OhmygoshyouguysI'msofreakingsorryIreallyamIcan'tap ologizeenoughIfeelhorriblereallygoodlordI'mlikeabo uttocryIcan'tevenapologizeenoughI'manawfulhumanbei ng- *takes deep breath*... Okay, if you didn't understand any of that I completely understand- that was kind of my mini melt down. Alright. THERE WILL BE AN UPDATE SATURDAY. I AM SO SORRY FOR NEGLECTING YOU. I'VE JUST BEEN SO BUSY, AND THEN MY LIFE WENT DOWN THE TOILET AND I CAN PRACTICALLY HEAR THE "We don't care about your reasons, just update!" and I'm so sorry that it doesn't work that way. If I could stop time for seven hours every day to write you a lovely, well thought out, well written chapter I would. I am, quite sadly, a perfectionist... Also, I don't know of any way there is to stop time - if I've missed some massive update on that notion please, do tell me. ALSO, FOR ALL OF YOU GUYS WHO ARE STILL READING EVEN THOUGH I TAKE FOREVER AND AM CRAP AT UPDATING REGULARLY I AM SO INCREDIBLY THANKFUL FOR YOU. I SERIOUSLY LOVE YOU AND I'M SENDING YOU A BILLION GAJILLION HUGS TELEPATHICALLY THROUGH THE COMPUTER. CAN YOU FEEL THEM?

Ok. If you don't want to read the whole story of my life lately and why I haven't been updating when I really should've just stopped moping and written for you guys then stop reading now; for those of you who want it... Well, here it is.

Ok. So my summer wasn't really hectic, I have no excuse for not updating this before August 1st. After August 1st I was deeply immersed in trying to soak up the last week of summer while trying desperately to finish all of my summer break homework before school started again on the 13th. THEN I got started on my classload, which looks something like this: I'm taking Honors (which, if you're school system is different, is basically just an advanced class. You have twice the homework, the material is more indepth and twice as hard, and the test and essays screw you over if you do less than three hours of studying.) Chemistry, Honors English 2, Honors Biology, and Honors Algebra 2/Trig. On top of that I am also taking AP European History (AP is a college level class, if you're wondering - I'm a sophmore) and I got the HARDEST teacher IN THE WHOLE DEPARTMENT for that class. I have nearing on 16 hours of AP homework a week, if not more.

On top of all of that two of my friends got into this massive fight that I'm actually majorly surprised didn't end in bloodshed. Somehow, I got dragged into this fight and one of the two decided that she was going to completely cut me out of her life after 2 1/2 years of friendship. She refuses to talk to me about the fight and I'm seriously so frustrated about the whole situation (especially because it still hasn't been resolved) that I'm about to start crying just writing about it.

On top of that I've also been recently told that another of my four close friends is a "bad influence" and I've been forced to completely cut her out of my life. My last friend is really involved in her relationship right now and I don't blame her for it but I haven't had any time to spend with her because it seems like anytime I make plans to hang out with anyone said "bad influence" friend has already been invited along and I can't go. I don't want to seem ungrateful so I'm just going to put out there that I see where my parents are coming from, I just hate that it's also coming between me and my other friends as well.

I've also just gotten back together with my ex and we've been spending a lot of time together, considerably cutting down my already small (like an hour a week if I'm lucky) writing time.

So basically my life is a mess and I'm trying to get back on track with writing this story because I find writing so therapeutic but I've been lacking on ideas and inspiration to write as well.

Ok, that was a lot longer than I thought it was going to be. Point is. Update Saturday. It's Fall Break and I can hopefully shut the world out for a few hours everyday and write. So excitement. Again, I am sososososososo sorry.