Sorry for the super late update. I seriously need to fix that. I've been dead on for a while. I haven't worked on any of my fics and I doubt I'll even get to rewriting my older ones (Regeneration of the World and Another Day). That and I'm having blocks which are very annoying.

Thanks for the reviews! I always enjoy reading what you guys have to say about any developments and the such.

Kumagawa 'Godlike' Misogi: We'll see if Lloyd will use magic - only the plot can truly tell (though I will say that it's more likely than not that I will give him it eventually).

Fehize: Indeed - I myself would be quite amused to how Lloyd would act if he had magic. And yes - I'd imagine he'd die quite a few times considering how… "responsible" he is. Hopefully he doesn't (maybe he should) experience some accidents. Best way to learn is through mistakes huh? x)

amaya no shiori: 10k does sound like a good length (considering I move the plot at the speed of a slug). I'm glad you found the admin amusing - I see your point with his/her appearance. And for your question about magic, that's the most likely route I'll take, but I'll leave it up to my imagination when the time comes for Lloyd to earn the ability to use magic (a side quest like you said though). As for the whole spell crafting thing, I agree with the point you're making. Someone I was chatting with a while ago told me the exact same thing. I'll make up some stuff if I pursue spell crafting more (but that's for later).

We Thought It'd Be Funny: I'm glad you found the story funny! I try to make it as entertaining as possible.

Sayla Ragnarok: It's great that you enjoyed the encounter with Yuan! Oh, how Lloyd was trolling the poor guy. I think your suggestion is an interesting one - perhaps you may see something like that in the future (hint hint ahaha xD)! I'm happy that you like the idea of a magical Lloyd - now that should be interesting (when the time comes)!

LuminousMoonRay: Aww thanks. I'm really flattered that you like my writing style. And I also think the magic thing would be a great comic relief! Imagine the scenarios! I'm elated that you like my humor (I sometime question myself if it's even funny at times). As for the different character POV, you might see those in the future!

kuroXIII: Hey, I'm glad you like reading this! I have fun writing it! I hope you like this chapter!

guest: Hey there! Thank you for liking my story, and sorry for the wait!

Major note to you who want magical!Lloyd: it'll take some time, so please be patient with me? I move the plot along so slow, it'd be a few chapters or so before the group even gets to Izoold… o_o Oh gosh - turtle speed I say! I rather not spoil any plot (if there is any ahahah/shot) for you guys, so I'll have to be vague to questions about magic (I spoiled the surprise by telling you guys already).

Anyway, here's the next chapter! Enjoy! Shit has hit the fan!

Chapter Nine: Drowning in an Abyss of Lies

Oh snap. Snappity snap snap.

Lloyd's life just got so much more difficult. If the renegades were deviant desians - oh gosh - that made EVERYTHING worse! Now what was the brunette supposed to think? So now there were these guys that went against the desians, yet they were still trying to kill Colette? They were the ones that tried to kill her at Martel Temple - then they tried to kidnap him!

Snap - did that mean that Lloyd and Genis weren't justified in their visit to the Iselia Human Ranch? Hopefully the Professor wouldn't find that out… Exiled for being stupid little children that can't tell the difference between REAL desians and FAKE desians (well, OBVIOUSLY, it was kinda hard to tell them apart when they wear the EXACT SAME THING). The renegades even laughed at Lloyd! The bastards! He remembered that! How in the world did Lloyd NOT find that suspicious? The whole 'then die by the hands of the desians you so hate' thing? Did the renegades honestly think that people could tell them apart from the regular desians?

Renegade 1: Am I renegade or am I a desian?

Renegade 2: Hey look - I'm a desian! I can do what I like! Yay. Just kidding - I'm actually a renegade. Could you tell?

Renegade 3: Renegades obviously don't do the same things as desians i-di-ot.

Lloyd shudders - bad mental image of renegades insulting him. Now he'd be even more confused when he sees desians. What if they were actually renegades? Would that make a difference? Why did Lloyd even care? Both wanted him dead anyway.

Damn, the swordsman was utterly confused. What were they trying to do? Why even dress up as desians if they weren't really desians? Spies? Imposters (wait, that didn't sound right)? Trying to set up the desians with more evil deeds (was that even possible)? Why go after Colette? She's trying to save the world! Something was definitely wrong with those people. But they had good donuts. Damn, no wonder- NO. Lloyd would NOT walk down that path. No no no. Definitely not thinking about how people could totally take control of the world by bribing the whole population by some heavenly donuts and rich, delicious coffee that…

Lloyd smacked his own head (a bit too hard), earning a strange look from the Professor (who was still in front of him). He did NOT just think that. Oh Goddess, the mental images of people bowing down to that blue haired guy… praising him for his donut mastery. And why did he just imagine himself as the leading supporter? He was no fanboy for those donuts (LIES)!

Shaking off those menace of thoughts (though Lloyd wished they could all just party in donuts - gosh, where was his mind going?), he returned his focus on why the renegades were trying to kill Colette as he curled up near a rock (it was far enough so his companions wouldn't give him strange looks when he did something in reaction to his thoughts).

Why Colette? Why now? Why not when she was a child (no, Lloyd is not trying to promote infanticide - how did he even know that word?) when she wouldn't have been able to run away? Anyway, were renegades desians before? Or are they a completely different faction that just wants to be a pest to the desians and their leaders? Sure, there are people that resent the desians, but no one had joined an organization to go against them. And why were there renegades? Not that Lloyd had a giant grudge against them, but what was their goal? They seemed pretty intent on harming Colette and kidnapping him…

Wait, could it be? Were they trying to recruit him? The brunette was rather loud about his disapproval of the desians… going as far as attacking the desians in their own ranch, thus causing him and his best friend to be exiled (oh the horrid memories).

Nah, recruitment would probably be one of the last things they'd want. What was it, execution right? They wanted to execute him. Why does everyone want Lloyd dead or partially maimed? What did he ever do to them? Or… what hasn't he done to them? What?

Ugh, Lloyd was utterly confused. These renegades were too confusing at the moment. Still, the brunette decided that he will get to the bottom of this if it's the last thing he do!

Once more, the brunette glanced around, spotting the others doing their own thing. While he desperately wanted to bring out whatever he borrowed from these renegades, he honestly didn't feel like being questioned by the others. Sighing, he moved even farther from camp, but remained in sight, briefly waving at his best friend who gave him a questioning look before shrugging.

Staring at the night sky, Lloyd silently draws out the report called The Renegade Files. It was actually pretty thin… like really thin. There wasn't much papers… which Lloyd found weird. Weren't reports supposed to be like books: long and boring? Anyway, why call it The Renegade Files? What a weird name. Who the heck would call some report 'The Renegade Files'? It's kinda… weird... even though it sounds cool. Shrugging to himself, he takes a look…

The Renegade Files

The Renegade Files' purpose is to serve as a log of reports regarding our goal to stop Yggdrasill from obtaining his goal of reviving Martel. With the compilation of reports about Yggdrasill's movements and the progress of the Journey of Regeneration, we will be able to analyze the enemy's methods and hopefully find a way to permanently put an end to his influence. He reinforces such actions with desians and the beings he labelled as angels.

The original reports were re-formatted to follow a format that includes the mission or objective, which significant figures were involved, their purpose, location, date of the event, and a list of observations. Each individual report is extracted from the collected reports from the involved renegade unit...

Lloyd frowned. Yggdrasill? Who is that? Enemy? Wait, desians and angels are working together? What the hell! Wait… 'beings labelled as angels?' The brunette didn't understand! Angels weren't just… angels? What the hell is going on? He flips to a random page, instantly recognizing that it was dated the day of the oracle… The dual swordsman frowned, suddenly feeling his stomach drop.


Date: Day XX Month XX Year XXXX

Location: Iselia, Martel Temple

Targets: Colette Brunel

Objective: Assassination of the chosen

Report: On this date, the oracle arrived. The chosen for the accursed 'Journey of Regeneration' will begin her so called quest to save the world. It has become apparent through the generations that the people are still brainwashed into thinking that the journey will the save the world, not knowing the true purpose of it at all. We have been sent in with a squad of twenty men with Lord Botta leading our squad. As expected, the humans cowed at our appearance as desians. We arrived at Martel Temple and demanded to have custody of the chosen. It's a shame that the priests resisted; they could've lived if they didn't fight us. We had hoped that we could end this madness sooner to save as much lives as possible, but it has come to the point that Yggdrasill's meaningless lies will sacrifice many more. We asked once again the old woman where the chosen was, but she wouldn't budge. However, the chosen herself appeared with two brats moments later. We would've completed our mission if Kratos Aurion, Angel of Cruxis, had not arrived. If only Lord Yuan was given the task of protecting the chosen instead, perhaps we would have had an easier time stopping Yggdrasill's scheme. We retreated upon Lord Botta's command and return to our base. Kratos did not pursue us.

Observations: Kratos has made contact with the chosen's group, which we assume he will join in order to ensure that the journey is completed. The two children following the chosen appears to be close friends of the girl - perhaps they can be used as hostages to lure the chosen to us? Kratos seemed to have recognize Lord Botta… does he know that he is a renegade? The Cruxis angel did not show his true form yet, so it can be assumed that he is pretending to be an ordinary human. We lost almost all of our men on the mission; only four of us survived including Lord Botta. The brown haired kid seemed to have something on his left hand - an exsphere? We must report this back to Lord Yuan. He may recognize the child…

Lloyd remained frozen with his hands somewhat trembling as he clenched his fists together on the reports.

"What is this…?" He whispered softly to himself.

Lloyd found himself flipping to earlier reports, skimming the lines for a certain name.

...Lord Yuan had returned to Welgaia to observe how Yggdrasill and Kratos Aurion would react to news of the renegades he made a false report about…

...Kratos Aurion has been sited at the Asgard Human Ranch, but for reasons unknown…

...We partake in the meeting for desians. Kratos Aurion is seen standing beside a blond male, presumably Yggdrasill. The desians and Cruxis angels discuss methods to awaken the chosen's cruxis crystal…

"Lies…!" But somehow Lloyd felt- no- knew they weren't somewhere in his mind. A part of him didn't want to believe the reports, but why would they lie to their own organization? There was no logical reason to make these things up at all unless they knew they were going to get stolen (which they didn't)! Why? Why! The swordsman instantly vanished the reports (deciding he'd read them more later when he didn't feel like hitting something), settling his head into his hands and clenching his teeth together.

He wanted to scream. He wanted to curse. But most of all… He wanted to know.

Was he right then? Was Kratos Aurion… bad? Evil? 'Spotted with desians.' Lloyd didn't understand why he was so upset, emotions swirling in a chaotic current. Was it because he felt betrayed? Was it because he trusted him? Because he felt some sort of connection to him? Was it because he was helping them? Was it because he respected him? Or was it because… everything was just a damn lie?

The brunette took in a bated breath moments later, eyes closed. What was he supposed to think? Rather, what should he do? Was there anything he could do?


The voice instantly snapped the boy out of his thoughts and most of his morbid 'my life is a lie' trance, though he still had that pained expression on his face. That certainly didn't help Lloyd at all. Thanks face.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Nothings wrong at all Genis. Nothing to do with the journey. Yup. Just ignore me. It's one of those moments."

"Riiiiiight. I think you're lying. Do you want to talk to me about it later?"

Lloyd paused. Did he want to talk to Genis about his problems, actually - more like new found problems? Yeah, he did actually. But then again… there was that saying… what was it? Oh, right. 'Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead.' Maybe right now wasn't the best time to be sharing secrets since they most likely have a 'Cruxis' spy in their camp. The brunette sighed.

"I'd love to but… there's actually an issue with me talking to you about it."


"I'll think about it. Now isn't the best time."

"Oh. Okay. Just- Just tell me when you think it's best."

"Thanks Genis. I'm going to go and think more about it right now."


"Wait - I thought you were going to practice magic?"

"Huh, oh yeah. I'm still going to. I just noticed you looking like someone punched you in the face."

"Oh thanks. My face is fine by the way. You should get going though before it gets too dark. Tell the others I'm going to go on a walk, just on the edge of the camp."

"Okay. Don't stay out there too long even though it's not too late in the night. The others didn't eat yet, so if you return back fast enough we can all eat together."

"Yeah yeah."

Lloyd waited a moment until Genis was back to the main part of camp, then stood up and began walking while opening his MM. Although he feared what else there was in the stacks of paperwork he borrowed (no, he would not admit he stole them), he needed to know everything about this 'Cruxis' and these so-called-angels. Oh, and more about the Journey of Regeneration.

But damn, he certainly didn't feel like doing any of this since he found out that. For now, though, he'd have to toss his feelings aside for the sake of understanding what is really going on. He had no time to be wallowing in self pity- he could do that later.

After walking for a few minutes, he found a rather decent sized bolder (what the hell is that doing here in the middle of the desert) and sat down behind it, taking out report after report. Man, how much reports did Lloyd take? Deciding to stop after taking out a few (he didn't want to lose any), he quirked his eyebrow.

"'The Angel Profile?' What is up with their naming for the reports? Is this even necessary?" The teen scoffed and shook his head. "Whatever."

Looking at the other various reports he spread on the sand, he briefly looked at the titles (since that would honestly be the fasted way to know what the reports are about without having to actually skim read any introductions).

The Angel Profile, Cruxis Connections, Exspheres, The Angelus Project, Desian Activity Log, Counteroffensive against Cruxis, Enemy Weaponry and Supplies, Map of Targets, Dear Martel…

"What the heck?"

Lloyd looked baffled. What was a letter doing in the reports he took? A letter. Okay… should he read it?

Lloyd's conscious: Yes or no.

(Yes yes yes yes yes YES.)

To hell with morals, he's going to read this - maybe he could use it to blackmail (oh goddess, what is Lloyd turning into) the renegade that wrote this into telling him more about what is actually going on!

Dear Martel,

I wish you were here. Your idiot of a brother has continued doing his monstrosities that you told him not to do when you saw him briefly. I know you don't like it when I insult him, but he's just too stupid to realize what you want. He still hasn't figured out that I'm a renegade, but I don't know how much longer that's going to last considering how he seems to believe my false reports less and less. I know you don't like what I'm doing either, but it's the only way we can ensure that the world doesn't spiral into chaos since the Great Seed is involved.

You might not believe this, but I think I found Kratos'-

The letter abruptly cuts off. Huh. Lloyd guessed that the guy was in the process of writing it before Lloyd took it? What did the writer find that was Kratos'?

Kratos' shoes?

Kratos' secret?

Kratos' method to keeping his hair spiky?

Kratos' stash of mercenary outfits?

Lloyd groaned. Oh well, nothing he could do about it. Glancing over the letter (this is a letter right?), the brunette scratches his head. So this 'Martel' who has the same name as the Goddess Martel has an idiotic brother who is against the renegades? Something about not believing reports…

Why in the world did this situation seem… familiar? Or something along those lines. Something about this letter had reminded him about something he had read, but from where? Of course it had something to do with the renegades, that much was obvious.

Frowning, the swordsman reread the letter.

Something… something had ring a bell there. What was it?

The letter will be sent to a person named Martel.

The writer has an enemy… an enemy of the renegades.

This enemy is the brother of this Martel person.

The writer has been writing false reports.


The writer has been writing false reports?

Those two words, they're tickling his mind. His mind that refuses to remember where exactly he had read them from.


Where in the world could he have-


The Renegade Files!

"Duh Lloyd! What other Renegade thing have you read yet? Geeze…" The teen huffed, shaking his head in mild exasperation at himself.

Where in the world did he read that though? He briefly skimmed over some reports… only reading that one about the oracle day.


Doesn't ring a bell.

Sighing, Lloyd pulled out The Renegade Files again and flipped the pages scanning for those two words.


That's odd… why were some- actually a lot- of reports missing? Backtracking, the brunette quirked his eyebrow, seeing that reports 13-28 missing, then many other intervals as well. It appeared that they were taken out… or something? That was… odd. Or… huh. Since the pages are on loose paper…

Que face palm.

No wonder the report book thing was so short.

Shaking his head, Lloyd began to skim report after report…

- 50 minutes later -

OH GODDESS, Lloyd realized with morbid horror, that this brother is most likely that Ygg-guy that was written about in The Renegade Files! So the writer of this letter must be no one other than… Yuan!

Holy holy holy shit. He got blackmail material on Yuan.


He could totally get more of those donuts- nope. He did not just think that.

Shaking his head, Lloyd stashed the letter and looked at the other reports that were collecting sand. He had all the reports and he could hide them at any point in time, so he could just take a look at them again in the future.

Back to his previous thought, Lloyd could totally get information from Yuan. Yes, that actually sounded like a brilliant idea! Well, besides having to face a rather pissed off renegade boss that would probably mutilate Lloyd in 5 seconds…

But how would he use the letter as blackmail material?

Lloyd: Yuan, tell me about this Cruxis thing or else!

Yuan: -

Wait, Lloyd doesn't even know how the renegade boss would react. Maybe… an exchange sounded like the best method but he doubted that Yuan would wait seeing how the guy bashed Lloyd's head earlier in the day. Maybe… nah. Or… nope. WHOA-

Lloyd could threaten (ugh that sounds wrong) to give the letter to the Ygg-guy (not that he would)! But that would immediately put Lloyd on the 'kill on sight' list for the renegade boss and his men. So that wouldn't work…

What could he do? Civil conversation?

The brunette snorted. Not like that would happen. Maybe if he talked to the vice-boss man (was Botta the second in command?), maybe he could have a civil conversation seeing that he wasn't as much as an angry person as Yuan was.

He picked up The Angel Profile after a few moments. He'd need to think what he could do with the letter… anyway, now it's time to see who exactly these angels are!

The Angel Profile


Position: Guides the chosen for the Journey of Regeneration

Rank: Mid-rank

Description: Remiel's main element is light. It's known that he does not use weapons. Combat with this particular angel reveals that he places above the standard angel but is not too much of a threat in terms of battle. He has a cold outlook on the lives of humans and is to an extent power hungry. It was discovered that he is willing to do anything in order to become one of the four seraphims.

It was estimated that Remiel became an angel a few centuries ago when the previous guide perished in the Battle of Hima when the renegades intercepted that chosen's group. He is a half-elf who joined Cruxis after he was found stealing from nobles. Remiel is known to use underhanded methods to get his jobs finished, especially through extensive lying and spreading false information to the civilian population for the sake of easy manipulation.

His fighting style is rather uniformed and…

Lloyd gawked even it was pretty obvious that most angels (maybe all) would be affiliated to Cruxis. Still, it was hard to believe this guy that appeared to be… a pacifist… could be so power hungry. Oh goddess. Now he needed to take a good look to see if he could tell if the guy was pretending.

There was a picture of Remiel next to his profile and no, he wasn't smiling kindly. Dear heavens, he looks so smug and sinister!

To think Lloyd actually believed this guy!

Oh wait- that's right! He's pretending to be Colette's father! Holy- what should Lloyd do? He obviously couldn't just go in there with swords unsheathed screaming that Remiel is a liar or that this whole journey is bull shit (which it most likely is if the reports were any indication of that). That would've been amusing to see how they reacted, but no, things wouldn't work out. Ugh - he'd need to think more about this first.

Lloyd skimmed through the other profiles of angels he definitely didn't recognize (well, Remiel was the only angel he saw). As of right now, he felt that he didn't need to know too much about them since they haven't shown themselves (yet). A lot of the profiles were on the angel rank as a whole, only noting certain more 'dangerous' or 'significant' angels. A lot of the foot soldiers were grouped in one category. Anyway, he wanted to focus on anyone he could immediately recognize, like Remiel. Lloyd flips another one of the page and then…

Kratos Aurion

The dual swordsman froze.

Yeah - he wasn't really ready for this. Nope. Not at all. Maybe he could look at it later? Damn. He had to read it though… Kratos is an enemy now afterall. That and HE WAS RIGHT THERE IN THE GROUP'S CAMP. Ugh, there was that saying… ignorance is bliss. Yeah. Too bad Lloyd knew now. However, he knew that if he were to find out later…. yeah. KA-BOOM! He'd totally want to obliterate Kratos (not that he could). But he didn't find out later, so he took it quite well (ignoring his little melt down a while earlier and his hold on his pity party that would happen later tonight if anything).

Taking in a breath (he's pretty sure he'd see some ugly past or something horrible about Kratos, like he was a tyrant or he ate children for fun), Lloyd looks down on the page.

Kratos Aurion


Well shit.

"Just when I finally got my resolve to accept it and see the truth…" The brunette sighed. Well, at least he could prepare his heart (why is he even doing that) for whatever kind of criminal Kratos was in the past. Fun.




"Eh? Really? Wow, time sure flies when I see how screwed up everything is…"




Shrugging, the brunette lightly touches everything to put them back into his inventory. Now he was just confused. Again.

Back at camp, Lloyd sees that everyone is eating now (weren't they going to eat earlier, like over an hour ago?). Sans Kratos. Was it an angel thing? Well, Lloyd certainly didn't know. Heck, what did he even know about Kratos? He only interacted with the guy a few times (a little at Martel Temple, his house, then at the Renegade base to now).

Lloyd wasn't sure if he should be bothered or not at the fact of how betrayed he felt when he learned who Kratos is when he doesn't even know the guy that much.


He concluded that he should be bothered because you don't start feeling betrayed by a stranger you barely know. Yeah. Best conclusion of the night (not really).

Forget about Kratos (not entirely though, cuz he's most likely evil), Lloyd was hungry!

As Lloyd sat down on a log (really, he sometimes felt that the placement of these objects were weird, like, why would there be a log in the middle of a desert) Genis soon joined him.

"Geeze, did you forget to come back to camp or something Lloyd?"

"Uh. Nah, not that. Just had a lot to read."

"You were reading?"

"Yeah. Don't ask cuz I won't tell."

"Well, I know you'll tell me later so whatever."

Lloyd sighed, soon picking up his failed attempt at a sandwich he made earlier. It's kinda disgusting. The brunette wasn't quite sure what was worse: eating this… thing…. or eating the noodles with that abomination called tomato covering it. This is an unfortunate situation.

"I know. Now isn't quite the right time to tell you though."

"You told me that already."

"Yup. Anyway, what do you know about the journey of regeneration?"

"Huh? Why?"

"'Cuz I want to know."

"You really should've paid attention in class you know…"

"Aww, come on! Just tell me! There's that idea where it's better to go in prepared!"

Genis had paused in lifting his fork with spaghetti on it while giving his best friend the flattest, most deadpan look ever.

"Really Lloyd? You're telling me this now? Shouldn't you have thought about that before you started saying that you wanted to go on the journey with Colette?"

"Well, in hindsight-"

"Ugh, whatever. You always tend to see things in hindsight. Anyway, you know the basics at least, right?"


"You got to be kidding me."


"'re serious."


"You're really hopeless Lloyd. Well… the chosen goes on a journey to save the world. That's the basics. For the specifics… there's five seals which she will have to visit to unlock her powers so she can save the world and become an angel. An angel will guide her down the correct path."

"Okay. So, you know, not to sound like a complete idiot, but what is she saving the world from?"

"Umm, I'm pretty sure it was to regenerate the world from dying, which is why it's called the journey of regeneration. Our world is in a rather horrible state and I think that this journey will help us get rid of the desians and maybe balance the mana."

"Right. I forgot. But just wondering, why was the world even like this in the first place?"

"The history books say that it was because of the Great Kharlan War. I don't have to explain that to you too right?"

"Oh no, I'm fine. So the war caused the whole need for world regeneration and the whole chosen's journey thing?"

"Pretty much."

"Ugh, I doubt I can remember this!" Lloyd said, though he didn't really mean it. He got some information that might be useful. Honestly, if Kratos wasn't sitting RIGHT OVER THERE he would've asked Genis' opinion on The Renegade Files and other reports he found. He might've even asked the Professor and Colette. Now he had to openly seem extra dumb so no one would think he was acting strange (not that him being smart was odd or anything). Wonderful.

"Maybe if you studied-"

"Nope, not happening." Yet.

"Whatever then. And Lloyd? Next time you try to cook, you should probably ask for help… that doesn't even look remotely edible."

"I know." The swordsman replied sadly as he tosses the mass of stuff in the sand behind him. Maybe he'll get to improve his cooking mastery so he wouldn't have to rely on other people to cook. That would be nice for a change. Like for situation where people cooked things that contained - Lloyd shudders - tomatoes.

"I'll teach you. The only thing is you'll have to get up early for the breakfast meals."

"Shoots, that's fine with me! Well, do you have anything I can eat?"

"Really Lloyd? Ahaha, don't give me that look - I prepared something once I saw the turnout of your cooking."

The duo laughs and continues to converse on Lloyd's lack of cooking skills, briefly commenting on how the MM shows how well everyone in the party cooks… Raine being the worst one.

"Hey Genis, why is your sister listed as the worst cook in our group? I mean, take a look at how I cook. Mysterious, clump of... Stuff. I'm not sure anything could get worse than that."

"Well, you just haven't tried her cooking yet, not that you should though."

"Huh? Is it that bad?"

"You don't want to know. Actually, don't even mention cooking around her unless you have a death wish. Really."

"How can her cooking be so bad if you cook so well?"

"Lloyd, it's called survival. If I ate her cooking, I'd be dead by now."

"So you never tried her cooking before? Ever?"

"Never. One look and it's like looking at the face of death. If she offers you something to eat, do NOT eat it. I've watched her cook before, and you won't believe what kind of things she mixes into the food!" The young elf shuddered, eyes wide with genuine fear.

"Like what?"

"She thought that it would be 'fascinating' to add recovery items to the food…"

"That doesn't sound-"

"Melted anti-sickness pills and steak?"


"Covered in a salty fish oil and strawberry sauce?"


"My point. Those were the main ingredients for the dish, not including other… strange… things she would add. And that wasn't the complete dish. Imagine what she'd do to the bread or rice…"

"... did she always cook like that?"

"Well, no. In actuality, she'd be a pretty decent cook if she didn't experiment with the food or add unnecessary ingredients."

"Did you try telling her that?"

"Tried and failed."

"Well, second time-"

"Lloyd, I failed over one hundred times."


"I told her not to do that every day. Remember last year when you came over to have lunch with us?"


"Remember how I had to go into a secret compartment to get the ingredients?"


"I had to do that so Raine won't cook something toxic and kill other people in the village. Well, she did find the compartment a few months later because she felt 'unnaturally innovated' one day."


"Yup. So don't ever do anything to make her cook."

"Okay. I don't like dying anyway."

"I can imagine." Genis rolled his eyes as he continued to eat spaghetti.

Speaking of the Professor, Lloyd needed to speak with her for two purposes: to learn (gasp, Lloyd couldn't believe himself - hint hint, sarcasm) specific 'facts' about the whole journey and to talk to her about the keycrest thing so she could use an exsphere.

"Genis, I need to talk to the Professor so..."

"Oh? Bored talking to the ha- err, elf are you?" The little mage jokes though makes no move to actually stop his friend.

"Meh, we talked enough about cooking. Besides, it's for the purpose of, dare I say... research?"Lloyd responds with a dramatic flare, waving his arms in the air.

"Research? A lie! A lie I say!" Genis says as he pretend to tell imaginary observers, giggles slipping into his supposed skeptical response.

"It is not a lie, but I am without proof to relieve you of your skepticism for you may not receive it well, dear elven friend." The older boy says with mild amusement.

"What keeps you from revealing the answer that I desire, the truth I pursue? What secrets keeps you from but a simple response?"

Lloyd paused, somewhat bitterly smiling at the parallel the conversation had with his actual situation. What were the chances?

"Everything dear friend, everything. Goodbye for now."

"I will learn your secret one day!" The elf shouted after Lloyd as he dramatically strode away.

"In due time perhaps!"

The brunette stretched as he approached his teacher for the second time this day. The silver haired woman was eating albeit very slowly since she was reading some text on ruins. That would explain why it seemed like everyone is still eating. Huh.


"Yes Lloyd?"

"Well, about the Journey of Regeneration… can you tell me more about it?" Lloyd said while giving the Professor a sheepish grin. The older woman simply sighed before rummaging through her bag.

"Did you do your homework?"

Oh shit.

"I take that as a no. I'm surprised that you are even interested in learning all of a sudden. Is there some reason for that?"

"Umm. Sudden, uh - motivation?"

Raine gave Lloyd an 'oh really?' expression, eyes having an amused glint in them.

Shit shit shit shit. Lloyd just had to say the wrong thing didn't he!

"Uh, actually-"

"Somehow, I'm quite skeptical about that. If you are as 'motivated' as you say you are, surely you wouldn't mind reading a 780 page textbook on the journey and its history, correct?"

The brunette gawked. That would be equal to… uh. How many times his 30 page readings? Twenty… twenty-two? No, wait. That seems like… too little. Way too little. 780 is a freaking huge number. Damn his non-existent math skills. WAIT - if you divide that number by this one… and do that … then that... it must be 58 times his normal reading assignments! DAMN IT.

"Um. About that…"

"I estimate that it would take you about a two weeks to finish the book if you read 60 pages a day at minimum. And since you are so 'motivated,' I'm sure you would enjoy writing about the journey itself, correct? When you finish, you will have three days to write me a 10 page report on what you learned, including what had inspired you to become interested in learning more about the history of our culture and the journey itself. So you have at maximum 17 days to turn in that report okay?"

"Wait, Professor-"

"And don't forget about the other homework I assigned to you before I left. In fact, they are due today."


"Assuming that you do not have them, I will give you an extension of three days for the first late assignment, then every day following that day you will need to turn in at least one of the previously due assignments."


"Even if you are accompanying us on this journey, you mustn't fall behind on your studies. In fact, I will ensure that you do not fall behind in your studies! Alongside your many late assignments which will get partial credit, I have other assignments to give you, including those about the summon spirits, basic algebra, reading comprehension…"

"Hold on, I just-"

"-this is a reading on the formation of the rock structures just beyond Izoold. Over here is a detailed analysis on the monster species called-"

"Oh goddess, what have I done to myself?"

"-and here are some worksheets to help you get better at multiplication. It's only a few pages long. Honestly Lloyd, how are you unable to multiple single digits to double digits?"


"Right now would be a good time for a quiz."

"Uh - I need to use the restroom! I'll be-"

"Hold on young man! This quiz will only take a second!"

"Man, my stomach is rumbling so intensely that-"

"You used that excuse last month to avoid the quiz on simple trigonometry."

"Wow does the sky-"

"Used that on the evolution of monsters test."

"Hey look-"


"...Awww. Do you really have to quiz me now?"

Raine sighed even though her mouth quirked up, an indication that she was amused.

"Alright. It is rather late."

Lloyd cheers.

"BUT tomorrow I will quiz you on multiplication."


"Sooo, you won't just tell me about the journey of regeneration?"

"Everything you would probably want to know is in that book Lloyd."

Sighing, the brunette reluctantly takes the giant book and all the homework assignments he just got.


"Yes Lloyd?"

"Do you have a keycrest? I could fix that onto the the exsphere you got at the ren- err, desian base."

"A keycrest? Well, I have these artifacts…" The Professor promptly begins to unpack all her 'junk' onto the sand. Somehow, the dual swordsman was surprised at how much she actually carried with her. How in the world did she carry that all in her small pack? Was that even possible?

Amongst all her things, a single glint caught Lloyd's eye.

"Whoa - you found a keycrest? Great! I can work on that exsphere for you."

"Really? Thank you Lloyd."

"Uh - I probably can get it done by sometime later tonight. Or tomorrow morning."

"Ah, you don't have to rush Lloyd. I can wait. After all, you probably should begin your homework. You have a lot to catch up with in terms of late assignments and makeup work."

Sighing, the teen waved goodbye to his teacher, who continued reading her book, while sending off his homework to his inventory. He probably wouldn't do them until later. Way later. Or maybe never. If only the Professor wouldn't kill him if he didn't do it. He sighs once more.

So much for getting information directly from the Professor. Now noticing that his best friend was already sleeping (what the- he was awake just a few minutes ago), Lloyd glances around the camp.

Colette was also asleep and the Professor was still reading, albeit near her sleeping bag (which Lloyd hadn't noticed earlier). Kratos remained at the edge of camp doing whatever he is doing.

Going to the log, the brunette took out whatever tools he would need to fix the keycrest so the Professor's exsphere would be ready by the next day.

At least he could settle his thoughts and maybe pull together plan to get the group out of the situation they didn't know they were in. Maybe he could somehow pull Genis on the side? Perhaps, but what good would acting suspicious do for him anyway?

If anything, he should find a way to get more information. There is way too much Lloyd did not know, and that in itself has led him down to making fatal mistakes or quick assumptions. How naive.

It was difficult to accept, but reality isn't what it seems. The world isn't that simple and just doesn't work that way. But, in some ways, this shouldn't have been surprising or unknown. After all, if everything was as straightforward as that, things probably would've been much different.

If the journey was what it was supposed to be. If there was a clear division on who was good and who was evil. If only the answers and choices were crystal clear. No ambiguity. No deceit. No secrets. Maybe things could've worked out much better.

But the world isn't like that.

The journey. The renegades. The human ranches. Angels. Kratos.

So much he thought he knew were built on lies and deceit, personal greed and selfish ambitions. What was true and… what was false?

Too many times did Lloyd come in unprepared. Ignorant. Not only in the background of groups or enemies, but also in his own capabilities as a swordsman. Scoffing to himself, the swordsman grimaced. Wasn't it just like him to be led on by what he knew before actually knowing? To just follow his feelings and beliefs? To fight his for what's right?

What's right… huh.

"Heh, what am I doing… haven't I always done what I thought was right?"

Chuckling softly to himself, Lloyd cracked a small smile. What good would faltering and doubting do? For now, the best thing he could do would be to get a better grasp at what was going on- get behind the scenes and uncover the truth through his own hands. To improve himself and overcome the weaknesses he will come to acknowledge. To build his strengths and sharpen his mind. To break through the obstacles in his way, the same way he always did. Maybe with a smarter approach this time though.

His first goal became clear: to find out the true enemy and understand what he was up against.

But, from where? Maybe, if only he could return to that place…

Or perhaps... meet that person again…

...if it were... him… then...

"Lloyd, get up!"

"-uhhh. Huh…? Wha-?"

Lloyd rubbed his eyes, not so gently clearing off the sand that had piled on his face. When in the world did he fall asleep? Glancing down, Lloyd confirmed that it was most likely after he finished fixing the Professor's exsphere.

When did he finish that?

Shrugging his stiff shoulders, the brunette got up from his awkward sleeping position. Everyone was up… but it was still dark.

"Hello? Lloyd? You there or are you sleeping with your eyes open?"

"Genis? What's going on?"

"Oh. Right. You got back late yesterday so you didn't know. We're leaving early so we can beat the heat and get to the fire seal quickly without being slowed down by dehydration and heat exhaustion."

"...that makes sense."

"Is something wrong? You look like someone punched you in the face again."

"Excuse me, do you have a problem with my face?"

"Maybe. Just kidding!"

"Ugh, whatever. Are you going to prepare breakfast or something?"

"Hmm, maybe. I don't know if I'll have time considering that we're going to start heading out in 10 or so minutes."

"Alright. Show me something awesome next time."

"Like tomato soup?"

"Genis, you did not just suggest that to me."

"Come on Lloyd, you're going to have to get over your fear of tomatoes one day. Or, at least, be able to make dishes with them. Honestly, if you have a family in the future, you should at least know how to expand your skill so you can still do what you don't like to do."

"...that makes sense. You have some pretty good advice at times Genis."

"How offending, you think only some of my advice is good?" The short mage laughed.

"Okay, fine. All of your advice is good! Though… I doubt anyone related to me by blood would want to have anything to do with tomatoes. They'd all be tomato-haters just like me."

"Well, who knows? Anyway, get packed- wait, just kidding. You don't even need to since you got the inventory. Lucky bastard."

"Hey hey hey, don't give me the evil eyes! I can carry your stuff too!"

"What good would that do? Then I wouldn't be able to take out my own recovery supplies in battle. I could be dying while asking you to give me an apple gel or something."

"Oh. Right. Maybe I should check the manual to see if the QM can be expanded to other people in the party. That would make things much more convenient."

"It sure would. Well, see you later. As you can see, I still need to pack up my stuff."

"Yeah, see ya."

It had only taken a few minutes to gather his tools, and another two minutes to give the Professor her exsphere.

As everyone had finished packing, the group departed for their early day trek to the fire seal.

The trials were just beginning.

- Chapter Nine END -

A/N: Yeah, sorry for not making much progress in this chapter. Honestly, I got a writer's block for how I would proceed, despite having a long portion of the story planned out. Rather short chapter but hopefully I break out of this little stump so I can write the next chapter (starting with the section I'm totally stumped on how to write). Geeze, I was planning to extend the chapter so we could move on with the plot, but I don't want to jump from one section to another just 'cuz I have a block. Meh. I'll try to get the next chapter up soon to makeup for the super late (months) update and short chapter. Hopefully in a few days (if I won't attempt to work on my other fics or make new fics).

If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them at the top of the next chapter! Suggestions or comments are also loved! I truly enjoy reading your thoughts on the chapter or any part you really liked (or you found surprising, etc.)!

Thanks for reading! Review?