On the plane I forced my eyes to stay open as they threatened to tear me away from the wonderful view of my love. I fought off sleep and succeeded. When the airplane doors opened in Seattle, I was still awake.

We were greeted by the whole family and Esme hugged Edward extra tight.

"Don't ever leave again," Esme scolded Edward.

"No, Mom," he said placatingly.

"And you," she turned to me. "Don't pull anymore stunts like this you brave sweet girl," she said wrapping me in a hug. I attempted to mumble a response as she pulled away.

"Look at her, she's dead on her feet. Let's get you all home."

I immediately intertwined myself with Edward once more. We rode home with Emmett and Rosalie.

"You should sleep, love," Edward murmured against me neck as he he held me in the back seat. I shook my head and could feel the frown on his lips.

I continued to fight sleep as he carried me inside the house and up to my bedroom. He tucked me in and laid down beside me.

"Sleep, love," he commanded gently.

"I don't want to," I managed.

"Why not?" He asked, stroking my cheek.

"You won't be hear when I wake up." I said, finally letting him in on my fear.

He pulled me close to him. "I'll never leave you again. I won't let go of you."

I craned my neck to stare at him. "Promise?"

"I promise. Now, please sleep, love." He kissed my forehead and began humming my lullaby. It was useless to fight sleep anymore. It overwhelmed me and I let it. For the first time since he left, my dreams were not nightmares.

I awoke to cold and familiar arms wrapped around me. I stretched and could feel my bones pop in my legs and back as though they hadn't moved in a long time. I stared up and, much to my bliss, saw Edward smiling at me.

"Welcome back, sleepy head." His voice was pure velvet.

I smiled. "How long have I slept?"

"About thirteen hours."

"So it all happened? You're really here?" I said, not quite believing it.

He chuckled. "I'm really here."

I attacked him with a kiss. His lips were just as I'd remembered them, perfectly sculptured to his perfect face. We held the kiss for a blissful moment and he pulled away, caressing my cheek gently with his hand.

"So, tell me, how exactly are you living with my family?" He asked.

I squirmed. "I moved in here when they found me in the woods." I willed myself to stay in the present and not remember that dreadful day.

"Just like that?" He asked, surprised.

"Just like that," I stated.

"You always amaze me," he murmured.

"Now you have to tell me something. Why did you go after Victoria?" I asked, almost angry all the sudden.

He sighed. "I figured I owed you that much. I thought if I never saw you again that I at least owed you the safety that she would not come after you. I never dreamed you'd have moved in here..." His voice trailed off but I wasn't listening anymore. There was a large knot now implanted into my stomach.

"What if she comes after me now?" I whispered.

His face softened. "Then I'll hide you away and I'll take care of it. Besides, she may not think of you again until you're thirty." He smiled as though to reassure me.

Thirty? No. My heart sank.