Swish and Flick

Chapter 1

"Hey, bro."

A finger prodded someone's tan coat.

"Bro. Canadia."

A sigh.

"It's Canada. What do you want America?"

The personification of The United States of America (Or simply America) leaned back against the red velvet seats of the silver carriage (Read: Train) they were in, summer sky blue eyes twinkling with excitement that was occasionally blocked by sandy blonde hair that had the blessing of a cowlick.

"Can you believe I got Iggy to send us here?!"

The personification of Canada simply sighed in response, gesturing to his body, which now looked like one of 11 year old.

"I can't believe England actually shrunk us."

America frowned for a moment, looking over his own tiny body before nodding in agreement, whipping a burger out of his pocket. Canada blinked, shielding amethyst purple eyes for a second.

"America…Why do you have a burger?"

"Because I'm the hero, duh!"

Canada stared, alas looking away when America sank his teeth into the …snack. As Canada looked away, he noticed two people stood in the doorway, watching them.


Realising they were caught, the duo at the entrance smiled sheepishly under America's now calculating gaze and simple 'Who are you?' question.

They both were boys, but it was clear they weren't related. One of the boys was chomping greedily on what Canada assumed to be chocolate. Messy dark ginger hair that was clearly un-brushed stuck out in all places, close to hiding blue eyes full of a thousand different emotions that laid on light skin. The second, from what Matthew could see from his position behind the first, had jet black hair that was also messy, but in one of those ways that suited a person. Eyes deeper than emerald but lighter than snake's skin stared curiously at them.

Canada and America exchanged looks before turning to the people at the door. America repeated his question, which seemed to startle the both out of whatever trance they had been in before.

"Oh! I'm Ron Weasley…This is…Harry Potter."

America raised an eyebrow at the pause and Canada just knew he was going to pester England about it later. The boys looked confused at their confusion, before Ron's eyes landed on Kumajirou, Canada's polar bear.

"Oh god…Don't tell me that bear ate Neville's toad."

Canada blinked.


America however laughed.

"Dude, the hero would never let that happen! Wait, toad…?"

Harry stared at them, looking extremely confused. Then again he had a right to be.

Somehow or other, for a reason America refused to share with Canada, he had managed to convince England to allow them to go to Hogwarts school for witches and wizards. Canada wasn't sure why, just the fact America had dragged him along, leaving England a week to collect their supplies and allow them to find platform nine and three quarters, which had been…interesting, to say the least.

~ Hetalia flashback. ~


Canada turned to his brother, struggling not to hate how scared he felt stuck in the body of an 11 year old. America apparently had similar thoughts.

"I think we've lost Iggy."

Canada groaned. The duo were currently stuck in-between platforms nine and ten, looking for a nine and three quarters to no avail.

"Great…Just great" Was the mumbled reply.

America sighed, deciding to lean on the wall while they struggled to think on what to do. It was then that America fell through the wall with a shriek, causing Canada to stare for a brief moment before following through. Of course, staring at his brother sprawled across the floor caused him to laugh. Which America did not approve of.

"I think we found Platform nine and three quarters."

~ Hetalia! ~

"So um…Who are you?"

The brothers looked up at the question, exchanging looks before turning back to Harry and Ron

"Matthew Williams."

"Alfred F. Jones, though you can call me the hero! Hahahaha!"

"You two are brothers right? Why do you have different last names?"

Matthew frowned, looking over at Alfred who looked surprised at the dark expression on his brother's face, though the hint of desperation in those eyes told him everything.

"We…Don't like to talk about it…"

And like that the subject was dropped, leaving an awkward silence in wake.

"We should go…"

The brothers looked back at Ron and Harry, who smiled sheepishly,

"We were seeing if you knew anything about a toad…"

"Toad? Why would we know anything about a-"

But they were already gone.

Matthew turned to Alfred slowly who was laid back in his seat, legs crossed over looking like he didn't care. Matthew sighed, turning to the window and watching the world pass by.

"This isn't going to end well…"

AN: So...My first crossover! Woo! This is going to suck, so I'm relying on you guys to help me out ok? I do have plans for this story but...Let's see where my mind takes us, si? Tell me what you think!