Tasha doesn't like diamonds, so I want to find a unique and different stone for her ring. Also, she's allergic to gold. It'll have to be platinum."

"Does she have a favorite color?" I asked as I drove him to the jeweler that I got almost all of the jewelry for my family.

"Peach, pink," Owen said. I nodded and turned into the outdoor shopping center that had a ton of high-end boutiques and jewelry stores. Parking in front of my favorite, I led him inside. We spoke with Ezra, the older gentleman who I preferred to work with, to find Tasha's ring. Thankfully, we did find a gorgeous ring for Tasha. It was a platinum ring with a large, round morganite stone. Morganite had a peachy-pink color to it. The stone itself, was set in rose gold to enhance the color, with diamonds surrounding it. On the shank of the ring, there were more pave diamonds. Tasha liked diamonds but not as a center stone. Accents were completely appropriate, according to Owen.

After dinner, Owen got back into his car, driving back to Bloomington, Indiana, his engagement ring in his pocket. My son had saved a fair amount of money, paying for half. I paid the other half, saying that he could use the money we'd put into a trust for him to pay me back. Suffice it to say, my kids, my kid's kids and their kids would want for nothing. Money would never be an issue for any of them.

Big things were happening to our family. My oldest daughter was well into her wedding plans. My oldest son was getting ready to propose to his long-time girlfriend. Mia and Masen were getting ready to go to college, both of them taking their ACTs and SATs. Mia was leaning toward following me to Whitlock Technologies. She had a knack for all things technological, like her old man. She said she wanted to go to MIT. Her grades were strong enough. Masen didn't have a clue what he wanted to do. He was bright, but his focus was all over the place. He did enjoy performing and music, but on the stage, not like Owen with the discipline of being a music performance major. He said that he was considering going to school to be a theater major and listed University of California, Los Angeles and University of California, Santa Barbara as his top choices. He was talented, getting the lead in almost all of the productions he was a part of. Perhaps, we had a future movie star in our family.

One thing was for certain, our children were growing up and moving on with their lives. Part of me was proud, but another part was undeniably sad. My babies didn't need me anymore.


What am I going to do now?

xx STTD xx


Ten months later … November

"Kyra," I breathed as she stood up on the podium in her wedding dress. It had been everything we'd designed it to be. She was a vision of beauty, poise, and ethereal grace. We'd added some more beading to her dress, putting a cluster of crystals in the form of a snowflake on her hip. We also put an extra layer of chiffon with similar, smaller crystals in the skirt. "Did we do well, Alice?"

"I think this is the most exquisite dress I've ever seen," Alice breathed. "You did amazing. Kyra, Steve will fall over when he sees you."

"You think?" Kyra asked, running her hands down her skirt.

"And you're the only one among all of us who should have worn white to her wedding," Rose snickered, enjoying her champagne.

"As weird as it sounds, I'm glad that we decided to wait," Kyra said, turning around and smiling. "I love him very much. He loves me enough to respect me and respect my body."

"Please tell me you're not flying blind, though," Rose said, arching a brow.

"Mom! Stop," Ava hissed as she buried her face into her hands. She, along with Mia, Gianna, Melissa and Khaleesi, were with us to try on their bridesmaid dresses. They were similar to Kyra's, but a shimmery dove grey with similar detailing on the arm and snowflake beading, but not as full in the skirt. Kyra also had a bolero jacket made for Gianna since she was so apprehensive about her scars on her arms.

"What? Sometimes you've got to try out the merchandise," Rose laughed.

"Aunt Rose, we are not flying blind," Kyra smirked. "Just because I'm still a virgin, doesn't mean we haven't fooled around. What do you think we did for this past eighteen months? Held hands and drank tea on the front porch? No!"

"Have you seen him naked?" Mia asked, her eyes wide.

"Mia!" I chastised.

"What? It's not like I'll see a penis, a live one, in my lifetime," she shrugged. I saw Kyra lean over, giving her sister a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes.

"What do we have left to do for the wedding, Kyra?" Alice asked, sitting down next to Rose.

"Everything is all set, really," Kyra explained. "All we're waiting for are responses to the invitations, which are being sent to Mom's house."

"And your master's degree?" Rose asked.

"I'm doing the final edit for my Capstone project," she said, beaming excitedly. "I'm going to have it submitted by the beginning of December. That way, I just have my internship to complete. My boss at DCFS arranged for me to work at a facility similar to Linden Oaks, but located in Evanston. Half of the time, I'm going to work as a representative of DCFS and the rest, as a counselor, getting my internship hours. It'll take longer since I am getting paid, but it should be done by the summer."

"You better be going on a honeymoon, Kyra," Ava said, eyeing her cousin. "You and Steve work too hard."

"We're going to Italy. We leave on New Year's Day and spend almost two weeks traveling the Italian countryside," Kyra breathed. "Papa helped Steve set it up, using his Italian connection."

"Where are you going to live after you come back from your honeymoon?" Gianna asked quietly.

"We're going to stay in my condo. It's close to my internship and a short el ride for Steve to get to his office," Kyra explained while the seamstress pinned a few loose spots on her dress. "He's in the process of moving some of his stuff over, making it easier when we get back from Italy."

"I thought Steve was going to work for the Cullen Children's Foundation," Alice said, confusion clear on her face.

"He is," Kyra said. "He's just working with Kate Denali at her firm. They do the work for the Foundation. He also works with the Whitlock account and a few other corporations that use the firm. He's the low man on the totem pole, but he is quickly moving up the ranks. Kate is impressed with his attention to detail." The seamstress said that Kyra was done and she disappeared to change back into her clothes.

"How's Owen doing?" Rose asked. "And his upcoming wedding?"

"Owen is swamped with school," I answered. "His master's program is much more intensive. Plus, he's teaching private lessons and performing non-stop. It's different than Kyra's master's program. Their wedding, thought, is coming along nicely. It's scheduled for next summer, July thirtieth."

"Did Tasha find a teaching job in New Haven?" Rose pressed. "They were stressing about her not finding one when they were up here for the July Fourth holiday."

"She did, just outside of New Haven. It's an elementary position, traveling between two schools, but she got a full time job," I smiled. "She loves it."

Kyra came back and Rose started chattering about the bridal shower she had planned. It was going to happen in a couple of weeks. It had a winter theme since they were getting married on New Year's Eve. After we finished at the boutique, we went out to lunch before Ava, Melissa and Khaleesi dragged Kyra to discuss her bachelorette party. Mia and Gianna were a little bummed not to be included, but my guess that the party revolved around alcohol, strippers and sex toys.

After getting Kyra's dress a week later, it felt like someone held down the fast forward button and it was the rehearsal for her wedding day. We were standing in Assumption Catholic Church in Chicago. Kyra was dressed in a gorgeous silvery gray dress with a pair of nude colored heels. Her hair was curled and clipped at the nape of her neck. Steve was in a dark gray suit, no tie and a pair black dress shoes. They were so happy, laughing and excited about their wedding.

Edward, however, was quiet and somber. He had tears in his eyes and was really clingy. He was very upset about Kyra getting married. I was a mess when she went away to college, but Edward was almost inconsolable at the prospect of Kyra's wedding. It was a big deal for him. He'd always been Kyra's rock and now? She had Steve. Technically, she had Steve for over five years, but she was giving up her last name and becoming a family with him.

We went to a local pizza parlor for the rehearsal dinner. Alice made some snide comment when she found out we were going to Lou Malnati's, but she had to realize that Steve's parents didn't come from money. Yes, we had paid both Ricky, Steve's dad, and Steve amazing wages when they worked for us, but to pay for a huge party at some five-star restaurant was asking too much. Kyra and Steve, along with their wedding party, had made the private room we were in look festive and elegant. Dinner was filling and delicious. Probably, it was better than the meal we had planned for the wedding. Then again, I was more of a pizza and beer girl than fancy, frou-frou meals.

"Edward?" came the quiet voice of Steve. My husband looked up and gave him a put-on smile. "Can I speak with you?"

"Is everything okay, Steve?" Edward asked.

"Everything's fine, but I'd like to talk," Steve urged. My husband nodded, finishing his beer and following Steve out of the private dining room. Kyra sat down next to me.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I think Steve is going to put Dad at ease," Kyra said. "I hope. I hate seeing him so mopey."

"He's mopey because he thinks he's losing you. I've tried to explain it to him that you will always be his little girl, despite the fact that you're getting married and talking about having babies," I snickered. I took Kyra's hand, running my finger across her engagement ring. "Your dad will be fine."

"I hope so," she whispered.

xx STTD xx


December 30th, 2035

Steve and I walked out onto the back patio of Lou Malnati's. It was cold, but not too frigid. Steve stuffed his hands into his pockets and looked at me. "I can't help but notice that you're awfully quiet and sad, Edward," he said, his brows furrowed. "Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine," I said, waving my hand. "Unless you brought me out here to tell me that you're secretly in love Oliver and want to bear his children, effectively dumping my daughter."

"No! I love Oliver, but as a brother and not romantically," Steve laughed nervously. "His girls are just so adorable. They think I'm their personal trampoline. All they do is bounce on me." He looked over at me and stared at me intently. "I know you're upset about losing your daughter."

"No, I'm not," I said, stuttering slightly.

"Yes, you are. That's why you're so upset. I get it. Kind of," he chuckled, running his hand through his hair. "I love Kyra. I would do absolutely anything for her. Hell, I did, when we got Gianna."

"I wanted to kick both your asses for going into that neighborhood," I said flatly.

"I wanted to haul Kyra over my shoulder and drive us out of there, but she was determined to get Gianna. And we did and thankfully, it turned out okay. She's here, laughing and flirting with my cousin, Harrison," Steve said, a smile spreading over his features. "They'd make a cute couple. But, he lives in Alabama. I don't know if Alice would like it there. I think it's beautiful, especially the part where Harrison lives. They are right on a lake and we used to go there over summer vacation."

"My sister can stick it. I'm sorry about her snobby behavior earlier," I said, making a face.

"I know my family is a bit hillbilly, but we have fun and we love each other no matter what," Steve said. "Regardless, I wanted to help you understand the depth of feelings I have for your daughter."

"The fact that you're talking to me and trying to put my sullen ass at ease, tells me how much you love Kyra," I said, giving him a genuine smile. "I'm sorry about being such a grump. It's a parent's job to worry." I hugged Steve, which shocked the hell out of him. He returned my embrace and I whispered, "Welcome to the family."

xx STTD xx

December 31st, 2035

I was standing in an elegant room in the back of a huge Catholic church. Riley, Victoria's former assistant and now famous photographer in his own right, was taking photos of my daughter as she got ready for her wedding. She looked stunning and so much older than her twenty-four years. Her hair was curled and pinned away from her face with a sparkling snowflake, matching the same decoration on her dress at the hip. The colors for her wedding were a silvery platinum and white, with accents of a darker grey. The tuxedos we wore were dark grey with silvery vests for the groomsmen and a white vest for Steve. The bridesmaids had platinum colored dresses with similar beading to Kyra's gown. It was a very elegant looking wedding that came with an elegant price tag, too.

It didn't matter, though. My baby girl deserved the best.

The wedding coordinator stepped in, dressed in a simple gray pant suit. "We're ready for you," she said. "Mrs. Cullen, your husband will escort you down the aisle and then come back to walk Kyra."

Bella stood up, wearing a beautiful lace gown that was a shade or two darker than the bridesmaids. She held a small bouquet of peonies and silver leaves. I offered my arm and we walked to the entrance of the sanctuary. Very traditional organ music piped through the church. Bella and I walked slowly down the aisle, following Steve's parents, Ricky and Patty. I kissed her gently before helping her into her pew. I walked to the back as the music changed for the bridal party. Kyra had a lot of bridesmaids. Ava was her maid of honor, sharing the responsibility with Mia. She had two since Mia was still in high school and couldn't plan things like the bachelorette party. The rest of the bridesmaids included Gianna, Melissa, Khaleesi and Tasha. Oliver's girls were the flower girls/junior bridesmaids. Steve's best men were Oliver and Owen. The remaining groomsmen included Masen, Johnny, his cousin Harrison and Ava's twin brother, Lucas. We weren't sure if Lucas was going to make it since he was away at medical school at Stanford. He had clinical hours and he almost missed his flight because his supervisor wouldn't release him for whatever reason.

The doors closed after Oliver and Ava walked down the aisle. I stood next to my baby girl and threaded her arm through mine. "You've got a wonderful man, Kyra," I said, staring at her. She was wearing an elegant veil, covering her face. "He loves you so much. I'm honored to welcome him into our family."

"Daddy," she whispered, a few tears streaking down her cheeks.

"No tears on your wedding day," I smirked, wiping them with my handkerchief. "You said so yourself."

"Happy tears," she whispered, kissing my cheek. "I may be marrying Steve, but you will always be my guy. I love you, Dad. Thank you for everything."

"I would do anything for you, Kyra. You know that. Now? That offer includes your husband," I said. The music changed again and dramatically, the doors opened. Kyra took a deep breath, tightening her grip around my arm. I laid my free hand over it and we began our long trek down the aisle. Kyra was breathing shallowly as Riley snapped photos. Reaching the front of the sanctuary, the music came to an end. The priest smiled softly at the crowd, encouraging them to sit down. The priest prattled on about the sanctity of marriage and all I heard was 'blah, blah, blah.' I was trying to keep it together and say my line.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" asked the priest.

Oh! That's my cue. "Her mother and I do," I said. I turned, flipping Kyra's veil off her face and kissing her softly on the forehead. I placed her right hand into Steve's waiting palm. With a contented sigh, I sat down next to my wife, threading my fingers with hers.

The ceremony was undoubtedly gorgeous. Tasha and Owen played the Ave Maria on the piano and violin while Steve and Kyra lit their unity candle. We sang some hymns, had communion and the priest announced them as husband and wife. Steve took my daughter's face in his hands, mouthing that he loved her before he tenderly pressed his lips to hers. "Please put your hands together for Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Kyra Burgess!"

The wedding march blared from the organ as Steve kissed Kyra again before walking down the aisle, followed by the rest of the bridal party. After the ceremony, we had pictures at the church. It was a beautiful venue, elegant, and warm. The decorations just added to it. We spent nearly two hours taking photos before Riley dismissed the parents and other various family members. Kyra, Steve and the bridal party were taking photos outside at Millennium Park. It was gorgeous, with just perfect amount of snow twinkling down, making the whole day seem magical.

We made it to the reception, checking on the decorations. Everything seemed okay so we all enjoyed the cocktail hour while we waited for the happy couple to arrive. An hour later, they came in and went directly to the open fire pit in the center of the room. Steve was rubbing Kyra's arms as she danced on her toes to warm up. We went into the reception shortly after that. The DJ ushered us in, announcing the parents of the bride and groom, the bridal party and Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Kyra Burgess.

Dinner was good, but the cake was amazing. Red velvet, yum! After dessert, Kyra and Steve went onto the dance floor for their first dance. It started off as being a slow, sappy love song then the music changed and they danced this goofy, choreographed routine. Shockingly, Steve was an awesome dancer, lifting my daughter with ease and dipping her at the end, kissing her. Up next was my dance with Kyra. I was nowhere as agile as her husband, so we just danced slowly to "Butterfly Kisses." Steve danced with his mom, Patty, and then the floor was opened for everyone.

The dance floor stayed open until nearly midnight. At that time, streamers, noise makers, and other New Year's Eve regalia was passed out. We all went outside, along with the DJ and another set up in a heated tent, complete with television screens and an elaborate countdown sequence. I had my arms around my wife's body, trying to keep her warm. She smiled softly as the countdown dwindled down to zero. "We did amazing, Edward," she whispered, looking up at me.

"We did," I said, kissing her neck. "I'm so grateful for our lives. They were hectic and crazy and perfect. I couldn't have done it without you, gorgeous."

She turned in my arms, her fingers tangling into my silvery mop. "I love you, Edward Cullen."

"I love you more, Isabella Cullen," I replied, smiling crookedly. I dipped my head, brushing my lips with hers. She sighed as the crowd around us cheered for the New Year. Life couldn't get more perfect. It really couldn't.

Maybe grandkids are bad after all?


xx STTD xx

Nine months later … September 2036

"Alice, this is stupid. Why would Bella want a surprise birthday party for her forty-eighth birthday?" I asked.

"Trust me," she said. "She's getting amazing presents. Move that chair over a little bit, Older."

"You know something, Younger," I growled, glaring at her.

"I plead the fifth," she smirked. "Move the damn chair. All of this needs to be done before Bella gets home from her day of beauty with Rose." She checked her cell phone. "And that leaves us about three hours. Plus, we have guests coming."

"Who?" I asked.

"You'll see," she sang as her phone rang. "Hello? Awesome, come in through the side gate."

I shook my head, setting up the tables and chairs for my wife's surprise birthday party. Mia and Masen were helping by cleaning the house and then helping with the decorations. I heard the side gate open up and the sound of voices coming around the corner. My sister was showing a catering company where to set up.

What. The. Fuck?

"Mary Alice Whitlock," I growled.

"Trust me, Edward Anthony Masen Cullen," she said, her eyes wide. "Why don't you go and get your hair cut? It'll calm you down."

"I'm afraid that if I leave, you're going to have Bon Jovi set up over by the pool," I deadpanned.

"Bon Jovi is dead, Older," she replied, arching a brow. "Get out of here. You're not helping with all of this negative energy. I don't need bad mojo. Shoo! But be back before five!" I rolled my eyes, figuring I wasn't going to understand my sister. We were fifty-three. It hasn't happened yet. It sure won't happen anytime soon. I went and got my hair cut. Better to walk away then try and figure out the crazy.

I came back around four-thirty. Kyra, Steve, Owen and Tasha were here, along with the rest of our huge, dysfunctional family. "Hey guys," I said, hugging everyone. "You here for Mom's birthday?"

"Yep," Kyra replied. "Aunt Alice called and we couldn't say no."

"She wouldn't let us say no," Steve deadpanned. Kyra elbowed him, giving him a harsh look.

"Your clothes are on your bed, Older," Alice said. She had changed and was now wearing a deep purple dress. Everyone was milling around, drinking champagne or sparkling grape juice. "Go up. Change!"

"You are so bossy, Younger," I sighed, going upstairs. On the bed were a pair of black pants, light gray button-down and a paisley tie. I scowled at the tie, hating to wear them on the weekend, but I put it anyway. "Edward! I need you down here! Now!"

I splashed on some cologne, jogging down the stairs. Everyone was in the tent that overwhelmed our backyard. "Is she on her way?"

"Rose just texted me," Alice said, waving her phone in my face. I pushed it out of my face, smirking blandly. She ran over to Jasper, wrapping her arms around his waist. He kissed her sweetly. Then, Jasper pulled his daughter to his side. She eagerly hugged him back. Thankfully, Gianna had bounced back from the darkness that overwhelmed her. She was a senior in high school, preparing to go to Northwestern University to become a psychologist, following Kyra's footsteps. Adam, her older brother, smiled, thrilled that everything calmed down with his family. He was living in the city, working as a pharmacist at one of the major hospitals.

Demetri and Alex were cuddling their granddaughter, Anna, doting on her. They'd both taken to grandparenthood easily. Alex did quit his job and spent his time as a full-time nanny for Anna. Justin and Sarah were enjoying the moment, kissing softly in the corner.

Charlie and Sue were talking to my parents. Charlie had tendered his resignation/retirement shortly after he'd had a mild heart attack. They were now living in Canada in the summer time, fishing and relaxing, and then Jacksonville in the winter, right next door to his ex, Renee. She had moved to Jacksonville just before Steve had started law school. Bella helped her move in, flying down with Steve so he could help his parents get settled back in their old life. Renee and Phil were down there full time. Phil was teaching and coaching at some local community college while Renee helped out with the Foundation in the south.

Esme and Marcus were also considering moving to the south, closer to Renee, Phil, Charlie and Sue. The past winter was not easy on them. Marcus had fallen and broken his leg. It took a long time to heal. They wanted a house that had one floor, no stairs and most importantly, no snow. I'd miss the hell out of them, but I think it was time for them to go someplace warm for their health. They needed to be snowbirds, migrating south for the winter.

Our extended family of our bodyguards were huddled near the appetizers. Oliver and Senna were engaged and Senna was going to adopt the girls. Johnny and Eric finally got their shit together and reunited. They were the oddest couple, but unbelievably happy. Johnny was six-five and muscle bound while Eric was a few inches taller than my wife, looking more feminine than anything. Steve was laughing with them, my daughter cuddled close to him.

Ava, Rose's daughter, was chatting with her dad and her longtime boyfriend, Cole. They were living in the suburbs while Ava worked as a journalist for one of the suburban online newspapers. She also ran a blog, working closely with my daughter, about bullying, teasing and how deal with it. Cole, Ava's boyfriend, worked as a high school teacher, educating the youth of Naperville about biology and zoology. Lucas was headlong into his medical school studies and was not here.

"Oh my gosh! They're here!" Alice breathed. "Be quiet!"

We got quiet and waited.

"I don't understand why I'm all dressed up to go home, Rosalie," Bella grumbled.

"Maybe SGD has a hot date planned for you," Rose answered. "Spend some time getting freaky between the sheets."

"Gross," Masen groaned. "I do not need that visual."

"Shhht!" Alice hissed.

"Rose, why the hell is there a huge gray tent in my backyard?" Bella asked.

"Because …" Rose sang, dragging her into the tent. "SURPRISE!" We all yelled and cheered and threw streamers.

"Oh, shit!" she squeaked, covering her face. "Edward?"

"Not me," I said flatly, pointing to my sister. "This was her brainchild."

"Come on! It's fun!" Alice said, running to give my wife a hug. "Happy birthday, Bella!"

"Yay, I'm forty-eight," she said, wrinkling her nose.

"Here, Mom. Have some champagne," Kyra said, handing her a flute.

Bella thanked her and sidled up to me. "Did everyone hear Rose with the freaky thing?" she asked.

"We scarred our youngest son," I snickered, kissing her pink, pouty lips. "You cut your hair. It's gone." Her long curls were now replaced with a shoulder-length bob. "Why?"

"It was fried, Edward," she said. "All of the coloring. So, I decided to do something new. Sorry you don't have anything to hold onto when we do get freaky between the sheets."

"I think I'm going to puke," Masen grumbled as pushed past us.

"It's not like we don't know that you get freaky between the sheets, Mase," I deadpanned. That stopped him, causing him to look at me with wide eyes. "Just because you earned your door back doesn't mean that the walls are soundproof."

"Ummm …" he stammered. "It's not what you think."

"I found three condom wrappers on the floor, Masen," Bella snorted. "You've lost your door again and you're grounded."

"Shit," he moaned, stomping away.

"At least, he was being safe," I said, putting my head on her shoulder.

"Small victories," Bella sighed, turning to kiss me.

"Everyone, come and get some food," Alice called out. "We have Bella's favorites."

"All of Bella's favorites," Renee sang. "I gave the recipe to the caterer."

"Oh, no," Bella moaned. Renee picked up a plate and filled it with something so disgusting. Renee handed it to her, beaming excitedly. "Mom, you really shouldn't have."

"It's your birthday. I had to," Renee beamed.

"What is that?" Steve asked, his nose wrinkled.

"Deep fried bananas with tartar sauce," Bella answered, distaste coloring her tone.

"That actually sounds pretty good," Kyra said, taking the plate from Renee. "Thanks, Grams." She dug in, moaning deeply as she inhaled the foul delicacy.

Steve's nostrils flared. "I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit," he whispered to me.

"You're not the only one," I whispered back.

Everyone got their food. Kyra was the only one who touched the banana thing. After we ate, Rose and Alice rolled out a huge birthday cake. We all sang to Bella and she blew out all forty-eight candles, much to her chagrin. Justin set up a projector and a movie of Bella's life began playing on the side of the tent.

"Bella, you were so cute as a kid. What happened?" Rose teased.

"You're a bitch, Rosalie," Bella laughed. "I'm still cute."

"No, gorgeous," I said, holding my wife on my lap.

"Look, there's Dad! God! Your hair was so poofy!" Ava laughed. "You knew Aunt Bella when you were a kid?"

"Since we were in eighth grade," Tim said.

"And we didn't get along until much, much later, Ava," Bella said, ruffling Tim's hair.

"I was an ass," he shrugged.

"Look! That was our first date, Edward," Bella squealed, pointing to the photo that Mrs. Cope, Bella's former elementary school librarian, took for us in Phoenix. "We were so young. And skinny!"

"Nice legs, Dad," Mia giggled. "Way to be pasty."

"And scrawny," Owen piped in. "You were so nerdy looking."

"Hush," I snickered. "And newsflash, I am still a nerd."

"Mom, your wedding dress was so beautiful," Kyra breathed, when photos from our wedding danced across the screen. "You two make such a gorgeous couple."

"Quickly followed by pregosaurus rex," Rose snickered as the wedding photo from Marcus and Esme's wedding appeared. "I'm still shocked that your doctor let you fly when you were pregnant with Kyra. You were so big, woman."

"I ballooned with you, principessa," Bella said. "And I was so sick at the end. Thankfully, you arrived safely."

"And you have dual citizenship here and in Italy," Marcus added.

"That's right. I was born at your wedding," Kyra smiled. "I forgot that. We should go back, Steve."

"We will, sweetness," Steve said, kissing her lips. "Soon." He looked up as Kyra's baby picture flashed across the screen. "You were such a beautiful baby, Kyra." She blushed, snuggling in her husband's arms.

"And then there was me with a cone head," Owen groaned.

"You were stuck," Bella said. The pictures moved quickly through Mia and Masen's birth and then first days of school, birthday parties, and vacations and just silly times among the family. The video montage changed with the graduation of Kyra from high school and then Owen, morphing into their homes they created on campus of their universities. Mia and Masen were represented as well with pictures of Max, Masen's productions, Mia's various sporting events and of course, their car. Photos and videos from Kyra and Steve's wedding flashed past, followed by more recent photos of Owen's wedding to Tasha, which happened a few months ago. Then, there was a video of both of my oldest children, with their spouses, sitting on the couch in the living room.

"We didn't plan it this way, but somehow it happened," video Kyra explained. Steve kissed her temple and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"It was just fate," Owen smiled, brushing his lips against Tasha's mouth.

"You're going to be a grandma!" all of them announced on the screen.

"What?" Bella screeched.

"Look at the screen, Mom," Kyra said. On the screen, there were two ultrasound pictures. One said 'Baby Burgess: Due March 17th, 2037.' The other said, 'Baby Boy Cullen: Due January 19th, 2037.'

"You're both pregnant?" Bella asked, tears flowing down her cheeks. Kyra got up and nodded, hugging her mom tightly. Steve handed her the ultrasound photo. "Edward, we're going to be grandparents." She ran to me, showing me the photo of Kyra's bean. Absently, she handed me the photo and hugged Tasha, pressing her hand to Tasha's now obvious belly. "A boy …"

"Yeah," Tasha. "He was unexpected, but very welcomed. Birth control and antibiotics negate each other and he was the result." She bit her lip, looking at me. "We want to name him after his grandfather."

"Edward Anthony Cullen II," Owen smiled.

"After me?" I asked. Tasha nodded, taking my hand and pressing it to her belly. "Wow. I'd be honored. A grandbaby."

"Two grandbabies, Dad," Kyra said. "Though, I'm a little miffed that my younger brother is having the first Cullen grandbaby. You just got married."

"Super atomic sperm," he smirked.

"Who knows? Maybe there's twins in here," Steve said, cupping Kyra's belly. "They do run in your family."

"Oh, no. There's one kid baking in my belly, Steven James," Kyra deadpanned. "The doctors checked." His face fell comically, earning laughter all around.

"This was the most amazing birthday present. Ever," Bella murmured, looking at both Tasha and Kyra.

"Now do you understand why I wanted to throw the surprise party?" Alice huffed.

"You knew?" I asked.

"I called her when we found out and swore her to secrecy. I threatened to burn her clothes," Kyra said, glowering at Alice. "We didn't know about Owen and Tasha until they came into town and boom, there's this baby belly."

"This was so worth it," Bella sang. "Grandchildren … our babies are having babies!"

Rose snorted, throwing her arm over Steve's shoulder and pulling me to her side. "It's finally happened, Edward."

"What?" I asked.

"You're a SGG," she laughed.

"What's that?" Demetri asked, balancing Anna in his arms.

"A Sexy, Geeky Geezer," Rose cackled.

"No, Rosalie. A Sexy, Geeky Grandfather," Bella corrected, hugging me. "Get it right, woman."

"Yeah, get it right. I'm a Sexy, Geeky Grandfather and I'm fucking proud of it." And I was, living the perfect, geeky dream. The dream I never thought I'd get, but by the grace of God, I did.

One thing I knew for certain, my dream came true because I was a geek and so was my dream girl. We never changed who we were. We loved each other unconditionally and we loved our children unconditionally. Geeks, nerds and all.

We all lived happily ever after.

Of course I had to end our geeky fairy tale that way.

Because we did. Live happily ever after
